VS Code Autocomplete Doesn't show after using it - autocomplete

it's a simple problem that has been bothering me for a long time, when I use autocomplete, the text I write after it becomes highlighted and suggestions don't show up anymore, does anyone know how to disable it?
it goes back to normal after pressing ESC
Video Example

The Solution is to go to VS Code Settings and disable following setting:
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false // enables suggestions


How to turn off tooltips / suggestions in VS Code?

I have all of these tooltips always showing up when using VSCode, but I don't know what to turn off. I have tried turning off Python Linters and hover tooltips, but I don't seem to be able to turn off the right things. I primarily use the Kite extension, so I don't need 3 different suggestions popping up all the time. This ends up clogging up my screen as much as Pycharm.
Add this to your JSON settings
"editor.parameterHints": false,

Is there any way to remove auto-select after autocomplete on VS-code?

as the title says I'm looking for a way to remove the autoselect code after autocomplete. Currently, the only way to remove the autoselected line is either pressing ESC key or clicking anywhere else. And it's currently giving me issues because it's quite annoying.
I've been searching for a solution for about 3 days and it's either I'm doing it wrong or I don't really know what the issue exactly is... Here's a picture of my issue
As you see in the picture, the code is autoselected/highlighted right after autocomplete and as said I really need help because it's turning annoying.
Thanks in advance.
Set Snippets Prevent Quick Suggestions to false, in text editor > suggestions

How to stop VS code from automatically entering parameters into my callback function (stop inserting suggestions on a keypress)?

I am using VS Code version 1.25.1. This behaviour wasn't in any of the previous version and I'm not able to find the setting in settings.json to help me out. I couldn't find a post on this issue so I'm posting this.
When I press ,
This behaviour is very irritating and unproductive and I was wondering how can I edit my settings.json to disable this.
Note: I am using default settings.
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": false
will remove the , as a completion (commit) character. You can still use Tab or Enter to apply the highlighted suggestion.

VS Code turns everything into an html snippet?

a serious limitation for my workflow with vs code is the fact that while typing html everything gets turned into an html tag when pressing tab at the beginning of a line.
alsdjflkasjdfk + Tab
leads to:
<alsdjflkasjdfk> </alsdjflkasjdfk>
this is a problem since I want to integrate Django html snipptes and they end up not working. Does someone know how to turn this off? I rather just want defined HTML Snipptes than simply everything turning into one.
Try setting:
"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": false
This should disable this feature. We are also investigating a different flow for emmet with VSCode 1.12: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/21943

VSCode: I want to remove annoying info message bar

Is there any way to completely remove this message popup or move it to somewhere?
I already know why this message comes, but I do not want to disturb my activity with annoying info popup.
When it pops up it hides the document tab, so I have to close it every single time. (I do not want to know how to fix this particular error message, this screenshot is just an example.)
It's very annoying and I've searched around for a way to remove it, but the answers keep saying how to fix that particular error and not how to hide the popup itself.
Press ESC.
I agree that this is really annoying. VS Code is all about high-speed workflow and not having to interact with anything except your code via keyboard. Everything has key chords, e.g. CTRL-P and CTRL-SHIFT-P. So having to stop what I'm doing, go to the mouse, and dismiss this popup, whenever a background task feels like completing (and not even really then, because the popup actually appears some short time later) just so I can get visual confirmation of which file I'm currently coding in, to refocus my work after being distracted by the same popup, is really awkward. They are in a stupid location and don't even fade away after time like well-behaved toasts.
That said, I think that's really two parts; the distraction, and relatively high workflow cost to dismiss.
It helped me a lot to learn that it can be dismissed quickly and easily with the ESC key. The other half the problem I still haven't solved, but hope that helps you.
In the screenshot it shows trying to validate PHP.
In a VS Code window select File > Preferences > User Settings
An editor will open on the left called Default Settings and on the right with a file called settings.json
In the right side editor you can add settings that will override those found in the left-hand-side one.
Between the braces type:
// Whether php validation is enabled or not.
"php.validate.enable": false,
Then save the document.
VS Code will no longer attempt to validate PHP files.
You can override any of the defaults using this method.
You can use the same technique for each Workspace (or project folder) using File > Preferences > Workspace Settings
You can't disable the alert bar in general as VS Code needs to tell you things and doesn't (thankfully) use modal dialogs to communicate.
Go to File > preferences > settings
Then add this to your user settings
"editor.parameterHints": false
You may want to try adding the line
"extensions.ignoreRecommendations": true
to your VS Code settings file (which you can easily reach with the keystroke (CMD + ,) on a Mac OS X or macOS system.)
Solution: User Preferences > change "editor.parameterHints": true to "editor.parameterHints": false
This will at least remove the obstructive boxes that appear above the cursor.