How to show animation when open new Window in SwiftUI - swift

I have Bottom sheet I want to show it above TabBar so user tab on button inside List and it show options as Bottom sheet view
1st. I used SwiftUIX with OverlayWindow
like this
.windowOverlay(isKeyAndVisible: self.$optionsShown, {
GeometryReader { _ in
isOpen: $optionsShown
) {
if optionsShown {
it working but without animation !
2nd. Then I read this Post
I tried it, it working fine with animation if I create Window inside SceneDelegate
but If I create Window outside SceneDelegate it will work without animation like SwiftUIX
Inside SceneDelegate :
Demo Project
Outside SceneDelegate :
Demo Project
I need to create new window inside my view because I will need to pass some values, and I used bottom sheet on multiple view with different views
but I cannot figure out why the animation won't work outside SceneDelegate


How to make mouse scroll to scroll horizontally in swiftui?

I have a View built using SwiftUI that uses Scroll view horizontally.
var body: some View {
VStack {
// this should scroll horizontally when user uses the mouse scroller
HStack {
Currently user can do that by pressing shift button and scroll but I want to get rid of shift button
Goal: Mouse scroller should scroll horizontally without using shift button
You can see a tutorial here:
With the final code here:
In sum you will need a ScrollViewReader that gives you a closure with a proxy that could be called to scrollTo method.
You'll need to mart the destinations to scrollTo with an identifiable object or using .id modifier.
All explained in the video.

PHPickerViewController hide Search Bar and Navigation Bar

I've been trying to implement a photo selection feature in a new app. My current approach is to use a PHPickerViewController embedded in a UIViewControllerRepresentable to display in a swiftUI view.
This is my makeUIViewController function.
func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> PHPickerViewController {
var configuration = PHPickerConfiguration()
configuration.filter = filter
configuration.selectionLimit = limit
let controller = PHPickerViewController(configuration: configuration)
controller.delegate = context.coordinator
return controller
It is inside a struct named PhotoPicker :
struct PhotoPicker: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
What I want to hide is this part :
Yes, all of that.
Let me explain myself, the PickerView is always presented, it is not a pop-up, so there is no need for a cancel button. As you can see there is no done button either. That's because only one image needs to be selected so what happens is when the user taps on an image, the event that a new image was selected is called immediately. Removing the need for user confirmation. Then concerning the search bar, I don't really want it, I just want the user to select a photo and finally the little switch between photos and albums isn't really necessary in my case either.
I've tried a lot of different ways, including trying to set options for the controller when it is created in makeUIViewController. These options were for example :
controller.navigationController?.setToolbarHidden(true, animated: false)
controller.navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(true, animated: false)
And I also tried invoking view modifier in my SwiftUI body :
PhotoPicker(filter: .images, limit: 1) { (results) in
.statusBar(hidden: true)
But again, none of them seems to work. So that's why I'm asking here, because it seems I tried everything and nothing is working...

How to disable lazy loading in NSTabViewController?

I am designing a SwiftUI wrapper for NSTabViewController with the toolbar style. I want it to be a drop-in replacement for TabView. TabView uses a modifier tabItem(_:) to specify the tab name and icon. So I designed a similar modifier for my own ToolbarTabView:
extension View {
func toolbarTabItem(_ label: LocalizedStringKey, nsImage: NSImage? = nil, tooltip: LocalizedStringKey? = nil) -> some View {
self.preference(key: ToolbarTabItemPreferenceKey.self, value: ToolbarTabItemPreference(label: label, nsImage: nsImage, tooltip: tooltip))
I wrap each View in a NSHostingController and create a NSTabViewItem. Then I use onPreferenceChange to set the NSTabViewItem's label and image property. Finally, I have a NSViewControllerRepresentable to pass my array of NSTabViewItem to a NSTabViewController. This all works well except for the following issue.
By design NSTabViewController will only load its first tab. This loads the first NSHostingController which lays out the first View. That calls onPreferenceChange and sets the label for the first tab. However, the remaining tabs are not loaded and therefore the label remains unset.
I know that I can re-design my APIs to pass in the labels and images explicitly and that works, but then how does Apple implement their TabView? They must have the same issue with the views being lazy loaded because the macOS implementation of TabView looks like NSTabViewController.
I think a workaround would be to force all the tabs to load, which is the title of this question, but I am open to other ideas as well.
Here is the dumb workaround I came up with
public class UTMTabViewController: NSTabViewController {
public override func viewDidAppear() {
for i in self.tabViewItems.indices {
self.selectedTabViewItemIndex = i
self.selectedTabViewItemIndex = 0
Basically I force load every tab once the view appears. I really hope there's a better answer than this but I'll leave it here just in case.

SwiftUI: How can i present a Popup using Navigation Link

I have this code embed in a Navigation View and i want RankingUserDetail presented as a Pop-up, i've tried changing the size of the View, using View.popOver style and looking for the presenting methods, can't figure out.
Already tried to change the frame of view also, but it keeps resizing to fit device screen.
Thanks for the attention
List(UsersList.users){ value in
RankingUserDetail(user: value)){
RankingViewRow(user: value,rowNumber: self.UsersList.users.firstIndex(where: {$ ==})!,needAppearance: 0).frame(width: 343, height: 116)

SwiftUI - Making a View focusable and trigger an action on macOS

How is it possible to make a View on macOS focusable. I tried the it like below but the action is never triggered. I know that for NSView you have to implement acceptsFirstResponder to return true but can not find similar in SwiftUI.
Is this still a Beta related bug or a missing functionality for macOS ?
struct FocusableView: View {
var body: some View {
Group {
Text("Hello World!")
.focusable(true) { isFocused in
print("Focused", isFocused)
I think I found a work around for the problem to shift the focus to a SwiftUI view.
I am working on macOS Catalina, 10.15, Swift 5, Xcode 11.1
The problem is to shift the focus to a SwiftUI view. I could imagine that this has not been perfectly implemented, yet.
Only upon shifting the focus to the required SwiftUI view within the SwiftUI framework the onFocusChange closure of a focusable view will be called and the view will be focused.
My intention was: when I click into the SwiftUI view I want to execute the onFocusChange closure and I want it to be focused (for subsequent paste commands)
My SwiftUI view is built into the Window using an NSHostingView subclass - ImageHostingView.
When I add this ImageHostingView to the view hierarchy I define its previous key view:
theImageHostingView.superview.nextKeyView = theImageHostingView
I added a mouseDown handler to the ImageHostingView:
override dynamic func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
if let theWindow = self.window, let theView = self.previousValidKeyView {
Calling the NSWindow's selectKeyView(following:) triggers within the SwiftUI framework a focus change to the desired view (the root view of ImageHostingView).
This is clearly a work-around and works only for final views which will be represented by a NSHostingView. But it highlights the problem (shifting the focus to a SwiftUI view upon a certain action) and it might be helpful in many cases.
The only way I've been able to get this to work is by checking the "Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls" checkbox in Keyboard System Preferences