implementation of NSMetadataQuery along with UIDocuments in swiftUI - swift

I am trying to make a document based app in swiftUI with a custom UI. I want iCloud capabilities in my app. I am trying to use iCloud Document (No cloudKit) way for storing data on iCloud container. I am using UIDocument and it's working. It's storing data to iCloud and I am able to retrieve it back.
Now the thing is when I run the app on two devices (iphone and iPad) and make changes to a file on one device, the changes are not reflecting on the other device while the file or say app is open. I have to close the app and relaunch it to see the changes.
I know I have to implement NSMetadataQuery to achieve this but I am struggling with it. I don't know any objective-C. I have been searching on the internet for a good article but could not find any. Can you please tell how do I implement this feature in my app. I have attach the working code of UIDocument and my Model class.
Thank you in advance !
class NoteDocument: UIDocument {
var notes = [Note]()
override func load(fromContents contents: Any, ofType typeName: String?) throws {
if let contents = contents as? Data {
if let arr = try? PropertyListDecoder().decode([Note].self, from: contents) {
self.notes = arr
//if we get here, there was some kind of problem
throw NSError(domain: "NoDataDomain", code: -1, userInfo: nil)
override func contents(forType typeName: String) throws -> Any {
if let data = try? PropertyListEncoder().encode(self.notes) {
return data
//if we get here, there was some kind of problem
throw NSError(domain: "NoDataDomain", code: -2, userInfo: nil)
class Model: ObservableObject {
var document: NoteDocument?
var documentURL: URL?
init() {
let fm = FileManager.default
let driveURL = fm.url(forUbiquityContainerIdentifier: nil)?.appendingPathComponent("Documents")
documentURL = driveURL?.appendingPathComponent("savefile.txt")
document = NoteDocument(fileURL: documentURL!)
func loadData(viewModel: ViewModel) {
let fm = FileManager.default
if fm.fileExists(atPath: (documentURL?.path)!) {
document?.open(completionHandler: { (success: Bool) -> Void in
if success {
viewModel.notes = self.document?.notes ?? [Note]()
print("File load successfull")
} else {
print("File load failed")
} else {
document?.save(to: documentURL!, for: .forCreating, completionHandler: { (success: Bool) -> Void in
if success {
print("File create successfull")
} else {
print("File create failed")
func saveData(_ notes: [Note]) {
document!.notes = notes
document?.save(to: documentURL!, for: .forOverwriting, completionHandler: { (success: Bool) -> Void in
if success {
print("File save successfull")
} else {
print("File save failed")
func autoSave(_ notes: [Note]) {
document!.notes = notes
class Note: Identifiable, Codable {
var id = UUID()
var title = ""
var text = ""

This is a complex topic. Apple do provide some sample swift code, the Document-Based App Programming Guide for iOS and iCloud Design Guide.
There is also some good third party guidance: Mastering the iCloud Document Store.
I would recommend reading the above, and then return to the NSMetaDataQuery API. NSMetaDataQuery has an initial gathering phase and a live-update phase. The later phase can remain in operation for the lifetime of your app, allowing you to be notified of new documents in your app's iCloud container.


Firestore async issue

I'm calling a Firestore query that does come back, but I need to ensure completion before moving on with the rest of the code. So I need a completion handler...but for the life of me I can't seem to code it.
// get user info from db
func getUser() async {
self.db.collection("userSetting").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
let userTrust =["userTrust"] as! String
let userGrade =["userGrade"] as! String
let userDisclaimer =["userDisclaimer"] as! String
var row = [String]()
// set google firebase analytics user info
self.userTrustInfo = userTrust
self.userGradeInfo = userGrade
Called by:
internal func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
db = Firestore.firestore()
Database.database().isPersistenceEnabled = true
Task {
do {
let userInfo = await getUser()
} return true }
I used a Task as didFinishLauncingWithOptions is synchronous and not asynchronous
However, the getUser() still isn't completed before didFinishLauncingWithOptions moves on.
I need the data from getUser as the very next step uses the data in the array, and without it I get an 'out of bounds exception' as the array is still empty.
Also tried using dispatch group within the func getUser(). Again with no joy.
Finally tried a completion handler:
func getUser(completion: #escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
self.db.collection("userSetting").getDocuments() { (querySnapshot, err) in
if let err = err {
print("Error getting documents: \(err)")
} else {
for document in querySnapshot!.documents {
let userTrust =["userTrust"] as! String
let userGrade =["userGrade"] as! String
let userDisclaimer =["userDisclaimer"] as! String
var row = [String]()
// set google firebase analytics user info
self.userTrustInfo = userTrust
self.userGradeInfo = userGrade
Nothing works. The getUser call isn't completed before the code moves on. Can someone please help. I've searched multiple times, looked at all linked answers but I can not make this work.I'm clearly missing something easy, please help
read this post: Waiting for data to be loaded on app startup.
It explains why you should never wait for data before returning from
function application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions).
To achieve what you need, you could use your first ViewController as a sort of splashscreen (that only shows an image or an activity indicator) and call the function getUser(completion:) in the viewDidLoad() method the ViewController.
class FirstViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
MyFirestoreDatabaseManager.shared.getUser() { success in
if success {
//TODO: Navigate to another ViewController
} else {
//TODO: Show an error
Where obviously MyFirestoreDatabaseManager.shared is the object on which you defined the getUser(completion:) method.
(In your example, I think that you defined that function in the AppDelegate. In that case, you should mark your getUser(completion:) method and all related variables as static. Then replace MyFirestoreDatabaseManager.shared with AppDelegate).
Not 100% sure what you would like to accomplish as I can't see all your code, but try something similar to this, replacing Objects for what you are trying to return from the documents.
You don't want your user's data spread across multiple documents. With Firebase you pay for every document you have to get. Ideally you want all your user's settings within one firebase document. Then create a UserInfo struct that you can decode to using the library CodeableFirebase or the decoder of your choice.
// Create user struct
struct UserInfo: Codable {
var userId: String
var userTrust: String
var userGrade: String
var userDisclaimer: String
// get user info from db and decode using CodableFirebase
func getUser() async throws -> UserInfo {
let doc = try await self.db.collection("users").document("userIdHere")
let userInfo = try FirestoreDecoder().decode(UserInfo.self, from:
return UserInfo
Then you can do this...
Task {
do {
let userInfo = try await getUser()
let userTrust = userInfo.userTrust
let userGrade = userInfo.userGrade
let userDisclaimer = userInfo.userDisclaimer

SNAudioStreamAnalyzer not stopping sound classification request

I'm a student studying iOS development currently working on a simple AI project that utilizes SNAudioStreamAnalyzer to classify an incoming audio stream from the device's microphone. I can start the stream and analyze audio no problem, but I've noticed I can't seem to get my app to stop analyzing and close the audio input stream when I'm done. At the beginning, I initialize the audio engine and create the classification request like so:
private func startAudioEngine() {
do {
// start the stream of audio data
try audioEngine.start()
let snoreClassifier = try? SnoringClassifier2_0().model
let classifySoundRequest = try audioAnalyzer.makeRequest(snoreClassifier)
try streamAnalyzer.add(classifySoundRequest,
withObserver: self.audioAnalyzer)
} catch {
print("Unable to start AVAudioEngine: \(error.localizedDescription)")
After I'm done classifying my audio stream, I attempt to stop the audio engine and close the stream like so:
private func terminateNight() {
do {
let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
try session.setActive(false)
} catch {
print("unable to terminate audio session")
nightSummary = true
However, after I call the terminateNight() function my app will continue using the microphone and classifying the incoming audio. Here's my SNResultsObserving implementation:
class AudioAnalyzer: NSObject, SNResultsObserving {
var prediction: String?
var confidence: Double?
let snoringEventManager: SnoringEventManager
internal init(prediction: String? = nil, confidence: Double? = nil, snoringEventManager: SnoringEventManager) {
self.prediction = prediction
self.confidence = confidence
self.snoringEventManager = snoringEventManager
func makeRequest(_ customModel: MLModel? = nil) throws -> SNClassifySoundRequest {
if let model = customModel {
let customRequest = try SNClassifySoundRequest(mlModel: model)
return customRequest
} else {
throw AudioAnalysisErrors.ModelInterpretationError
func request(_ request: SNRequest, didProduce: SNResult) {
guard let classificationResult = didProduce as? SNClassificationResult else { return }
let topClassification = classificationResult.classifications.first
let timeRange = classificationResult.timeRange
self.prediction = topClassification?.identifier
self.confidence = topClassification?.confidence
if self.prediction! == "snoring" {
} else {
func request(_ request: SNRequest, didFailWithError: Error) {
print("ended with error \(didFailWithError)")
func requestDidComplete(_ request: SNRequest) {
print("request finished")
It was my understanding that upon calling streamAnalyzer.removeAllRequests() and audioEngine.stop() the app would stop streaming from the microphone and call the requestDidComplete function, but this isn't the behavior I'm getting. Any help is appreciated!
From OP's edition:
So I've realized it was a SwiftUI problem. I was calling the startAudioEngine() function in the initializer of the view it was declared on. I thought this would be fine, but since this view was embedded in a parent view when SwiftUI updated the parent it was re-initializing my view and as such calling startAudioEngine() again. The solution was to call this function in on onAppear block so that it activates the audio engine only when the view appears, and not when SwiftUI initializes it.
I don't believe you should expect to receive requestDidComplete due to removing a request. You'd expect to receive that when you call completeAnalysis.

Coordinating access to NSManagedObjects across multiple background services

My first Swift app is a photo library manager, and after rebuilding its Core Data guts half a dozen times, I am throwing up my hands and asking for help. For each photo, there are a few "layers" of work I need to accomplish before I can display it:
Create an Asset (NSManagedObject subclass) in Core Data for each photo in the library.
Do some work on each instance of Asset.
Use that work to create instances of Scan, another NSManagedObject class. These have to-many relationships to Assets.
Look over the Scans and use them to create AssetGroups (another NSManagedObject) in Core Data. Assets and AssetGroups have many-to-many relationships.
For each photo, each layer must complete before the next one starts. I can do multiple photos in parallel, but I also want to chunk up the work so it loads into the UI coherently.
I'm really having trouble making this work gracefully; I've built and rebuilt it a bunch of different ways. My current approach uses singleton subclasses of this Service, but as soon as I call save() on the first one, the work stops.
class Service: NSObject, ObservableObject, NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate {
var name: String
var predicate: NSPredicate
var minStatus: AssetStatus
var maxStatus: AssetStatus
internal let queue: DispatchQueue
internal let mainMOC = PersistenceController.shared.container.viewContext
internal let privateMOC = PersistenceController.shared.container.newBackgroundContext()
internal lazy var frc: NSFetchedResultsController<Asset> = {
let req = Asset.fetchRequest()
req.predicate = self.predicate
req.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: #keyPath(Asset.creationDate), ascending: false)]
let frcc = NSFetchedResultsController(fetchRequest: req,
managedObjectContext: self.mainMOC,
sectionNameKeyPath: "creationDateKey",
cacheName: nil)
frcc.delegate = self
return frcc
#Published var isUpdating = false
#Published var frcCount = 0
init(name: String, predicate: NSPredicate? = NSPredicate(value: true), minStatus: AssetStatus, maxStatus: AssetStatus) { = name
self.predicate = predicate!
self.minStatus = minStatus
self.maxStatus = maxStatus
self.queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.Ladybird.Photos.\(name)", attributes: .concurrent)
private func fetch() {
do {
try self.frc.performFetch()
print("\(name): FRC fetch count: \(frc.fetchedObjects!.count)")
} catch {
print("\(name): Unable to perform fetch request")
print("\(error), \(error.localizedDescription)")
func savePrivate() {
self.privateMOC.perform {
do {
catch {
print("\( could not synchonize data. \(error), \(error.localizedDescription)")
func save() {
do {
self.mainMOC.performAndWait {
do {
} catch {
print("\( could not synchonize data. \(error), \(error.localizedDescription)")
catch {
print("\( could not synchonize data. \(error), \(error.localizedDescription)")
func checkDays() {
// Iterate over days in the photo library
if self.isUpdating { return }
self.isUpdating = true
// self.updateCount = self.frcCount
var daysChecked = 0
var day = Date()
while day >= PhotoKitService.shared.oldestPhAssetDate() {
print("\(name) checkDay \(DateFormatters.shared.key.string(from: day))")
var dc = DateComponents() = -1
daysChecked += 1
day = dc, to: day)!
if daysChecked % 100 == 0 {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.isUpdating = false
func checkDay(_ date: Date) {
let dateKey = DateFormatters.shared.key.string(from: date)
let req = Asset.fetchRequest()
req.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "creationDateKey == %#", dateKey)
guard let allAssetsForDateKey = try? self.mainMOC.fetch(req) else { return }
if allAssetsForDateKey.count == PhotoKitService.shared.phAssetsCount(dateKey: dateKey) {
if allAssetsForDateKey.allSatisfy({$0.assetStatusValue >= minStatus.rawValue && $0.assetStatusValue <= maxStatus.rawValue}) {
let frcAssetsForDateKey = self.frc.fetchedObjects!.filter({$0.creationDateKey! == dateKey})
if !frcAssetsForDateKey.isEmpty {
print("\(name): Day \(dateKey) ready for proccessing.")
for a in frcAssetsForDateKey {
// implemented by subclasses
func handleAsset(_ asset: Asset) -> Void { }
func controllerDidChangeContent(_ controller: NSFetchedResultsController<NSFetchRequestResult>) {
self.frcCount = self.frc.fetchedObjects?.count ?? 0
I have a subclass of this for each of the four steps above. I want the data to flow between them nicely, and in previous implementations it did, but I couldn't chunk it the way I wanted, and it crashed randomly. This feels more controllable, but it doesn't work: calling save() stops the iteration happening in checkDays(). I can solve that by wrapping save() in an async call like DispatchQueue.main.async(), but it has bad side effects — checkDays() getting called while it's already executing. I've also tried calling save() after each Asset is finished, which makes the data move between layers nicely, but is slow as hell.
So rather than stabbing in the dark, I thought I'd ask whether my strategy of "service layers" feels sensible to others who others who have dealt with this kind of problem. It'd also be helpful to hear if my implementation via this Service superclass makes sense.
What would be most helpful is to hear from those with experience how they would approach implementing a solution to this problem: consecutive steps, applied concurrently to multiple Core Data entities, all in the background. There are so many ways to solve pieces of this in Swift — async/await, Tasks & Actors, DispatchQueues, ManagedObjectContext.perform(), container.performBackgroundTask(), Operation… I've tried each of them to mixed success, and what I feel like I need here is a trail map to get out of the forest.
Thanks y'all

swift show loader while reading data from firebase

i have a list of music at my firebase real time database and i am retriving them but i have 1000 musics data and i want to show loader when i reading data and stop loader when if there is a error(internet connection, or something else) or reading completed.
when i turn off the internet i couldn't get the data and can't stop loader to show error alert like there is no internet connection.
please help me how to handle that problem.
here is my code
didload function called from viewdidload()
private var musicArray = [ItemModal]() {
didSet {
func didLoad() {
getAllMusics { ItemModal in
self.musicArray = ItemModal
func getAllMusics(completion: #escaping ([ItemModal]) -> Void) {
var musicArray = [ItemModal]()
ref.child("music").observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { snapshot in
let enumerator = snapshot.children
while let rest = enumerator.nextObject() as? DataSnapshot {
guard let data = try? rest.value as Any, options: []) else { return }
if let itemModal = try? JSONDecoder().decode(ItemModal.self, from: data) {
You can use reachability function by using To get to notify when the internet is turned off, you can implement reachabilityChanged Notification. In the selector method of reachabilityChanged, you can hide the loader.
override func viewDidLoad() {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(reachabilityChanged), name: .reachabilityChanged)
#objc func changed() {
if reachability?.isReachable {
//Continue success implementation
} else {
//Implement Error handling

How Save UILocalNotifications in CoreData

Answer is below, image is here:
I was searching how to do this for a couple of days and was only able to find people who stored UILocalNotificaations in NSUserDefaults. Saving these in NSUserDefaults seemed wrong to me because it is supposed to be used for small flags. I just now finally figured out how to store notifications in CoreData. This is Using Xcode 7.3.1 and Swift 2.2
First off you need to create a new entity in your CoreDataModel
and then add a single attribute to it. the attribute should be of type Binary Data I named my table/entity "ManagedFiredNotifications" and my attribute "notification". it should look like this:
Image linked in Question above.
Next you need to add an extension to UILocalNotification it should go like this:
extension UILocalNotification {
func save() -> Bool {
let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as? AppDelegate
let firedNotificationEntity = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName("ManagedFiredNotifications", inManagedObjectContext: appDelegate!.managedObjectContext)
guard appDelegate != nil else {
return false
let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(self)
firedNotificationEntity.setValue(data, forKey: "notification")
do {
try appDelegate!
return true
} catch {
return false
Now for saving a notification all you need to do is call
On the notification you would like to save. my notifications were named 'notification' so I would call
To retrieve a notification you need a method like this
func getLocalFiredNotifications() -> [UILocalNotification]? {
let managedObjectContext = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as? AppDelegate)!.managedObjectContext
let firedNotificationFetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "ManagedFiredNotifications")
firedNotificationFetchRequest.includesPendingChanges = false
do {
let fetchedFiredNotifications = try managedObjectContext.executeFetchRequest(firedNotificationFetchRequest)
guard fetchedFiredNotifications.count > 0 else {
return nil
var firedNotificationsToReturn = [UILocalNotification]()
for managedFiredNotification in fetchedFiredNotifications {
let notificationData = managedFiredNotification.valueForKey("notification") as! NSData
let notificationToAdd = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(notificationData) as! UILocalNotification
return firedNotificationsToReturn
} catch {
return nil
Note that this returns an array of UILocalNotifications.
When retrieving these if you plan on removing a few of them and then storing the list again you should remove them when you get them something like this works:
func loadFiredNotifications() {
let notifications = StudyHelper().getLocalFiredNotifications()
if notifications != nil {
firedNotifications = notifications!
} else {
// throw an error or log it
I hope this helps someone who had the same problems that I did trying to implement this.