DialogFlow CX how to declare parameters in the start page? - chatbot

I need to declare a parameter to store username as input in the first message of dialogflow session, "My name is John" will be the first message the user type to dialogflow cx,
I noticed it's not possible to create a parameter on the Start page, is there is a way to detect parameters using EntityType from the first message of the session ?

To detect parameter values from the first end-user input, you can use intent parameters.
First, create an intent and add training phrases like "My name is John" and similar. See how the intent may look like.
Then, add an intent route on the Start page and define agent response in fulfillment. See how the route and a simulator test may look like.
You can also check the general agent design best practices for more information.


Google action builder/Google assitant How to use proper noun as type

i would like to have a type that represent proper nom, such as family name for exemple but i can't find anything on this.
My goal is to send a info to an other personne using google assistant and my backend.
For exemple the user can say "Send this info to john smith" the info is stored in my backend so i have no problem finding and i got the id of the personne who is talking to the google assistant so this is no problem either.
The problem is how can i get john smith as a parameter that i send to my webhook? So my backend can verify the user list in my database and send the info if the user existe. I tried to use Type but a family doesn't match any pattern because it's can be anything...
If anyone know how to use google action builder with proper noun i would be grateful to know how i can manage to do it.
You have generally two options.
Free form text approach
First you can create a "Free form text" type which can catch pretty much anything being said.
Then a custom intent can be trained with a few examples to pull out the correct proper noun (or anything else). Your webhook will be able to match at that point.
Type Overrides approach
Alternatively, you can create a new type that starts with a preset of sample names that you use in your custom intent. Then, when the action starts, you can get the user's personal contact list in the webhook and set session type overrides.
Here's an example of the code I got from a music player action:
conv.session.typeOverrides = [{
name: 'genre',
mode: Mode.TypeReplace,
synonym: {
entries: Array.from(trackGenres).map(genre => ({
name: genre,
synonyms: [genre]
Depending on your system architecture, one of these may make more sense than the other. The first is better at capturing everything, but may require more post-processing on your webhook. The latter is better at precision, but may mean names may not match if they don't match entirely.

How to trigger multiple Intent in Webhook api.ai?

I am developing an api.ai bot that will search for the Vendor name in the database.
a ) if vendor exist -> provide username -> provide password
b) if vendor doesn't exist -> (add vendor -> yes ) or (add vendor -> No)
I have a webhook which is checking the vendor exist in database or not .
Bot Scenario: (Example )
User: Do Alpha exist as a vendor?
Bot: yes, Alpha exist in Database. Please Provide User Name.
User: abc#gmail.com
Bot: Please Provide Password?
User: abcdef
Bot : Welcome
Case 2:
User: Do Beta exist as a vendor ?
Bot: No Beta is not a vendor. Do you want to Register?
Case 1:
User: Yes
Bot: Please fill this Form.
Case 2:
User: No
Bot: Is there any other way I can help
One thing I have figured out, I have to use output context to trigger the intent. But how can I do it in this complex case? and how can I call multiple to follow up intent using Output Context?
I might be using a bad approach, Is there any other way to solve this ?
I do have a follow-up question.
when we pass the fulfillment response back to dialogue flow. The response print on bot console will be the default text response, how can I get "fulfillmentText" to be the Response.
Thank you Guys. This is the followup Intent scenario.
This is not complex, you are doing it wrong by having two intents for collecting username/password.
Try the following way
When you detect that your vendor is present - set the context in webhook, as say, "vendor-present"
When the vendor is not present - set the context in webhook, as say, "vendor-new"
Use lifespan (the number at the left side of the context) to set the lifetime or validity of the context.
Create a separate intent for existing vendor - say "Vendor Data Collection" for collecting username and password. Set input context as "vendor-present" in the Dialogflow. Here you will collect these as parameters in the same intent (see image below). Mark these parameters as 'required' so that they must be collected by your bot. Use the Prompt section to put your response question for collecting information like "Please provide username".
If the vendor is not present, use existing intents and set input context as "vendor-new" in the Dialogflow.
Now, few things to note - the username parameter can be collected using the system entity #sys.given-name. But it is not very accurate with the Non-American/English names. I am not sure if this is improved or not. Secondly, there is no system entity to collect passwords, so you need to set the entity as #sys.any and in the webhook, you need to use regex to extract passwords on your own. BTW - you are not supposed to share passwords!
Hope this helped you!

How to perform slot validation in webhook in Dialogflow?

How to perform slot validation in an intent using backend code (webhook).
I have seen how to perform slot filling using the webhooks but I want to know how to validate the slot data and re-prompt the user if validation fails.
User: I want to know the your services in London.
Bot: We do not provide service in London, please enter some other city name.
In short: If validation fails, reset the dialog contexts, trigger your intent again, and optionally use default values to keep other parameters that were actually valid (so you don't need to re-prompt the user for those again).
You don't need to declare an incoming context on that intent to achieve this. Note that you can use contexts in intents, even though they are not declared as incoming/outgoing contexts on that intent.
In this example, I'm requesting 2 parameters from the user (car make and model). Of course, Enable webhook call for slot filling needs to be set in your intent.
On Dialogflow, in the intent, declare an Event. This can be used to trigger this intent from your fulfillment code:
In your parameters, declare a Default Value for each parameter you want to be able to keep after resetting the intent:
Set the Default Value to a parameter in a helper context. If this helper context does exist, the default value will be set, otherwise, it'll be kept empty. This will allow you to reset the intent and keep other parameters you already had. In this example, I'm using the context show-car-details-data, and setting the default value of parameter model to _model in that incoming context:
In your slot-filling fulfillment method, you can validate your parameter and re-prompt the user by reseting the intent. To do that, you need to 1) clear the current dialog contexts, 2) call setFollowupEvent to trigger your intent again, and 3) optionally set up some helper context you can use to assign default values (so you don't need to re-prompt user for those that were valid).
I'm using Dialogflow Fulfillment Node.js Library:
// clear dialog contexts:
agent.contexts.forEach( e => {
if ( e.name.endsWith('_id_dialog_context') ) agent.context.delete(e.name);
// workaround bug: https://github.com/dialogflow/dialogflow-fulfillment-nodejs/issues/160
// set follow up event: this triggers your intent again
// optionally set helper context to set default values and avoid re-prompt of already valid values
// in this example, keep make since it was a valid parameter
// clear model because it was invalid. User will be prompted again on model, but not on make
agent.context.set('show-car-details-data', 1, { '_make': make, '_model': '' });
Enable webhook for slot filing in Dialog flow with Entity set as "Required".
Get entity from arguments.
Programmatically check if it is not null and as per your requirement.
If it is correct, proceed further.
Else, RESET THE CONTEXT and ask the question as per the wrong slot input. Programmatically, set the output context same as input so that user can again respond back slot/entity. If the correct context is not present, the slot will not get captured. When a slot is captured as per set Entity, the context for that slot captured is finished and to recapture it you need to increase the lifespan or create it again.

Watson Conversation Service - Quit Parameter for Slots/ Entities

There is a new feature in the conversation service where you can define slots/ entities for specific intents to extract the relevant information from the user input like currencies or specific string inputs. Those slots can be set mandatory in case you need them to proceed and the user will be asked for missing slots until he provides them.
Is it possible to define sth. like quit parameter so I can easily interrupt this conversation? The general documentation does not provide any information regarding this problem.
You can do it by adding node-level handler which will listen to your cancellation intent and fill the slots with dummy values.
You can read more about this approach in the documentation: https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/conversation/dialog-build.html (paragraph "Handle requests to exit the process")

How to give personalised greeting in Watson Conversation?

While Defining the Dialog in the Watson Conversation I'm not able to greet user with his/her name or I'm not able to detect contact number sent by the user and rephrase it to the user. Is it possible to do it in the Watson Conversation Api or not.
Although Mitch's response is correct, here is an example of doing a personalised response.
1. Set your conversation_start node text to "Hello <? context.username ?>".
2. In your code you would do something like this (Python).
import json
from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1
conversation = ConversationV1(
response = conversation.message(workspace_id=workspace_id, context= {'username':'Simon'})
print json.dumps(response)
3. When you run this, it should output the following, with the "text" part being what the user sees.
"text":["Hello Simon"]
One thing to be aware is that, the context object is used to maintain the state of the conversation. So if you plan to use just REST API's then you need to merge your context variables into the preceding context object before sending it. You do only need to do this at points where you do know the conversation needs that context.
Do you already have access to this information? You can send these values through as context, and refer to them using $context_variable
The same goes for collecting information from a user. You can capture things using regular expressions via your application, or using some Spring Expressions, you can see the text.matches here:
You would store this as context, and then refer to it using $context_variable again.
Information like names and phone numbers is quite open ended, so can be difficult to capture without using an open entity extraction engine, which we are researching best ways to incorporate this.
To get the user's input, use:
"context": {"yourVariable": "<?input.text?>"}
And to show:
"output": {"text": "You entered this $yourVariable"}