I am currently working on a project that involves graphing text file data into a pyqt graph and I have been running into problems with a subclass QDialog box. My goal is to have the QDialog box use a combox to choose between different data sets to graph (The code below shows the "steering angle" setting being chosen). The problem lies with how to make it so that when the Create Graph button is pressed (Found in the QDialog Class), it runs the createGraph(self): function in the main class. I dont know how to work classes that well so I dont know how to make this work.
If anyone has any pointers on either how to get this working, how to properly structure a PYQT Program or how to make it more efficient, I'm all ears.
Thank you for your time!
Main Window Code:
class MainWidget(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MainWidget, self).__init__(parent)
self.dockcheck = 0
self.graphcheck = 0
self.setWindowTitle("Drag and Drop Test")
self.resize(1200, 800)
self.LBLDragAndDrop = QLabel("Drag And Drop Files Here")
self.LBLDragAndDrop.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter)
if self.graphcheck == 0:
self.path3 = "C:\\Users\\steph\\OneDrive\\Documents\\SAA Wing\\Coding\\Can Bus Data Reading\\Temporary Saves"
self.treeview = QTreeView()
self.fileModel = QFileSystemModel()
self.indexRoot = self.fileModel.index(self.fileModel.rootPath())
self.treeview.setColumnWidth(0, 250)
# Dialog Box
def onSelectionChanged(self, index):
self.selectionPath = self.sender().model().filePath(index)
self.selectionFilename = (self.selectionPath.split("/")[-1])
IDList = ("ID 00d0","ID 00d1","ID 00d3","ID 00d4","ID 0140","ID 0141","ID 0360","ID 0361")
if self.selectionFilename in IDList:
if self.selectionFilename == "ID 00d0":
editDialog = Dialog00d0()
# Graphing data
def createGraph(self):
self.graphcheck = 1
if self.graphcheck == 1:
# ID 00D0 Creating Graph
if self.selectionFilename == "ID 00d0":
self.df00d0 = pd.read_table(self.selectionPath, header=None , delim_whitespace=True, dtype=object)
self.df00d0.columns = ['Timestamp','ID',"B0","B1","B2","B3","B4","B5","B6","B7"]
self.SA = np.array([], dtype=float)
self.LatAcc = np.array([], dtype=float)
self.LonAcc = np.array([], dtype=float)
self.ComAcc = np.array([], dtype=float)
self.Time00d0 = np.array([], dtype=float)
self.Timestamp00d0 = np.array([], dtype=float)
# Getting Time Stamps
for item in self.df00d0['Timestamp']:
self.Time00d0 = np.append(self.Time00d0, datetime.fromtimestamp(float(item)).strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-4])
self.Timestamp00d0 = np.append(self.Timestamp00d0, float(item))
# Steering Angle Graph
if self.combobox00d0.currentText() == "Steering Angle":
SA_ = (((self.df00d0['B1']) + (self.df00d0['B0'])).apply(int, base=16) * 0.1)
for item in SA_:
if item > 6000:
self.SA = np.append(self.SA, round((item - 6553.6), 1))
self.SA = np.append(self.SA, round(item))
y_value = self.SA
Here is the QDialog Box class code:
class Dialog00d0(QDialog):
def __init__(self):
self.layout = QVBoxLayout()
hlay = QHBoxLayout()
self.setWindowTitle("Create Graph")
label = QLabel("Data Type")
self.combobox00d0 = QComboBox()
self.combobox00d0.addItem("Steering Angle")
self.combobox00d0.addItem("Latitudinal Acceleration")
self.combobox00d0.addItem("Longitudinal Acceleration")
self.combobox00d0.addItem("Combined Acceleration")
self.BTNCreateGraph = QPushButton("Create Graph")
self.BTNCancel = QPushButton("Cancel")
self.BTNCreateGraph.clicked.connect("I need the self.creatGraph here")
I imagine this will help you.
The pyqtSignal() argument tells you what information you want to carry.
In this case, I'm passing a text.
Good luck, I hope I helped.
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QDialog, QApplication
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QPushButton, QVBoxLayout
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui
class MainWidget(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MainWidget, self).__init__(parent)
button = QPushButton("Button to open dialog")
def button_clicked(self):
dlg = Dialog00d0()
def createGraph(self, _str):
print('Now Im here')
class Dialog00d0(QDialog):
signEmit = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
def __init__(self):
self.layout = QVBoxLayout()
self.BTNCreateGraph = QPushButton("link to createGraph()")
def BTNCreateGraph_clicked(self):
self.signEmit.emit('But I passed by')
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
win = MainWidget()
I am nooby to Plugin Development but I'm trying to create a plugin in QGIS, for a Uni-subject, with its own graphical interface, which will receive a zipcode from the user and return the name of the corresponding location.
I already created the plugin skeleton, through the Plugin Builder and have designed the graphical interface with QtDesigner https://i.stack.imgur.com/h6k6Q.png . I also added the .txt file that contains the zipcodes database to the plugin folder as a resource.
From what I understand, the file to edit is the one that ends in dialog.py, through the init() method, in order to establish the connections between the signals emitted by the elements of the graphical interface and the corresponding callbacks.
However, when I change the code in the dialog.py and reload the plugin, it gives me an error, and when starting the QGIS it pop-ups an error message, and the plugin no longer appears. Error message after plugin reload
Could you give me some guidance here and maybe point me to where the problem could be? Thanks
The code is this one:
import os
import sys
import qgis.core
from qgis.PyQt import uic
from qgis.PyQt import (
import geocoder
FORM_CLASS, _ = uic.loadUiType(
class ExampleDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog, FORM_CLASS):
POSTAL_CODES_PATH = ":/plugins/example/todos_cp.txt"
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(ExampleDialog, self).__init__(parent)
# connect signals
# set initial state
def toggle_find_button(self):
if self.postal_code_le.text() == "":
def execute(self):
raw_postal_code = self.postal_code_le.text()
main_code, extension = validate_postal_code(raw_postal_code)
record = self.find_record(main_code, extension)
place_name = record[3]
if self.create_layer_chb.isChecked():
except (ValueError, RuntimeError) as err:
def find_record(self, main_code, extension):
file_handler = QtCore.QFile(self.POSTAL_CODES_PATH)
stream = QtCore.QTextStream(file_handler)
while not stream.atEnd():
line = stream.readLine()
info = line.split(";")
code1 = info[-3]
code2 = info[-2]
if code1 == main_code and code2 == extension:
result = info
raise RuntimeError("Sem resultados")
return result
def handle_layer_creation(self, record):
place_name = record[3]
point = geocode_place_name(place_name)
print("lon: {} - lat: {}".format(point.x(), point.y()))
layer = create_point_layer(
current_project = qgis.core.QgsProject.instance()
def show_error(self, message):
message_bar = self.iface.messageBar()
message_bar.pushMessage("Error", message, level=message_bar.Critical)
def validate_postal_code(raw_postal_code):
code1, code2 = raw_postal_code.partition("-")[::2]
if code1 == "" or code2 == "":
raise ValueError(
"Incorrect postal code: {!r}".format(raw_postal_code))
return code1, code2
def geocode_place_name(place_name):
geocoder_object = geocoder.osm(place_name)
lon = geocoder_object.json.get("lng")
lat = geocoder_object.json.get("lat")
if lat is None or lon is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Could not retrieve lon/lat for "
"place: {!r}".format(place_name)
point = qgis.core.QgsPointXY(lon, lat)
return point
def create_point_layer(point, layer_name, place_name):
layer = qgis.core.QgsVectorLayer(
provider = layer.dataProvider()
geometry = qgis.core.QgsGeometry.fromPointXY(point)
feature = qgis.core.QgsFeature()
return layer
Is there a way to get the task_ids of all members of a chord? My goal is to track to the progress of each tasks of the chords. Here is my attempt so far:
import random
import time
from typing import List
import celery
from celery import Celery, chord
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
app = Celery(
app.conf.update(task_track_started=True, result_persistent=True)
def process_item(self: celery.Task, item: str) -> str:
t = random.randint(0, 10)
for i in range(t):
chord_id = self.request.chord["options"]["task_id"]
meta={"progress": i / t}, # How do I access this progress value?
self.update_state( # This way I write the group_id in the main task info,
task_id=chord_id, # but maybe I don't even need this?
meta={"group_id": self.request.group},
return item + "_processed"
def group_items(items: List[str]) -> str:
return ":".join(items)
def process_and_group(items: List[str]):
task = chord((process_item.s(i) for i in items), group_items.s())
res = task.delay()
return res.id
if __name__ == "__main__":
all_items = ["item1", "item2", "item3", "item4"]
res1 = process_and_group.delay(all_items)
while True:
subtask_id = res1.result
if subtask_id is None:
print("initial", res1.state)
res2 = app.AsyncResult(subtask_id)
print("subtask state", res2.state)
info = res2.info
print("subtask info", res2.info)
if isinstance(res2.info, dict):
group_id = info.get("group_id")
if group_id is not None:
group_res = app.GroupResult(group_id)
# Ideally here, I would like to be able to track the progress all the chords tasks,
# something like an average of all progresses would be OK.
print("group results", group_res.results) # group_res.results is None, unfortunately
if res2.state == "SUCCESS":
print("subtask result", res2.result)
How do I get something out of this self.request.group UUID? Is there a way to track the progress of chord subtasks? I'm open to any modification of this MWE to get it working.
Problem Statement Below,
We have a large log file which stores user interactions with an application. The entries in the log file follow the following schema: {userId, timestamp, actionType} where actionType is one of two possible values: [open, close]
The log file is too big to fit in memory on one machine. Also assume that the aggregated data doesn’t fit into memory.
Code has to be able to run on a single machine.
Should not use an out-of-the box implementation of mapreduce or 3rd party database; don’t assume we have a Hadoop or Spark or other distributed computing framework.
There can be multiple entries of each actionType for each user, and there might be missing entries in the log file. So a user might be missing a close record between two open records or vice versa.
Timestamps will come in strictly ascending order.
For this problem, we need to implement a class/classes that computes the average time spent by each user between open and close. Keep in mind that there are missing entries for some users, so we will have to make a choice about how to handle these entries when making our calculations. Code should follow a consistent policy with regards to how we make that choice.
The desired output for the solution should be [{userId, timeSpent},….] for all the users in the log file.
Sample log file (comma-separated, text file)
Below is the code I've written in Python & Scala, which seems to be not efficient and upto the expectations of the scenario given, I'd like to feedback from community of developers in this forum how better we could optimise this code as per given scenario.
Scala implementation
import java.io.FileInputStream
import java.util.{Scanner, Map, LinkedList}
import java.lang.Long
import scala.collection.mutable
object UserMetrics extends App {
if (args.length == 0) {
println("Please provide input data file name for processing")
val userMetrics = new UserMetrics()
userMetrics.readInputFile(args(0),if (args.length == 1) 600000 else args(1).toInt)
case class UserInfo(userId: Integer, prevTimeStamp: Long, prevStatus: String, timeSpent: Long, occurence: Integer)
class UserMetrics {
val usermap = mutable.Map[Integer, LinkedList[UserInfo]]()
def readInputFile(stArr:String, timeOut: Int) {
var inputStream: FileInputStream = null
var sc: Scanner = null
try {
inputStream = new FileInputStream(stArr);
sc = new Scanner(inputStream, "UTF-8");
while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
val line: String = sc.nextLine();
processInput(line, timeOut)
for ((key: Integer, userLs: LinkedList[UserInfo]) <- usermap) {
val userInfo:UserInfo = userLs.get(0)
val timespent = if (userInfo.occurence>0) userInfo.timeSpent/userInfo.occurence else 0
println("{" + key +","+timespent + "}")
if (sc.ioException() != null) {
throw sc.ioException();
} finally {
if (inputStream != null) {
if (sc != null) {
def processInput(line: String, timeOut: Int) {
val strSp = line.split(",")
val userId: Integer = Integer.parseInt(strSp(0))
val curTimeStamp = Long.parseLong(strSp(1))
val status = strSp(2)
val uInfo: UserInfo = UserInfo(userId, curTimeStamp, status, 0, 0)
val emptyUserInfo: LinkedList[UserInfo] = new LinkedList[UserInfo]()
val lsUserInfo: LinkedList[UserInfo] = usermap.getOrElse(userId, emptyUserInfo)
if (lsUserInfo != null && lsUserInfo.size() > 0) {
val lastUserInfo: UserInfo = lsUserInfo.get(lsUserInfo.size() - 1)
val prevTimeStamp: Long = lastUserInfo.prevTimeStamp
val prevStatus: String = lastUserInfo.prevStatus
if (prevStatus.equals("open")) {
if (status.equals(lastUserInfo.prevStatus)) {
val timeSelector = if ((curTimeStamp - prevTimeStamp) > timeOut) timeOut else curTimeStamp - prevTimeStamp
val timeDiff = lastUserInfo.timeSpent + timeSelector
lsUserInfo.add(UserInfo(userId, curTimeStamp, status, timeDiff, lastUserInfo.occurence + 1))
} else if(!status.equals(lastUserInfo.prevStatus)){
val timeDiff = lastUserInfo.timeSpent + curTimeStamp - prevTimeStamp
lsUserInfo.add(UserInfo(userId, curTimeStamp, status, timeDiff, lastUserInfo.occurence + 1))
} else if(prevStatus.equals("close")) {
if (status.equals(lastUserInfo.prevStatus)) {
val timeSelector = if ((curTimeStamp - prevTimeStamp) > timeOut) timeOut else curTimeStamp - prevTimeStamp
lsUserInfo.add(UserInfo(userId, curTimeStamp, status, lastUserInfo.timeSpent + timeSelector, lastUserInfo.occurence+1))
}else if(!status.equals(lastUserInfo.prevStatus))
lsUserInfo.add(UserInfo(userId, curTimeStamp, status, lastUserInfo.timeSpent, lastUserInfo.occurence))
}else if(lsUserInfo.size()==0){
usermap.put(userId, lsUserInfo)
Python Implementation
import sys
def fileBlockStream(fp, number_of_blocks, block):
#A generator that splits a file into blocks and iterates over the lines of one of the blocks.
assert 0 <= block and block < number_of_blocks #Assertions to validate number of blocks given
assert 0 < number_of_blocks
fp.seek(0,2) #seek to end of file to compute block size
file_size = fp.tell()
ini = file_size * block / number_of_blocks #compute start & end point of file block
end = file_size * (1 + block) / number_of_blocks
if ini <= 0:
while fp.tell() < end:
yield fp.readline() #iterate over lines of the particular chunk or block
def computeResultDS(chunk,avgTimeSpentDict,defaultTimeOut):
countPos,totTmPos,openTmPos,closeTmPos,nextEventPos = 0,1,2,3,4
for rows in chunk.splitlines():
if len(rows.split(",")) != 3:
userKeyID = rows.split(",")[0]
curTimeStamp = int(rows.split(",")[1])
except ValueError:
print("Invalid Timestamp for ID:" + str(userKeyID))
curEvent = rows.split(",")[2]
if userKeyID in avgTimeSpentDict.keys() and avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][nextEventPos]==1 and curEvent == "close":
#Check if already existing userID with expected Close event 0 - Open; 1 - Close
#Array value within dictionary stores [No. of pair events, total time spent (Close tm-Open tm), Last Open Tm, Last Close Tm, Next expected Event]
curTotalTime = curTimeStamp - avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][openTmPos]
totalTime = curTotalTime + avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][totTmPos]
eventCount = avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][countPos] + 1
avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][countPos] = eventCount
avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][totTmPos] = totalTime
avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][closeTmPos] = curTimeStamp
avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][nextEventPos] = 0 #Change next expected event to Open
elif userKeyID in avgTimeSpentDict.keys() and avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][nextEventPos]==0 and curEvent == "open":
avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][openTmPos] = curTimeStamp
avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][nextEventPos] = 1 #Change next expected event to Close
elif userKeyID in avgTimeSpentDict.keys() and avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][nextEventPos]==1 and curEvent == "open":
curTotalTime,closeTime = missingHandler(defaultTimeOut,avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][openTmPos],curTimeStamp)
totalTime = curTotalTime + avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][totTmPos]
eventCount = avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][countPos] + 1
avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][countPos] = eventCount
elif userKeyID in avgTimeSpentDict.keys() and avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][nextEventPos]==0 and curEvent == "close":
curTotalTime,openTime = missingHandler(defaultTimeOut,avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][closeTmPos],curTimeStamp)
totalTime = curTotalTime + avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][totTmPos]
eventCount = avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][countPos] + 1
avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID][countPos] = eventCount
elif curEvent == "open":
#Initialize userid with Open event
avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID] = [0,0,curTimeStamp,0,1]
elif curEvent == "close":
#Initialize userid with missing handler function since there is no Open event for this User
totaltime,OpenTime = missingHandler(defaultTimeOut,0,curTimeStamp)
avgTimeSpentDict[userKeyID] = [1,totaltime,OpenTime,curTimeStamp,0]
def missingHandler(defaultTimeOut,curTimeVal,lastTimeVal):
if lastTimeVal - curTimeVal > defaultTimeOut:
return defaultTimeOut,curTimeVal
return lastTimeVal - curTimeVal,curTimeVal
def computeAvg(avgTimeSpentDict,defaultTimeOut):
resDict = {}
for k,v in avgTimeSpentDict.iteritems():
if v[0] == 0:
resDict[k] = 0
resDict[k] = v[1]/v[0]
return resDict
if __name__ == "__main__":
avgTimeSpentDict = {}
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Please provide input data file name for processing")
fileObj = open(sys.argv[1])
number_of_chunks = 4 if len(sys.argv) < 3 else int(sys.argv[2])
defaultTimeOut = 60000 if len(sys.argv) < 4 else int(sys.argv[3])
for chunk_number in range(number_of_chunks):
for chunk in fileBlockStream(fileObj, number_of_chunks, chunk_number):
computeResultDS(chunk, avgTimeSpentDict, defaultTimeOut)
print (computeAvg(avgTimeSpentDict,defaultTimeOut))
avgTimeSpentDict.clear() #Nullify dictionary
fileObj.close #Close the file object
Both program above gives desired output, but efficiency is what matters for this particular scenario. Let me know if you've anything better or any suggestions on existing implementation.
Thanks in Advance!!
What you are after is iterator usage. I'm not going to re-write your code, but the trick here is likely to be using an iterator. Fortunately Scala provides decent out of the box tooling for the job.
import scala.io.Source
object ReadBigFiles {
def read(fileName: String): Unit = {
val lines: Iterator[String] = Source.fromFile(fileName).getLines
// now you get iterator semantics for the file line traversal
// that means you can only go through the lines once, but you don't incur a penalty on heap usage
For your use case, you seem to require a lastUser, so you're dealing with groups of 2 entries. I think you you have two choices, either go for iterator.sliding(2), which will produce iterators for every pair, or simply add recursion to the mix using options.
def navigate(source: Iterator[String], last: Option[User]): ResultType = {
if (source.hasNext) {
val current = source.next()
last match {
case Some(existing) => // compare with previous user etc
case None => navigate(source, Some(current))
} else {
// exit recursion, return result
You can avoid all the code you've written to read the file and so on. If you need to count occurrences, simply build a Map inside your recursion, and increment the occurrences at every step based on your business logic.
from queue import LifoQueue, Queue
def averageTime() -> float:
logs = {}
records = Queue()
with open("log.txt") as fp:
lines = fp.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line[0] not in logs:
logs[line[0]] = LifoQueue()
logs[line[0]].put((line[1], line[2]))
logs[line[0]].put((line[1], line[2]))
for k in logs:
somme = 0
count = 0
while not logs[k].empty():
l = logs[k].get()
somme = (somme + l[0]) if l[1] == "open" else (somme - l[0])
count = count + 1
records.put([k, somme, count//2])
while not records.empty():
record = records.get()
print(f"UserId={record[0]} Avg={record[1]/record[2]}")