Make a line in visio change colour when another object changes colour - visio

I want to change the line color of a line when the foreground color of another object is changed. Is it possible to link the line color directly with a formula in shapesheet?
I was thinking something like "LineColor"=GetRef(linked-objectname.GetRef(FillForegnd))
I've usedd shapesheet to change the foreground color of the "master/controlling" objects already so if its possible it would be good to continue to use that
Any help appreciated!

LineColor = Sheet.[some ID]!FillForegnd
This formula make current shape line color same as fill foreground color of another shape with ID = [some ID].
Where [some ID] is number! Final formula looks like Sheet.100500!FillForegnd


Change orientation on gradient

So I'm trying to create a gradient fill for a line chart. The thing about this gradient is that I need it to have a color according to a given value.
So, what I was thinking is that if I could change the orientation of the gradient (from side to side instead of down-up) I could give it a color scheme based on the values. However, I haven't been able to "transpose" the gradient.
My expected result is something like this:
Another value (a 3rd one), which is not the line value (Y-axis), or the date (X-axis) gives the color for the gradient at any X-axis point
Any ideas?

Draw a line and color it based on direction

Is it possible to draw a line similar to the example below and color it based on the previous value?
So to have the color red when the line is moving down and green when it goes up.
Can this be done with line type? Or does it need to be drawn with markLine or something else?
Any help is much appreciated!
I don't think it is possible with the line chart, as the whole line uses the same color for all points. I suggest you use a scatter type chart where each point can have a different color. By setting symbol size to a small value and drawing values close together you can emulate visual line.
Here is an example based on the regression sample from echarts site:

How can I make each Packed Bubble a different color?

I have a Packed Bubble dashboard. My Y axis is a list of names and my X axis is a decimal. I want each differing number to be a different color. Can I do this manually?
If you want to color each bubble with a separate color just use the field that each bubble represent in the color shelf. If I understood your data correctly, each bubble basically represents one campaign, so you should use that as the color.
You can manually assign color using Color>Edit Color and assigning the color of your choice.
See image 1.
If you want to color your bubbles based on your measure AVg(NPV/Marketing $) you can do as Alex Blakemore mentioned and use your measure as a stepped color or gradient.
You can use Color>Edit Color here too , in this case manually assigning color is a bit difficult. But if you play with number of steps, the gradient pre-select, etc, you can usually get very close to what ever your wanted it to look like.
Put your numeric field on the color shelf, and either edit the colors to use a stepped set of colors - or change the field to be discrete and choose individual colors to taste.

How to get rid of gradient color system in Tableau line chart

I'm getting gradient colored lines over the chart.
How can I bring them to single color?
It sounds like you have a measure in your color shelf; remove the measure from the shelf, and then set a color for the lines. This part of the Desktop User Guide explains the marks card

if entry from database is of a certain value, substitute an image on the report

I am trying to read a value from my database, and depending on the character, have a different image show. Basically the values will either be b,r,g,or y for blue, red, green yellow and in the report I would like to show a colored circle corresponding to the entry. Does anyone know a quick way to do this? I am new to crystal reports. Thank you.
Circles are created using a rectangle (yes, really). Set the roundness=100%. Unfortunately, you can't hide/show (suppress, In Crystal's vernacular) a rectangle with conditional logic. Nor can you change its x and y values. So, for your purposes, its useless.
One option is to insert four, colored, images of circles. Suppress all but the one that you want to display.
Another option is to insert a text box, then add a circular, wingding character to it (Word can help w/ this). Use the text box's conditional formatting to change its color.
One additional suggestion to craig. You could:
create an image file for each of the coloured circles
add one of these coloured circles to the report
right click, format graphic
from the picture tab, select the formula editor for graphic location
enter a formula which looks for the relevant coloured circle image file
'C:\circles\' + {table.field} + '.jpg'