Driving Navigation using google maps in flutter - flutter

I am using google maps in my flutter app, I have done drawn paths from one point to another using flutter_polyline_points, Now I want to get turn by turn navigation as mentioned in this attached picture, is this possible in flutter, or how I will achieve this

This is Google Map Turn by Turn Navigation View. You can launch it using Android Intent Plus lib
AndroidIntent mapIntent = AndroidIntent(
package: 'com.google.android.apps.maps',
data: 'google.navigation:q=$yourDestinationLat,$yourDestinationLng'
Read more at this link


How to launch google map navigation with multi stop through my android app

I want to launch google map navigation with two destinations,example my last destination is 'x' and while i'm going for that in middle i want to go to place 'y',so i want to show navigation from my current place to 'y' place and finally 'x' place,so how would i do in my app any suggestions please.
Here how you can do it.
Uri gmmIntentUri = Uri.parse("google.navigation:q=Taronga+Zoo,+Sydney+Australia");
Intent mapIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, gmmIntentUri);
For more please visit:

RE:Create a button which when pressed it replaces an existing object on the screen to another object in Smartface App Studio?

After seeing #catherinelagoon's post I also having difficulty in quite understand how to replace an object using a button so is it possible to create a button which when pressed it replaces an existing object on the screen to another object in Smartface App Studio?
I tried using the answer provided in the post however I couldn't understand it much due to I'm a beginner in using Smartface App Studio and coding itself.
Thankyou and sorry for any inconvienience
After you create an image you should add it to a Page so it can show on that page. So here is a simple code for creating and showing an image on the page.
var image = new SMF.UI.Image({
visible: false
function Page1_TextButton1_OnPressed(e) {
image.visible = true;

change openstreetmap TYP in an android app?

I use an OSM map in an android application using the osmdroid package and it works fine. The only thing I want to change is the visual appearance of the map to a typ, which is called "outdoor" style. I tried all the possibilities given in the setTileSource()-Function, but no map displays the map like in the piicture below. Is there a simple way to set a parameter somewhere to get the desired appearance of the map? I have seen some app's using this appearance. Thanks!
this is what I want to display

How to add a TabbarController using phone gap for iPhone App

I am making a iPhone app using phone gap in that I want to add a tab bar Controller either using HTML or by using native components to it. Can anyone suggest to me how to do that.
If you are using phonegap/cordova versions 1.5+ you can create a native tabbar with this plugin: https://github.com/AndiDog/phonegap-ios-tabbar-plugin
Other phonegap/cordova plugins can be found here: https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins/tree/master/iOS
Here's a tutorial how to implement this: http://zsprawl.com/iOS/2012/03/using-the-native-tabbar-plugin-in-cordova/
This is of course the best approach. Other one would be to use a jQuery Mobile and create a HTML tabbar. This is a harder way because it will take time to style it properly and even then it would not fully act as a native tabbar.

How to add Google analytics to android app widget?

I've been struggle to had Google analytics to my app widget, without any success, The code works fine when using from Activity but not from the app widget.
Hi use this code inside your AppWidgetProvider onEnabled() method
Tracker t = ((MyApplication) context.getApplicationContext()).getTracker(
// Set screen name.
// Send a screen view.
t.send(new HitBuilders.AppViewBuilder().build());