Azure Data Factory - calculate the number of days between two dates - azure-data-factory

I have to calculate the number of days between two dates and I search and I don't find any similar function available in ADF.
what I've noticed so far is that if I want to get the number of days between 2 columns, it means that the columns must be date columns, but I have timestamp columns (date + time)
how can I transform these columns into Date columns? or do you have other idea?

Using the fact that 86,400 is the number of seconds in a day
Now, using the function
it returns the ticks property value for a specified timestamp. A tick
is a 100-nanosecond interval.
Can re-format any type timestamp using function formatDateTime()
#formatDateTime(your_time_stamp,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
#string(div(sub(ticks('2022-02-23 15:58:16'),ticks('2022-01-31 15:58:16')),864000000000))

This is the expression that I used for Data Flow.
toDate(toString({max_po create date},'yyyy-MM-dd')) - toDate(toString(max_datetimetoday,'yyyy-MM-dd'))
max_po, create date and max_datetimetoday are TimeStamp(date + time) columns.
The result is in days.


Selecting date(1st of every month) from a date range in Hive

Need to generate random date(1st of every month) selected from a given date range in hive (inclusive range).
For example if range is 25/12/2021 - 01/06/2022, then I want to select random date from this set of dates{01/01/2022, 01/02/2022, 01/03/2022, 01/04/2022, 01/05/2022, 01/06/2022).
Can any one guide me with my query?
I tried using
select concat('2019','-',lpad(floor(RAND()*100.0)%10+1,2,0),'-',lpad(floor(RAND()*100.0)%31+1,2,0));
but this needs date, I need to pass a column value as low range and a particular date as 2nd range. Since there are different dates for different columns for the low range to b passed.
You can use below code to calculate a random date between two dates.
select trunc(date_add(start_dt, cast (datediff( end_dt,start_dt)*rand() as INT)),'MM') as random_dt
You can test the logic using below code-
select trunc(date_add('2021-01-17', cast (datediff( '2022-01-27','2021-01-17')*rand() as INT)), 'MM') as random_dt
Explanation -
Idea is to add a random number that is less than date difference to the start date.
datediff() - This returns diff of date as INT.
rand() - This returns a number between 0,1(both included). Which means, your start or end date can be same as random date sometime.
date_add - This adds the random integer to the start date to generate random date.
trunc(dt,'MM') - is going to return first day of the month.

Sisense, display number of days in date filter

Have a date filter on the dashboard that allows for a custom date range:
Dashboard Date Filter
How can I add a the number of days in the filter to a formula? Just trying to show the number of days in column of a pivot table. In this example the date range is 45 days. The dataset doesn't have one record for each day, so a distinct count of days from the data set returns 42.
Is it possible to use the date from and date to filter values in formula? DDIFF([datefilter-from], [datefilter-to])
Extract the date from the fact table and create a dimension table which will contain all the dates.
Link the date column from fact table and dimension table. Use the dimension table's date column in filters.

sql (or postgres) how to set the date as single year and month?

I am compiling data of multiple years but I only need time not date and year. How can I set the year and date data into a single year and a single date so that I can use the time information as accumulative data?
2020-01-01 + time value.
The information you provided is a little light. Still with certain assumptions:
create table ts_sum (ts_fld timestamptz);
insert into ts_sum values ('2020-04-14 08:15:32'), ('2021-09-27 18:45:01'), ('2022-01-09 20:21:05');
select sum(to_char(ts_fld, 'HH24:MI:SS')::interval) from ts_sum;
Needs to be tested with your data. The procedure is extract the time portion out of the timestamp using to_char then cast that to an interval and then sum the time intervals.

How to do dynamic date range iteration in Talend?

I have MinLoginTime and MaxLoginTime stored in 2 globalmap variables:
globalMap.put("MinLoginTime","2017-10-24") //ignore the datetime format, but it a date
I want to put month wise iteration and fetch records. i.e. Here we see there are 7 months in example: 10,11,12,1,2,3,4
I want to generate these kind of dates:
FromDate ToDate
2017-10-01 2017-10-31
2017-11-01 2017-11-30
2017-12-01 2017-12-31
2018-04-01 2018-04-30
Then, need to iterate over each of these rows and do something (lets use tLog for now)
Could someone please help as to what Talend components can be used here for generating date ranges, where to store them and how to iterate them to do something?
You can achieve this pretty easily using a combination of Talend components and some Java code. Talend has a good collection of date manipulation functions.
First, store your global variable dates as Date type.
globalMap.put("MinLoginTime", TalendDate.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", "2017-10-24"))
Then tLoop_1 loops on all the months between your min and max dates. This code gets the number of months between the 2 dates :
tJava_3 just stores the date of the current iteration in a CURRENT_DATE global variable. It is the sum of the min date and the current iteration value (from 0 to N months).
globalMap.put("CURRENT_DATE", TalendDate.addDate((Date)globalMap.get("MinLoginTime"), (Integer)globalMap.get("tLoop_1_CURRENT_VALUE"), "MM"))
tFixedFlowInput_1 defines 2 Date columns: FromDate and ToDate in order to get the first and last day of the current iteration's month respectively.
Check TalendDate class reference for all date manipulation methods.

How to count number of days between two dates in SQL Developer?

I tried this way
select tv.reg_number, tv.make, tv.model, tev.date_taken,tev.date_return, count(tev.date_taken, tev.date_return) as day_difference
from table_vehicle tv, table_evehicle tev
where tv.reg_number=tev.reg_number
and tev.date_return is not null
group by tv.reg_number, tv.make, tv.model, tev.date_taken, tev.date_return;
Is anyone able to help me on this one?
Subtracting one date from another will yield the number of days between the two dates, so assuming both tev.date_taken and tev.date_return of the DATE data type, you can use tev.date_return - tev.date_taken as day_difference to get the number of days between the two dates. If tev.date_taken and/or tev.date_return contain a time components the returned number may include a fractional portion. If you don't want the fractional day, you can TRUNCate, ROUND or take the CEILing of the resulting value.
However, if either value is a TIMESTAMP the resulting value will be an INTERVAL data type. If this is the case, then you can either cast the TIMESTAMP values to DATE values, or EXTRACT(DAY FROM (tev.date_return - tev.date_taken)) as day_difference to get just the truncated numeric number of days between the two dates.