Theorem euclid_gcd , proving that forall a b z, euclid a b z -> gcd a b z. using coq - coq

i am trying to prove euclid_gcd Theorem but i get stack in the first case !! some help please :)
Inductive euclid : nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| stop : forall z, euclid z z z
| step_a : forall a b z, a > b -> euclid (a - b) b z -> euclid a b z
| step_b : forall a b z, a < b -> euclid a (b - a) z -> euclid a b z.
Inductive gcd : nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop :=
| base : forall z, gcd z z z
| step_a' : forall a b z, gcd a b z -> gcd (a + b) b z
| step_b' : forall a b z, gcd a b z -> gcd a (a + b) z.
Theorem euclid_gcd : forall a b z, euclid a b z -> gcd a b z.
intros a b z H.
induction a.

I find out how to prove this Theorem . The induction must be at H So we have something to work with ,
Theorem euclid_gcd : forall a b z, euclid a b z -> gcd a b z.
intros a b z H.
induction H.
- apply base.
- apply step_a' in ....

I suggest you write euclid as a function and gcd as a bunch of properties about that function.
As you may expect these basic concepts are already part of many Coq libraries. Here how "step_a'" looks like in Mathematical Components:
The key property of gcd (the function computing Euclidian division) is a showcase proof in this book, page 110:


Don't understand `destruct` tactic on hypothesis `~ (exists x : X, ~ P x)` in Coq

I'm new to Coq and try to learn it through Software foundations. In the chapter "Logic in Coq", there is an exercise not_exists_dist which I completed (by guessing) but not understand:
Theorem not_exists_dist :
excluded_middle →
∀ (X:Type) (P : X → Prop),
¬ (∃ x, ¬ P x) → (∀ x, P x).
intros em X P H x.
destruct (em (P x)) as [T | F].
- apply T.
- destruct H. (* <-- This step *)
exists x.
apply F.
Before the destruct, the context and goal looks like:
em: excluded_middle
X: Type
P: X -> Prop
H: ~ (exists x : X, ~ P x)
x: X
F: ~ P x
P x
And after it
em: excluded_middle
X: Type
P: X -> Prop
x: X
F: ~ P x
exists x0 : X, ~ P x0
While I understand destruct on P /\ Q and P \/ Q in hypothesis, I don't understand how it works on P -> False like here.
Let me try to give some intuition behind this by doing another proof first.
Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> C -> (A \/ B -> B \/ C -> A /\ B) -> A /\ B.
intros. (*eval up to here*)
What you will see in *goals* is:
1 subgoal (ID 77)
A, B, C : Prop
H : A
H0 : C
H1 : A ∨ B → B ∨ C → A ∧ B
A ∧ B
Ok, so we need to show A /\ B. We can use split to break the and apart, thus we need to show A and B. A follows easily by assumption, B is something we do not have. So, our proof script now might look like:
Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> C -> (A \/ B -> B \/ C -> A /\ B) -> A /\ B.
intros. split; try assumption. (*eval up to here*)
With goals:
1 subgoal (ID 80)
A, B, C : Prop
H : A
H0 : C
H1 : A ∨ B → B ∨ C → A ∧ B
The only way we can get to the B is by somehow using H1. Let's see what destruct H1 does to our goals:
3 subgoals (ID 86)
A, B, C : Prop
H : A
H0 : C
A ∨ B
subgoal 2 (ID 87) is:
B ∨ C
subgoal 3 (ID 93) is:
We get additional subgoals! In order to destruct H1 we need to provide it proofs for A \/ B and B \/ C, we cannot destruct A /\ B otherwise!
For the sake of completeness: (without the split;try assumption shorthand)
Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> C -> (A \/ B -> B \/ C -> A /\ B) -> A /\ B.
intros. split.
- assumption.
- destruct H1.
+ left. assumption.
+ right. assumption.
+ assumption.
Another way to view it is this: H1 is a function that takes A \/ B and B \/ C as input. destruct works on its output. In order to destruct the result of such a function, you need to give it an appropriate input.
Then, destruct performs a case analysis without introducing additional goals.
We can do that in the proof script as well before destructing:
Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> C -> (A \/ B -> B \/ C -> A /\ B) -> A /\ B.
intros. split.
- assumption.
- specialize (H1 (or_introl H) (or_intror H0)).
destruct H1.
From a proof term perspective, destruct of A /\ B is the same as match A /\ B with conj H1 H2 => (*construct a term that has your goal as its type*) end.
We can replace the destruct in our proof script with a corresponding refine that does exactly that:
Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> C -> (A \/ B -> B \/ C -> A /\ B) -> A /\ B.
intros. unfold not in H0. split.
- assumption.
- specialize (H1 (or_introl H) (or_intror H0)).
refine (match H1 with conj Ha Hb => _ end).
exact Hb.
Back to your proof. Your goals before destruct
em: excluded_middle
X: Type
P: X -> Prop
H: ~ (exists x : X, ~ P x)
x: X
F: ~ P x
P x
After applying the unfold not in H tactic you see:
em: excluded_middle
X: Type
P: X -> Prop
H: (exists x : X, P x -> ⊥) -> ⊥
x: X
F: ~ P x
P x
Now recall the definition of ⊥: It's a proposition that cannot be constructed, i.e. it has no constructors.
If you somehow have ⊥ as an assumption and you destruct, you essentially look at the type of match ⊥ with end, which can be anything.
In fact, we can prove any goal with it:
Goal (forall (A : Prop), A) <-> False. (* <- note that this is different from *)
Proof. (* forall (A : Prop), A <-> False *)
split; intros.
- specialize (H False). assumption.
- refine (match H with end).
Its proofterm is:
(λ (A B C : Prop) (H : A) (H0 : C) (H1 : A ∨ B → B ∨ C → A ∧ B),
conj H (let H2 : A ∧ B := H1 (or_introl H) (or_intror H0) in match H2 with
| conj _ Hb => Hb
Anyhow, destruct on your assumption H will give you a proof for your goal if you are able to show exists x : X, ~ P x -> ⊥.
Instead of destruct, you could also do exfalso. apply H. to achieve the same thing.
Normally, destruct t applies when t is an inhabitant of an inductive type I, giving you one goal for each possible constructor for I that could have been used to produce t. Here as you remarked H has type P -> False, which is not an inductive type, but False is. So what happens is this: destruct gives you a first goal corresponding to the P hypothesis of H. Applying H to that goal leads to a term of type False, which is an inductive type, on which destruct works as it should, giving you zero goals since False has no constructors. Many tactics for inductive types work like this on hypothesis of the form P1 -> … -> Pn -> I where I is an inductive type: they give you side-goals for P1 … Pn, and then work on I.

How can I generalise Coq proofs of an iff?

A common kind of proof I have to make is something like
Lemma my_lemma : forall y, (forall x x', Q x x' y) -> (forall x x', P x y <-> P x' y).
intros y Q_y.
+ <some proof using Q>
+ <the same proof using Q, but x and x' are swapped>
where Q is itself some kind of iff-shaped predicate.
My problem is that the proofs of P x y -> P x' y and P x' y -> P x y are often basically identical, with the only difference between that the roles of x and x' are swapped between them. Can I ask Coq to transform the goal into
forall x x', P x y -> P x' y
which then generalises to the iff case, so that I don't need to repeat myself in the proof?
I had a look through the standard library, the tactic index, and some SO questions, but nothing told me how to do this.
Here is a custom tactic for it:
Ltac sufficient_if :=
match goal with
| [ |- forall (x : ?t) (x' : ?t'), ?T <-> ?U ] => (* If the goal looks like an equivalence (T <-> U) (hoping that T and U are sufficiently similar)... *)
assert (HHH : forall (x : t) (x' : t'), T -> U); (* Change the goal to (T -> U) *)
[ | split; apply HHH ] (* And prove the two directions of the old goal *)
Parameter Q : nat -> nat -> nat -> Prop.
Parameter P : nat -> nat -> Prop.
Lemma my_lemma : forall y, (forall x x', Q x x' y) -> (forall x x', P x y <-> P x' y).
intros y Q_y.
In mathematics, one often can make "assumptions" "without loss of generality" (WLOG) to simplify proofs of this kind. In your example, you could say "assume without loss of generality that P x y holds. To prove P x y <-> P x' y it is sufficient to prove P x' y."
If you are using ssreflect, you have the wlog tactic.
You essentially cut in another goal which can easily solve your goal. You can also do it with standard tactics like assert or enough (which is like assert but the proof obligations are in the other order).
An example to show what I mean: below I just want to show the implication in one direction, because it can easily solve the implication in the other direction (with firstorder).
Context (T:Type) (P:T->T->Prop).
Goal forall x y, P x y <-> P y x.
enough (forall x y, P x y -> P y x) by firstorder.
Now I just have to show the goal in one direction, because it implies the real goal's both directions.
For more about WLOG see for instance 1

On the relative strength of some extensional equality axioms

Given the following axioms:
Definition Axiom1 : Prop := forall (a b:Type) (f g: a -> b),
(forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
Definition Axiom2 : Prop := forall (a:Type) (B:a -> Type) (f g: forall x, B x),
(forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g.
One can easily show that Axiom2 is a stronger axiom than Axiom1:
Theorem Axiom2ImpAxiom1 : Axiom2 -> Axiom1.
intros H a b f g H'. apply H. exact H'.
Does anyone know if (within the type theory of Coq), these two axioms are in fact equivalent or whether they are known not to be. If equivalent, is there a simple Coq proof of the fact?
Yes, the two axioms are equivalent; the key is to go through fun x => existT B x (f x) and fun x => existT B x (g x), though there's some tricky equality reasoning that has to be done. There's a nearly complete proof at which uses slightly different terminology.

A special case of Lob's theorem using Coq

I have a formula inductively defined as follows:
Parameter world : Type.
Parameter R : world -> world -> Prop.
Definition Proposition : Type := world -> Prop
(* This says that R has only a finite number of steps it can take *)
Inductive R_ends : world -> Prop :=
| re : forall w, (forall w', R w w' -> R_ends w') -> R_ends w.
(* if every reachable state will end then this state will end *)
And hypothesis:
Hypothesis W : forall w, R_ends w.
I would like to prove:
forall P: Proposition, (forall w, (forall w0, R w w0 -> P w0) -> P w)) -> (forall w, P w)
I tried using the induction tactic on the type world but failed since it is not an inductive type.
Is it provable in Coq and if yes, can you suggest how?
You can use structural induction on a term of type R_ends:
Lemma lob (P : Proposition) (W : forall w, R_ends w) :
(forall w, (forall w0, R w w0 -> P w0) -> P w) -> (forall w, P w).
intros H w.
specialize (W w).
induction W.
apply H.
intros w' Hr.
apply H1.
Incidentally, you could have defined R_ends in a slightly different manner, using a parameter instead of an index:
Inductive R_ends (w : world) : Prop :=
| re : (forall w', R w w' -> R_ends w') -> R_ends w.
When written this way, it's easy to see that R_ends is analogous to the accessibility predicate Acc, defined in the standard library (Coq.Init.Wf):
Inductive Acc (x: A) : Prop :=
Acc_intro : (forall y:A, R y x -> Acc y) -> Acc x.
It's used to work with well-founded induction.

Decomposing equality of constructors coq

Often in Coq I find myself doing the following: I have the proof goal, for example:
some_constructor a c d = some_constructor b c d
And I really only need to prove a = b because everything else is identical anyway, so I do:
assert (a = b).
Then prove that subgoal, then
rewrite H.
finishes the proof.
But it seems to just be unnecessary clutter to have those hanging around at the bottom of my proof.
Is there a general strategy in Coq for taking an equality of constructors and splitting it up into an equality of constructor parameters, kinda like a split but for equalities rather than conjunctions.
You can use Coq's searching capabilities:
Search (?X _ = ?X _).
Search (_ _ = _ _).
Among some noise it reveals a lemma
f_equal: forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (x y : A), x = y -> f x = f y
And its siblings for multi-argument equalities: f_equal2 ... f_equal5 (as of Coq version 8.4).
Here is an example:
Inductive silly : Set :=
| some_constructor : nat -> nat -> nat -> silly
| another_constructor : nat -> nat -> silly.
Goal forall x y,
x = 42 ->
y = 6 * 7 ->
some_constructor x 0 1 = some_constructor y 0 1.
intros x y Hx Hy.
apply f_equal3; try reflexivity.
At this point all you need to prove is x = y.
In particular, standard Coq provides the f_equal tactic.
Inductive u : Type := U : nat -> nat -> nat -> u.
Lemma U1 x y z1 z2 : U x y z1 = U x y z2.
Also, ssreflect provides a general-purpose congruence tactic congr.