How to make this UI In Flutter - flutter

How to make this UI in Flutter Framwork

Rounded corner Card with text
Button with navigation to next card
Button surrounded by Progress bar with increase of 25% on each click on button, initial value is 25%
Cards are maybbe horizontaly scrollable


How can I do the scroll effect on Jumia UG website in Flutter Mobile

How can I do the scroll effect in this video in flutter?
Incase you'd like to test it out yourself, go to this site
Add some things to your cart. Notice that the proceed button is at the bottom of the screen. When you scroll beyond the total items bought, the bar sticks to the bottom of the screen. I need to do that.

I want to make a container under app bar which works like a secondary App Bar where I can put my back icon button and title in the center in flutter

I have tried everything. But I can't find a permanent solution How to put the title in the center while my back icon button on the left side. I want to use this secondary app bar on every screen of my app.
Please check the image below for a better understanding.
This is the problem that I am facing
Take a ListView Widget at body of Scaffold and in its children put first widget as a ListTile that comes under AppBar. So that there will be a leading icon and title in center. After that take a Column and add your needed widgets for every page.

How to remove the space at the bottom in Flutter?

I am a newbie Flutter developer. How do you make the beggar photo fill up to the space at the bottom?
if you want to remove the button bar that stays at the bottom of your app then this should help you
Note: this will also remove the android status bar at the top, if you just want your button bar removed SystemChrome.setEnabledSystemUIOverlays([SystemUiOverlay.bottom]); this should do it
In your Image widget there is a property called fit in that use
you can also add height/width as

How to expand appbar to show text inside app bar on click of action icon ion flutter?

I am building a app activity which has an app bar which has an icon in the center of the appbar and some text. I want to be able to show the text below t the icon with some transition inside the appbar on click of the icon mentioned before and make it disappear it is already showing.
I tried using sliver but I need the transition to happen with click event not scroll up and down event.

Facebook type ProgressBar on top of Listview

how to display and hide the progress bar on top of listview same as facebook in which loader display while only pull the listview toward bottom and the size of progressbar (loader) is set according to how much size produce by pulling the listview toward botttom?