How to convert .sdf files into image format in a bulk? - png

I have sdf files database and I want to convert all the files into png format at once. I used openbabel for single conversion it works.


COPY HEADER available only in CSV mode

When I try to use the COPY command with HEADER option and format text to export a table in postgreSQL, I get the following error:
COPY HEADER available only in CSV mode
I understand that we can use format CSV with a different delimiter than , to generate a different file format, but I am wondering why the use of HEADER with text format is prohibited?
The default text format of COPY is proprietary to PostgreSQL and not very useful for data exchange with other software. For example, a NULL value is represented as \N.
Since nobody saw a need for having header data in this format, it didn't get implemented.
Use the csv format for data exchange.

What encoding is this for Gif image?

I wanted to download an image from the web. But when I 'save image', it opens as a .txt file. I figure this is some type of encoding for the image but I can't find out which.
I want to eventually automate downloading the image for further processing, specifically text recognition. I've tried to convert the .txt using some online base64 encoders/decoders with no success. However, was able to convert the .txt to .gif but I don't know how it did what it did.
I've given a sample of the .txt file. The actual file is much bigger.
The file name beings as such (if it helps):
data:image;base64,R0lGODlhyABGAIMAAPRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNvRDNv///ywAAAAAyABGAAAE+vDB (and it goes on, its very long).
I can see that there are '|' characters in between. May be for separating pixels.
The entire file is here:
It's seems to be a GIF image encoded as a data URL:
This format can be used in HTML and CSS file and is handy because the image data is directly embedded in the HTML/CSS file and does not need to be loaded with a separate request.
The start of the text basically says it's data URL, containing data for an image and the image is encoded using Base 64.
To decode it:
Chop off the start of the text, namely data:image;base64,.
Run the remaining text (R0lGODlhy...) through a Base64 decoder. The result will be binary data.
Save the binary data to a file using a file name with the extension .gif.
Now you have a proper GIF image as a file.

Starting format for text file to be converted to other formats

I need to write a document using images, texts, hyperlinks... And then convert it to PDF and DOC (but in the future it can be converted to more file formats).
What's the best "starting format" for this document?
Doc or Docx might be the best file format for creating the document containing images, texts, hyperlinks, and many more elements. Once created, it's easy to convert files in .doc/.docx format into other file format, such as Image, PDF, HTML, by using OpenXML or even commercial library like Spire.Doc.

Using SAS, png files is convert to binary data?

I want to use the chart of SAS on Spotfire.
So I tries to create png file as binary data on SAS.
Is that possible?
I try to import the png file as binary data, but Sas did not.
On R, "read.bin"
data test2;
infile "&filepath" recfm=f;
input value binary8.1 ##;
Please let me know.

How can i preserve the ASCII encoding when loading xml with XDocument.Parse?

When I load an xml document with encoding="us-ascii" using XDocument.Parse, the resultant document has converted the ascii into utf-8.
For example, in my xml file i have (not full file)
<data>é some other stuff</data>
When this is loaded, it converts to
<data>é some other stuff</data>
How can I prevent this? I need to be able to later select descendant and re-write them to another file, but when doing so, it's converted.