Unable to check whether a boolean is true? - boolean

I am trying to check whether a boolean variable (boolVariable) is True (T) using the following code:
(defvar boolVariable T)
(if (= boolVariable T)
(print 'TRUE)
However, I get the following error:
=: T is not a number
This seems strange, considering that I thought that you can check whether variables equal booleans in Lisp?

Common Lisp's = compares only numbers and neither t nor boolVariable is number.
There are some other equality predicates like eq, eql, equal or equalp, but in this case, you can just use value of bool-variable (renamed in kebab-case):
(defvar bool-variable t)
(if bool-variable (print 'TRUE))
If with only then-form can be also replaced with when:
(defvar bool-variable t)
(when bool-variable (print 'TRUE))


lisp (prime number) code not working

this is a code that takes an input and prints if it is prime or not
the last if always prints "false" , why ?
(print "Enter a positive integer")
(setq num (read))
(setq i 2)
(setq prime t)
(if(=(rem num i)0)(setq prime nil) break)
(incf i)
(when (<= (/ num 2)i)(return t))
(if()(print "True")(print "False"))
In Common Lisp the false value, the empty list and the symbol nil is the same. Disregarding every line of code except the last is basically:
(if nil ; nil is false
(print "True")
(print "False"))
So here false is always false so it will always pick the alternative (print "False"). That is why.
Other errors:
In this code is setq variables i and prime without defineing them and since they will be special they should have been given *earmuffs* so that you see they are in contrast to lexical bindings.
The loop macro is slightly odd in the way it does not use any loop macro keywords. There is a evaluation of the variable break that seem to be undefined. The loop macro is a whole different syntax and language by itself that you need to learn in the same manner as lisp. It is not lispy in it's syntax.
You should abstract. Make functions that do some work good. Use them in you code. Here is what I gathered you wanted to do:
(defun primep (num)
(loop :for i :from 2 :to (/ num 2)
:never (zerop (rem num i))))

Common Lisp: How to quote parenthese in SBCL

In Common Lisp, the special operator quote makes whatever followed by un-evaluated, like
(quote a) -> a
(quote {}) -> {}
But why the form (quote ()) gives me nil? I'm using SBCL 1.2.6 and this is what I got in REPL:
CL-USER> (quote ())
More about this problem: This is some code from PCL Chapter 24
(defun as-keyword (sym)
(intern (string sym) :keyword))
(defun slot->defclass-slot (spec)
(let ((name (first spec)))
`(,name :initarg ,(as-keyword name) :accessor ,name)))
(defmacro define-binary-class (name slots)
`(defclass ,name ()
,(mapcar #'slot->defclass-slot slots)))
When the macro expand for the following code:
(define-binary-class id3-tag
which is NIL rather than () after the class name ID3-TAG.
nil and () are two ways to express the same concept (the empty list).
Traditionally, nil is used to emphasize the boolean value "false" rather than the empty list, and () is used the other way around.
The Common LISP HyperSpec says:
() ['nil], n. an alternative notation for writing the symbol nil, used
to emphasize the use of nil as an empty list.
Your observation is due to an object to having more than one representation. In Common Lisp the reader (that reads code and reads expressions) parses text to structure and data. When it's data the writer can print it out again but it won't know exactly how the data was represented when it was initially read in. The writer will print one object exactly one way, following defaults and settings, even though there are several representations for that object.
As you noticed nil, NIL, nIL, NiL, ... ,'nil, 'NIL, (), and '() are all read as the very same object. I'm not sure the standard dictates exactly how it's default representation out should be so I guess some implementations choose one of NIL, nil or maybe even ().
With cons the representation is dependent on the cdr being a cons/nil or not:
'(a . nil) ; ==> (a)
'(a . (b . c)) ; ==> (a b . c)
'(a . (b . nil)) ; ==> (a b)
With numbers the reader can get hints about which base you are using. If no base is used in the text it will use whatever *read-base* is:
(let ((*read-base* 2)) ; read numbers as boolean
(read-from-string "(10 #x10)")) ; ==> (2 16)
#x tells the reader to interpret the rest as a hexadecimal value. Now if your print-base would have been 4 the answer to the above would have been visualized as (2 100).
To sum it up.. A single value in Common Lisp may have several good representations and all of them would yield the very same value. How the value is printed will follow both implementation, settings and even arguments to the functions that produce them. Neither what it accepts as values in or the different ways it can visualize the value tells nothing about how the value actually gets stored internally.

Permanently mutate variable without explicit mention?

The scoping in Lisp is new to me and I think I've got it figured out, but the one area that confuses me a bit is how to mutate a global variable in a function without mentioning it specifically:
(defun empty-it (var)
"Remove everything from var."
(setf var nil))
Now, if I have *some-var* and call (empty-it *some-var*) it doesn't work, because the variables retains its contents from the scope prior to entering the function. Obviously, this works:
(defun empty-it-explicit ()
"Remove everything *some-var*."
(setf *some-var* nil))
Is it possible to have a general function that will clear the permanent contents of a stored variable, and have it work on any variable you pass to it? In other words, must you always explicitly mention a variable's name if you want it changed permanently?
(defun set-somevar-with-function (fn)
"Pass *some-var* into a function and set it to the results."
(setf *some-var* (funcall fn *some-var*)))
CL> (set-somevar-with-function #'empty-it)
Is this the correct Lisp idiom? If you had multiple vars you wanted to permanently mutate, would you have to write a separate function for each variable, each explicitly mentioning a different variable?
The scoping in Lisp is new to me and I think I've got it figured out,
but the one area that confuses me a bit is how to mutate a global
variable in a function without mentioning it specifically.
The scoping, aside from the availability of dynamically scoped variables, isn't really much different than what's available in other languages. E.g., in C, if you do something like:
void frob( int x ) {
x = 0;
int bar() {
int x = 3;
frob( x );
printf( "%d", x );
you'd expect to see 3 printed, not 0, because the x in frob and the x in bar are different variables. Modifying one doesn't change the value of the other. Now, in C you can take the address of a variable, and modify that variable through the pointer. You don't get pointers in Common Lisp, so you need something else if you want a layer of indirection. For lexical variables, you need to use closures for that purpose. For global variables (which are dynamically scoped), though, you can use the symbol that names the variable.
Direct modification of a variable (lexical or dynamic)
You can refer to global variables in the same way that you refer to any other variables in Common Lisp, by simply writing their name. You can modify them with setq or setf. E.g., you can do
(setq *x* 'new-value-of-x)
(setf *x* 'newer-value-of-x)
Indirect modification of a variable (dynamic only)
You can also take the symbol *x*, and use set or (setf symbol-value) to change the value:
(setf (symbol-value '*x*) 'newest-value-of-x)
(set '*x* 'newester-value-of-x)
Those cases give you some flexibility, because they mean that you can take the symbol as an argument, so you could do:
(defun set-somevar-with-function (var-name)
(setf (symbol-value var-name)
(funcall fn (symbol-value var-name))))
Understanding variable bindings (lexical and dynamic)
(Note: This is really just a rehashing of the C example above.) I think you understand why this bit of code that you posted doesn't work, but I want to mention a bit about it, just in case anyone with less experience comes across this question.
(defun empty-it (var)
"Remove everything from var."
(setf var nil))
Now, if I have *some-var* and call (empty-it *some-var*) it doesn't
work, because the variables retains its contents from the scope prior
to entering the function.
There's no unusual sense in which any variable is retaining or not retaining its value from one scope or another here. The evaluation model says that to evaluate (empty-it *some-var*), the system finds the function binding of empty-it and takes the value of *some-var*, let's call it x, and calls the function value of empty-it with the x. In doing that call, the variable var is bound to the value x. The call (setf var nil) modifies the variable var, and var has nothing to do with the variable *some-var*, except that for a while they happened to have the same value. Nothing here essentially depends on *some-var* being a global or dynamic variable, or on *some-var* and var having different names. You'd get the same results with another variable of the same name, e.g.:
(defun empty-it (var)
(setf var nil))
(let ((var 'value))
(empty-it var)
;=> 'value
You'd even get the same if the parameter of empty-it were called *some-var*:
(defun empty-it (*some-var*)
(setf *some-var* nil))
(setf *some-var* 'value)
(empty-it *some-var*)
;=> 'value
Beware of dynamic rebindings
Now, this will all work just fine if you're only modifying these variables, and you're never making new bindings for them. When you define a variable with defparameter or defvar, you're also globally proclaiming it special, i.e., dynamically scoped. The modifications done with set or setf are done to the most recent in scope binding of the variable. (When you modify a lexical variable, you're updating the innermost lexically enclosing binding.) This leads to results like the following:
(defparameter *x* 'first-value) ; AA
(defun call-and-modify (function name)
(setf (symbol-value name)
(funcall function
(symbol-value name))))
(let ((*x* 'second-value)) ; BB
(let ((*x* 'third-value)) ; CC
(print *x*) ; third-value (binding CC)
(call-and-modify (constantly 'fourth-value) '*x*)
(print *x*)) ; fourth-value (binding CC)
(print *x*)) ; second-value (binding BB)
(print *x*)) ; first-value (binding AA)
Symbols can be unbound with makunbound. Then the symbol is not just empty but gone. The danger, as always with mutation, is shared structure. hyperspec:makunbound
The symbol-function value of a symbol can be unbound with fmakunbound. hyperspec:fmakunbound
? (setf (symbol-value 'b) 42)
? (setf (symbol-function 'b)(lambda (x)(+ x 1)))
#<Anonymous Function #x210057DB6F>
? b
? (b 4)
? (fmakunbound 'b)
? b
? (b 4)
> Error: Undefined function B called with arguments (4) .
> ...[snipped]
> :pop
? b
? (makunbound 'b)
? b
> Error: Unbound variable: B
> ...[snipped]
> :pop
If you're looking for idiomatic lisp, I think (though I'm far from expert at lisp) the thing you want is to simply not have your function do the emptying. It can supply an empty value, just let that be it. So instead of having:
(defun empty-it (var)
(setf var nil))
; and then somewhere down the line calling:
(empty-it var)
You might do:
(defun empty ()
; and then somewhere down the line, call:
(setf var (empty))
Common-lisp is not limited to being (and maybe could be said simply not to be) a functional language, but for this, you'll want to take a (more) functional approach – meaning that your function may take a value, but it doesn't modify variables, it simply returns another value.
Of course, if your goal is to have the semantic expression of "make this thing empty", you could use a macro:
(defmacro empty-it (var)
`(setf ,var nil))
; and then, down the road, you can indeed call:
(empty-it var)
This would also be reasonably idiomatic.

Call several functions with the same value

I have various functions and I want to call each function with the same value. For instance,
I have these functions:
(defun OP1 (arg) ( + 1 arg) )
(defun OP2 (arg) ( + 2 arg) )
(defun OP3 (arg) ( + 3 arg) )
And a list containing the name of each function:
(defconstant *OPERATORS* '(OP1 OP2 OP3))
So far, I'm trying:
(defun TEST (argument) (dolist (n *OPERATORS*) (n argument) ) )
I've tried using eval, mapcar, and apply, but these haven't worked.
This is just a simplified example; the program that I'm writing has eight functions that are needed to expand nodes in a search tree, but for the moment, this example should suffice.
Other answers have provided some idiomatic solutions with mapcar. One pointed out that you might want a list of functions (which *operators* isn't) instead of a list of symbols (which *operators* is), but it's OK in Common Lisp to funcall a symbol. It's probably more common to use some kind of mapping construction (e.g., mapcar) for this, but since you've provided code using dolist, I think it's worth looking at how you can do this iteratively, too. Let's cover the (probably more idiomatic) solution with mapping first, though.
You have a fixed argument, argument, and you want to be able to take a function function and call it with that `argument. We can abstract this as a function:
(lambda (function)
(funcall function argument))
Now, we want to call this function with each of the operations that you've defined. This is simple to do with mapcar:
(defun test (argument)
(mapcar (lambda (function)
(funcall function argument))
Instead of operators, you could also write '(op1 op2 op3) or (list 'op1 'op2 'op3), which are lists of symbols, or (list #'op1 #'op2 #'op3) which is a list of functions. All of these work because funcall takes a function designator as its first argument, and a function designator is
an object that denotes a function and that is one of: a symbol (denoting the function named by that symbol in the global environment), or a function (denoting itself).
You can do this using dolist. The [documentation for actually shows that dolist has a few more tricks up its sleeve. The full syntax is from the documentation
dolist (var list-form [result-form]) declaration* {tag | statement}*
We don't need to worry about declarations here, and we won't be using any tags, but notice that optional result-form. You can specify a form to produce the value that dolist returns; you don't have to accept its default nil. The common idiom for collecting values into a list in an iterative loop is to push each value into a new list, and then return the reverse of that list. Since the new list doesn't share structure with anything else, we usually reverse it destructively using nreverse. Your loop would become
(defun test (argument)
(let ((results '()))
(dolist (op *operators* (nreverse results))
(push (funcall op argument) results))))
Stylistically, I don't like that let that just introduces a single value, and would probably use an &aux variable in the function (but this is a matter of taste, not correctness):
(defun test (argument &aux (results '()))
(dolist (op *operators* (nreverse results))
(push (funcall op argument) results)))
You could also conveniently use loop for this:
(defun test2 (argument)
(loop for op in *operators*
collect (funcall op argument)))
You can also do somewhat succinctly, but perhaps less readably, using do:
(defun test3a (argument)
(do ((results '() (list* (funcall (first operators) argument) results))
(operators *operators* (rest operators)))
((endp operators) (nreverse results))))
This says that on the first iteration, results and operators are initialized with '() and *operators*, respectively. The loop terminates when operators is the empty list, and whenever it terminates, the return value is (nreverse results). On successive iterations, results is a assigned new value, (list* (funcall (first operators) argument) results), which is just like pushing the next value onto results, and operators is updated to (rest operators).
FUNCALL works with symbols.
From the department of silly tricks.
(defconstant *operators* '(op1 op2 o3))
(defun test (&rest arg)
(setf (cdr arg) arg)
(mapcar #'funcall *operators* arg))
There's a library, which is almost mandatory in any anywhat complex project: Alexandria. It has many useful functions, and there's also something that would make your code prettier / less verbose and more conscious.
Say, you wanted to call a number of functions with the same value. Here's how you'd do it:
(ql:quickload "alexandria")
(use-package :alexandria)
(defun example-rcurry (value)
"Calls `listp', `string' and `numberp' with VALUE and returns
a list of results"
(let ((predicates '(listp stringp numberp)))
(mapcar (rcurry #'funcall value) predicates)))
(example-rcurry 42) ;; (NIL NIL T)
(example-rcurry "42") ;; (NIL T NIL)
(defun example-compose (value)
"Calls `complexp' with the result of calling `sqrt'
with the result of calling `parse-integer' on VALUE"
(let ((predicates '(complexp sqrt parse-integer)))
(funcall (apply #'compose predicates) value)))
(example-compose "0") ;; NIL
(example-compose "-1") ;; T
Functions rcurry and compose are from Alexandria package.

Stripping duplicate elements in a list of strings in elisp

Given a list such as
(list "foo" "bar" nil "moo" "bar" "moo" nil "affe")
how would I build a new list with the duplicate strings removed, as well as the nils stripped, i.e.
(list "foo" "bar" "moo" "affe")
The order of the elements needs to be preserved - the first occurence of a string may not be removed.
The lists I'm dealing with here are short, so there's no need to use anything like a hash table for the uniqueness check, although doing so certainly wouldn't hurt either. However, using cl functionality is not a viable option.
Try "Sets and Lists" in the "Lists" section of the Emacs Lisp Reference Manual:
(delq nil (delete-dups (list "foo" "bar" nil "moo" "bar" "moo" nil "affe")))
The Common Lisp package contains many list manipulation functions, in particular remove-duplicates.
(require 'cl)
(remove-duplicates (list "foo" "bar" nil "moo" "bar" "moo" nil "affe")
:test (lambda (x y) (or (null y) (equal x y)))
:from-end t)
Yes, I realize you said you didn't want to use cl. But I'm still mentioning this as the right way to do it for other people who might read this thread.
(Why is cl not viable for you anyway? It's been shipped with Emacs for about 20 years now, not counting less featured past incarnations.)
If you use dash.el library, that's all you need:
(-distinct (-non-nil '(1 1 nil 2 2 nil 3)) ; => (1 2 3)
dash.el is written by Magnar Sveen and it's a great list manipulation library with many functions for all kinds of tasks. I recommend to install it if you write lots of Elisp code. Function -distinct removes duplicate elements in a list, -non-nil removes nil elements. While the above code is sufficient, below I describe an alternative approache, so feel free to ignore the rest of the post.
-non-nil was added in version 2.9, so if for some reason you have to use earlier versions, another way to achieve the same is to use -keep with built-in identity function, which just returns whatever it is given: (identity 1) ; => 1. The idea is that -keep keeps only elements, for which the predicate returns true (“non-nil” in Lisp jargon). identity obviously returns non-nil only for whatever values that are not nil:
(-distinct (-keep 'identity '(1 1 nil 2 2 nil 3)) ; => (1 2 3)
This is a short example:
(delete-duplicates '("~/.emacs.d" "~/.emacs.d") :test #'string-equal) ;; '("~/emacs.d")
Basically you use the :test keyword to select the function string-equal to test if the elements are duplicated.
Else the default function test doesn't check string equality.
Here ya go:
(defun strip-duplicates (list)
(let ((new-list nil))
(while list
(when (and (car list) (not (member (car list) new-list)))
(setq new-list (cons (car list) new-list)))
(setq list (cdr list)))
(nreverse new-list)))