Ortools VRP error when trying to merge penalties and different start-end depots - or-tools

I'm trying to solve a VRP problem allowing dropping nodes through penalties and multiple depots.
Code works fine with penalties and vehicles starting and ending at the same depots:
data['num_vehicles'] = 2
data['start'] = [0, 4]
data['end'] = [0, 4]
Code works fine with vehicles starting and ending at different depots, commenting the for loop to AddDisjunction for penalties (without allowing dropping nodes):
data['num_vehicles'] = 2
data['start'] = [0, 4]
data['end'] = [0, 9]
#for node in range(1, len(data['penalties'])):
# routing.AddDisjunction([manager.NodeToIndex(node)], data['penalties'][node])
But with vehicles starting and ending at different depots and trying to add penalties to allow dropping nodes, python crashes with the error (debugging I can see that fails at adding the penalty of the different end depot):
F00-1 -1:-1:-1.000244 24944 routing.cc:1622] Check failed: kUnassigned != indices[i] (-1 vs. -1)
I cannot find any reference about this error. I looked at routing.cc source code around line 1622, but I cannot see any relation with the error. I need help to fix the problem.
Here is the souce code:
from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
def create_data_model():
"""Stores the data for the problem."""
data = {}
data['distance_matrix'] = [
[0, 2253, 2479, 2792, 4707, 6128, 1567, 5643, 1234, 3345, 1827],
[1731, 0, 2193, 2507, 3624, 5040, 3467, 2921, 5791, 1546, 2345],
[1867, 2112, 0, 676, 4406, 5824, 988, 4567, 2134, 4453, 2123],
[2339, 2585, 893, 0, 4879, 6302, 1543, 1298, 6890, 1456, 5623],
[4464, 3766, 5935, 4957, 0, 1749, 987, 3212, 3451, 5212, 3321],
[6568, 5862, 8023, 7055, 2148, 0, 4567, 2124, 4321, 3212, 1234],
[731, 2193, 2507, 7624, 4040, 4467, 0, 2621, 3791, 1567, 1345],
[1731, 3193, 1507, 3624, 6040, 2467, 4921, 0, 5791, 6723, 1345],
[2731, 3193, 2507, 6204, 5040, 1467, 2210, 6791, 0, 2567, 6421],
[3345, 1543, 4421, 1531, 5213, 3215, 1512, 6213, 2431, 0, 5673],
[1832, 2421, 2144, 5232, 3214, 1234, 1432, 1231, 6321, 5461, 0],
data['node_time'] = [0, 7200, 3600, 5400, 0, 5400, 7200, 3600, 7200, 0, 300]
data['num_vehicles'] = 2
data['start'] = [0, 4]
data['end'] = [0, 9]
# Penalizaciones por no visitar nodos (drop nodes) en caso de que no tenga solución:
# MAXINT 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFF: Hace obligatoria la visita al nodo, no se puede eliminar de la solución
# 1000000: Se puede no visitar el nodo con penalización. La penalización debe ser grande, mayor que 10x veces el mayor tiempo de visita, para evitar que salga mas rentable dejar caer el nodo que pagar la penalización
# 0: En los nodos "depósito" de vehículos, no son visitas intermedias sino inicio y fin de la ruta.
data['penalties'] = [0, 1000000, 1000000, 1000000, 0, 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 1000000, 1000000, 0, 1000000]
return data
def print_solution(data, manager, routing, solution):
"""Prints solution on console."""
print(f'Objective: {solution.ObjectiveValue()}')
# Display dropped nodes.
dropped_nodes = 'Nodos sin visitar:'
for node in range(routing.Size()):
if routing.IsStart(node) or routing.IsEnd(node):
if solution.Value(routing.NextVar(node)) == node:
dropped_nodes += ' {}'.format(manager.IndexToNode(node))
print(dropped_nodes + '\n')
max_route_distance = 0
for vehicle_id in range(data['num_vehicles']):
index = routing.Start(vehicle_id)
plan_output = 'Ruta para vehículo {}:\n'.format(vehicle_id)
route_distance = 0
while not routing.IsEnd(index):
plan_output += ' {} -> '.format(manager.IndexToNode(index))
previous_index = index
index = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
route_distance += routing.GetArcCostForVehicle(
previous_index, index, vehicle_id)
plan_output += '{}\n'.format(manager.IndexToNode(index))
plan_output += 'Tiempo de la ruta: {}sg\n'.format(route_distance)
max_route_distance = max(route_distance, max_route_distance)
print('Maximo tiempo de las rutas: {}sg'.format(max_route_distance))
def main():
"""Entry point of the program."""
# Instantiate the data problem.
data = create_data_model()
# Create the routing index manager.
manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(len(data['distance_matrix']),
data['num_vehicles'], data['start'], data['end'])
# Create Routing Model.
routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager)
# Create and register a transit callback.
def distance_callback(from_index, to_index):
"""Returns the distance between the two nodes."""
# Convert from routing variable Index to distance matrix NodeIndex.
from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index)
to_node = manager.IndexToNode(to_index)
tiempo_desplazamiento = data['distance_matrix'][from_node][to_node]
tiempo_ejecucion = data['node_time'][to_node]
return tiempo_desplazamiento + tiempo_ejecucion
transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(distance_callback)
# Define cost of each arc.
# Add Distance constraint.
0, # no slack
27000, # vehicle maximum travel distance (7.5 hours, in seconds)
True, # start cumul to zero
distance_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie('Time')
# Allow to drop nodes.
for node in range(1, len(data['penalties'])):
routing.AddDisjunction([manager.NodeToIndex(node)], data['penalties'][node])
# Setting first solution heuristic.
search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()
search_parameters.first_solution_strategy = (routing_enums_pb2.FirstSolutionStrategy.PATH_CHEAPEST_ARC)
search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic = (routing_enums_pb2.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.GUIDED_LOCAL_SEARCH)
search_parameters.time_limit.seconds = 30
# Solve the problem.
solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
# Print solution on console.
if solution:
print_solution(data, manager, routing, solution)
print('No solution found!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
I've posted the question in Ortools Google Group, with additional research:
Code seems to be working excluding start and end nodes from the disjunction as explained on that post, but I asked for more info to understand how it works.

With custom start and ends, you should use Routing.Start(vehicle_index) and Routing.End(vehicle_index) to get the index of these nodes.

In routing.h there is a comment about AddDisjunction
/// Adds a disjunction constraint on the indices: exactly 'max_cardinality' of
/// the indices are active. Start and end indices of any vehicle cannot be
/// part of a disjunction.
In the for loop to add nodes to the disjunction, excluding start and end nodes seems to be working:
# Allow to drop nodes.
for node in range(0, len(data['distance_matrix'])):
if(node in data['start'] or node in data['end']):
routing.AddDisjunction([manager.NodeToIndex(node)], data['penalties'][node])


How to write alternative constraint with interval variable in or-tools?

How to write alternative constraint with interval variable in or-tools? I thought something like this would work but the method AddAlternative doesn´t exist. Another question is how to know if interval variable is active
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
# Crear el modelo
model = cp_model.CpModel()
# Crear la variable de intervalo
interval = model.NewIntervalVar(start, end, duration, 'interval')
# Crear los intervalos alternativos
alt_interval1 = model.NewIntervalVar(start1, end1, duration1, 'alt_interval1')
alt_interval2 = model.NewIntervalVar(start2, end2, duration2, 'alt_interval2')
# Agregar los intervalos alternativos a la variable de intervalo
model.AddAlternative(interval, [alt_interval1, alt_interval2])
# Resolver el modelo
solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
status = solver.Solve(model)
My code is:
x = [
start=model.NewIntVar(es, lf, f"start_{row.id_pozo}"),
size=model.NewIntVar(es, lf, f"size_{row.id_pozo}"),
end=model.NewIntVar(es, lf, f"end_{row.id_pozo}"),
for row in pozos.itertuples()
y = [
start=model.NewIntVar(row.dia_inicio, row.dia_fin, f"start_{idx}"),
end=model.NewIntVar(row.dia_inicio, row.dia_fin, f"end_{idx}"),
for idx, row in pozo_time_equipment.iterrows()
This is a flexible job shop problem. In the OR tools source there is a working example. The basics are, firstly creating the main interval for each task:
# Create main interval for the task.
suffix_name = '_j%i_t%i' % (job_id, task_id)
start = model.NewIntVar(0, horizon, 'start' + suffix_name)
duration = model.NewIntVar(min_duration, max_duration,
'duration' + suffix_name)
end = model.NewIntVar(0, horizon, 'end' + suffix_name)
interval = model.NewIntervalVar(start, duration, end,
'interval' + suffix_name)
Then for each alternative, create an additional interval:
alt_suffix = '_j%i_t%i_a%i' % (job_id, task_id, alt_id)
l_presence = model.NewBoolVar('presence' + alt_suffix)
l_start = model.NewIntVar(0, horizon, 'start' + alt_suffix)
l_duration = task[alt_id][0]
l_end = model.NewIntVar(0, horizon, 'end' + alt_suffix)
l_interval = model.NewOptionalIntervalVar(
l_start, l_duration, l_end, l_presence,
'interval' + alt_suffix)
The alternative is linked to the main interval, only if the alternative is selected:
# Link the primary/global variables with the local ones.
model.Add(start == l_start).OnlyEnforceIf(l_presence)
model.Add(duration == l_duration).OnlyEnforceIf(l_presence)
model.Add(end == l_end).OnlyEnforceIf(l_presence)
Then finally, add a constraint to ensure that only one of the alternatives is selected:
# Select exactly one presence variable.

route optimization with precedences between pairs of nodes

For my routing application I have multiple pairs of nodes which must be visited. The order the nodes in each pair is not important, but both nodes in each pair must be visited after each other. Also, I have a max_travel_distance constraint per vehicle and it is not required to visit all nodes if no optimal solution exist. Meaning that if one node in a pair needs to be dropped, both nodes in the pair must be dropped.
For instance I have three pairs: [A,B], [C,D], [E,F], two valid solutions for two vehicles could be:
(if all node pair can be covered)
1) 0->A->B->C->D->0
2) 0->F->E->0
(if only [A,B] is within max_travel_distance)
1) 0->A->B->0
2) 0->0
From the pickup and deliveries example I see how I can make sure that both nodes in a pair always is included in the solution. The problem is that I dont see how I can enforce a constraint so that the two nodes from the same pair always is visited directly after each other, and that the order does not matter (A->B and B->A are both ok)
import math
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2
def calc_dmat(pairs, depot = [0,0]):
# Distance matrix
ncol = len(pairs)*2
nodes = [depot] + [p for pair in Pairs for p in pair]
dmat = [[math.dist(c,r) for c in nodes] for r in nodes]
return dmat
# Nodes and pairs
A = [1,1] # Coordinate
B = [1,5]
C = [3,1]
D = [3,8]
E = [6,3]
F = [6,19]
Pairs = [
data = {}
data["distance_matrix"] = calc_dmat(Pairs)
data["depot"] = 0
data["pickups_deliveries"] = [
def print_solution(data, manager, routing, solution):
if solution is None:
print("No solution")
print(f'Objective: {solution.ObjectiveValue()}')
# Display dropped nodes.
dropped_nodes = 'Dropped nodes:'
for node in range(routing.Size()):
if routing.IsStart(node) or routing.IsEnd(node):
if solution.Value(routing.NextVar(node)) == node:
dropped_nodes += ' {}'.format(manager.IndexToNode(node))
max_route_distance = 0
max_route_time = 0
for vehicle_id in range(data['num_vehicles']):
index = routing.Start(vehicle_id)
plan_output = 'Route for vehicle {}:\n'.format(vehicle_id)
route_distance = 0
route_time = 0
while not routing.IsEnd(index):
plan_output += ' {} -> '.format(manager.IndexToNode(index))
previous_index = index
index = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
route_distance += routing.GetArcCostForVehicle(
previous_index, index, vehicle_id)
plan_output += '{}\n'.format(manager.IndexToNode(index))
plan_output += 'Distance of the route: {}m\n'.format(route_distance)
max_route_distance = max(route_distance, max_route_distance)
max_route_time = max(route_time, max_route_time)
print('Maximum of the route distances: {}m'.format(max_route_distance))
print('Maximum of the route time: {}m'.format(max_route_time))
manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(len(data['distance_matrix']),
data['num_vehicles'], data['depot'])
routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager)
def distance_callback(from_index, to_index):
from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index)
to_node = manager.IndexToNode(to_index)
return data["distance_matrix"][from_node][to_node]
transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(distance_callback)
# Add Distance constraint.
dimension_name = 'Distance'
distance_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie(dimension_name)
# Define Transportation Requests.
for request in data['pickups_deliveries']:
pickup_index = manager.NodeToIndex(request[0])
delivery_index = manager.NodeToIndex(request[1])
routing.AddPickupAndDelivery(pickup_index, delivery_index)
routing.VehicleVar(pickup_index) == routing.VehicleVar(
distance_dimension.CumulVar(pickup_index) <=
# Omit some nodes
for node in range(1,len(data["distance_matrix"])):
routing.AddDisjunction([manager.NodeToIndex(node)], 13)
# Setting first solution heuristic.
search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()
search_parameters.first_solution_strategy = (
# Solve the problem.
solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
# Print solution on console.
print_solution(data, manager, routing, solution)
*Objective: 25
Dropped nodes:
Route for vehicle 0:
0 -> 3 -> 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 0
Distance of the route: 9m
Route for vehicle 1:
0 -> 5 -> 6 -> 0
Distance of the route: 16m
Maximum of the route distances: 16m
Maximum of the route time: 0m*
I don't see how I can add a constraint making sure both nodes from the same node is picked successively and independently of the order. A solution to this would be highly appreciated.
Set a dimension representing rank (transit is always 1)
Link the vehicle variables of the two nodes in a pair to be equal
Add each one in a disjunction of size 1 (maybe both in a unique disjunction of size 2)
Add a precedence on the cumul variables of the 2 elements of a pair
Here is another approach.
Create 2 fake nodes 'a->b' and 'b->a', do not create the nodes a and b.
Distance from any node c to 'a->b' is distance c to a. Distance from 'a->b' to any node d is distance from b to d.
Same thing for b->a.
Add 'a->b' and 'b->a' in a disjunction.
And solve.

Machine Translation FFN : Dimension problem due to window size

this is my first time creating a FFN to train it to translate French to English using word prediction:
Input are two arrays of size 2 x window_size + 1 from source language and window_size target language. And the label of size 1
For e.g for window_size = 2:
["je","mange", "la", "pomme","avec"]
["I", "eat"]
So the input of size [5] and [2] after concatenating => 7
Label: "the" (refering to "la" in French)
The label is changed to one-hot-encoding before comparing with yHat
I'm using unique index for each word ( 1 to len(vocab) ) and train using the index (not the words)
The output of the FFN is a probability of the size of the vocab of the target language
The problem is that the FFN doesn't learn and the accuracy stays at 0.
When I print the size of y_final (target probability) and yHat (Model Hypo) they have different dimensions:
yHat.size()=[512, 7, 10212]
with 64 batch_size, 7 is the concatenated input size and 10212 size of target vocab, while
y_final.size()= [512, 10212]
And over all the forward method I have these sizes:
torch.Size([512, 5, 32])
torch.Size([512, 5, 64])
torch.Size([512, 5, 64])
torch.Size([512, 2, 256])
torch.Size([512, 2, 32])
torch.Size([512, 2, 64])
torch.Size([512, 2, 64])
torch.Size([512, 7, 64])
torch.Size([512, 7, 128])
torch.Size([512, 7, 10212])
Since the accuracy augments when yHat = y_final then I thought that it is never the case because they don't even have the same shapes (2D vs 3D). Is this the problem ?
Please refer to the code and if you need any other info please tell me.
The code is working fine, no errors.
trainingData = TensorDataset(encoded_source_windows, encoded_target_windows, encoded_labels)
# print(trainingData)
batchsize = 512
trainingLoader = DataLoader(trainingData, batch_size=batchsize, drop_last=True)
def ffnModel(vocabSize1,vocabSize2, learningRate=0.01):
class ffNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.embeds_src = nn.Embedding(vocabSize1, 256)
self.embeds_target = nn.Embedding(vocabSize2, 256)
# input layer
self.inputSource = nn.Linear(256, 32)
self.inputTarget = nn.Linear(256, 32)
# hidden layer 1
self.fc1 = nn.Linear(32, 64)
self.bnormS = nn.BatchNorm1d(5)
self.bnormT = nn.BatchNorm1d(2)
# Layer(s) afer Concatenation:
self.fc2 = nn.Linear(64,128)
self.output = nn.Linear(128, vocabSize2)
self.softmaaax = nn.Softmax(dim=0)
# forward pass
def forward(self, xSource, xTarget):
xSource = self.embeds_src(xSource)
xSource = F.relu(self.inputSource(xSource))
xSource = F.relu(self.fc1(xSource))
xSource = self.bnormS(xSource)
xTarget = self.embeds_target(xTarget)
xTarget = F.relu(self.inputTarget(xTarget))
xTarget = F.relu(self.fc1(xTarget))
xTarget = self.bnormT(xTarget)
xCat = torch.cat((xSource, xTarget), dim=1)#dim=128 or 1 ?
xCat = F.relu(self.fc2(xCat))
xCat = self.softmaaax(self.output(xCat))
return xCat
# creating instance of the class
net = ffNetwork()
# loss function
lossfun = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
# lossfun = nn.NLLLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=learningRate)
return net, lossfun, optimizer
def trainModel(vocabSize1,vocabSize2, learningRate):
# number of epochs
numepochs = 64
# create a new Model instance
net, lossfun, optimizer = ffnModel(vocabSize1,vocabSize2, learningRate)
# initialize losses
losses = torch.zeros(numepochs)
trainAcc = []
# loop over training data batches
batchAcc = []
batchLoss = []
for epochi in range(numepochs):
#Switching on training mode
# loop over training data batches
batchAcc = []
batchLoss = []
for A, B, y in tqdm(trainingLoader):
# forward pass and loss
final_y = []
for i in range(y.size(dim=0)):
yy = [0] * target_vocab_length
yy[y[i]] = 1
final_y = torch.tensor(final_y)
yHat = net(A, B)
loss = lossfun(yHat, final_y)
print("\n yHat.size()")
# backprop
# loss from this batch
print(f'batchLoss: {loss.item()}')
#Accuracy calculator:
matches = torch.argmax(yHat) == final_y # booleans (false/true)
matchesNumeric = matches.float() # convert to numbers (0/1)
accuracyPct = 100 * torch.mean(matchesNumeric) # average and x100
batchAcc.append(accuracyPct) # add to list of accuracies
print(f'accuracyPct: {accuracyPct}')
losses[epochi] = np.mean(batchLoss)
return trainAcc,losses,net
trainAcc,losses,net = trainModel(len(source_vocab),len(target_vocab), 0.01)

OR-tools VRP solver returning one job per vehicle

I am using Google OR-Tools in python to solve a capacitated VRP with pickup/delivery. In many cases the solver works well and returns reasonable solutions, but we have found that for some data sets the solver will always return one job per truck regardless of the time involved for the route.
I have the model set up as follows:
My initial vehicle count is equal to the number of jobs in the data-set, and we allow OR-Tools to automatically minimize the truck count.
Each job's pickup location has a demand of 1 and each job's dropoff location has a demand of -1, to enforce delivery immediately after pickup.
We set the maximum drive time per vehicle to 8 hours.
Then, each job has an associated quantity attached for pickup, and we separate this job into multiple deliveries based on a truck's capacity. For instance, if a job requires 60 tons delivered, we represent that as three jobs at 20 tons each (the maximum a vehicle is allowed to carry on an interstate in the U.S)
Now, we have a simple data set with a pickup location at: 698 Longtown Rd, Columbia, SC and a dropoff location at: 121 Chappell Creek Rd Hopkins, SC. This is a drive time of 32 minutes, or a total trip time of 64 minutes. This job has an associated quantity of 60 tons, which will require 3 truck loads.
The results we receive from or-tools shows one load per truck, and this result does not change regardless of how long we allow the solver to run. The optimal solution would allow one truck to complete all loads, as this is still drastically under the 8 hour drive time limit.
Here is my code:
import json
import math
import traceback
import urllib
import redis
import requests
import boto3
from signal import signal, SIGINT, SIGTERM
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp, routing_enums_pb2
url = 'https://test-api.truckit.com/api/2/signin'
api_data = {"password": "", "username": ""}
response = requests.post(url, json=api_data)
api_data = response.json()
def build_auth_header(token):
header = {'Authorization': f'Token {token}'}
return header
class SignalHandler:
def __init__(self):
self.received_signal = False
signal(SIGINT, self._signal_handler)
signal(SIGTERM, self._signal_handler)
def _signal_handler(self, signal, frame):
print(f"handling signal {signal}, exiting gracefully")
self.received_signal = True
sqs = boto3.resource("sqs")
queue = sqs.get_queue_by_name(QueueName="")
redisClient = redis.Redis(host='', port=6379,
def create_distance_matrix(data):
addresses = data["addresses"]
API_key = data["API_key"]
origin_addresses = []
dest_addresses = addresses
distance_matrix = []
responses = {}
responses['destination_addresses'] = []
responses['origin_addresses'] = []
responses['rows'] = []
# Send q requests, returning max_rows rows per request.
for i in range(0, len(addresses)):
for j in range(0, len(addresses), 25):
dest_addresses_request = addresses[j:j + 25]
response = send_request(origin_addresses, dest_addresses_request, API_key)
responses['origin_addresses'] = response['origin_addresses']
for destination_address in response['destination_addresses']:
for row in response['rows']:
if len(responses['rows']) == 0:
for element in row['elements']:
distance_matrix += build_distance_matrix(responses)
return distance_matrix
def send_request(origin_addresses, dest_addresses, API_key):
""" Build and send request for the given origin and destination addresses."""
def build_address_str(addresses):
# Build a pipe-separated string of addresses
address_str = ''
for i in range(len(addresses) - 1):
address_str += addresses[i] + '|'
address_str += addresses[-1]
return address_str
request = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?units=imperial'
origin_address_str = build_address_str(origin_addresses)
dest_address_str = build_address_str(dest_addresses)
request = request + '&origins=' + origin_address_str + '&destinations=' + \
dest_address_str + '&key=' + API_key
jsonResult = urllib.request.urlopen(request).read()
response = json.loads(jsonResult)
return response
def build_distance_matrix(response):
distance_matrix = []
for row in response['rows']:
row_list = [row['elements'][j]['duration']['value'] for j in range(len(row['elements']))]
return distance_matrix
def process_message(message_body):
print(f"processing message: {message_body}")
data = json.loads(message_body)
data_matrix = {}
data_matrix['problem_id'] = data['problemId']
data_matrix["addresses"] = []
data_matrix["pickups_deliveries"] = []
data_matrix["demands"] = []
data_matrix["jobOrderIDs"] = []
depot_address = str(data["depot"]["latitude"]) + "," + str(data["depot"]["longitude"])
hash_key = data["hashKey"]
for location in data["locationList"]:
pick_lat = location["PickupLatitude"]
pick_long = location["PickupLongitude"]
drop_lat = location["DropoffLatitude"]
drop_long = location["DropoffLongitude"]
jobOrderId = location["jobOrderID"]
demand = math.ceil(float(int(location["totalQuantity"]) / 20))
for i in range(0, demand):
data_matrix["addresses"].append(str(pick_lat) + ',' + str(pick_long))
data_matrix["addresses"].append(str(drop_lat) + ',' + str(drop_long))
for i in range(1, len(data_matrix["addresses"]) - 1, 2):
data_matrix["pickups_deliveries"].append([i, i + 1])
data_matrix["num_vehicles"] = int(len(data_matrix["addresses"]) / 2)
data_matrix["vehicle_capacities"] = []
for i in range(0, data_matrix["num_vehicles"]):
data_matrix["depot"] = 0
data_matrix["API_key"] = ''
data_matrix["distance_matrix"] = create_distance_matrix(data_matrix)
# Create the routing index manager.
manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(len(data_matrix['distance_matrix']),
data_matrix['num_vehicles'], data_matrix['depot'])
# Create Routing Model.
routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager)
# Define cost of each arc.
def distance_callback(from_index, to_index):
"""Returns the manhattan distance between the two nodes."""
# Convert from routing variable Index to distance matrix NodeIndex.
from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index)
to_node = manager.IndexToNode(to_index)
return data_matrix['distance_matrix'][from_node][to_node]*1000
transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(distance_callback)
# Add Distance constraint.
dimension_name = 'Duration'
0, # no slack
28800*1000, # vehicle maximum travel hours
True, # start cumul to zero
distance_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie(dimension_name)
def demand_callback(from_index):
"""Returns the demand of the node."""
# Convert from routing variable Index to demands NodeIndex.
from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index)
return data_matrix['demands'][from_node]
demand_callback_index = routing.RegisterUnaryTransitCallback(
0, # null capacity slack
data_matrix['vehicle_capacities'], # vehicle maximum capacities
True, # start cumul to zero
# Define Transportation Requests.
for request in data_matrix['pickups_deliveries']:
pickup_index = manager.NodeToIndex(request[0])
delivery_index = manager.NodeToIndex(request[1])
routing.AddPickupAndDelivery(pickup_index, delivery_index)
routing.VehicleVar(pickup_index) == routing.VehicleVar(
distance_dimension.CumulVar(pickup_index) <=
# Setting first solution heuristic.
search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()
search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic = (
search_parameters.time_limit.seconds = 1200
search_parameters.log_search = True
search_parameters.first_solution_strategy = (
search_parameters.use_full_propagation = True
# Solve the problem.
solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
if solution:
solution_dict = {}
for vehicle_id in range(data_matrix['num_vehicles']):
index = routing.Start(vehicle_id)
plan_output = ''
route_distance = 0
route_load = 0
while not routing.IsEnd(index):
node_index = manager.IndexToNode(index)
plan_output += '{0},'.format(data_matrix['jobOrderIDs'][node_index])
previous_index = index
index = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
plan_output += '{0},'.format(data_matrix['jobOrderIDs'][manager.IndexToNode(index)])
plan_output = plan_output[:-1]
plan_words = plan_output.split(",")
plan_output = ''
for i in range(len(plan_words)):
if (i % 2 == 0):
plan_output += plan_words[i] + ","
plan_output = plan_output[:-1]
plan_output += ",0"
if plan_output != 0 and plan_output != str(0) and plan_output != str('0,0'):
solution_dict[vehicle_id] = plan_output
# trucks_url = 'https://test-api.truckit.com/api/2/trucks'
trucks_url = 'https://test-api.truckit.com/api/2/job-orders/smart-dispatch/' + str(data_matrix['problem_id'])
head = build_auth_header(api_data["authToken"])
status = {}
ride_list = []
dummy_location_dict = {}
dummy_id_dict = {}
dummy_id_dict["id"] = 0
dummy_id_dict["name"] = ""
dummy_location_dict["location"] = dummy_id_dict
dummy_location_dict["timestamp"] = 0
redisClient.hset(hash_key, "solution", json.dumps(solution_dict))
redisClient.hset(hash_key, "ride_list", json.dumps(ride_list))
json_data = {"status": "completed"}
api_response = requests.post(trucks_url, headers=head, json=json_data)
print_solution(data_matrix, manager, routing, solution)
def print_solution(data, manager, routing, solution):
"""Prints solution on console."""
print(f'Objective: {solution.ObjectiveValue()}')
total_distance = 0
total_load = 0
for vehicle_id in range(data['num_vehicles']):
index = routing.Start(vehicle_id)
plan_output = 'Route for vehicle {}:\n'.format(vehicle_id)
route_distance = 0
route_load = 0
while not routing.IsEnd(index):
node_index = manager.IndexToNode(index)
plan_output += ' {0} -> '.format(node_index)
previous_index = index
index = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
distance = data['distance_matrix'][previous_index][index]
route_distance += distance
distance = distance
plan_output += ' {0}\n'.format(manager.IndexToNode(index))
plan_output += 'Time of the route: {} hours\n'.format(str(float(route_distance / (60 * 60))))
total_distance += route_distance
print('Total distance of all routes: {}m'.format(total_distance))
if __name__ == "__main__":
signal_handler = SignalHandler()
while not signal_handler.received_signal:
messages = queue.receive_messages(
for message in messages:
except Exception as e:
print(f"exception while processing message: {repr(e)}")
IF anyone has any suggestions as to what the problem may be, your help is greatly appreciated.

Google OR-Tools doesn't find solution on VRPtw problem

I'm tackling with VRPtw problem and struggling that the solver finds no solution with any data except for artificial small one.
The setting is as below.
There are several depots and locations to visit. Each locations have the time-window. Each vehicles have break time and work time. Also, the locations have some constraints and only the vehicles which satisfy that demand can visit there.
Based on this experiment setting, I wrote the code below.
As I wrote, it looks that it is working with small artificial data, but with real data, it never found the solution. I tried with 5 different data sets.
Although I set the 7200 sec time limit, previously I ran for longer than 10 hours and it was same.
The data's scale is 40~50 vehicles and 200~300 locations.
Does this code have a problem? If not, on what kind of order, should I change the approach(such as initialization, searching method and so on)?
(Edited to use integer for time matrix)
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Tuple
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp
from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2
# TODO: Refactor
BIG_ENOUGH = 100000000
class DataSet:
time_matrix: List[List[int]]
locations_num: int
vehicles_num: int
vehicles_break_time_window: List[Tuple[int, int, int]]
vehicles_work_time_windows: List[Tuple[int, int]]
location_time_windows: List[Tuple[int, int]]
vehicles_depots_indices: List[int]
possible_vehicles: List[List[int]]
def execute(data: DataSet):
manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(data.locations_num,
routing_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingModelParameters()
routing_parameters.solver_parameters.trace_propagation = True
routing_parameters.solver_parameters.trace_search = True
routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager, routing_parameters)
def time_callback(source_index, dest_index):
from_node = manager.IndexToNode(source_index)
to_node = manager.IndexToNode(dest_index)
return data.time_matrix[from_node][to_node]
transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(time_callback)
time_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie(TIME_DIMENSION)
# set time window for locations start time
# set condition restrictions
possible_vehicles = data.possible_vehicles
for location_idx, time_window in enumerate(data.location_time_windows):
index = manager.NodeToIndex(location_idx + data.vehicles_num)
time_dimension.CumulVar(index).SetRange(time_window[0], time_window[1])
routing.SetAllowedVehiclesForIndex(possible_vehicles[location_idx], index)
solver = routing.solver()
for i in range(data.vehicles_num):
# set work time window for vehicles
for vehicle_index, work_time_window in enumerate(data.vehicles_work_time_windows):
start_index = routing.Start(vehicle_index)
end_index = routing.End(vehicle_index)
# set break time for vehicles
node_visit_transit = {}
for n in range(routing.Size()):
if n >= data.locations_num:
node_visit_transit[n] = 0
node_visit_transit[n] = 1
break_intervals = {}
for v in range(data.vehicles_num):
vehicle_break = data.vehicles_break_time_window[v]
break_intervals[v] = [
'Break for vehicle {}'.format(v))
break_intervals[v], v, node_visit_transit
search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()
search_parameters.first_solution_strategy = (
search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic = (
search_parameters.time_limit.seconds = TIME_LIMIT
search_parameters.log_search = True
solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)
return solution
if __name__ == '__main__':
data = DataSet(
time_matrix=[[0, 0, 4, 5, 5, 6],
[0, 0, 6, 4, 5, 5],
[1, 3, 0, 6, 5, 4],
[2, 1, 6, 0, 5, 4],
[2, 2, 5, 5, 0, 6],
[3, 2, 4, 4, 6, 0]],
vehicles_depots_indices=[0, 1],
vehicles_work_time_windows=[(720, 1080), (720, 1080)],
vehicles_break_time_window=[(720, 720, 15), (720, 720, 15)],
location_time_windows=[(735, 750), (915, 930), (915, 930), (975, 990)],
possible_vehicles=[[0], [1], [0], [1]]
solution = execute(data)
if solution is not None:
print("solution is found")