Should I be able to assign in nested dictionaries in KDB? - kdb

According to the docs, the assignment of `lt below should have upsert mechanics:
| state sym
----| ----------
s[`MSFT][`lt]: 3
[0] s[`MSFT][`lt]: 3
But instead I get an error.
Wham I doing wrong?

This goes back to the same problem you had before with typed dictionaries (dictionaries whose values are all the same type so kdb tries to keep it that way) - this time it's happening twice at two depths!
If you define:
then kdb assumes the shape of the "values" based on your first insert to the dictionary. In this case, kdb enforces that any value in that dictionary (even the one for MSFT) is a dictionary with keys state and sym. That means you can't force a new shape on it by adding a third key (at least not in the way you're attempting to).
On top of that - the sub-dictionary that you've created is itself a typed dictionary whose values are all symbol so kdb will force it to stay symbol values (aka you can't suddenly make "3" a value).
The final issue here is the one Matthew pointed out - you can't assign using double brackets [][] you can only assign with one (and use depth if necessary).
Putting all of this together:
/define s to allow generic datatype
/also don't allow the inner dictionary to be typed
/now you can assign
| ::
MSFT| ``state`sym`lt!(::;`init;`MSFT;3)

A keyed table is a map from a table to a table, so what you're indexing in to s with needs to itself be a table. So
(enlist `) ! enlist `MSFT
Second, if you are starting with an empty keyed table, you need to enlist the key and value.
q)s: () ! ()
q)s[enlist (enlist `) ! enlist `MSFT]: enlist (`state`sym) ! `init`MSFT
| state sym
----| ----------
When your table is no longer empty, you don't need to enlist the key and value.
q)s[(enlist `) ! enlist `GOOG]: (`state`sym) ! `init`GOOG
| state sym
----| ----------


kdb+ tests to check we're not flipping back and forth

How do we find out if the sym is flipping back and forth or not?
Once the syms changes to some other sym, it should not go back to previously occurred symbols in history.
Everytime the symbols flips/changes to new symbols, then new symbol should be unique and should not occurred in previous sym.
Things we want here is:
We want to have a Boolean column 1b if the rollover happened
We want to have another Boolean column 1b is rollover happned and the sym has flipped back and forth. (the current sym has occurred in previous or future date syms.)
//To create a sample table
{`tmp insert (x;`VXV2;`someName1)} each tdate;
{`tmp insert (x;`VXJ2;`someName2)} each tdate;
{`tmp insert (x;`VXG8;`someName3)} each tdate;
{`tmp insert (x;`VXZ4;`someName4)} each tdate;
//update the dataset to get the scenario
tmp:`sdate`sym xasc tmp;
tmp:update sym:`VXG8 from tmp where sdate=2020.04.11;
tmp:update sym:`VXN6 from tmp where sdate>=2020.04.21;
//the below query is we are interested in to find the rollover and sym flipping back and forth.
select from tmp where name=`someName1
from 2020-03-30 till 2020-04-10 then sym is VXV2
from 2020-04-11 till 2020-04-11 then sym is VXG8 // the sym was updated to VXG8
from 2020-04-12 till 2020-04-20 then sym is VXV2 // the sym was flipped back to VXV2 from VXG8
from 2020-04-21 till 2021-03-29 then sym is VXN6 // the sym was updated to VXN6
You can use differ on a list to return where it changes. For your second column, you can also use differ and filter out elements that are the first occurrence in the list.
q)differ list
q)differ[list] and not #[count[list]#0b; list?distinct list; :; 1b]
It depends on exactly how you want the booleans to look - only one true boolean on the flip or all true booleans for every duplicate sym - but this does the former:
update roll:differ sym,dup:differ[sym]&not i=group[sym][;0]sym from select from tmp where name=`someName1
Similar to Cathans answer

Given an existing table, generate code for defining an empty table with the same schema

I would like to take an existing table that I deserialized from a binary file or obtained from a remote process and generate code that will create an empty copy of the table so that I can have a human-readable representation of the schema that I can use to easily re-create the table.
For example, assume I have a trade table in memory and I want to generate code that will return an empty table of the same schema.
q)show meta trade
c | t f a
-----| -----
time | n
sym | s g
price| f
size | i
stop | b
cond | c
ex | c
I'm aware I can obtain an empty copy of trade by running 0#trade. However, I'd like to have a general function (let's say it's called getSchema) that will behave something like this:
q) getSchema trade
"trade:([]time:`timespan$(); sym:`g#`symbol$(); price:`float$(); size:`int$(); stop:`boolean$(); cond:`char$(); ex:`char$())"
I think it would be straightforward to implement this by processing the result of meta trade, but I was wondering if there was was a more straightforward or publicly available implementation of this function. Thanks.
I haven't seen such function available in public. An example is below, but it does not cover all cases (this is left for an exercise)
getSchema: {
typeMapping: "nsfibc"!("timespan";"symbol";"float";"int";"boolean";"char");
c: exec c from meta x;
t: exec t from meta x;
statement: string[x],":([]";
statement,: "; " sv string[c],'": `",/:(typeMapping#t),\:"$()";
statement,: ")";
//Expects table's name as symbol
What is not covered:
attributes: Attribute should go in the middle of "; " sv string[c],'": _code_for_attribute_ `",/:(typeMapping#t),\:"$()" statement
types: typeMapping must be enriched to cover the rest of Q types
keys. If table is keyed, then keyed columns are listed inside square brackets t: ([keyed_columns] other_columns)
foreign keys. To be fair they are seldom in use, so I would ignore them
The following should work nicely, however it will only render types atomic types, which will conform to how tables are normally defined. This method just utilizes the string representation of the empty schema that you can achieve via -3!
This should handle keyed tables and attributes but not foreign key.
/ Render the types with -3!
typs:ssr[-3!value flip 0!0#get x;"\"\"";"`char$()"];
/ Append the column names to the types
colNameType:(string[cols 0!get x],\:":"),'";" vs 1_-1_typs;
/ Ensure the correct keys are shown, add in ;
colnametyp:#[colNameType;count[keys x] - 1;,;"]"],\:";";
/ Combine
raze string[x],":([",(-1_raze colnametyp),")"
q)trade:2!([]time:`timespan$(); sym:`g#`symbol$(); price:`float$(); size:`int$(); stop:`boolean$(); cond:`char$(); ex:`char$());
q)getSchema `trade

Access locally scoped variables from within a string using parse or value (KDB / Q)

The following lines of Q code all throw an error, because when the statement "local" is parsed, the local variable is not in the correct scope.
{local:1; value "local"}[]
{[local]; value "local"}[1]
{local:1; eval parse "local"}[]
{[local]; eval parse "local"}[1]
Is there a way to reach the local variable from inside the parsed string?
Note: This is a simplification of the actual problem I'm grappling with, which is to write a function that executes a query, accepting a list of columns which it should return. I imagine the finished product looking something like this:
getData:{[requiredColumns, condition]
value "select ",(", " sv string[requiredColumns])," from myTable where someCol=condition"
The condition parameter in this query is the one that isn’t recognised and I do realise I could append it’s value rather than reference it inside a string, but the real query uses lots of local variables including tables etc, so it’s not as easy as just pulling all the variables out of the string before calling value on it.
I'm new to KDB and Q, so if anyone has a better way to achieve the same effect I'm happy to be schooled on the proper way to achieve this outcome in Q. Would still be interested to know in the variable access thing is possible though.
In the first example, you are right that local is not within the correct scope, as value is looking for the global variable local.
One way to get around this is to use a namespace, which will define the variable globally, but can only be accessed by calling that namespace. In the modified example below I have defined local in the .ns namespace
{.ns.local:1; value ".ns.local"}[]
For the problem you are facing with selecting, if requiredColumns is a symbol list of columns you can just use the take operator # to select them.
getData:{[requiredColumns] requiredColumns#myTable}
For more advanced queries using variables you may have to use functional select form, explained here. This will allow you to include variables in the where and by clause of the select statement
The same example in functional form would be (no by clause, only select and where):
getData:{[requiredColumns;condition] requiredColumns:(), requiredColumns;
?[myTable;enlist (=;`someCol;condition);0b;requiredColumns!requiredColumns]}
The first line ensures that requiredColumns is a list even if the user enters a single column name
value will look for a variable in the global scope that's why you are getting an error. You can directly use local variables like you are doing that in your function.
Your function is mostly correct, just need a slight correction to append condition(I have mentioned that below). However, a better approach would be to use functional select in this case.
Using functional select:
q) t:([]id:`a`b; val:3 4)
q) gd: {?[`t;enlist (=;`val;y);0b;((),x)!(),x]}
q) gd[`id;3] / for single column
q) gd[`id`val;3] / for multiple columns
In case your condition column is of type symbol, then enlist your condition value like:
q) gd: {?[`t;enlist (=;`id;y);0b;((),x)!(),x]}
q) gd[`id;enlist `a]
You can use parse to get a functional form of qsql queries:
q) parse " select id,val from t where id=`a"
Using String concat(your function):
q)getData:{[requiredColumns;condition] value "select ",(", " sv string[requiredColumns])," from t where id=", .Q.s1 condition}
q) getData[enlist `id;`a] / for single column
q) getData[`id`val;`a] / for multi columns

KDB how to assign a value in root namespace from another namespace?

I have a table (feed_exclude) in the root namespace that I would like to reassign without changing to that namespace using \d .
feed table
`feed1 `table1
\d .mon
`.[`feed_exclude],:flip enlist each first select feed,tab from 0!`.[`feed_table]
'2018.11.26T16:30:51.643 assign
How can I assign to a table in the root namespace `. without changing to the namespace using \d . ??
I have already checked that the meta of both sides of the assign operator is equivalent. The code executes correctly when the assign operator(:) is removed.
`.[`feed_exclude], flip enlist each first select feed,tab from 0!`[`feed_table]
feed table
`feed1 `table1
`feed2 `table2
Any help would be appreciated
Try the following
#[`.;`feed_exclude;,;flip enlist each first select feed,tab from 0!`.[`feed_table]]
If you are trying to refer to variables in the root namespace you can prepend a .. to the symbolic name of the variable. In your case this would be`..feed_exclude.
You can then use insert to append to the table.
\d .mon
`..feed_exclude insert flip enlist each first select feed,tab from 0!`.[`feed_table]
Hope that helps.
One option is to use upsert or insert and the symbol `.. notation to refer to root namespace
q)t:([]1 2 3)
q)\d .test
q.test)`..t upsert ([]10 20 30)
q.test)`..t insert ([]10 20 30)
6 7 8
You can also use 'set' to update variables in global namespace:
q) `..feed_exclude set `.[`feed_exclude], flip enlist each first select feed,tab from 0!`[`feed_table]

kdb+/q: Prevent initialised tables from returning a comma

Consider the following example:
test:([] name:`symbol$(); secondColumn:`int$());
myvar:exec name from test;
Now myvar is now:
So to select the actual result, I have to do:
I understand this is because of the initialisation, so is there a way to make myvar contain the actual value immediately?
Array access with [0] or first is the correct way if you want an "atomic" variable.
myvar:first exec name from test;
A list with a single element in KDB can be created in multiple ways (which is something you are getting in myvar)
q)enlist `John
A KDB table is basically a flip of a dictionary of lists.
`name`secondColumn!(`John`James;1 2) /Dictionary of lists
name | John James
secondColumn| 1 2
q)test2:flip `name`secondColumn!(`John`James;1 2)
name secondColumn
John 1
James 2
Both of the following commands achieve the same results :
q)exec name from test2
When you selected the test column using the exec command it returned all the elements of the list (a list with one element)
Apart from the ways explained in the accepted answer, there are few more ways (slightly different however) you can get the first element returned from the table.
q)exec name[0] from test
q)exec first name from test