spinnaker - cloudformation stage - aws-cloudformation

i am trying to deploy cloudformation stack from spinnaker, by specifying the source template.
Found this thread on github: https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker/issues/736
However the CloudFormation stage is not found in the spinnaker pipeline definition and also in the list of spinnaker stages. (https://spinnaker.io/docs/reference/pipeline/stages/)
Please suggest how to use the cloudformation stage to deploy a stack with spinnaker.


is it possible to create azure build pipelines using terraform code?

I want to Create Azure Build pipelines using Terraform code, but not able to find any proper documentation on this. Is it possible ?
I tried terraform documentation, expecting some documentation or video guide how to create Azure build pipelines using terraform code
is it possible to create azure build pipelines using terraform code?
The answer is impossible.
Hashicorp doesn't have a terraform provider for Azure DevOps now.
If you check the azurerm provider, only azurerm_data_factory_pipeline is available, no Azure DevOps build pipeline.
You should look at the Azure DevOps provider From Microsoft. It does contain a resource for build definitions but you will need to pass it the path to an existing YAML file, you can't create the YAML from Terraform.
If you have a "templated" YAML then you could create a process that commits the YAML to a repo then use Terraform to set up the definition.

Azure DevOps - Yaml pipeline publish release status to work item

First - I know that according to the official MS documentation the built in functionality for updating work items with release status via the deployment control is only supported in the release pipelines and not the multi stage YAML pipelines (see first note documented here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/boards/work-items/work-item-deployments-control?view=azure-devops)
Has anyone used powershell or the Azure DevOps rest api's to create an addon or integration that can update the work item with the correct information to automate the linkage of work items to the release environment information given that this functionality doesn't appear to be available for the yaml release pipelines?
Yes. The Deployment field is not supported by Yaml Pipeline. This feature is only for Release Pipeline.
If you want to link Yaml Pipeline to Work item, it can be linked as Build type.
To achieve this in YAML pipeline, you can try to use the Task: WorkItem Updater task
from WorkItem Updater
- task: WorkItemUpdater#2
displayName: 'WorkItem Updater'
workItemType: xx
workitemLimit: xx
linkBuild: true

Azure Devops deploy Yaml to OpenShift

I am Having a Yaml Deployment Config to deploy Image to OpenShift.
It contains reference to Docker Image in Artifactory.
It contains service connection and route information.
Usually I do the deployment from the OpenShift web console from Add to Project--->Import Yaml Json
Now I would like to have this done from Azure Devops pipeline.
Is there any way I could execute this Yaml file deployment from one of the task in Azure devops ?
Or if I first import this YAML from OpenShift web console is there any way further I can handle tagging of images in future releases from the Azure pipeline ?
We can install the extension OpenShift Extension, this Azure DevOps extension offers tasks for integrating OpenShift into your build and release pipelines, for example by executing user defined oc commands.
You can refer to the blog and doc for more details.
I work for Red Hat and have found there are a few ways to work Azure DevOps with OpenShift. 3 Patterns I have found OpenShift Extension, Kubernetes/Helm tasks or a self hosted agent running in a pod within openshift that has the oc tool which can help orchestrate.
I've made a video with an overview of 3 Patterns here : https://youtu.be/hMsvN7ld7E8

Deploying serverless.yml just like cloud formation

I am new to serverless world. So just wondering is it possible to deploy the serverless.yml just like we deploy any other cloudformation template using AWS console etc or it is only possible through serverless CLI
This is not a direct answer, but for using regular CloudFormation tools, ideally one would like to get the transformed, raw CloudFormation template which is an outcome of serverless transformations of the SAM template.
For now, there is no build in dedicated functionality for that in SAM toolset. However, there has been a GitHub issue already made for such a feature:
cli command to transform sam template to regular cloudformation template?
The issue also indicates that sam validate --debug is a workaround on getting the raw template, not ideal though. Thus having this template with some manual fixes, a regular CloudFormation deployment can be attempted.

AZ Devops Yaml Release?

I don't know if is already released az devops extension to create pipeline release with AZ CLI.
There are post relating to 1y ago.
I found documentation here but I can't understant how to create various stage of release pipeline.
Someone has already created release pipeline with yaml and tell me how please? Or just post some command to import into Azure-DevOps project?
For this issue , right now there is no way to automate the creation of classic release definition. You will need to create the definition and then you can queue a Release run using az pipelines release create command.
The role of az pipelines release create command is to kick off a new release for an existing release pipeline, not to create a new release pipeline.
You can refer to this issue on github about this.
So as a workaround , it is possible to automate the new yaml pipeline definitions with az pipelines create command which can constitute both build (CI) and release (CD).
First you can create a yaml file(e.g. azure-pipelines.yml) in the repo and set the definition for both CI and CD pipelines in the yaml file. YAML schema reference can give you guidance.
Then you can create an Azure Pipeline for a repository with the pipeline yaml already checked in into the repository via az pipeline create command. Specify --yaml-path in the command.
--yaml-path --yml-path :
Path of the pipelines yaml file in the repo (if yaml is already
present in the repo).