Inject multiples interfaces is against SOLID? - interface

I got the following class:
public MealService( IFoodRepository foodRepository,
IOrderRepository orderRepository,
IDishListRepository dishListRepository)
_inputValidator = inputValidator;
_foodRepository = foodRepository;
_orderRepository = orderRepository;
_dishListRepository = dishListRepository;
... then, some code here
at the end of the process, I do:
private async Task<Order> CreateOrderAsync(int dayTime, List<Item> items)
Order order = new Order();
DishList dl;
Food food;
foreach (Item it in items)
dl = await _dishListRepository.GetAsync(dayTime, it.DishType);
food = await _foodRepository.GetAsync(dl.FoodId);
it.Food = food.Name;
await _orderRepository.AddAsync(order);
return order;
Am I going against the Single responsability principle (the 'S' in SOLID)? I mean, could injecting too many interfaces into a class mean that the class has too many responsibilities?
Thanks in advance.

The answer is most probably yes. Usually too many parameters is a typical code smell. Please see chapter #3 in Uncle Bob's Clean Code. He devoted 4 pages to the subject. Here is a short quote from there:
The ideal number of arguments for a function is zero (niladic). Next comes one (monadic), followed closely by two (dyadic). Three arguments (triadic) should be avoided where possible. More than three (polyadic) requires very special justification -- and then shouldn't be used anyway.


Protobuf without serialization

As the name suggests I was wondering if it makes sense to use Protobuf without the requirement of having to serialize the data in any form at the moment (might change in future). I mean to use them purely as data structures to pass Information from one function to the other, all executed in the same address space. Or do you feel it may be an Overkill and see other alternatives.
I have to design a lib that implements certain interfaces. At the moment, my collegues have implemented it using several functions taking arguments ..
void readA(int iIP1, int iIP2, Result& oOP)
void readB(std::string iIP1, Result& oOP)
void readC(std::vector<int> iIP1, Result& oOP)
I want to change this and provide just one interface function:
void ReadFn(ReadMsg& ip, ReadResult& res);
And the data structures are defined in Protobuf as below ..
message ReadMsg {
enum ReadWhat {
A = 0;
B = 1;
C = 2;
message readA {
int32 iIP1 = 1;
int32 iIP2 = 2;
message readB {
string IP1 = 1;
message readC {
repeated int IP1 = 1;
oneof actRead {
readA rA = 1;
readB rB = 2;
readC rC = 3;
It offers many advantages over traditional interface design(using functions), with very Little effort from my side. And it will be future proof should these components be deployed as Services in different processes/machines (ofcourse with additional implementation). But given that Protocol Buffers strength is their serialization Features, which I do not make use of at the moment, would you choose to use them in such trivial Tasks ?
Thank you
It can make sense to group function arguments into a struct if there are many of them. And it can make sense to combine your readA, readB and readC functions into a single function if they share a lot of common parts.
What doesn't, however, make sense in my opinion is introducing a separate .proto file and a protobuf dependency if you are not going to use it for serialization. Similar features for grouping data into reusable structures already exist in most languages. And when you use the built-in features of the language, all the code remains in the same place and is easier to understand.

Stackoverflow Exception using PredicateBuilder with Entity Framework

I have Predicate builder, which is having predicate and inner predicate and building a dynamic filter based on conditions, let's say I am selecting one department, under that department I am getting list of employees, once I get the list of employees, I need to load the respective records for each and every employee who belongs to the selected department.
Implementation is already done long back and it works fine if department is having not too many employees, once it goes beyond 500 or 1000, the predicate builder is causing a stack overflow. Please see my code snippet for this - I am using .net framework 4.5.2.
Getting stackoverflow exception when assigning to inner predicate at this line with in loop, when record is beyond 1000 or 500, it loops based on the employee records.
Expression<Func<EmployeeTable, bool>> predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<EmployeeTable>();
var innerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<EmployeeTable>();
case FilterBy.EmployeeName:
if (!isEmpNameFilterExists)
foreach (string empName in item.FieldCollection)
innerPredicate = innerPredicate.Or(x => x.Name.Equals(empName,
predicate = predicate.And(innerPredicate.Expand());
This might happen due to the (usually sufficient) but small stack for .NET applications ( Evaluation on predicates is usually done as part of lamda functions and they use the stack. I do not now the predicate library in detail but I assume a use of recursive functions.
Anyhow: I would suggest to use Contains by building a List<string> containing the names:
Expression<Func<EmployeeTable, bool>> predicate =
var innerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<EmployeeTable>();
case FilterBy.EmployeeName:
if (!isEmpNameFilterExists)
List<string> namesList = new List<string>();
foreach (string empName in item.FieldCollection)
predicate = predicate.And(x => namesList.Contains(x.Name));
Note: Please check the syntax as I do not have a VS environment available at the moment.
I have added my own Expression builder engine, i.e. much better way to generate the Predicate.
PredicateBuilder works well with LINQ to Object, With EntityFramework its having the issue, because it generates the Lambda methods with full namespace of models and keep on adding with multiple search criteria. I felt like its having the limitations with large number of filters in Entity framework. In my case i was passing 728 count to just one field of Model, it was breaking with Stack-overflow exceptions.
728 lambdas method would be adding to the stack with full specific NAMESPACES.
Custom Expression is working totally fine in my case. Please find below Source code for the same.
var entityType = typeof(Emptable);
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(entityType, "a");
var containsMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("Equals", new[] { typeof(string) });
//Switch Statement for EmployeeName Filter.
case FilterBy.EmployeeName:
if (!isEmpNameFilterExists)
var propertyExpression = Expression.Property(parameter, "EmployeeName");
foreach (string empName in item.FieldCollection)
var innerExpression = Expression.Call(propertyExpression, containsMethod, Expression.Constant(empName));
body = Expression.OrElse(body, innerExpression);

Workarounds for RX glitches?

I'm experimenting with Reactive Extensions on various platforms, and one thing that annoys me a bit are the glitches.
Even though for UI code these glitches might not be that problematic, and usually one can find an operator that works around them, I still find debugging code more difficult in the presence of glitches: the intermediate results are not important to debug, but my mind does not know when a result is intermediate or "final".
Having worked a bit with pure functional FRP in Haskell and synchronous data-flow systems, it also 'feels' wrong, but that is of course subjective.
But when hooking RX to non-UI actuators (like motors or switches), I think glitches are more problematic. How would one make sure that only the correct value is send to the external actuators?
Maybe this can be solved by some 'dispatcher' that knows when some 'external sensor' fired the initiating event, so that all internal events are handled before forwarding the final result(s) to the actuators. Something like described in the flapjax paper.
The question(s) I hope to get answers for are:
Is there something in RX that makes fixing glitches for synchronous notifications impossible?
If not, does a (preferably production quality) library or approach exists for RX that fixes synchronous glitches? Especially for the single-threaded Javascript this might make sense?
If no general solution exists, how would RX be used to control external sensors/actuators without glitches at the actuators?
Let me give an example
Suppose I want to print a sequence of tuples (a,b) where the contract is
a=n b=10 * floor(n/10)
n is a natural number stream = 0,1,2....
So I expect the following sequence
(a=0, b=0)
(a=1, b=0)
(a=2, b=0)
(a=9, b=0)
(a=10, b=10)
(a=11, b=10)
In RX, to make things more interesting, I will use filter for computing the b stream
var n = Observable
var a = n.Select(t => "a=" + t);
var b = n.Where(t => t % 10 == 0)
.Select(t => "b=" + t);
var ab = a.CombineLatest(b, Tuple.Create);
This gives what I believed to be a glitch (temporary violation of the invariant/contract):
(a=0, b=0)
(a=1, b=0)
(a=2, b=0)
(a=10, b=0) <-- glitch?
(a=10, b=10)
(a=11, b=10)
I realize that this is the correct behavior of CombineLatest, but I also thought this was called a glitch because in a real pure FRP system, you do not get these intermediate-invariant-violating results.
Note that in this example, I would not be able to use Zip, and also WithLatestFrom would give an incorrect result.
Of course I could just simplify this example into one monadic computation, never multi-casting the n stream occurrences (this would mean not being able to filter but just map), but that's not the point: IMO in RX you always get a 'glitch' whenever you split and rejoin an observable stream:
/ \
a b
\ /
For example, in FlapJAX you don't get these problems.
Does any of this make sense?
Thanks a lot,
Update: Let me try to answer my own question in an RX context.
First of all, it seems my understanding of what a "glitch" is, was wrong. From a pure FRP standpoint, what looked like glitches in RX to me, seems actually correct behavior in RX.
So I guess that in RX we need to be explicit about the "time" at which we expect to actuate values combined from sensors.
In my own example, the actuator is the console, and the sensor the interval n.
So if I change my code
then only the "correct" values are printed.
This does mean that when we get an observable sequence that combines values from sensors, that we must know all the original sensors, merge them all, and sample the values with that merged signal before sending any values to actuators...
So an alternative approach would be to "lift" IObservable into a "Sensed" structure that remembers and merges the originating sensors, for example like this:
public struct Sensed<T>
public IObservable<T> Values;
public IObservable<Unit> Sensors;
public Sensed(IObservable<T> values, IObservable<Unit> sensors)
Values = values;
Sensors = sensors;
public IObservable<Unit> MergeSensors(IObservable<Unit> sensors)
return sensors == Sensors ? Sensors : Sensors.Merge(sensors);
public IObservable<T> MergeValues(IObservable<T> values)
return values == Values ? Values : Values.Merge(values);
And then we must transfer all RX method to this "Sensed" structure:
public static class Sensed
public static Sensed<T> Sensor<T>(this IObservable<T> source)
var hotSource = source.Publish().RefCount();
return new Sensed<T>(hotSource, hotSource.Select(_ => Unit.Default));
public static Sensed<long> Interval(TimeSpan period)
return Observable.Interval(period).Sensor();
public static Sensed<TOut> Lift<TIn, TOut>(this Sensed<TIn> source, Func<IObservable<TIn>, IObservable<TOut>> lifter)
return new Sensed<TOut>(lifter(source.Values), source.Sensors);
public static Sensed<TOut> Select<TIn, TOut>(this Sensed<TIn> source, Func<TIn, TOut> func)
return source.Lift(values => values.Select(func));
public static Sensed<T> Where<T>(this Sensed<T> source, Func<T, bool> func)
return source.Lift(values => values.Where(func));
public static Sensed<T> Merge<T>(this Sensed<T> source1, Sensed<T> source2)
return new Sensed<T>(source1.MergeValues(source2.Values), source1.MergeSensors(source2.Sensors));
public static Sensed<TOut> CombineLatest<TIn1, TIn2, TOut>(this Sensed<TIn1> source1, Sensed<TIn2> source2, Func<TIn1, TIn2, TOut> func)
return new Sensed<TOut>(source1.Values.CombineLatest(source2.Values, func), source1.MergeSensors(source2.Sensors));
public static IDisposable Actuate<T>(this Sensed<T> source, Action<T> next)
return source.Values.Sample(source.Sensors).Subscribe(next);
My example then becomes:
var n = Sensed.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
var a = n.Select(t => "a=" + t);
var b = n.Where(t => t % 10 == 0).Select(t => "b=" + t);
var ab = a.CombineLatest(b, Tuple.Create);
And again only the "desired" values are passed to the actuator, but with this design, the originating sensors are remember in the Sensed structure.
I'm not sure if any of this makes "sense" (pun intended), maybe I should just let go of my desire for pure FRP, and live with it. After all, time is relative ;-)

average of counts with Laravel 5

We have two classes: Module and Resource, with a module having many resources:
class Module extends Model {
public function resources() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Resource');
and a resource belonging to a Module:
class Resource extends Model {
public function module() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Module');
I need to show a list of all the modules with:
The number of resources for each each module
The average of resources per module
The first one is added to the Module model so it can be used with eager loading:
public function resourcesCount() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Resource')
->selectRaw('module_id, count(*) AS aggregate')
However, I can't find an efficient and elegant way to calculate the average of the counts calculated by resourcesCount. I know I could iterate through the results of
$modules = Module::with('resourcesCount')->get();
and do it manually, but I feel there's something better out there.
EDIT: forgot to say that I modified the accessor for the resourcesCountAttribute:
public function getResourcesCountAttribute() {
if (!$this->relationLoaded('resourcesCount'))
$related = $this->getRelation('resourcesCount');
return ($related) ? (int) $related->aggregate : 0;
So I can use 'resourcesCount' (See my response), rather than having to use 'resourcesCount.aggregate'.
I found out an acceptable way to do so, using the collection's methods.
// Returns an elloquent collection
$modules = Module::with('resourcesCount')->get();
// counts sums divided by the number of
$avgResources = $modules->sum('resourcesCount') / $modules->count();
The only way would be to do it through iteration or in a separate DB::select() statement, relying on things like GROUP BY and AVERAGE().

Handling errors in an observable sequence using Rx

Is there a way to have an observable sequence to resume execution with the next element in the sequence if an error occurs?
From this post it looks like you need to specify a new observable sequence in Catch() to resume execution, but what if you needed to just continue processing with the next element in the sequence instead? Is there a way to achieve this?
The scenario is as follows:
I have a bunch of elements that I need to process. The processing is made up of a bunch of steps. I have
decomposed the steps into tasks that I would like to compose.
I followed the guidelines for ToObservable() posted here
to convert by tasks to an observables for composition.
so basically I'm doing somethng like so -
foreach(element in collection)
var result = from aResult in DoAAsync(element).ToObservable()
from bResult in DoBAsync(aResult).ToObservable()
from cResult in DoCAsync(bResult).ToObservable()
select cResult;
result.subscribe( register on next and error handlers here)
or I could something like this:
var result =
from element in collection.ToObservable()
from aResult in DoAAsync(element).ToObservable()
from bResult in DoBAsync(aResult).ToObservable()
from cResult in DoCAsync(bResult).ToObservable()
select cResult;
What is the best way here to continue processing other elements even if let's say the processing of
one of the elements throws an exception. I would like to be able to log the error and move on ideally.
Both James & Richard made some good points, but I don't think they have given you the best method for solving your problem.
James suggested using .Catch(Observable.Never<Unit>()). He was wrong when he said that "will ... allow the stream to continue" because once you hit an exception the stream must end - that is what Richard pointed out when he mentioned the contract between observers and observables.
Also, using Never in this way will cause your observables to never complete.
The short answer is that .Catch(Observable.Empty<Unit>()) is the correct way to change a sequence from one that ends with an error to one that ends with completion.
You've hit on the right idea of using SelectMany to process each value of the source collection so that you can catch each exception, but you're left with a couple of issues.
You're using tasks (TPL) just to turn a function call into an observable. This forces your observable to use task pool threads which means that the SelectMany statement will likely produce values in a non-deterministic order.
Also you hide the actual calls to process your data making refactoring and maintenance harder.
I think you're better off creating an extension method that allows the exceptions to be skipped. Here it is:
public static IObservable<R> SelectAndSkipOnException<T, R>(
this IObservable<T> source, Func<T, R> selector)
.Select(t =>
Observable.Start(() => selector(t)).Catch(Observable.Empty<R>()))
With this method you can now simply do this:
var result =
.SelectAndSkipOnException(t =>
var a = DoA(t);
var b = DoB(a);
var c = DoC(b);
return c;
This code is much simpler, but it hides the exception(s). If you want to hang on to the exceptions while letting your sequence continue then you need to do some extra funkiness. Adding a couple of overloads to the Materialize extension method works to keep the errors.
public static IObservable<Notification<R>> Materialize<T, R>(
this IObservable<T> source, Func<T, R> selector)
return source.Select(t => Notification.CreateOnNext(t)).Materialize(selector);
public static IObservable<Notification<R>> Materialize<T, R>(
this IObservable<Notification<T>> source, Func<T, R> selector)
Func<Notification<T>, Notification<R>> f = nt =>
if (nt.Kind == NotificationKind.OnNext)
return Notification.CreateOnNext<R>(selector(nt.Value));
catch (Exception ex)
ex.Data["Value"] = nt.Value;
ex.Data["Selector"] = selector;
return Notification.CreateOnError<R>(ex);
if (nt.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError)
return Notification.CreateOnError<R>(nt.Exception);
return Notification.CreateOnCompleted<R>();
return source.Select(nt => f(nt));
These methods allow you to write this:
var result =
.Materialize(t =>
var a = DoA(t);
var b = DoB(a);
var c = DoC(b);
return c;
.Do(nt =>
if (nt.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError)
/* Process the error in `nt.Exception` */
.Where(nt => nt.Kind != NotificationKind.OnError)
You can even chain these Materialize methods and use ex.Data["Value"] & ex.Data["Selector"] to get the value and selector function that threw the error out.
I hope this helps.
The contract between IObservable and IObserver is OnNext*(OnCompelted|OnError)? which is upheld by all operators, even if not by the source.
Your only choice is to re-subscribe to the source using Retry, but if the source returns the IObservable instance for every description you won't see any new values.
Could you supply more information on your scenario? Maybe there is another way of looking at it.
Edit: Based on your updated feedback, it sounds like you just need Catch:
var result =
from element in collection.ToObservable()
from aResult in DoAAsync(element).ToObservable().Log().Catch(Observable.Empty<TA>())
from bResult in DoBAsync(aResult).ToObservable().Log().Catch(Observable.Empty<TB>())
from cResult in DoCAsync(bResult).ToObservable().Log().Catch(Observable.Empty<TC>())
select cResult;
This replaces an error with an Empty which would not trigger the next sequence (since it uses SelectMany under the hood.