I can't seem to find in the interface how many of my monthly credits/units I have used for the NLU API. Where do I find this?
The REST API I am thinking about is the one of cloud accounting software Exact Online. I am trying to set this up just using Google Cloud Platform tools.
The supported list of transformations in IBM's ETL service DataConnect in Bluemix Cloud are these ones here: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/services/dataworks1/using_operations.html#concept_h4k_5tf_xw
I have looked and looked but with no luck, what if I want to transform some of my data with an operation that is not included here? For example run custom code in a column and get some specific output?
Data Connect does not currently support refine operations outside of those provided with the service. We are adding new features and functionality weekly, but if you have a specific operation in mind, please let us know.
I will find out for you if we have the ability to execute custom code on our roadmap.
Wesley - IBM Bluemix Data Connect Engineering
As Wes mentions above in the short term we will continue to add new data preparation and transformation capabilities to the service. Currently there is no extensibility that allows you to code new transformations.
In the longer term we are considering allowing users to edit/extend pipelines using languages like Scala and Python. We don't have a defined date for these new capabilities.
Hernando Borda
IBM Bluemix Data Connect Product Manager
Reading the documentation at https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/conversation-enhanced#local
it states "Ensure that you have a Bluemix account. While you can do part of this deployment locally, you must still use Bluemix.". If I use a custom dataset will any of this data be sent to IBM's servers ?
Specifically I think im referring to step circled red ('Create or import training data') :
I plan to build a similar app to conversation-enhanced (https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/conversation-enhanced) but want to ensure local data will not be sent to IBM.
Yes, you will need to send data to IBM.
If you are planning on using the IBM BlueMix services, then I recommend you read the terms of use, found here, to understand your full agreement:
I have just started to learn IBM Watson services. I need to use Question and answer API of bluemix in java using REST API. But I couldn't find any service like Question and answer. Please can anybody tell me is the name is changed or where can I find the documentation for this service. I have tried with existing answers in SO. But those links which are in answers are not working removed.
The QA service has been discontinued since the end of last year.
Instead what has happened is that the components that made up QA have been broken down into their own services.
NL Classifier
Retrieve and Rank
Document Conversion
The reason for this change is that not all types of applications required all these services. Also it allows you to pull in other services to act on data, for example Sentiment Analysis of a question can impact the answer/action given. Which wasn't part of QA.
More details here:
I noticed the Watson API for Personality Insights that can visualize the profile in a cool D3.js chart has been deprecated. What are the plans to support this going forward?
Instead of an API, we have made it available as a client side library. Its available in the sample application code: https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/personality-insights-nodejs .
"The visualize API is now deprecated and will be removed entirely in a future release. You can use the personality.js JavaScript file that is provided with the sample application to achieve similar results from the client. The textsummary.js JavaScript file provides additional formatting for the results of the service"