Eclipse IDE Kotlin plugin project building error - eclipse

I'm trying to install the kotlin plugin on my Eclipse IDE but get an error like this
I tried deleting and reinstalling the plugin but that didn't fix it.I also tried creating a separated workspace for kotlin projects but that didn't solve it either.After that i did some research and found out many people have problems with this plugin so is this issue related to my pc or the plugin is just broken?


Plug-in org.eclipse.jdt.ui was unable to load class org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.packageview.PackageExplorerPart. Kotlin Plugin not working in Eclipse

I'm using eclipse and trying to add a kotlin plugin after installing them in the marketplace. But it seems it's not working even I followed a simple tutorial that it should work ( I'm stuck in step 4 and 5. I need to know why this has happened. My eclipse is portable. I put it in my external driver instead of in the Program Files.
My Eclipse version: 2021-03 (4.19.0)
Kotlin Plugin: 0.8.21
I want the kotlin plugin to work in eclipse that's all I wanted, thank you.

javafx Eclipse Mars install

I have just installed eclipse Mars (4.5) and I have a problem with one old JavaFx project. Before installing Mars, I was using Luna and got no problem with my JavaFx projects, now I have the following problem with one project, all the javafx code are underlined with a similar error:
Access restriction: The type 'LineChart' is not API (restriction on required library 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_45\lib\ext\jfxrt.jar')
I do not know what it means, I tried to refresh the project and reboot Eclipse but the errors do not disappear, I can run my application without any problem though. I have other JavaFx project but none got this error.
I am using the latest JDK 1.8 update 45.
I solved my problem by removing JavaFX SDK from the build path and adding it again. I don't understand why it did not work the first time.

Unable to load server class ''

I am using Google Plugin for eclipse to develop website using GWT. Every thing work properly before. Today I installed a theme plugin for eclipse and i uninstall this theme plugin after that. When i run my gwt project I get the error
Unable to load server class ''
I have tried reinstall Google Plugin for Eclipse and i still get this error.
How to solve this error ? Thank for any help.
I have tried reinstall eclipse and the Google Plugin. Everything work ok.

Issue Importing Maven (Atlassian JIRA Plugin) Project into Eclipse IDE

I am wanting to create a JIRA plugin with the Atlassian JIRA SDK. After creating the project I am encountering several errors when trying to import the project as a Maven project into the Eclipse IDE (Kepler)
Here are the steps that I am taking to produce the error...
In PowerShell I create the skeleton with the "atlas-create-jira-plugin" command.
After creating the plugin skeleton I run "atlas-mvn eclipse:eclipse"
In Eclipse I select Import > Existing Maven Projects then I choose my plugin.
At this point I receive the following errors ...
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-jira-plugin:4.2.20:compress-resources in Eclipse. Please see Help for more information.
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-jira-plugin:4.2.20:copy-bundled-dependencies in Eclipse
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-jira-plugin:4.2.20:copy-test-bundled-dependencies in Eclipse
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-jira-plugin:4.2.20:filter-plugin-descriptor in Eclipse
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-jira-plugin:4.2.20:filter-test-plugin-descriptor in Eclipse
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-jira-plugin:4.2.20:generate-manifest in Eclipse
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-jira-plugin:4.2.20:generate-rest-docs in Eclipse
No marketplace entries found to handle maven-jira-plugin:4.2.20:generate-test-manifest in Eclipse
I have tried to disable the Maven Nature, then run atlas-mvn eclipse:clean then convert back to a Maven project, but the errors come back when doing so. Any suggestions on how to fix this would be appreciated.
You probably need to update eclipse configuration for Maven (new version is Atlassian SDK 5.0.0):
If you are using Atlassian SDK, you should use their maven wrapper which come together with the SDK installation.
You are seeing that problem in your Eclipse is because your local maven (which is used by your Eclipse, or maybe embedded maven) settings doesn't contain Atlassian info.
Do refer to this for how to add in the Atlassian repo into your settings.xml.
Or you can run the atlas-mvn install to download Atlassian library into your local repository.
Or for quick work-around, you can just point your Maven to the Atlassian settings.xml as below:
I switched from using Eclipse to IntelliJ. IntelliJ makes importing Maven projects incredibly simple. If anyone else encounters this problem, I suggest switching to IntelliJ.

Gaelyk eclipse configuration error

I've tried to configure a gaelyk project in eclipse using the gradle script of the template project and always failed.
to do this I use the following command:
gradlew cleanEclipse eclipse
All the packeges seems correctly downloaded, the .project and .classpath files are created but I always fint this error on the project:
The App Engine SDK 'C:\Users\username\.gradle\caches\artifacts\\appengine-api-1.0-sdk\c12498cf18507aa6433a94eb7d3e77d5\jars\appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.6.1.jar' on the project's build path is not valid
(SDK location 'C:\Users\username\.gradle\caches\artifacts\\appengine-api-1.0-sdk\c12498cf18507aa6433a94eb7d3e77d5\jars\appengine-api-1.0-sdk-1.6.1.jar' is not a directory)
It seems that the appengine SDK is specified uncorrectly in the .classpath/.project files.
I've installed eclipse Indigo and the last version of the google plugin for eclipse
How can I fix it?
I am personally not using Eclipse for Gaelyk development. Therefore, I am not sure if the existing Eclipse configuration in the Gradle build script of the template project will work with the Google plugin.
However, a while ago I got a pull request for the Gradle GAE plugin to integrate with the Eclipse plugin. I had turned it down because it's too specific and it would lead to potentially a lot of bugs to the Gradle plugin as the Google configuration might change. The author was planning to creating a separate plugin for it so you can try to ping him.
I also know of another Gradle plugin that might help you here. Also try to post your question the Gaelyk mailing list.