Flutter reactive ble or Flutter blue which package is best - flutter

Im going to start bluetooth project in flutter, can anyone suggest which package is best for production.
My case is to connect with smartwatches,weightscale,bp devices to get the medical data.
Flutter blue:https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_blue
Flutter reactive ble:https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_reactive_ble

Which ble package that is best is a personal opinion. But I have spent the last four years on making apps that use ble to talk to iOT devices. I have use three different packages:
I used flutter_blue in production about 4 years ago. I was not happy with it(I don't remember exactly why). They made breaking changes that included a switch to RxDart so there where no reason to stay with flutter _blue.
When I started to develop a new app I selected flutter_ble_lib. The reason for that was that the main developers come from the consultant company Polidea. But Polidea was bought by an other company and they stopped developing packages. So I had to change ble package to be able to keep my app upgraded.
I asked google if they had any plans on making a ble package, they said no. But they recommended flutter_reactive_ble. So I have been using flutter_reactive_ble since then. It is Philips Hue that develop it for their smart lamps. The reasons why I prefer flutter_reactive_ble:
I think its the more stable choice because of its developed by Philips hue. It is as good as it get when it comes to stability.
I use the library to tell iOT devises how to connect to internet. It's the probably what this package is made for.

Flutter reactive ble is better since It has lesser reported issues.
please read this disclaimer by flutter_blue team
This library is actively developed alongside production apps, and the
API will evolve as we continue our way to version 1.0.
Please be fully prepared to deal with breaking changes. This package
must be tested on a real device.
Flutter reactive ble is a lot more stable and it's not a newly started project. It's been tested and fixed over a long course of time.

Other good option is flutter_blue_plus. It's a fork of flutter_blue and it's actively maintained.
I started with flutter_blue but last commit was two years ago. Then I decided to switch to flutter_blue_plus


Is it possible to develop flutter windows desktop with fcm push notification?

I was thinking to developing a windows desktop application with dart and flutter but i don't know how can i integrate Firebase cloud messaging with it. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
At the moment, there is no Windows desktop support in the firebase_messaging flutter packages. There was a separate effort to develop desktop support for some of the firebase platform that Google had announced in partnership with a company called Invertase, however I haven't heard much about that in the past 6 months and I don't believe that messaging is at the top of the priority list (I know, I want it too)
It looks like the project is still alive and seeing regular commits but for now my suggestion would be, unless you want to use the C++ SDK and develop your own plugin, you might want to curb plans for native Windows push notifications for a little while. (If you decide to make your own plugin, let me know, because again, I want it too!)

Am I okay to keep using the old version of flutter packages

Hi I have a question about usage of old flutter packages. I am trying to build a push notification app using Firebase but I am finding very difficulties due to lack of information. I know there are some tutorials that teaches how to use the latest FCM package in flutter but still not very clear for me but I can find a lot of information that works in prior versions. So I am thinking to start using the prior version of FCM to implement push notification and once I find good resources then give it a go but I just want to know what are the risks of using old version of packages?

Flutter Basics (write once, run anywhere?)

Hi stack overflow community,
I'm a novice programmer in high school and have never written an app for mobile devices before so please bear with me. If I was to write an app using Flutter, will I only be required to write the code once and then be able to distribute different versions of it (iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux, Android, etc)? Or will I need to make small changes for each version such as using XCode to create the iOS version and Android Studio for the Android version? I know this is such a basic question but I've spent a couple of hours looking this stuff up and I'm still confused. Any help would be nice.
In a product development environment, after writing the cross-platform code with Flutter, there are some need-to-do tasks related to Native environment.
In the case of Android, there are several cases when you'll need to touch the Native level such as config Firestore settings, Social authentication (Login with Facebook for example), changing the launch icons/ splash screen of the app or publishing to app store, etc
For iOS, the same case apply as well. So I suggest you start with small steps to develop the app first, then when running into something that seems impossible with just Flutter code, there are tutorials and SO to guide you through. It might seem overwhelmed at first, but we are all on a journey, so no need to rush it ;)
You should make small changes too. For eg when adding launcher icons and splash screen you have to edit the respective native folders. When distributing for ios you need to manually customize its Runner from xcode. There are many library that support either android only or ios only. In that case if you need that feature you have to make changes in native code like java ans swift.
if you're creating your own native plugins, you will have unique code to write. But if you're just using things out of pub, almost nothing will require change (unless you are publishing to the store).

How stable is the current version of Flutter Web

I'm wondering how stable the current version is for Flutter Web?
It looks like the authentications works well. But what about the Real-Time database & Firestore? Are you able to use these in the latest release? I would like to know if the current version works well with:
Responsive enough?
Firestore possible?
Real-Time database supported? And do they use the same packages as the mobile version?
Multiple browsers compatible
Functions, are there CORS policy issues?
Uploading files
You can definitely use firestore, just like you would with apps. But as far as overall stability of web, I would say its not fully stable or else it wouldn't be in the "stable" channel instead of "beta".
It is capable of doing most of the things that you can do on a mobile device within the app. The things that aren't fully stable yet are the web specific things. It is already responsive, and firestore and real time database work fine. It should be compatible on all browsers (but i haven't test that). I'm not sure what you mean by uploading files, but if you mean to some database then that should be no problem either.
I think for now, if you're just trying to set up a simple website it should be good enough for that, but if you want to do something more complex, I would wait until it is in the "stable" channel.

How is Flutter compared with other technologies like React Native or NativeScript? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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So how is it compared to React Native or NativeScript?
I know the differences but I was looking for an answer from someone with real experience usng Flutter.
Does it worth to learn it? Why should I learn this instead of Java?
How is the learning curve?
Are there many apps using Flutter?
NativeScript is quite handy for testing generating also a QR code for different devices to test direclty. How is testing using Flutter?
I heard that update from an old version is not painful at all like it happened to me with Ionic from 1-2, 2-3 and 3-4. Is that true?
And the most important one for me:
- How often do you get stuck coding with Flutter and how difficult is to find documentation?
Definitely yes, What I say, Flutter is like yeah for the developers of Hybrid and Native app developers.
Flutter is too good for the developers of the mobile application as he/she needs to code for the app for once and he can run that code on both IOS and Android platform.
Flutter uses Dart Language, which is originally developed by Google so it’s really good for the developers to learn and understand its concepts.
There are several applications developed using Flutter (Google Ads,Alibaba...)
More : https://itsallwidgets.com/
There are some features that make Flutter a best one among other hybrid app development frameworks.
Hot reload feature
Material design components support
Widget is everything
Themes support for IOS / Android
Reach set of libraries and so on.
There are many more features that make you love a flutter.
Here are my thoughts:
Does it worth to learn it? Why should I learn this instead of Java?
Dart (the programming language) and Flutter (the UI Framework) are targeting universal apps. Meaning your code will be compiled for both iOS and Android. You don't have to go for both platforms but you can. Java on the other hand is used for Android development only. There is no way you can deliver an iOS native App when programming Java. (At least no way that would be popular).
The best thing about Flutter I personally find is that it is the first hybrid technology that really works. Meaning the performance is stunning. The framework as such is absolutely powerful. Dart is awesome for reactive programming and all of that stuff. I am in the middle of a client project and I can say this is just a pleasure to work with Flutter.
I personally would even use Flutter when I have to target only one platform. At least for most of my projects.
How is the learning curve?
Guess this also depends on your overall programming experience and if you have already written Apps in general. I did get nice results pretty quickly since there are so many tutorials already. For example on YouTube you can find a dedicated Flutter Channel. In addition to that there are plenty of YouTubers that really explain everything in detail.
NativeScript is quite handy for testing generating also a QR code for
different devices to test direclty. How is testing using Flutter?
Well you are able to read QR codes with flutter. There is a nice Medium article about that.
I heard that update from an old version is not painful at all like it
happened to me with Ionic from 1-2, 2-3 and 3-4. Is that true?
That is pretty much a general problem when using frameworks. Even a general problem in coding as such. We're in Flutter 1.x right now. Nobody really knows what will happen with Flutter 2.0. Also in addition to that you are pretty much generating native code for iOS and Android. Which means that you might run into native issues besides the one with Flutter. I am currently struggling with Android X which is a non-Flutter related problem. You just cannot be sure how things like that will turn out in the future.
How often do you get stuck coding with Flutter and how difficult is to
find documentation?
This was also one of my questions when I started writing Flutter code. There are so many options like NativeScript and others. They often promise to be so damn easy and flexible but at the end of the day when you need that little bit more in a specialised UI you're stuck. Flutter did not let me down till today. Of course there will be moments which seem to be a dead end. But as far as I can tell the community especially here on StackOverflow knows the answer to almost everything.
Also there is a YouTuber channel called Fluttery which kinda proves that Flutter is pretty much limitless in terms of UI. It opens your eyes that many things are possible. :)
Hope that helps a bit. At the end of the day you have to decide. Not others.