Using msal_mobile with Flutter - flutter

When runing the MsalMobile example i have this error :
[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: Instance of 'MsalMobileException'
Help me please

This question is incomplete. You need to identity the exact error causing the exception. Try catch will help you do that, check out the official docs for error handling here


FLTFirebaseMessaging: An error occurred while calling method Messaging#getToken, errorOrNil { NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Too many server requests.";}

I had removed my IOS folder and re-added it with flutter create . --platforms iOS .Did this as I was receiving some error and saw this was the solution for it. I tried adding firebase again and I am getting this error:
FLTFirebaseMessaging: An error occurred while calling method Messaging#getToken, errorOrNil => {
NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Too many server requests.";
flutter: null
[] Unhandled Exception: [firebase_messaging/unknown] An unknown error has occurred.
I checked my bundleID it matches exactly and I added google service info plist file.
I have to done these steps multiple times but still receive this error.
Any suggestions regarding this will be greatly appreciated.App working completely fine on android

Container cannot write to storage due to type mismatch

Error : Container cannot write to storage due to type mismatch
An error occurred
An error occurred during execution; please try again later.
Additional information:
I am facing this issue in zend-framework 2 applications when I run my newly application in laminas.
Please help me.

Unhandled Exception: [firebase_storage/unknown] An unknown error occurred, please check the server response

i am currently facing the issue below. the problem started occurring when i deleted my iOS folder and created a new one. ive set all the necessary settings back in place but am still facing the issue. i deleted the iOS file and recreated it as my 'project.pbxproj' file became empty. tia
[] Unhandled Exception: [firebase_storage/unknown] An unknown error occurred, please check the server response.
It seems there is a problem in firebase_storage. Please use putData instead of putFile, that can work.

how to solve Exception has occurred

i tried to implement twitter login but I keep getting this error "Exception has occurred.
PlatformException (PlatformException(400, Failed to generate request token., Please check your APIKey or APISecret., null))".
Can anyone help with this error??

Exception caught by widgets library. (Assertion failed)

While running my Flutter code, I encountered the following error:
**-------------------------------Starts Here-----------------------------------**
-------------------Exception caught by widgets library-----------------------
The following assertion was thrown building *CryptoListItem*(dirty)
Assertion failed:
assetName != null
is not true
**--------------------------------Ends Here------------------------------------**
Here is the snap of the error:
Error snippet in VS Debug Console:
Please help me resolve this because my project is stuck cause of it.
Set a value to assetName because currently, it is null