I have a working solution, but I'm looking for some ways of doing this safer and in a better way.
Every time the job starts up, it looks up a custom checkpoint which indicates from which date should the processing start. From a source dataframe I create one that starts from the specified start date - based on the checkpoint. The solution now limits the rows of the dataframe that has to be processed:
val readFormat = "delta"
val sparkRead = spark.read.format(readFormat)
val fileFormat = if (readFormat == "delta") "" else "." + readFormat
val testData = sparkRead
.load(basePath + "/testData/table_name" + fileFormat)
.where(!((col("size") < 1)))
.where($"modified" >= start)
For each identifier I download files from Azure Storage, and save the content in a new column of the dataframe:
val tryDownload = testData
.startsWith("failed:") === true) ||
.startsWith("emptyUrl") === true)),
When this is done, the checkpoint is updated by the latest modified date from the elements that are processed in this iteration.
def saveLatest(saved_df: DataFrame, timeSeriesColName: String): Unit = {
val latestTime = saved_df.agg(max(timeSeriesColName)).collect()(0)
try {
val timespanEnd = latestTime.getTimestamp(0).toInstant().toEpochMilli()
saveTimestamp(timespanEnd) // this function actually stores the data
} catch {
case e: java.lang.NullPointerException => {
LoggingWrapper.log("timespanEnd is null");
saveLatest(tryDownload, "modified")
I'm worried about this limit(5000) solution, is there a better way, that keeps a good performance of downloading the specified number of files in each iterations?
Thank you for the suggestions in advance! :)
I am trying to get the latest file from s3 in last 10 days when there is no file exist in the input. The issue is the path contains the date.
My path is like this :
val path = "s3://bucket-info/folder1/folder2"
val date = "2019/04/12" ## YYYY/MM/DD
I am doing this =
val update_path = path+"/" +date //this will become s3://bucket-info/folder1/folder2/2019/04/12
def fileExist(path: String, sc: SparkContext): Boolean = FileSystem.get(getS3OrFileUri(path),
sc.hadoopConfiguration).exists(new Path(path + "/_SUCCESS"))
if (fileExist(update_path, sc)) {
//read and process the file
} else {
log("File not exist")
// I need to get the latest file in the last five days and use. So that I can check "s3://bucket-info/folder1/folder2/2019/04/11" , s3://bucket-info/folder1/folder2/2019/04/10 and others. If no latest file in last 5 days. throw error. s
But my issue is how do I check when it is the end of the month ? I can do it in for loop but is there any optimized and elegant way to do this in spark ?
Not very optimal but if you want to utilise Spark, the data frame reader can take multiple paths and input_file_name gives you the path:
val path = "s3://bucket-info/folder1/folder2"
val date = "2019/04/12"
val fmt = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd")
val end = LocalDate.parse(date, fmt)
val prefixes = (0 until 10).map(end.minusDays(_)).map(d => s"$path/${fmt.format(d)}")
val prefix = spark.read
.select(input_file_name() as "file")
.collect().collectFirst {
case Row(prefix: String) => prefix
prefix.fold {
// log error
{ path =>
//read and process the file
This is quite inefficient and there is no clear way around that using Spark as the S3 Hadoop file system implementation is not very efficient using recursive structures. If you are willing to use S3 API directly, you could set s"$path/${fmt.format(end.minusDays(10))}" as a start after parameter and use something like this to list the keys. This works as S3 always returns the key listings sorted alphabetically and you have zero padding in date keys.
I'm trying to read all files in a directory on s3 via a spark app that's executing on EMR.
The data is store in a typical format like "s3a://Some/path/yyyy/mm/dd/hh/blah.gz"
If I use deeply nested wildcards (e.g. "s3a://SomeBucket/SomeFolder/////*.gz"), the performance is terrible and takes about 40 minutes to read a few tens of thousand small gzipped json files.
It works, but losing 40 minutes to test some code is really bad.
I have two other approaches that my research has told me are much more performant.
Using the hadoop.fs library (2.8.5) I try to read each file path I provide it.
private def getEventDataHadoop(
eventsFilePaths: RDD[String]
)(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): Try[RDD[String]] =
val conf = sqlContext.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration
eventsFilePaths.map(eventsFilePath => {
val p = new Path(eventsFilePath)
val fs = p.getFileSystem(conf)
val eventData: FSDataInputStream = fs.open(p)
These file paths are generated by the below code:
private[disneystreaming] def generateInputBucketPaths(
s3Protocol: String,
bucketName: String,
service: String,
region: String,
yearsMonths: Map[String, Set[String]]
): Try[Set[String]] =
val days = 1 to 31
val hours = 0 to 23
val dateFormatter: Int => String = buildDateFormat("00")
yearsMonths.flatMap { yearMonth: (String, Set[String]) =>
for {
month: String <- yearMonth._2
day: Int <- days
hour: Int <- hours
} yield
s"$s3Protocol$bucketName/$service/$region/${dateFormatter(yearMonth._1.toInt)}/${dateFormatter(month.toInt)}/" +
The hadoop.fs code fails because the Path class is not serializable. I can't think of how I can get around that.
So this led me to another approach using AmazonS3Client, where I just ask the client to give me all the file paths in a folder (or prefix), then parse the files to a string, which will likely fail due to them being compressed:
private def getEventDataS3(bucketName: String, prefix: String)(
implicit sqlContext: SQLContext
): Try[RDD[String]] =
import com.amazonaws.services.s3._, model._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val request = new ListObjectsRequest()
val s3 = new AmazonS3Client(new ProfileCredentialsProvider("default"))
val objs: ObjectListing = s3.listObjects(request) // Note that this method returns truncated data if longer than the "pageLength" above. You might need to deal with that.
.flatMap { key =>
.fromInputStream(s3.getObject(bucketName, key).getObjectContent: InputStream)
This code produce a null exception because the profile cannot be null ("java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: profile file cannot be null").
Remember this code is running on EMR within AWS, so how do I provide the credentials it wants? How are other people running spark jobs on EMR using this client?
Any help with getting any of these approaches working is much appreciated.
Path is serializable in later Hadoop releases, because it is useful to be able to use in Spark RDDs. Until then, convert the path to a URI, marshall that, and create a new path from that URI inside your closure.
I'm developing a Spark application with Scala. My application consists of only one operation that requires shuffling (namely cogroup). It runs flawlessly and at a reasonable time. The issue I'm facing is when I want to write the results back to the file system; for some reason, it takes longer than running the actual program. At first, I tried writing the results without re-partitioning or coalescing, and I realized that the number of generated files are huge, so I thought that was the issue. I tried re-partitioning (and coalescing) before writing, but the application took a long time performing these tasks. I know that re-partitioning (and coalescing) is costly, but is what I'm doing the right way? If it's not, could you please give me hints on what's the right approach.
My file system is Amazon S3.
My input data size is around 130GB.
My cluster contains a driver node and five slave nodes each has 16 cores and 64 GB of RAM.
I'm assigning 15 executors for my job, each has 5 cores and 19GB of RAM.
P.S. I tried using Dataframes, same issue.
Here is a sample of my code just in case:
val sc = spark.sparkContext
// loading the samples
val samplesRDD = sc
.filter(_.split(",").length > 7)
.filter(_._1.nonEmpty) // skips any un-parsable lines
// pick random samples
val samples1Ids = samplesRDD
.map(_._2._1) // map to id
.takeSample(withReplacement = false, 100, 0)
// broadcast it to the cluster's nodes
val samples1IdsBC = sc broadcast samples1Ids
val samples1RDD = samplesRDD
.filter(samples1IdsBC.value contains _._2._1)
val samples2RDD = samplesRDD
.filter(sample => !samples1IdsBC.value.contains(sample._2._1))
// compute
.flatMapValues { case (left, right) =>
left.map(sample1 => (sample1._1, right.filter(sample2 => isInRange(sample1._2, sample2._2)).map(_._1)))
.map {
case (timestamp, (sample1Id, sample2Ids)) =>
Here is the same code using Dataframes:
// loading the samples
val samplesDF = spark
.drop("_c1", "_c5", "_c6", "_c7", "_c8")
.toDF("id", "timestamp", "x", "y")
.withColumn("x", ($"x" / 100.0f).cast(sql.types.FloatType))
.withColumn("y", ($"y" / 100.0f).cast(sql.types.FloatType))
// pick random ids as samples 1
val samples1Ids = samplesDF
.select($"id") // map to the id
.takeSample(withReplacement = false, 1000)
.map(r => r.getAs[String]("id"))
// broadcast it to the executor
val samples1IdsBC = sc broadcast samples1Ids
// get samples 1 and 2
val samples1DF = samplesDF
.where($"id" isin (samples1IdsBC.value: _*))
val samples2DF = samplesDF
.where(!($"id" isin (samples1IdsBC.value: _*)))
.withColumn("combined", struct("id", "lng", "lat"))
.join(samples1DF, Seq("timestamp"), "rightouter")
.map {
case Row(timestamp: String, samples: mutable.WrappedArray[GenericRowWithSchema], sample1Id: String, sample1X: Float, sample1Y: Float) =>
val sample2Info = samples.filter {
case Row(_, sample2X: Float, sample2Y: Float) =>
Misc.isInRange((sample2X, sample2Y), (sample1X, sample1Y), 20)
case _ => false
}.map {
case Row(sample2Id: String, sample2X: Float, sample2Y: Float) =>
case _ => ""
(timestamp, sample1Id, sample1X, sample1Y, sample2Info)
case Row(timestamp: String, _, sample1Id: String, sample1X: Float, sample1Y: Float) => // no overlapping samples
(timestamp, sample1Id, sample1X, sample1Y, "")
case _ =>
("error", "", 0.0f, 0.0f, "")
.where($"_1" notEqual "error")
// .show(1000, truncate = false)
Issue here is that normally spark commit tasks, jobs by renaming files, and on S3 renames are really, really slow. The more data you write, the longer it takes at the end of the job. That what you are seeing.
Fix: switch to the S3A committers, which don't do any renames.
Some tuning options to massively increase the number of threads in IO, commits and connection pool size
fs.s3a.threads.max from 10 to something bigger
fs.s3a.committer.threads -number files committed by a POST in parallel; default is 8
fs.s3a.connection.maximum + try (fs.s3a.committer.threads + fs.s3a.threads.max + 10)
These are all fairly small as many jobs work with multiple buckets and if there were big numbers for each it'd be really expensive to create an s3a client...but if you have many thousands of files, probably worthwhile.
I've a HBase table which look like following in a static Dataframe as HBaseStaticRecorddf
|266915488007398|somename|8759620897|Hi|1539931239 |
|266915488007399|somename|8759620898|Welcome|1540314926 |
|266915488007400|somename|8759620899|Hello|1540315092 |
|266915488007401|somename|8759620900|Namaskar|1537148280 |
Now I've a file stream source from which I'll get streaming rowkey. Now this timestamp(lastTS) for streaming rowkey's has to be checked whether they're older than one day or not. For this I've the following code where joinedDF is a streaming DataFrame, which is formed by joining another streaming DataFrame and HBase static dataframe as follows.
val HBaseStreamDF = HBaseStaticRecorddf.join(anotherStreamDF,"rowkey")
val newdf = HBaseStreamDF.filter(HBaseStreamDF.col("lastTS").cast("Long") < ((System.currentTimeMillis - 86400*1000)/1000))//records older than one day are eligible to get updated
Once the filter is done I want to save this record to the HBase like below.
.foreach(new ForeachWriter[Row] {
println("inside foreach")
val tableName: String = "dummy"
val hbaseConfResources: Seq[String] = Seq("hbase-site.xml")
private var hTable: Table = _
private var connection: Connection = _
override def open(partitionId: Long, version: Long): Boolean = {
connection = createConnection()
hTable = getHTable(connection)
def createConnection(): Connection = {
val hbaseConfig = HBaseConfiguration.create()
def getHTable(connection: Connection): Table = {
override def process(record: Row): Unit = {
var put = saveToHBase(record)
override def close(errorOrNull: Throwable): Unit = {
def saveToHBase(record: Row): Put = {
val p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(record.getString(0)))
println("Now updating HBase for " + record.getString(0))
Bytes.toBytes((System.currentTimeMillis/1000).toString)) //saving as second
Now when any record is coming HBase is getting updated for the first time only. If the same record comes afterwards, it's just getting neglected and not working. However if some unique record comes which has not been processed by the Spark application, then it works. So any duplicated record is not getting processed for the second time.
Now here's some interesting thing.
If I remove the 86400 sec subtraction from (System.currentTimeMillis - 86400*1000)/1000) then everything is getting processed even if there's redundancy among the incoming records. But it's not intended and useful as it doesn't filter 1 day older records.
If I do the comparison in the filter condition in milliseconds without dividing by 1000(this requires HBase data also in millisecond) and save the record as second in the put object then again everything is processed. But If I change the format to seconds in the put object then it doesn't work.
I tried testing individually the filter and HBase put and they both works fine. But together they mess up if System.currentTimeMillis in filter has some arithmetic operations such as /1000 or -864000. If I remove the HBase sink part and use
then again the filter logic works. And If I remove the filter then HBase sink works fine. But together, the custom sink for the HBase only works for the first time for the unique records. I tried several other filter logic like below but issue remains the same.
val newDF = newDF1.filter(col("lastTS").lt(LocalDateTime.now().minusDays(1).toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.of("+05:30"))))
val newDF = newDF1.filter(col("lastTS").cast("Long") < LocalDateTime.now().minusDays(1).toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.of("+05:30")))
How do I make the filter work and save the filtered records to the HBase with updated timestamp? I took reference of several other posts. But the result is same.