What does it mean when I test SSH connection to GitHub it says terminating, 1 bad configuration options? - github

Using Gitbash, I made an SSH and I tried to test it writing in terminal:
$ ssh -T git#github.com
What returns is:
.ssh/config line 3: keyword identityfile extra arguments at end of line
.ssh/config: terminating, 1 bad configuration options
What does that mean?


use existing SSH_AUTH_SOCK to execute commands on remote server

I connect to my work server (workserver1.com) from my local PC (localhost) using SSH and execute a bunch of commands on workserver1.
Below are the commands I execute using SSH
1) run script on server collect production data and put it in a txt
ssh -A workserver1.com 'python3 /usr/local/collect_data_online.py 2>&1 | tee /home/myname/out.txt'
$ please input your dynamic token: <manually input credential token generated every 15s>
2) filter lines I need and put in a dat file
ssh -A workserver1.com "grep 'my-keyword-cron' out.txt | grep -oP '({.*})' | tee workserver2.dat"
$ please input your dynamic token: <manually input credential token again>
3) send data collected in 2) and send to workserver2 which could only access through workserver1**
ssh -A workserver1.com 'curl workserver2.com --data-binary "#workserver2.dat" --compressed' "
$ please input your dynamic token: <manually input credential token 3rd time>
In each steps above , I actually created 3 completed different socket with workserver1.com. I got this info from running command below on remote server
$ ssh -A workserver1.com 'printenv | grep SSH'
SSH_CLIENT=10.126.192.xxx 58276 22
# SSH_CONNECTION changes each time I make a SSH request to workserver1.com. so I need repeatedly input dynamic token manually
SSH_CONNECTION=10.126.192.xxx 58276 10.218.35.yyy 22
On my localhost I can also see SSH sock which used for the SSH connection
$ SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-localhost/agent.12345
My question is , is there a way to using single existing socket to avoid making multiple SSH connections and just input the dynamic token once. I hope I could use existing sock to interactively type commands to this SSH server and collect outpu/data as I want , just like on my localhost
What's in my mind is
1) socat can I run some command on localhost like
socat UNIX-CONNECT:$SSH_AUTH_SOCK,exec:'commands I want to execute' - ==> possible to get an interactive client&server shell?
2) is there any ssh option I could use ?
I am new to socat and not familiar with ssh except some commonly used commands
Thank you for your help in advance
The solution is open the first connection with '-M'
First use ControlMaster and ControlPath in ~/.ssh/config as below:
host *
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/ssh_mux_%h_%p_%r
And when connect toremote host the very first time, add '-M'
ssh -M $remotehost
Then in follow ssh connection with the same host you could just use
ssh $remotehost

Setting up ssh key

Please help me solve this problem
I created my ssh key using the following
ssh-keygen. -t rsa -b 4090 -C [myemail#emailservice.com]
I added my ssh key to my ssh-agent using:
touch ~/.ssh/config
#this was typed in the ~/.ssh/config file
Host *.github.com
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Then I typed the folloring in terminal
$ ssh-add~/.ssh/id_rsa
I then copied the ssh key using
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
I copied the the output and then added it to my github
To check if it was working, I used
ssh-T git#github.com
I received the following error message:
Bad configuration option: host*github.com
Does any one know what this error message means and what I should do?
I was expecting the following message:
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (Yes/no[fingerprint])?

ssh-add -l: error fetching identities: invalid format

Despite ssh-add claiming my key was succesfully added, it was clear ssh-agent was not fowarding my keys: ssh from remote servers into a second remote serviers were not working; capitrano deploy stoped working
The clue was the output: error fetching identities: invalid format when doing ssh-add -l
$ ssh-add ./id_2021
Enter passphrase for ./id_2021:
Identity added: ./id_2021 (./id_2021)
$ ssh-add -l
error fetching identities: invalid format
I've tried making new keys but I still get this error.
For reasons I can't explain, this worked:
$ eval $(ssh-agent); ssh-add
Agent pid 23676
Enter passphrase for /home/david/.ssh/id_xyz:
Identity added: /home/david/.ssh/id_xyz (/home/david/.ssh/id_xyz)
$ ssh-add -l
2048 SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /home/david/.ssh/id_xyz (RSA)
The clue was in this forum.

Azure Pipelines is it possible to run bash command with sudo? [duplicate]

I am trying to compile some sources using a makefile. In the makefile there is a bunch of commands that need to be ran as sudo.
When I compile the sources from a terminal all goes fine and the make is paused the first time a sudo command is ran waiting for password. Once I type in the password, make resumes and completes.
But I would like to be able to compile the sources in NetBeans. So, I started a project and showed netbeans where to find the sources, but when I compile the project it gives the error:
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
The first time it hits a sudo command.
I have looked up the issue on the internet and all the solutions I found point to one thing: disabling the password for this user. Since the user in question here is root. I do not want to do that.
Is there any other solution?
Granting the user to use that command without prompting for password should resolve the problem. First open a shell console and type:
sudo visudo
Then edit that file to add to the very end:
username ALL = NOPASSWD: /fullpath/to/command, /fullpath/to/othercommand
john ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/poweroff, /sbin/start, /sbin/stop
will allow user john to sudo poweroff, start and stop without being prompted for password.
Look at the bottom of the screen for the keystrokes you need to use in visudo - this is not vi by the way - and exit without saving at the first sign of any problem. Health warning: corrupting this file will have serious consequences, edit with care!
Use NOPASSWD line for all commands, I mean:
Put the line after all other lines in the sudoers file.
That worked for me (Ubuntu 14.04).
ssh -t remotehost "sudo <cmd>"
This will remove the above errors.
After all alternatives, I found:
sudo -S <cmd>
The -S (stdin) option causes sudo to read the password from the standard input instead of the terminal device.
Above command still needs password to be entered. To remove entering password manually, in cases like jenkins, this command works:
echo <password> | sudo -S <cmd>
sudo by default will read the password from the attached terminal. Your problem is that there is no terminal attached when it is run from the netbeans console. So you have to use an alternative way to enter the password: that is called the askpass program.
The askpass program is not a particular program, but any program that can ask for a password. For example in my system x11-ssh-askpass works fine.
In order to do that you have to specify what program to use, either with the environment variable SUDO_ASKPASS or in the sudo.conf file (see man sudo for details).
You can force sudo to use the askpass program by using the option -A. By default it will use it only if there is not an attached terminal.
Try this one:
echo '' | sudo -S my_command
For Ubuntu 16.04 users
There is a file you have to read with:
cat /etc/sudoers.d/README
Placing a file with mode 0440 in /etc/sudoers.d/myuser with following content:
Should fix the issue.
Do not forget to:
chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/myuser
Login into your linux. Fire following commands. Be careful, as editing sudoer is a risky proposition.
$ sudo visudo
Once vi editor opens make the following changes:
Comment out Defaults requiretty
# Defaults requiretty
Go to the end of the file and add
If by any chance you came here because you can't sudo inside the Ubuntu that comes with Windows10
Edit the /etc/hosts file from Windows (with Notepad), it'll be located at: %localappdata\lxss\rootfs\etc, add WINDOWS8, this will get rid of the first error that it can't find the host.
To get rid of the no tty present error, always do sudo -S <command>
This worked for me:
echo "myuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
where your user is "myuser"
for a Docker image, that would just be:
RUN echo "myuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
In Jenkins:
echo '<your-password>' | sudo -S command
echo '******' | sudo -S service nginx restart
You can use Mask Password Plugin to hide your password
Make sure the command you're sudoing is part of your PATH.
If you have a single (or multi, but not ALL) command sudoers entry, you'll get the sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified when the command is not part of your path (and the full path is not specified).
You can fix it by either adding the command to your PATH or invoking it with an absolute path, i.e.
sudo /usr/sbin/ipset
Instead of
sudo ipset
Command sudo fails as it is trying to prompt on root password and there is no pseudo-tty allocated (as it's part of the script).
You need to either log-in as root to run this command or set-up the following rules in your /etc/sudoers
(or: sudo visudo):
# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges.
Then make sure that your user belongs to admin group (or wheel).
Ideally (safer) it would be to limit root privileges only to specific commands which can be specified as %admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/path/to/program
I think I can help someone with my case.
First, I changed the user setting in /etc/sudoers referring to above answer. But It still didn't work.
%mygroup ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
In my case, myuser was in the mygroup.
And I didn't need groups. So, deleted that line.
(Shouldn't delete that line like me, just marking the comment.)
It works!
Running shell scripts that have contain sudo commands in them from jenkins might not run as expected. To fix this, follow along
Simple steps:
On ubuntu based systems, run " $ sudo visudo "
this will open /etc/sudoers file.
If your jenkins user is already in that file, then modify to look like this:
save the file
Relaunch your jenkins job
you shouldnt see that error message again :)
This error may also arise when you are trying to run a terminal command (that requires root password) from some non-shell script, eg sudo ls (in backticks) from a Ruby program. In this case, you can use Expect utility (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expect) or its alternatives.
For example, in Ruby to execute sudo ls without getting sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified, you can run this:
require 'ruby_expect'
exp = RubyExpect::Expect.spawn('sudo ls', :debug => true)
exp.procedure do
each do
expect "[sudo] password for _your_username_:" do
send _your_password_
[this uses one of the alternatives to Expect TCL extension: ruby_expect gem].
For the reference, in case someone else encounter the same issue, I was stuck during a good hour with this error which should not happen since I was using the NOPASSWD parameter.
What I did NOT know was that sudo may raise the exact same error message when there is no tty and the command the user try to launch is not part of the allowed command in the /etc/sudoers file.
Here a simplified example of my file content with my issue:
bguser ALL = NOPASSWD: \
command_a arg_a, \
command_b arg_b \
command_c arg_c
When bguser will try to launch "sudo command_b arg_b" without any tty (bguser being used for some daemon), then he will encounter the error "no tty present and no askpass program specified".
Because a comma is missing at the end of line in the /etc/sudoers file...
(I even wonder if this is an expected behavior and not a bug in sudo since the correct error message for such case shoud be "Sorry, user bguser is not allowed to execute etc.")
I was getting this error because I had limited my user to only a single executable 'systemctl' and had misconfigured the visudo file.
Here's what I had:
jenkins ALL=NOPASSWD: systemctl
However, you need to include the full path to the executable, even if it is on your path by default, for example:
jenkins ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl
This allows my jenkins user to restart services but not have full root access
If you add this line to your /etc/sudoers (via visudo) it will fix this problem without having to disable entering your password and when an alias for sudo -S won't work (scripts calling sudo):
Defaults visiblepw
Of course read the manual yourself to understand it, but I think for my use case of running in an LXD container via lxc exec instance -- /bin/bash its pretty safe since it isn't printing the password over a network.
Using pipeline:
echo your_pswd | sudo -S your_cmd
Using here-document:
sudo -S cmd <<eof
#remember to put the above two lines without "any" indentations.
Open a terminal to ask password (whichever works):
gnome-terminal -e "sudo cmd"
xterm -e "sudo cmd"
I faced this issue when working on an Ubuntu 20.04 server.
I was trying to run a sudo command from a remote machine to deploy an app to the server. However when I run the command I get the error:
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
The remote script failed with exit code 1
Here's how I fixed it:
The issue is caused by executing a sudo command which tries to request for a password, but sudo does not have access to a tty to prompt the user for a passphrase. As it can’t find a tty, sudo falls back to an askpass method but can’t find an askpass command configured, so the sudo command fails.
To fix this you need to be able to run sudo for that specific user with no password requirements. The no password requirements is configured in the /etc/sudoers file. To configure it run either of the commands below:
sudo nano /etc/sudoers
sudo visudo
Note: This opens the /etc/sudoers file using your default editor.
Next, Add the following line at the bottom of the file:
# Allow members to run all commands without a password
Note: Replace my_user with your actual user
If you want the user to run specific commands you can specify them
# Allow members to run specific commands without a password
my_user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/myCommand
# Allow members to run specific commands without a password
my_user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/myCommand, /bin/myCommand, /bin/myCommand
Save the changes and exit the file.
For more help, read the resource in this link: sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
That's all.
I hope this helps
The solution to the problem is
If you came across this issue anywhere else apart from the Jenkins instance follow this from the 2nd step. The first step is for the user who is having issue with the Jenkins instance.
Go to Jenkins instance of Google Cloud Console.
Enter the commands
sudo su
visudo -f /etc/sudoers
Add following line at the end
Checkout here to understand the rootcause of this issue
No one told what could cause this error, in case of migration from one host to another, remember about checking hostname in sudoers file:
So this is my /etc/sudoers config
User_Alias POWERUSER = user_name
Cmnd_Alias SKILL = /root/bin/sudo_auth_wrapper.sh
POWERUSER hostname=(root:root) NOPASSWD: SKILL
if it doesn't match
uname -a
Linux other_hostname 3.10.17 #1 SMP Wed Oct 23 16:28:33 CDT 2013 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4130T CPU # 2.90GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
it will pop up this error:
no tty present and no askpass program specified
Other options, not based on NOPASSWD:
Start Netbeans with root privilege ((sudo netbeans) or similar) which will presumably fork the build process with root and thus sudo will automatically succeed.
Make the operations you need to do suexec -- make them owned by root, and set mode to 4755. (This will of course let any user on the machine run them.) That way, they don't need sudo at all.
Creating virtual hard disk files with bootsectors shouldn't need sudo at all. Files are just files, and bootsectors are just data. Even the virtual machine shouldn't necessarily need root, unless you do advanced device forwarding.
Although this question is old, it is still relevant for my more or less up-to-date system. After enabling debug mode of sudo (Debug sudo /var/log/sudo_debug all#info in /etc/sudo.conf) I was pointed to /dev: "/dev is world writable". So you might need to check the tty file permissions, especially those of the directory where the tty/pts node resides in.
I was able to get this done but please make sure to follow the steps properly.
This is for the anyone who is getting import errors.
Step1: Check if files and folders have got execute permission issue.
Linux user use:
chmod 777 filename
Step2: Check which user has the permission to execute it.
Step3: open terminal type this command.
sudo visudo
add this lines to the code below
this is to grant permission to execute the script and allow it to use all the libraries. The user generally is 'nobody' or 'www-data'.
now edit your code as
echo shell_exec('sudo -u the_user_of_the_file python your_file_name.py 2>&1');
go to terminal to check if the process is running
type this there...
ps aux | grep python
this will output all the process running in python.
Add Ons:
use the below code to check the users in your system
cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd
Thank You!
1 open /etc/sudoers
type sudo vi /etc/sudoers. This will open your file in edit mode.
2 Add/Modify linux user
Look for the entry for Linux user. Modify as below if found or add a new line.
3 Save and Exit from edit mode
I had the same error message when I was trying to mount sshfs which required sudo : the command is something like this :
sshfs -o sftp_server="/usr/bin/sudo /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server" user#my.server.tld:/var/www /mnt/sshfs/www
by adding the option -o debug
sshfs -o debug -o sftp_server="/usr/bin/sudo /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server" user#my.server.tld:/var/www /mnt/sshfs/www
I had the same message of this question :
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
So by reading others answer I became to make a file in /etc/sudoer.d/user on my.server.tld with :
user ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
and now I able to mount the drive without giving too much extra right to my user.
Below actions work for on ubuntu20
edit /etc/sudoers
vi /etc/sudoers
add below content
I'm not sure if this is a more recent change, but I just had this problem and sudo -S worked for me.

backtick in Perl printing output on terminal

I am trying to get the output of a command in a variable and checking whether its matching with other variable.
$login1=`ssh ****************** date`;
This command when typed manually will expect a prompt " Password: " . When i run it from the script it is ruuning that command and printing that prompt waiting for user to enter, but i dont need that. I just need to get that output and compare
if($login1=~ /Password:/)
print " yes";
print "No ";
However the script is just stopping at Password prompt . Please suggest me on how to achieve this .
You might want to look at the -f flag for ssh:
-f Requests ssh to go to background just before command execution.
This is useful if ssh is going to ask for passwords or
passphrases, but the user wants it in the background. This
implies -n. The recommended way to start X11 programs at a
remote site is with something like ssh -f host xterm.
If you want to avoid passwords, set up a public/private key pair with no passphrase (dangerous, but much less dangerous than putting a password in a script) and copy the public key to the remote site. IIRC, it goes something like this:
localhost $ ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t ecdsa -N '' -f ./datekey
localhost $ scp ./datekey.pub remotehost:/tmp
localhost $ ssh remotehost
remotehost $ cat /tmp/datekey.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
remotehost $ logout
localhost $ ssh -i ./datekey remotehost date
Make sure you store ./datekey somewhere no other user can access it at all -- not even read access.
If you're just trying to detect, you might simply need to feed it EOF to get it to move along:
$login1=`ssh ****************** date < /dev/null`;