How i can hide and show app bar with animation flutter - flutter

Here is my code
return Scaffold(
body: SafeArea(
realEstatesProvider) ? AppBar (),
child: IndexedStack(
children: layoutProvider.screens,
index: layoutProvider.currentIndex),
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(), );

If you want to show an app bar and hide it when you want you would want to use the SliverAppBar widget witch allows you to make an app bar of your choice and allows to dissapear it when scrolling and other options with animations.


Move endDrawer above bottomNavigationBar in Flutter

We have a endDrawer that is displaying behind the bottomNavigationBar. We want it to display over the navigation bar.
We may need a refactor but for now, we have a main Scaffold like so:
return Scaffold(
key: shellKey,
drawer: const MainDrawer(),
body: child,
extendBody: true,
bottomNavigationBar: const ExpandingBottomDrawer(),
The router pushes the child to this Scaffold via
ShellRoute(builder: (context, state, child) => AppLayout(child: child),...)
The children are also Scaffolds that have independent endDrawers. In the children, I am triggering opening the endDrawer via _key.currentState!.openEndDrawer(),.
The issue is the endDrawer is visibly behind the bottomNavigationBar. I understand this can be fixed if the endDrawer was on the main Scaffold, but the app is not set up that way and it would be a huge refactor. Is this possible without a refactor?
Thank you!!
You can use another Scaffold widget.
return Scaffold(
drawer: const Drawer(),
bottomNavigationBar: Container(
child: Text("Bottom navBar"),
body: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(),
drawer: const Drawer(),
There might be a better way of handling this.

Flutter Inherited Custom AppBar disappear on TextField tap

I'm using a custom appBar and a bottomNavigationBar in a Scaffold, per below code:
return Scaffold(
appBar: LogoAppBar(),
drawer: topDrawer(),
body: _pageOptions[_selectedTab],
bottomNavigationBar: BottomNavigationBar(...)
When I navigate via the BottomNavigationBar the custom AppBar sticks at the top of the new screen, just like I want it to.
However, when I navigate and thereafter tap on a TextField on the new screen to enter some text, the inherited AppBar automatically disappear (when the keyboard shows up).
The full code for this screen is rather long and therefore rather impractical to post here, but it basically boils down to the following:
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
body: Column(
children: [
children: [
TextField(...), // with a textSearchController
child: ListViewBuilder(...) // showing a list based on the search
Is there any way to make the AppBar from the inherited class stick without putting a new appBar in the Scaffold in the class I navigated to?
Try removing Scaffold as you are already calling it once in the main screen.
return Column(
children: [
children: [
TextField(...), // with a textSearchController
child: ListViewBuilder(...)
Ujjwal's suggestion was incredibly helpful. I removed the Scaffold and unfortunately the problem persisted, but it made me realize that I had also wrapped the LogoAppBar() code in a Scaffold. Once I removed the Scaffold from the LogoAppBar() it all worked!

How do I make bottomsheet swipe up from anywhere in scaffold flutter

I am trying to make a launcher in flutter, however I cannot figure out how to make a drawer that can be swiped up from the home screen, like in other launchers like nova or poco or many others. I understand that the app drawer closely matches a bottom sheet, but bottom sheets in flutter need to be first tapped on them and then dragged. How do I drag a widget up from anywhere on the scaffold?
To obtain the functionality you're looking for use this package: flutter slider
with code as simple as this you can obtain the slideup bottom sheet like functionality:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("SlidingUpPanelExample"),
body: SlidingUpPanel(
panel: Center(
child: Text("This is the sliding Widget"),
body: Center(
child: Text("This is the Widget behind the sliding panel"),

How do I align these widgets?

I am making a practice app in flutter and stuck on this:
How can i align widgets such that;
1. An icon stays at extreme left of appbar
2. Text widget stays in middle.
3. button stays at extreme right of appbar.
here is the image for what i am talking about
use actions property in appbar and then as a child use a row. in that row you can use MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween or MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround for arranging items.
You can do it using AppBar widget.
Note: If you want to implement drawer then use drawer property.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("Title"),
centerTitle: true,
leading: Icon(,
actions: [Icon(Icons.comment)],
body: Container(),
AppBar(title:Text("Your Text),leading:Icon(,actions:[Icon(Icons.favourite)])
Try this code

Transparent overlapping appbar

I'm trying to find a way to have a transparent appbar that overlaps the page content. I know I can use a SliverAppBar to show the appbar initially, and then have it slide out of view when scrolling, which is good. I can even give it a transparent background color. However, when you scroll to the top of the page, it always makes room for the bar to sit above the page content.
What I want is for the page content to be flush with the top of the page, as if there is no appbar, and then have a transparent appbar slide into view like a SliverAppBar does, so that I just have some action buttons overlapping the top of the page.
How can I pull that off? Is there a way to stack the appbar or change margins so it doesn't take space?
You can just put a scaffold and your "page" in a stack(), make sure the scaffold is the last item in the stack. You can get creative an add animations for the app bars yourself or even use the sliver app bar, just make sure you use the same scroll controller for your app bar and content.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Stack(
children: <Widget>[
// Your content
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("heading"),
bottom: AppBar(
title: Text("footer"),