how to calculate PPU for image sprites - unity3d

I have an image for creating rounded button in unity, but, If I don't account for the correct PPU value, the button gets distorted (I'm even using sliced images):
Through trial and error, the PPU value of 300 seems to look like the original image:
but, I don't know a way to confirm if that is correct. How would we actually calculate the PPU value to use for images?

I think you just need rounded rectangle image and need to slice it as follow
I have sliced the image as shown above and added an Image component in scene like following
Notice the Pixel per unit multiplier it is to control the border radius, and now I can stretch the image and it won't get distorted. Check the screenshots for that
And for the text I have used TextMeshProUGUI as the child of the Image.


Flutter How to create pixel-art?

Imagine this, where I can render a picture as a canvas & then interact with whatever pixel I want.
Firstly I'd need to parse the pixels somehow, I've tried parsing this picture by it's on-picture pixel amount by using filesize/12x12 & trying to only render sub-lists of the bytes with Image.memory, but it didn't really work out well since it still doesn't make the pixels interactable & it renders it top-down. Maybe I would need to use an image that's true to size pixel amount instead but I'd then need to upscale it somehow.
Do I map each pixel to an container widget? Do I use the flutter canvas library? Im pretty confused.
How would I go about doing this?
Our app,you want code like that??
First: you need this:
img.Image image = img.decodeImage(file.readAsBytesSync());
image.setPixelSafe(x,y,color);// this line draw a color to pixel at x,y
next step paint image to canvas or Image.memory()

How to keep the same resolution of canvas on different screen resolution?

First of all, sry for my English mistakes, I'm not a native English speaker.
I'm trying to make an UI which is composed of a canvas within different gameObject, and I would like that my canvas scales to the dimension of the screen but keeps its original resolution (16x9 portrait). If it is displayed on a tablet resolution (4x3) then an image is displayed in the space that is not covered by the canvas.
But actually all I've got is a canvas which scales to every resolution, and it changes the aspect of its child (for example a square becomes a rectangle).
Thank you for showing interest in my query!
UI's are heavy beasts. Canvas in Unity have a component attached to themm called Canvas Scaler which is set by default on Constant Pixel Size. You may try to set this property on Scale With Screen Size and then specify the base resolution you want to work with (usually 1920x1080 is a console standart). This is your first step
Then, to avoid strange Image scaling, you may check the property Preserve Aspect, this way the ration of the Sprite into your Image will remain the same indepently of the ratio of the Image
Last, you may play a bit with anchors but this is another story, you should let those at plain center at the beginning and come back to it when you will feel ready
Hope that helped ;)
Your canvas should have a component called Canvas Scaler. Here it should say Constant Pixel Size, change this to Scale With Screen Size and it should lock the Canvas to be the same width / height as the screen. If you want to lock an image to a specific width/height ratio, go to the Image component on the image and check the Preserve Aspect checkbox. This way if you have a 100x100 image, the images width will always be the same as the height. If you have a 200x100 image, the images width will always be twice the height, etc etc etc.

Unity - 2D - Draw a sprite with it's "real" size

Is there a way to draw a 10x20px sprite always with 10x20px regardless of the resolution?
I don't mean to add it as a UI/canvas object, I want to be able to place it in the world and move it or move the camera.
thx for any help!
If using an Image component you can hit the Set Native Size button in the Inspector
Set the dimensions of the image box to the original pixel
size of the Texture.
In order to move it and place it in 3D it has to be a child of a Canvas with RenderMode = WorldSpace
Then also note the options of the Canvas especially the CanvasScaler -> Reference Pixels Per Unit value. It should be 1 in your case before hitting Set Native Size in the Image.
You can do that by setting the Camera ortographic size to the correct size. Try the 2D Pixel Perfect Camera package by Unity
The script in that package will automatically set your Camera ortographic size with provided parameters. If you want to manually set it, the formula is:
Camera ortographic size = vertical resolution / PPU / 2
Vertical resolution means the target vertical resolution that your sprite was designed for. For example, if your sprite is designed to look pixel perfect on 1600x900 screen, then the vertical resolution will be 900.
PPU means the pixel per unit, by default all imported sprites are set to 100.

Create Mosaic on image

In image app i have to blur the selected areas of image. Something like create mosaic at selected area of image. i have to get each pixel color of selected area and then increase the size of each pixel. here is the reference link that i am using . But not able to implement this practically for selected area. Can any one have some sample for the same.
There are two solutions for this
1. Get the screen shot of the area where you want the mosaic effect and apply effect to the same portion. Then add the image(with mosaic effect) to the original image.
2.Get the pixel of the area you want to be effected and then gave effect to those pixels.*

UIImageView renders image differently to original

The image on the right is the one that I produced in photoshop. I then stripped all text and put it in an image view, as soon as I did that there was a change in colour and the vertical line lost it sharpness. Has anyone else run into a similar problem? What do I do?
alt text
Are the dimensions correct? Is the position of the image an integer? If these cases antialiasing will slightly blur your image.
One thing to be careful of is that if your image is an odd number of pixels in either dimension then centering it onscreen will cause it to be misaligned. Imagine if you had a 1x1 image (just one pixel) and tried to center it perfectly onscreen. It can't be done because the screen is an even number of pixels wide and high. This is why it's best to always use even dimensioned images whenever possible.