How to show the whole problem (LP/MILP, SCIP) - or-tools

How to show the whole LP/MILP problem.
I am using solver(MPSolver::CreateSolver("SCIP")) in c++.
I saw this issue and this reply. However, those are not helpful for SCIP.
Any help?

There are two approaches:
Option A: get the underlying solver, use the scip solver to export the model.
in, details: use the underlying_solver method on the LinearSolver class.
Then cast the returned pointer to SCIP* (see the implementation of this method for the SCIP solver).
Now you have the solver, you can use the solver's API for anything including exporting the model. The only limitation is that you need the solver to have loaded the model, which only happens at solve time.
Option B:
call one the two export methods. This API is also available in non C++ languages.


How to add unit conversions using Dymola

In Modelica Standard Library, the unit of SpecificEnergy and SpecificEnthalpy is "J/kg", but I'd like to use "kJ/kg" as the display unit, my first thought is to modify the Modelica Standard Library, but I am not sure if it will cause unexpectable issues, so I want to find a way to customize my own Modelica Standard Library. In this way, I could choose to use my own version or the standard one.
My question is: Is there some way like this?
In addition to using defineUnitConversion there is another possibility for prefixed units such as "kJ/kg" or "MJ/kg": just define a variable with that displayUnit in the model by creating e.g.,
SpecificEnthalphy myEnthalpy(displayUnit="MJ/kg")=...;
and then simulating the model.
No need to specify a conversion factor in this case (it is found automatically).
There are multiple possibilities to extend the unit conversions in Dymola. Probably the best is the one for the question asked is mentioned by Hans Olsson below, but you can as well
Create a function like this:
function unitConversions "Define unit conversions, which are currently not pre-defined by Dymola"
extends DymolaModels.Icons.Basic.Function;
defineUnitConversion("J/kg", "kJ/kg", 1e-3);
// more conversions could be added here
end unitConversions;
After the function is executed, the conversion should be available for the current session of Dymola. So you need to run the function manually every time Dymola is started. This is actually one reason I asked this question - but there seems to be no answer until now.
As an alternative, you can modify E:\[Dymola_InstallPath]\insert\displayunit.mos and add the same line. This will be usable until you install a new version of Dymola, for which you will have to do the same modification...

How to pass multiple variables from one model to another model (inner/outer)

Let's say we have the following model:
model Collector
Real collect_here;
end Collector;
and the following model potentially multiple times:
model Calculator
outer Collector collector;
Real calculatedVariable = 2*time;
calculatedVariable = collector.collect_here;
end Calculator;
The code above works if calcModel is present only once in the system to be simulated. If the model exists more than once I get a singular system. This is demonstrated by the Example below. Changing the parameter works either gives a working or failing system.
model Example
parameter Boolean works = true;
inner Collector collector;
Calculator calculator1;
Calculator calculator2 if not works;
end Example;
Using an array inside the collector to pass multiple variables in it doesn't solve it.
Another possible way to solve this is possible by use of connectors, but I only made it work with one calcModel.
Using multiple instances of Calculator does brake the model, as the single variable calculatedVariable will have multiple equations trying to compute its value. Therefore Dymola complains that the system is structurally singular, in this case meaning that there are more equations than variables in the resulting system of equations.
To give a bit more of an insight: Actually checking Collector will fail, as since Modelica 3.0 every component has to be balanced (meaning it has to have as many unknowns as states), which is not the case for Collector as it does have one unknown but no equation. This strongly limits the possible applications for the inner/outer construct as basically every variable has to be computed where it is defined.
In the given example this is compensated in the overall system if exactly one Calculator is used. So this single combination will work. Although this works, it is something that should not be done - for the obvious reason of being very error-prone (and all sub-models should pass the check).
Your question on how to solve this issue actually misses a description of what the issue actually is. There are some cases in my mind that your approach could be useful for:
You want to plot multiple variables from a single point, which would be collector. For this purpose "variable selections" should be the most straight-forward way to go: see Dymola Manual Vol. 1, Section "4.3.11 Matching and variable selections" on how to apply them.
You want to carry out some mathematical operation on that variables. Then it could be useful to have a vectorized input of variable size. This enables an arbitrary number of connections to this input. For an example of this take a look at: Modelica.Blocks.Math.MultiSum
You want to route multiple signals between different models (which is unlikely judging from your description, but still): Then expandable connectors would be a good possibility. To get an impression of what that does take a look at Modelica.Blocks.Examples.BusUsage.
Hope this helps, otherwise please specify more clearly what you actually want to achieve with your code.
I prepared a demonstrative library for such scenario some days ago. You can access it at If you read the documentation on Example2 you can see the link to an article from H. Elmqvis et. al., which is the clue to your problem. That is, you need a connector, and inherited connects from every Calculator to the one Collector.

Static Variables in Simulink S-Function Builder

I am currently working on the implementation of some C-Code in a Simulink model using the S-Function Builder block.
The code uses various timers and counters, which are defined as static variables to enable the access to the data in following simulation steps.
However, if I start the simulation MATLAB crashes without error message ('Fatal Exception'). To test I defined the variables without the 'static' statement. The Simulation works in this case, however with (logically) wrong results of the S-Function.
Has anybody else faced similar issues or knows how to declare static variables in Simulink?
I know I could use Work Vectors, which I do not intend to do, since it would result in huge efforts in adopting the function to do so.
Furthermore I could simply build a feed-back loop in the model using a memory block. For approximately 100 variables this solution would also be pretty impractical.
Not a solution, but a possible workaround is to use the coder.ceval functionality. I have used this to wrap a C-function with similar (static variables used as counters) function. The coder.ceval call is then placed in an embedded matlab block. Possibly some definitions of the interfaces must also be made (structures / bus objects).
Check coder.ceval, coder.rref and coder.wref for the call structure.
It seems like it was a bug in Simulink or the MinGW Compiler. However I tore down the code, ending up with it crashing with the call of one specific variable. I renamed the variable, since I could not find any error in the syntax. Now everything works fine...
The variable name had various underscores and capital letters - in case anyone makes similar experiences.

How to use generic classes in Matlab (MIJ package/Miji)

does anyone know how to use generic classes in Matlab using the MIJ package?
every time I tried to use a generic class I get an "Undefined class" error, while other classes gave me no problems. In particular I would like to use an instance of the ComplexRealFloatConverter class from the imglib2 library to get the real values of an FFT.
Thanks to all!
Most likely it's a path problem, i.e. you need to add the path to the package for example with javaaddpath().
For an extensive explanation on how to do that, please read Bringing Java Classes into MATLAB Workspace. The explanation contains how to make entire packages available.

How to access an array of structs in simulink?

I have the problem, that I have to access a funktion form a dll in matlab/Simulink in the rtw.
This should work with a s function, but I have the needed parameters in a array of structures organized.
The question is now how I can reach them when I want to call my DLL function?
Or is there a better way (e.g. level 2 Matlab files or something similar)?
The pure simulation (without RTW) worked pretty well with level 2 m files but I am not able to write a tlc file for compiling them. I did not find much on the net and the documentation only about C sources.
For signals in Simulink, what you are asking for is an array of buses. There is similar support for using arrays of structs for parameters. For calling an external function, you might want to look at the legacy code tool. You might also be able to use the MATLAB function block to call your external dll.
In addition to what #MikeT says:
Generating code from Level 2 M-S-Functions is problematic. Read this:
Also, M-S-functions are generally slow, because they run in the MATLAB interpreter:
In the end I coded the problem in C and used an array where I defined to order of the elements. Then I wrote some interface functions to access this "virtual" struct.
This is not very good coding but the easiest way I have found and it is portable.