Amount of requests on mapbox tile using flutter_map - flutter

I have recently implemented the flutter plugin called flutter_map, using the Mapbox tiles, and would like to know how you guys manage to count the network requests for the Static Tiles. Is it supposed to make a request for every move (zoom in, zoom out, move around, etc.) on the map itself? Is that the intended functioning or is there a way to diminish the number of requests made?Amount of requests made after zooming/panning

Is it supposed to make a request for every move (zoom in, zoom out, move around, etc.) on the map itself?
Yes indeed. The package supports static raster tiles, which means they must be re-downloaded if they change - such as on move or zoom events.
There isn't much in the way you can do about this, as it's a kind-of standard. This is why you'll find a similar thing in other mapping libraries, such as Leaflet.js and others.
See for potential ways to reduce costs whilst maintaining standards.


Mapbox GL - transition animations for unclustering and for active feature

In Mapbox GL JS, I'm looking to use clustering + use a different icon for one feature which is currently defined as "active". I want the necessary transitions (unclustering + change of the active feature) to be animated, but can't find a way of making this all happen.
Mapbox provides an example showing how to implement clusters, which uses different layers for the clusters and for non-clustered features. This technique can also be used for rendering the "active" feature in its own layer with a different image. When a cluster breaks ("unclusters") into features, it basically gets removed from the clusters layer, and the features get added to the "unclustered" features layer. But this doesn't allow adding a transition animation, since there isn't really a transition here. I would like to show the cluster splitting into features, with each feature moving to its respective location.
Any ideas how to solve this?
Some ideas that don't quite provide a full answer:
Use Leaflet with the markercluster plugin and its "spider" behavior for clustering. This works and provides a nice "spider" transition animation for unclustering. However there is no "official" binding between leaflet and Mapbox GL, so I'm reluctant to use that (there is just this which I would need to modify and it's based on undocumented Mapbox internals). Also I'm now sure whether this is good or bad performance-wise with thousands of features. And I know from experience that adding an animation to modify the shape of Leaflet markers (for active/inactive transitions) doesn't really work.
Use markers in Mapbox, instead of layers, but then how to do any sort of clustering?
I can't think of any reasonable way to implement this just using Mapbox GL JS, short of learning WebGL and implementing a custom source.
But I wouldn't write off the Leaflet+Mapbox approach - in my experience, the performance is ok (though I haven't tested with clusters or what you're trying to do).
There is a similar approach with OpenLayers: I have also used this and it worked fine.
Finally, it seems there are quite a few Leaflet and OpenLayers libraries that specifically solve the animated clustering issue: (And most of these answers are very old, so perhaps there are more libraries now).

Two cursors on maps at same time in Mapbox GL-JS

I am developing a weather radar viewer using Mapbox. In a certain mode, there are 2 Mapbox maps on the screen at the same time showing different modes of the radar. The maps are locked to each other. When one map moves, rotates, or pans - the other one does as well. I did this by simply passing the properties of one map to the other. In the below screenshot, you will see how they are showing identical locations.
What I want to do is - when the user is hovering the mouse over "map1", I would like an identical (ghost or false) cursor on "map2". Here is what I am looking to do:
(edit: What you are looking at is an actual screenshot. Each map is enclosed in a DIV with 50% width of the screen, if this helps to explain)
I don't know if this is even possible in Mapbox. Hopefully someone can give some guidance as I can't find any other questions related to this and I really have no code to show without knowing where to start.
If you attempt to do this inside Mapbox-GL-JS (for instance, by constantly updating the location of a GeoJSON feature layer), I think the performance will be pretty poor.
But since the two views are exactly locked (and presumably the exact same dimensions), you can just do this at an HTML/CSS level. Detect mouse movement on the first map, and update the location of an absolutely-positioned element hovering over the second map to match.
Another approach would be using a canvas element overlaid over the second map, similarly updated.

Unity large,dynamic tile map

I'm thinking of making city transport simulation game, based on tile map like simcity. Because transportation is the main component, I'm not gonna describe city thoroughly, like drawing all the buildings or others. But I need to divide the city to districts and villages.
I want them to be generated randomly, based on tile map system - Actually this doesn't have to be tile based, but I don't have any better idea to generate randomly divided districts.
The problem is there are literally to many tiles. Of course I won't make all the tiles to GameObjects, but array storing the information of tile just gets like 4000x3000 (for 12,000,000 tiles). Is it okay? I think this will seriously slow down the game.
I searched for many ways to generate tile maps, but those tile maps are for RPGs.. they are just sprites and background.
My tiles should change dynamically(maybe the colors, and I'm making the game with 3d so maybe the tile can have height that may change), with showing the status of that tile(a small region of the city). What will be better way for my needs?
Thank you!
The short answer is that you should generate a mesh to represent your tiles. This will allow you to represent a large number of tiles as a single game object.
It is not as troublesome as it sounds. I actually went through this myself recently, and have written a step-by-step guide on how to do it, and how to solve a host of other issues I ran in to working with tiles:
The only caveat I would mention (this is discussed in the tutorial, but not directly addressed) is that you should still divide your map up in some way.
I would not recommend exceeding 100x100 tiles in a single mesh, and in fact would recommend breaking it up even further. But once you get the basics of tile->mesh rendering up and running, this is not difficult to do.

With the new maps in iOS6, is it possible to change colors of layers (parks, water, building)

I understand it's not ideal to change mapkit colors but specifically for a location based game I'm creating I'd like to have to colors much less dramatic and more dark. Is there a built in way that I can accomplish this? Since the game won't be specific to a certain region custom overlays wouldn't really work. I know with the old google maps the only way to do so was to create a javascript version of the map and add it in a webview (not ideal for the game) but with this new apple maps is there a way to redraw the shapes of these elements (parks, water, building) with a different color.
I don't have a complete understanding how the previous or current mapkits work from the ground up so if I'm missing any information or am confusing I apologize.
No there is no way you can do that in the current iOS6 maps.
The MapKit Reference does not have any inbuilt functions to do that.
I would seriously ask you to reconsider changing colors of the current MapKit even if you could do it through some other hack. You might get rejected from the App Store.
You have 2 options
a. Instead use your own maps from other vendors if you want to change colors and so for different places.
b. Overlays are a good way to go too but they are heavy work on REST side of downloading maps. I am currently using this in my map right now because all my map tiles are generated on the fly and I do not have to do too intensive work on the iPhone.

Tiling annotations with Map Kit

Using annotations with Map Kit, you can put pins, or even custom images onto the map. Cool.
However, the data I'm using has millions of locations, spread out across the world. I don't want to dump them all on the map, especially since the user is only looking at a small bit of it. It would kill responsiveness, and probably crash.
Is there a standard technique for putting these pins on to the map only when required? i.e only when they need to be on the map view (and the immediately surrounding area). And removing them when the user has scrolled away. Something similar to UITableView's dequeueReusableCell..?
There's MKMapView's dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier: method which seems to do exactly what you want.
Check out this piece of code:
While it's 100 EUR, it certainly depends on your usage for that amount of money. But it might be worth it. If not, it might get you on your way to find something else via Google searching.