SliverList inside SliverList - flutter

I've run into large scrolling lists. Sometimes you need to write multiple recursive SliverLists.
I used one package ( to solve this problem but you can't use MutliSliverList as Builder.
This doesn't work properly if you have 10,000 items (lazy loading, etc.)
Also, you can't add a background color for Sliver Lists, which is a little problematic.
Let's find a new way to implement this or something like that?


How to animate multiple children while scrolling using 'flutter_animate' package

I am trying to animate many widgets such as Text(), Image.asset() and other stuff when they are visible. I tried multiple libraries for checking visibilty of Widgets inside a SingleChildScrollView() but all solutions were either very complicated or it takes a lot of coding to achieve it for multiple widgets. The question that is most similar to mine is this, but it is simple for one or two widgets, but it will be messy for many Widgets. Can someone help me in achieving this requirement?
I found that 'flutter_animate' depends on controllers, such as ScrollController, but no documentation about it was mentioned.
enter link description here

How can I create a Column widget with the functionality of an AnimatedListview in Flutter

I have a Column that I need to behave like an AnimatedList would: to animate the widgets when I add or remove them. The reason I can't use AnimatedList (as far as I can tell) is because my children are Cards wrapped in Flexible widgets. I only have 11 of these hard coded cards and I need them all to be visible should the user decide to have all of them "active".
Here's the desired effect but with terrible code:
I'm currently using the provider package to control the column's children. Adding in new Cards is simple enough, as they just run their animation on initState. Removing them involves a convoluted way of triggering the reverse animation, listening for when it finishes and then triggering a function that removes it from the Column.

Now which widgets are right now shown in List

Hello I have a ListView with different Widgets of different height. Now I want to know which of those Widgets are at the moment visible in the ListView. Does anyone has an idea how to do it. I can't use to scroll_to_widget package because it interferes other implementations.
Try using maybe you can create a separate list and store true according to index, based on their visibility?

Is it possible to drag ReorderableListView items to another ReorderableListView?

I'm trying to drag an item from one ReorderableListView into another ReorderableListView.
It seems it is only possible by using a regular ListView with Dragable and DragTarget widgets and without the look and feel of a ReorderableListView.
Am I right or is there a way?
This is a bit delayed but I'm leaving this answer for anyone else that landed here after searching:
Consider using this flutter package:
Reorder elements between multiple lists
Reorder lists
Drag and drop new elements from outside of the lists
Vertical or horizontal layout
Use with drag handles, long presses, or short presses
Expandable lists
Can be used in slivers
Prevent individual lists/elements from being able to be dragged
Easy to extend with custom layouts

How to Implement Multi-Layer Circular ListView in flutter?

I want something like this:
Circular ListView Example
But, I have been looking everywhere and can't find someway to do so in flutter, is it possible? if not in what framework or language, is this possible?
Note: Already Tried This How to create circular ListView in Flutter It doesn't spin nor it can I select any of the items, so generally it doesn't work