Cast issue on app id when running New-CsApplicationAccessPolicy - powershell

I've run into an error after following this document ( when trying to set up an application access policy in powershell. This is the cmdlet that was run, which produced the error,
New-CsApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity "MeetingsPolicy" -AppIds "<app-id>" -Description "MeetingsPolicy"
The error received in powershell is the following,
"New-CsApplicationAccessPolicy : Unable to cast object of type 'System.Management.Automation.PSListModifier' to type
Can anyone help shed any light on what is the problem here and how to fix it please?
P.S Im using Powershell 5.1 on Win 10 and running Powershell in admin mode.
Have also tried the following using "splatting", which also did not work.
$props = #{
identity = 'MeetingsPolicy'
appids = '<app-id>'
description = 'MeetingsPolicy'
New-CsApplicationAccessPolicy #props

So it turned out the Microsoft Teams cmdlet module version 3.1.0 has issues in there when installed with no previous version. I had to install the 2.3.2-preview version first, which allowed the cmdlets to work. I then updated this version to 3.1.0 and it works fine.
So the steps you need to take are the following,
i) Remove the teams module from powershell,
Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams -Allversions
ii) Install the older version first,
Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 2.3.2-preview -AllowPrerelease
iii) Connect to teams
v) Update to the latest version (Optional)
Update-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams
Run cmdlet and it should work now.
Credit to Marcus Rath for his post here, which explains the issue in more detail.


Error while setting the DenyAddAndCustomizePages property of tenant site using PnP Powershell

I am trying to set DenyAddAndCustomizePages property of my tenant site using the script below but it gives an error. What should be the alternative for using it with new PnP.Powershell module? Our project was running for several months with SharepointPnPPowershell But as this is now deprecated and not supported anymore, after installing PnP. Powershell we are seeing lots of issues.
Method invocation failed because [PnP.PowerShell.Commands.Model.SPOSite] does not contain a method named 'update'.
I tried to include Import-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -Scope "Local" as described at the end of the article below but that did not work.
$site = Get-PnPTenantSite -Detailed -Url $Url
$site.DenyAddAndCustomizePages = "Disabled"
$site.Update() | Out-Null
I'm guessing you found the answer by now? If not, have you tried this?
Set-PnpTenantSite -Identity $siteUrl -DenyAddAndCustomizePages:$false | Out-Null

Connect-AzureAD not working with Powershell core

I am trying to run a powershell command - ConnectAzureAD and getting the below error-
'Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory, Version=, Culture=neutral,. Could not find or load a specific file.'
This was working earlier with Powershell 5 but not with powershell core.The versions that i am using are as:
Powershell - 7.0.1
Az.Accounts - 1.8.1 (i have tried updating this but no luck)
AzureAd -
Is there any workaroudn for this ? We tried Azure.Standard.Preview from 'Post test Gallery' but it failed the keyVault powershell commands. Any help on this?
Install-Module -Name AzureADPreview -RequiredVersion
Import-Module AzureADPreview -Version -UseWindowsPowerShell
As Shiva said, this is a known limitation on .NET CORE that new version assembly cannot be loaded if old version is already loaded. PowerShell is considering module isolation but so far there is no good solution yet.
You can upgrade Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory to the latest version.
For more details, you could refer to this issue.
You could instead try to use the az rest invoking the graph api.
Until the time az-cli is in par with the AzureAD powershell module you can instead use the graph api
az login --tenant <>
$uri = ""
$allApplications = az rest `
--method GET `
--uri $uri `
--headers 'Content-Type=application/json' | convertfrom-json
$allApplications.value |% {"{0}-{1}" -f $_.appid, $_.displayname}
I have put some samples using az rest here,
You may also refer to: from where i picked up inspiration
Other reference, how az rest use the accesstokens from az cli can be found here,

AzureRmRoleAssignment Access denied to the specified API version

I'm getting an error running New-AzureRmRoleAssignment. I want to give an AD group access to a resource group. The script actually works-- the group gets contributor access to the resource group. It just says that it's failing with the message "Access denied to the specified API version".
My script (params not included) is here:
# Import the Task.Common dll that has all the cmdlets we need for Build
import-module Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Task.Common
import-module Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Task.Internal
Import-Module "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Task.Deployment.Internal"
Import-Module "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Task.Deployment.Azure"
Write-Output "Connecting to Azure"
Initialize-AzurePowershellSupport -ConnectedServiceName $ConnectedServiceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$subscription = (Get-AzureRmContext).Subscription.SubscriptionName #(Get-AzureRmContext).Subscription.SubscriptionName
New-AzureRmRoleAssignment -ObjectId $objID -RoleDefinitionName $roleName -ResourceGroupName $environment-$featureName
How can I fix the error? The script does what it's supposed to, but the build "fails".
According to the error log, do you login Azure by using service principal. If yes, it is a know issue. Please check the issue on GitHub. The issue is solved on the latest version Azure Power Shell(4.1.0 or later).
You could use the following cmdlet to check your Azure PowerShell version.
Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Azure -Refresh
The latest version is 4.3.1, you could download it from the link.
If you build the script on VSTS, please use Hosted 2017 build agent, it uses the latest version PowerShell. Please refer to this answer.

Get-AzureWebsite : Requested value 'Dynamic' was not found

We have a set of custom powershell modules which use the Azure powershell cmdlets - they have been working fine for over a year. I just set up a new machine and whenever I try to run Get_AzureWebsite I receive the following error:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-AzureWebsite 'anything'
Get-AzureWebsite : Requested value 'Dynamic' was not found.
This may just be a machine setup but am worried that these comdlets may be being deprecated - appreciate if anyone can help or knows how to fix this?
It may be fixed by updating the version of Azure PowerShell . More detail please refer to the issue and feedback. Please refer to how to install and configure Azure PowerShell. I didn't reproduce it on the Azure PowerShell v2.1.0. It works successfully.Please try to use the following code to get the current Azure PowerShell version .
(Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object{ $_.Name -eq 'Azure' }) `
| Select Version, Name, Author, PowerShellVersion | Format-List;
Okay so this is versions of Azure and AzureRM cmdlets.
Working install is
Install-Module -Name AzureRM -RequiredVersion 1.3.2
Install-Module Azure -AllowClobber
Not sure about -AllowClobber but this was printed in the Azure Console....
PackageManagement\Install-Package : A command with name 'Get-AzureStorageContainerAcl' is already available on this
system. This module 'Azure' may override the existing commands. If you still want to install this module 'Azure', use
-AllowClobber parameter.
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\\PSModule.psm1:1661 char:21
Guess there is a class in the Storage namespace or something
I installed the latest azure powershell and then ran again the script.
It worked fine.
Just to add you need to restart your machine after installing latest powershell, else you might face error "the required module Azure.Storage is not loaded"

How can I find the Microsoft Edge version on Windows 10 in powershell?

I've searched through the SOFTWARE\Classes and SOFTWARE\Microsoft subkeys, but couldn't find anything related to "spartan" or "edge". Given that Edge is still very new, there really isn't much information about this yet.
As an example, this is how I gather the information about the Internet Explorer Version via the registry on a remote machine:
$ieVersion=[Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $args[0]).OpenSubKey('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer').GetValue('SvcVersion')
Use the Get-AppxPackage command:
Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach Version
The package name is valid on build 10240 but if you are on an earlier build, it might be different. If the above doesn't find the package try -Name *Edge* or -Name *Spartan*.
$productPath = $Env:WinDir + "\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_*\MicrosoftEdge.exe"
If(Test-Path $productPath) {
$productProperty = Get-ItemProperty -Path $productPath
Write-Host $productProperty.VersionInfo.ProductVersion
Else {
Write-Host "Not find Microsoft Edge."
Source How to determine the version of Microsoft Edge browser by PowerShell
For Edge on Chromium above 44 version
Get-AppxPackage -Name *MicrosoftEdge.* | Foreach Version
powershell "Get-AppxPackage -Name *MicrosoftEdge.* | Foreach Version"
I tested using two commands back to back. I ran from an elevated PowerShell session New-PSSession -ComputerName "The remote PC I was testing this on." and then once the connection was made I ran the Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.MicsrosoftEdge and it pulled down the information, but I think it was more build information. You can also filter it down to version using the Pipe character. The full command looked like this.
Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | select-object Version
I found this forum and others that lead me to some of the other switches and parameters I did not know about.
How can I find the Microsoft Edge version on Windows 10 in powershell?
I was trying to find an alternate way of remotely finding out what browser version it was. Trying to verify if it is updating regularly. I am still learning. I hope this helps. I found another article that shows me exactly what I am looking for differently without powershell.
You may see multiple versions of Edge installed via Appx-Packages. I would recommend this approach:
$EdgeExe = Get-ItemPropertyValue 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\msedge.exe' "(default)"
$version = (Get-Item $EdgeExe).VersionInfo.ProductVersion