How can i firestore stream snapsnot pause - flutter

I have a structure made up of tabs. I'm listening which tab you're in. I am using AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin in tabs
late StreamSubscription _subscription;
void initState() {
_subscription = FirebaseFirestore.instance
.snapshots().listen((DocumentSnapshot snapshot) => _onUpdate(snapshot));;
void dispose() {
_tabListener () {
if( == 0.0) {
if(_subscription.isPaused) {
} else {
No problem so far, it stops listening and picks up where it left off, but when it starts again it brings all the changes that happened when it stopped.
Keeps sending snapshot changes constantly in the background.
I want the stream to stop completely when the tab changes, and start over when it comes to tab, how can I do that?

According to the StreamSubscription pause method documentation, if the subscription receives events while paused they will be buffered until the subscription is resumed.
As explained in this paragraph the recommended solution to avoid buffering events would be to cancel the subscription and start it again when needed.


"Bad state: Stream has already been listened to" occurs when I visit screen multiple times

I'm using flutter_bluetooth_serial library and in initState() function I'm using listen to call a function. It's working fine when the app initially starts but when I visit this screen for the second time on the app I get a red screen saying "Bad state: Stream has already been listened to".
I'm new to flutter so please provide the exact code that can help me resolve this issue.
void initState() {
widget.connection.input.listen(_onDataReceived).onDone(() {
// Example: Detect which side closed the connection
// There should be `isDisconnecting` flag to show are we are (locally)
// in middle of disconnecting process, should be set before calling
// `dispose`, `finish` or `close`, which all causes to disconnect.
// If we except the disconnection, `onDone` should be fired as result.
// If we didn't except this (no flag set), it means closing by remote.
if (isDisconnecting) {
print('Disconnecting locally!');
} else {
print('Disconnected remotely!');
if (this.mounted) {
setState(() {});
Try to override dispose() method of the state and cancel subscription within it. To do that you need to save subscription in a variable:
StreamSubscription _subscription;
void initState() {
_subscription = widget.connection.input.listen(_onDataReceived, onDone: () {
void dispose() {
If you need to subscribe to the connection.input multiple times across the app - you can transform it to broacast stream and subscribe for it. It should help. Like this:
final broadcastInput = connection.input.asBroadcastStream();
But if you need to use connection only in this widget I would recommend you to keep it inside state (not widget) and close it on dispose. It would be better lifecycle control solution.
BluetoothConnection _connection;
void initState() {
Future<void> _initConnection() async {
_connection = await BluetoothConnection.toAddress(address);
/// Here you can subscribe for _connection.input
void dispose() {

Flutter Firebase stops listening after push and pop operation

I'm saving Firebase data in a list using on child Added listener and on child changed listener, it works good, but when i perform push operation and use pop to back to the screen the listeners stops listening.
Is there any solutions to fix this.
I used this code from Stackoverflow : Code
Sorry for this silly post, i'm new to flutter, I fixed this by using Future method in listeners.
#GrahamD you can find my code here.
My code:
var childAddedListener;
var childChangedListener;
void initState(){
FirebaseDatabase database;
database = FirebaseDatabase.instance;
reference = database.reference().child('Sweets');
childAddedListener = reference.onChildAdded.listen(_onEntryAddedShop);
childChangedListener = reference.onChildChanged.listen(_onEntryChangedShop);
On Child Added Listener
Future _onEntryAddedShop(Event event) {
setState(() {
On Child Changed Listener
Future _onEntryChangedShop(Event event) {
print('Child Changed');
var old = itemsShop.singleWhere((entry) {
return == event.snapshot.key;
setState(() {
itemsShop[itemsShop.indexOf(old)] = Sweets.fromSnapshot(event.snapshot);
Cancel them in dispose
dispose() {

Measuring amount of time the app has been open

I am trying to trigger an event after the app is open for ten minutes. Is there an easy way to do this? I imagine I need to start a timer when the app is first built, but then be able to cancel or pause that timer if the user navigates away from the app somehow.
I have found the screen state library, but that library only listens for the screen turning off and on, and not for events like navigating home or to another app. I'm familiar with WillPopScope, and related to that I found back button interceptor, but my understanding is that only intercepts when the user presses the back button, and not if the user presses home or switches to another app.
Is there some central way for listening to anything that will close or navigate away from the app, or a combination of things to listen to?
Start a Timer when your main method runs:
import 'dart:async';
void main() {
Timer(Duration(minutes: 10), () {
// Handle the event
If you want to be able to control the timer, set it up in your root widget and have that widget listen to lifecycle events:
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
class MyAppState extends State<MyApp> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
static const _appTimerDuration = const Duration(minutes: 10);
Timer appTimer;
void initState() {
appTimer = Timer(_appTimerDuration, _timerElapsed);
void dispose() {
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
appTimer = Timer(_appTimerDuration, _timerElapsed);
} else {
void _timerElapsed() {
// Handle the event

didChangeAppLifecycleState doesn't work as expected

I hope I understand how didChangeAppLifecycleState worked correctly.
I have page A and page B . When I click the back device button from page B ( Navigator.of(context).pop(); ), I expect didChangeAppLifecycleState in pageA will get called, but it doesn't.
class _ABCState extends State<ABCrList> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
void initState() {
void dispose() {
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
setState(() {
This is the initState in pageA. The function used to call backend service.
void initState() {
_bloc.getList(context); // return list and populate to ListView
The way you're thinking it is Android's way where onResume works, but in Flutter, things don't happen this way.
Generally, this gets called when the system puts the app in the background or returns the app to the foreground.
There are mainly 4 states for it:
resumed: The application is visible and responding to user input.
inactive: The application is in an inactive state and is not receiving user input.
paused: The application is not currently visible to the user, not responding user input, and running in the background.
detached: The application is still hosted on a flutter engine but is detached from any host views.
When you're navigating to PageB from PageA, use something like:
Navigator.pushNamed(context, "/pageB").then((flag) {
if (flag) {
// you're back from PageB, perform your function here
setState(() {}); // you may need to call this if you want to update UI
And from PageB, you'll can use
Navigator.pop(context, true);

Flutter Capture event when app comes to Foreground from triggered Intent

I am trying to pull off some basic stuff here. Scenario: I am checking for GPS status on init() using isLocationServiceEnabled. If the GPS is off, I'm showing a popup that redirects to Location settings using AndroidIntent. If hit back without turning on the GPS, I want to capture the event when my app comes to foreground. I guessed it has to do with the lifecycle and tried like below, nothing gets print on the console
AppLifecycleState _notification;
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
setState(() {
_notification = state;
print('onResumed called 1');
if( state == AppLifecycleState.resumed){
print('onResumed called 2');
Am I missing something here?
Did you extend class with WidgetsBindingObserver like so:
class _WhateverWidget extends State<WhateverWidget> with WidgetsBindingObserver
and then initialize an instance like so:
#override void initState() {
#override void dispose() {