Firebase Storage ~ max write rate per document? - firebase-storage

For firestore I find under the 'soft limits' section in the docs following info
Maximum sustained write rate to a document - 1 per second
Sustaining a write rate above once per second increases latency and causes contention errors. This is not a hard limit, and you can surpass the limit in short bursts.
I have a rather big file (~800KB) in firestore at the moment which I'm quite frequently writing what gives me a warning (not as often as one time per second, but I think that might be due to the size...) and I'm wondering if it was better to switch to storage. I can't find any infos for storage though. Is it more 'robust' and no such restrictions to care about?


mongodb max number of parallel find() requests from single instance

What is the maximum theoretical number of parallel requests that we can squize from single mongodb instance before deciding to shard?
Considering the database and indexes fit in memory and all requests are find() queries fetching single document based on indexed field. The hosting OS is Ubuntu , the data partition is SSD. ulimits are set to max.
In my laptop with simple test on single instance I reach near 40k/sec , after that the avg execution times start to increase significantly, but wondering what can be the upper theoretical limit?
It depends. If your active dataset can fit in the memory - if most of the requests don't need to perform any disk I/O - then you can achieve 24k+ requests pretty easily. If not on a (bigger) single machine, then at least use a replica set cluster with multiple secondaries.
If an active dataset is much larger than the available RAM then you have the same problem as with any other database. The advantage of MongoDB's new engine WiredTiger (since v3.0) is a transparent compression - it can reduce the amount of data and I/O and thus improve performance - even despite the fact that compression adds CPU load.
For more performance it really helps:
if the most accessed documents are small so it takes less time to
load them, transfer them, and less time to deserialize in your app List item
If you use projections in find(), for the same reasons
if you use bulk operations to reduce networking I/O and context switches
Even MongoDB itself has an option to limit the maximum number of incoming connections. It defaults to 64k.
for more information you can refer link

How can I choose the right key-value store for my use case?

I will describe the data and case.
record {
customerId: "id", <---- indexed
binaryData: "data" <---- not indexed
customerId is random 10 digit number
Average size of binary record data - 1-2 kilobytes
There may be up to 100 records per one customerId
Overall number of records - 500M
Write pattern #1: insert one record at a time
Write pattern #2: batch, maybe in parallel, with speed of at least 20M record per hour
Search pattern #1: find all records by customerId
Search pattern #2: find of all records by customerId group, in parallel, at a rate of at least 10M customerId per hour
Data is not too important, we can trade some aspects of reliability for speed
We suppose to work in AWS / GCP - it's best we key-value store is administered by the cloud
We want to spend no more that 1K USD per month on cloud costs for this solution
What we have tried:
We have this approach implemented in relational database, in AWS RDS MariaDB. Server is 32GB RAM, 2TB GP2 SSD, 8 CPU. I found that IOPS usage was high and insert speed was not satisfactory. After investigation I concluded that due to random nature of customerId there is high rate of different writes to index. After this I did the following:
input data is sorted by customerId ASC
Additional trade was made to reduce index size with little degradation of single record read speed. For this I did some sort of buckets where records 1111111185 and 1111111186 go to same "bucket" 11111111. This way bucket can't contain more than 100 customerIds so read speed will be ok, and write speed improves.
Even like this, I could not make more than 1-3M record writes per hour. Different write concurrencies were tested, current value is 4 concurrent writers. After all modifications it's not clear what else we can improve:
IOPS is not at the top use (~4K per second),
CPU use is not high,
Network is not fully utilized,
Write and read throughputs are not capped.
Apparently, ACID principles are holding us back. I am in look for flatly scalable key-value store and will be glad to hear any ideas and roughly estimations.
So if I understand you...
2kb * 500m records ≈ 1 TB of data
20m writes/hr ≈ 5.5k writes/sec
That's quite doable in NoSQL.
The scale is not the issue. It's your cost.
$1k a month for 1 TB of data sounds like a reasonable goal. I just don't think that the public clouds are quite there yet.
Let me give an example with my recommendation: Scylla Cloud and Scylla Open Source. (Disclosure: I work for ScyllaDB.)
I will caution you that your $1k/month capitation on costs might cause you to consider and make some tradeoffs.
As is typical in high availability deployments, to ensure data redundancy in case of node failure, you could use 3x i3.2xlarge instances on AWS (can store 1.9 TB per instance).
You want the extra capacity to run compactions. We use incremental compaction, which saves on space amplification, but you don't want to go with the i3.xlarge (0.9 tb each), which is under your 1 tb limit unless really pressed for costs. In which case you'll have to do some sort of data eviction (like a TTL) to keep your data to around <600 gb.
Even with annual reserved pricing for Scylla Cloud (see here: of $764.60/server, to run the three i3.2xlarge would be $2,293.80/month. More than twice your budget.
Now, if you eschew managed services, and want to run self-service, you could go Scylla Open Source, and just look at the on-demand instance pricing (see here: For 3x i3.2xlarge, you are running each at $0.624/hour. That's a raw on-demand cost of $449.28 each, which doesn't include incidentals like backups, data transfer, etc. But you could get three instances for $1,347.84. Open Source. Not managed.
Still over your budget, but closer. If you could get reserved pricing, that might just make it.
Edit: Found the reserve pricing:
3x i3.2xlarge is going to cost you
At monthly pricing $312.44 x 3 = $937.32, or
1 year up-front $3,482 annual/12 = $290.17/month/server x 3 = $870.50.
So, again, backups, monitoring, and other costs are above that. But you should be able to bring the raw server cost <$1,000 to meet your needs using Scylla Open Source.
But the admin burden is on your team (and their time isn't exactly zero cost).
For example, if you want monitoring on your system, you'll need to set up something like Prometheus, Grafana or Datadog. That will be other servers or services, and they aren't free. (The cost of backups and monitoring by our team are covered with Scylla Cloud. Part of the premium for the service.)
Another way to save money is to only do 2x replication. Which puts your data in a real risky place in case you lose a server. It is not recommended.
All of this was based on maximal assumptions of your data. That your records are all around 2k (not 1k). That you're not getting much utility out of data compression, which ScyllaDB has built in – see part one ( and part two (
To my mind, you should be able to squeak through with your $1k/month budget if you go reserved pricing and open source. Though adding on monitoring and backups and other incidental costs (which I haven't calculated here) may end you up back over that number again.
Otherwise, $2.3k/month in a fully-managed-cloud enterprise package and you can sleep easy at night.

MongoDB: Disk I/O % utilization on Data Partition has gone

Last time I get alert from MongoDB Atlas:
Disk I/O % utilization on Data Partition has gone above 70 on nvme2n1
But I have no any ideas how can I localize / query / index / part of code / problematic collection.
In what way can I perform any analyze to find out problem root-cause?
Not answer, but just seen that many people faced with similar problem.
In My case root cause was: we had collection with huge documents that contain array of data (in fact - list of coordinates with some metadata), and update it as many times, as coordinates we have (when adding new coordinates). + some additional operations.
As I know MongoDB cannot fetch just part of document, it fetch full document, and when we fetch many different and big documents, they are not fit into MongoDB in-memory cache, and each time access into hard disc, that lead to this issue.
So, we just split up this document on several, and this fixed issue. While we need frequent access to update/add this data, we keep it into different documents, and finally, after process done, we gather back all this documents into one big document, for "history check" purpose.
Recently, we met this alert on MongoDB Atlas Disk I/O % utilization on Data Partition has gone above 90 after the instance reboots maintenance. After a discussion with Atlas support guys, we clearly understand this metric.
Understanding Disk I/O % Utilization
The definition of Disk I/O % Utilization and Disk I/O % utilization on Data Partition per doc
Disk I/O % Utilization alerts indicate that the percentage of time during which requests are being issued reaches a specified threshold.
Disk I/O % utilization on Data Partition occurs if the percentage of time during which requests are being issued to any partition that contains the MongoDB collection data meets or exceeds the threshold.
Two traps in iostat: %util and svctm
Device saturation occurs when this value is close to 100% for devices serving requests serially. But for devices serving requests in parallel, such as RAID arrays and modern SSDs, this number does not reflect their performance limits.
This means if there was even just one I/O operation in progress for a given time period, the operating system would report 100% Disk Util, as the disk was in use 100% of that time.
Thus, the disk utilization percentage by itself is NOT an indicator of stress on the disk relative to its maximum IOPS capacity.
Having disk utilization at 100% does not in itself imply there is an issue. Disk utilization is the percentage of time requests are issued to any partition containing the MongoDB collection data. This includes requests from any process, not just MongoDB processes. Modern disk storage can sustain multiple I/O operations simultaneously, so having a ~100% utilization is not unusual, because it just means that the disk is constantly processing at least one operation during the 100% interval.
We should look at a combination of all the available disk-related metrics, as well as IOWait in the System CPU when diagnosing potential disk performance-related issues.
Possible actions to help resolve Disk Utilization % alerts
Optimize your queries
Create an Index to Support Read Operations
Pay attention to Query Selectivity and Covered Query
Use the Atlas Performance Advisor to view slow queries and suggested indexes.
Review Indexing Strategies for possible further indexing improvements.
Analyze Query Performance to review how your queries are using your indexes.
Analyze Profile to optimize the long execution time query
Increase hardware resources, such as instance size and IOPS on Atlas
Source: Mongo Doc
As the alert says, it is due to the high utilization of the disk. The most common cause of it is unoptimized queries with poor Query Targeting Ratio, or simply reading/writing a lot of documents from/to the disk in a relatively shorter time window.
In order to identify these queries, start with the Profiler and look for the operations with a poor Examined:Returned ratio. You can also refer to the Performance Advisor to see if it suggests any indexes on the inefficient operations. Since Profiler's window is limited to the last 24 hours, you can also refer to your logs to identify the Slow Queries.
Ultimately, the effort to solve this is tri-directional:
Optimizing the query execution with efficient indexing and filtering strategies
Keep a check on the volume of data being read/written in one go.
Increase the IOPS of the cluster
For official reference, checkout the documentation here.

Efficiently checking for a rare occurrence

I have to process many millions of data records. A data record has a record-type string at the beginning of a record. Processing is record-type-dependent but does not require to 'if'/'elsif' the type, just selecting an array-slice mask from a hash.
However, on the order of once-per-million I might encounter a record type that require a totally different kind of processing.
I hate to insert an 'if' testing for this record type that will return 'true' so rarely.
Any suggestions?
The answer is: Don't worry about it.
The speed of your CPU is considerably higher than that of your disk IO, so an if test is just not going to make a lot of difference - even if you ignored e.g. branch prediction algorithms.
An SSD will do about 1500 IO operations per second, and to quote Borodin from the comments:
A reasonable average disk read speed is 100MB per second. Say your records are 100 bytes each, that means you can read 1 million records per second, or 1μs per record. A 2011 Intel Core i5 processor runs at 83,000 MIPS, and so can
execute 83,000 instructions in the time taken to read one record. It is pointless to avoid a few test and branch instructions amongst all that.
Basically this is true in any code - your IO to storage is almost always your limiting factor, because CPUs have followed Moore's law, but the actual rotational speed of a spinning disk hasn't really changed in 15+ years. SSDs are something of a revolutionary change, but they're still too expensive to use as bulk storage options (and even if that wasn't true, they're still going to be the bottleneck on a sustained data transfer/processing operation).

what constitutes "large amount of write activity" for Mongodb?

I am currently working on an online ordering application using Mongodb as the backend. In looking into sharding, the Mongo docs say that you should consider sharding if
"your system has a large amount of write activity, a single MongoDB instance cannot write data fast enough to meet demand, and all other approaches have not reduced contention."
So my question is: what constitutes a large amount of write activity? are we talking 1000's of writes per second? 100's?
I know that sharding introduces a level of infrastructure complexity that I'd rather not get into if I don't have to.
The "large amount of write activity" is not defined in terms of a specific number .. but rather when your common usage pattern exceeds the resources of your server hardware. For example, when average I/O flush time or iowait indicates that I/O has become a significant limiting factor.
You do have other options to consider before sharding:
if your working set is larger than RAM and you have significant page faults, upgrade your RAM
if your disk I/O isn't keeping up, consider upgrading to faster disks, RAID, or SSD
review and adjust your readahead settings
look into optimization of slow or inefficient queries
review your indexes and remove unnecessary ones