What's the stock way of learning APIs for Dart/Flutter? - flutter

So there are a ton of dart packages that do all the heavy lifting regarding API handling but I am looking for the ground-up approach to learning API's and how they are handled within the Flutter framework. Wondering if there are any sources/tutorials on how to do so. With the exception of google's own documentation.

You can go through the official website to handle APIs in flutter-
and here's a good documentation of basic flow of API integration-
Hope it will work for you.


How to document websockets?

Currently, I'm working on a project where I using websockets, in my past projects where I've been using mostly RESTful standard that was simple to document using Postman or Swagger, but actually I've spotted issue because Postman and Swagger seem to don't support WebSockets.
My question is how you're documenting WebSockets? Any information will be helpful but I'm mostly seeking some tool that will allow me to store documentation and share it with others.
The only thing that I've found is https://hoppscotch.io/
UPDATE 2022: Postman introduced new tools for documenting APIs including websockets and grpc what exactly resolves this issue and provides great tools to document further APIs.
tl;dr use AsyncAPI for it.
Here are some learning materials:
WebSocket, Shrek, and AsyncAPI - An Opinionated Intro
Creating AsyncAPI for WebSocket API - Step by Step
From API-First to Code Generation - A WebSocket Use Case
Official example of AsyncAPI document for real WebSocket API: Gemini API. For preview in AsyncAPI Playground click here.
YouTube presentation from EDASummit called An Opinionated Intro to AsyncAPI with WebSocket and Shrek and live stream that covers the first two articles mentioned above.
I've been googling some time for a searching solution for documenting WebSockets, and my answer is some kind of disappointing - Postman, OpenAPI or RAML don't support WebSocket documentation. So the only rational way to document parts of software that are using WebSockets is to write technical documentation by hand.
Checked examples on bigger organizations like Slack and so on, and they use the same practices for documenting real-time sockets, just write technical documentation by hand, I don't know how good that solution is but basically it will work so it's fine.

Building REST APIs

I need clear resources where I can learn about building REST APIs in nodejs,express,postgreSQL and sequelize as ORM all in ES6. The tutorial should use dummy data/JSON data first before incorporating a real db. Resources specifically in ES6 on this topic are next to non-existent. I will appreciate concise answers thanks.
You can use fortjs - an open source MVC Framework. It provides starter template project, so you can get started without spending any time on setup.
Some of the articles for fortjs are -
Rest api in es6 - https://medium.com/fortjs/rest-api-in-nodejs-using-es6-227765440b2b
Rest api in typescript - https://medium.com/fortjs/rest-api-using-typescript-94004d9ae5e6
Hope this helps.
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Actions on Google where to start with no experience in JSON

Where I can learn about actions on google? I have read the documentations but still confused I don't have any experience in JSON
Actions on Google provides a convenient Node.js client library, which handles all the Conversation API JSON payloads for you. You can just use the high-level client library API instead: https://github.com/actions-on-google/actions-on-google-nodejs
Start by reading about JSON and understanding it, you should probably get to know some basic JavaScript.
This is a very basic getting started website:
If your using Java or Kotlin (or any lang on JVM really) you can use the unofficial Kotlin/Java SDK - https://github.com/TicketmasterMobileStudio/actions-on-google-kotlin

Need help getting started with making REST services using GAE

I've just started on a small project to create some REST services using Google App Engine and Java. I'm new to both technologies, but I've done some reading on both. I'm familiar with SOAP (have used them previously), and I think I understand the conceptual differences between REST and SOAP.
Currently I need info regarding two things:
1) I'm trying to find some tutorial which builds a simple REST service from scratch for deploying on Google App Engine (GAE). The simpler the better, but it should have at least a few routing options. I don't need any UI, if that matters.
2) Which RESTful Framework should I use with Google App Engine. Again, simplicity is what I'd like, and something which has tutorials and a newcomer can easily grasp.
My ultimate goal is to just write a REST wrapper with multiple routing options, which eventual consumes some pre-existing SOAP services and returns their results.
Have you checked out Google Cloud Endpoints for creating a REST service? Its pretty simple and straightforward, also has support for OAuth.
I would give Jello framework a try. It offers a clean, and simple to follow, JSON format and provides a very powerful and comprehensive RESTful implementation that follows the OData specification.
Here is Jello's REST development guide: http://jello-framework.com/guide/rest.html

What is the GwtDocumentBridge mentioned in the realtime drive docs?

The API docs give a tantalizing hint of GWT bindings for the realtime service, but I can't find other mention of them.
gapi.drive.realtime.GwtDocumentBridge bridge — The driver for the GWT collaborative libraries.
I'm in the process of writing a GWT app with the realtime API and there's a bunch of complex plumbing that would be great to avoid! Is this GWT collaborative libraries reference to something that is already out there?
Sorry, but that is just an implementation detail. There is not a GWT API available at this time, just the javascript one.