log4j-core-2.8.2 jar in eclipse4.16 getting created automatically - eclipse

I have downloaded Eclispe 4.16 version zip file and using this to create UFT developer Maven project with TestNG framework. I have observed that log4j-core-2.8.2 is getting created in C:\eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\455\0.cp\lib folder. This log4J version is vulnerable as per my understanding.
If i delete this 455 folder then This folder(455)getting created automatically after opening eclipse
Please could you suggest how to remove this Log4J version or update to Log4J2.17 version ?
My organization asked me remove this Log4J 2.8.2 from drive
NOTE: I am working on UFT Developer project which supports only eclipse 4.16(2020-06) or earlier version


Problems creating a project with CodenameOne in Netbeans

Install Netbeans 12.6 on a Windows 10 machine. I was able to install the CodenameOne plugin with no problem. When creating a project I get the following error message:
Cannot invoke "org.openide.filesystems.FileObject.getFileObject(String)" because "folder" is null
I've been surfing the internet and can't find a way to fix it.
Thank you for your support.
This approach is no longer supported. The plugin is only used for legacy applications and no longer works in newer IDEs due to breaking changes in almost all IDEs.
Starting with Codename One 7.x we moved to maven projects which don't require the plugin and can be created in https://start.codenameone.com/
I have followed the instructions in the manual and it mentions as important:
"Before opening the project in NetBeans, you need to copy the contents of the tools/netbeans directory into the root project directory. These files are required by NetBeans to build, run, and debug the project correctly. "
But I can't find this folder in netbeans version 12.6.

Eclipse MapReduce plugin Hadoop 2.5.2

I know this question has been asked many times before, but I couldn't find any for this specific case, and this up-to-date. How do I install the Eclipse MapReduce plugin with Hadoop 2.5.2? I've found multiple tutorials addressing this for other versions, and I know that it can be compiled from here, but that link, while it says 2.x, only says up to 2.4.1. I tried to compile it anyway using 2.5.2 using the following command:
ant jar -Dversion=2.4.1 -Dhadoop.version=2.5.2 -Declipse.home=/opt/eclipse -Dhadoop.home=/usr/local/hadoop -DBuildfile: build.xml
This attempted to compile, but then returned
Warning: Could not find file /usr/local/hadoop/share/hadoop/common/lib/jackson-core-asl-1.8.8.jar to copy.
Which makes sense, because the version of this jar in Hadoop 2.5.2 is 1.9.13.
Then I tried to use version 2.5.2, even though it is not mentioned in the jar, since it says that they support 2.x.
ant jar -Dversion=2.5.2 -Dhadoop.version=2.5.2 -Declipse.home=/opt/eclipse -Dhadoop.home=/usr/local/hadoop -DBuildfile: build.xml
In this case, it said BUILD SUCCESSFUL, but there was no output - no jar produced, and no output printed under the 'compile:' and 'jar:' steps.
I even tried downloading the compiled jar from this guy's github, but of course that didn't work either - it didn't show up in Eclipse when I added the jar to the plugins folder.
Is there any way to use the plugin with Hadoop 2.5.2, or do I have to downgrade to 2.4.1? I am using Ubuntu 14.0.4, Hadoop 2.5.2, and Eclipse Luna, but can downgrade that if necessary.
I downloaded hadoop-eclipse-plugin-2.6.0.jar (at the time of writing this is the latest) from https://github.com/winghc/hadoop2x-eclipse-plugin/tree/master/release and pasted the jar file in the plugin folder of the Eclipse. It gave me "Map/Reduce" Wizard and I got the "Run on Hadoop" Option!! I am using Eclipse Luna.
you could use the "Hadoop" Wizard to define the HDFS Server.
If you just need to run the map-reduce jobs from eclipse, then you need to
Create a Java project in eclipse
Add the hadoop jar files in the project reference library
Mapreduce programs can be compiled and executed from eclipse.
Note: By default eclipse considers the local filesystem for input and output files.

What version of Eclipse with what version of plugin Hadoop

I tried various versions of Eclipse with plugins downloaded from internet but I always have problem. With latest version of eclipse and the plugin developed for Hadoop2X, I could not open the Hadoop location configuration wizard. I reinstalled eclipse with older version Ganymede. I used the plugin the one for this version, I am able to open the wizard for Hadoop location configuration but when I try to create the project, I have given the hadoop installation direction, even then it shows the error as configure Hadoop installation directory and its not letting me move to the next section of wizard.
So can someone suggest me what version of eclipse should I use and where can I download the suitable plugin. I am using Hadoop2.5.1.
Thank You. Please help me for the same.

How to install Axis2 plug-in to Eclipse (for Android dev)?

I got my Eclipse (Indigo Service Release 1, Build id: 20110916-0149) installed and running for Android development. Now, I want to consume a WCF WebService (wsdl) in my Android app. As I learnt, this can easily be done using Axis2 plug-in for Eclipse. However, I had hard-time to install the Axis2 plug-in.
I understand there are similar questions already asked, but I couldn't make it work using all the suggestions, and there is no accepted answer either. That's why I created this new questions. It would be nice if somebody can tell which version is working one? or how to make the latest (1.6.1) work?
I do not understand the plug-in installation processs in Eclipse. I see p2 folder in my local drive under Eclipse, so I assume I could just extract the download to dropins folder, right?
#Andreas Veithen
Thanks for your answer buddy. The 1.6.1 version was driving me nuts. I tested it both in a Mac and a Windows machine and the result was the same. It just would not work. I took your advice and got the 1.6.2-SNAPSHOT version and it shows up just fine now.
No matter which version you are looking for, you need to get the Axis2 eclipse codegen plugin.
Here is the link to the page where you can find the 1.6.2-SNAPSHOT version:
Download the axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin-1.6.2-SNAPSHOT.jar at https://builds.apache.org/job/axis2-1.6/lastStableBuild/org.apache.axis2$axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin/artifact/org.apache.axis2/axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin/1.6.2-SNAPSHOT/axis2.eclipse.codegen.plugin-1.6.2-SNAPSHOT.jar and drop it in your dropins folder. The latest version of Eclipse should already have a dropins folder after you extract the downloaded archive. You should now see the Axis wizards in Eclipse after restarting.
The above answers were not easily understood so I'm adding this for anyone reading this in the future.
Taken from the Axis2 website:
Download the ZIP file for the plugin you want to install.
Extract the content of the plugins folder in the ZIP archive into the dropins folder (i.e. do not create a plugins folder under dropins).
Ps: Get the 1.6.2 version from this link
The 1.6.1 version has a bug and doesn't work. Use 1.6.0 or 1.6.2-SNAPSHOT (which can be downloaded from here) instead.
All recent versions of Eclipse use p2. You need to put the JAR files into the dropins folder.

How to add Service archive generator and code generator plugin in Eclipse

I have downloaded Service archive and code generator wizard plugin for Eclipse (From http://axis.apache.org/axis2/java/core/tools/index.html). I am following steps mentioned here http://axis.apache.org/axis2/java/core/tools/eclipse/plugin-installation.html.
I extracted the content of plugin folder into dropin folder but not able to see Service archive or code generator wizard.I tried copying all content into Plugin folder but no luck.
How can we add this two plugins ?
PS: I am using Eclipse Helios.
I'm assuming you're using the latest version (1.6.1) of the plugins
There's an open apache issue for a problem loading the plugin
Altho this is for Indigo it might be the same problem you're having (just check)
If that's the case I'd either wait for a fix or try an older version of the plugins (I'm using 1.5.4 which works just fine)