Programming in Python in Visual Studio Code, I was wondering if there exists a way, given an output, to trace back to the respective input. If, for example, a print is generated by a line in my code, does there exist a command, or a tool of VS Code, such that I can find exactly the line where this output was produced? Maybe it's a trivial question, but it would be useful for me if someone has a suggestion.
If I got your question correctly, you can use a function breakpoint() .
def foo():
a = input()
breakpoint() #Put it and debug interface will be opened in terminal
generated_result = a + 'abc'
return generated_result
I'm extremely new to both working on Linux and Fortran, so apologies if this is a basic question.
I am trying to firstly use fwrite to save a 60x150 array that I've produced in MATLAB as a binary file, which I am then attempting to load and read in Fortran as a 60x150 array again.
In Matlab, I have used the following code to save the array. In this case the name of the array in the workspace is VP, and I'm saving it to a file also called 'VP':
>> fileID = fopen('VP','w');
>> fwrite(fileID,VP,'real*8');
>> fclose(fileID)
Next, I am copying the file over from Windows to a linux ssh server (I'm not sure if this is relevant, but thought it's worth including anything that might help).
Now, in my Fortran code, I've got:
REAL(KIND=kind(1.0D0)), DIMENSION(60,150) :: VP
open(unit, file="LOCATION/VP", access = "stream", form = "unformatted", iostat = stat)
if(stat /= 0) labort("Failed to open input file")
print *, wl
DO inx2=1,60
DO inx=1,150
print *,inx
READ(unit,*) VP(inx2,inx)
print *,VP(1:10,1)
Now, when I compile this there are no errors. However, when I run it, it gets to exactly the first "READ(unit,*) VP(inx2,inx)" before failing (you can tell from the print just before it).
I get the error:
forrtl: severe (257): formatted I/O to unit open for unformatted transfers, unit 111, file LOCATION/VP
Obviously I would like my actual result to be the function running and ending up with the same values in the array.
Now I've seen the question before, specifically for this error message, but that was answered by including access="stream" which I have already. Basically I am not sure at what point I am getting something wrong in this process, any help would be appreciated.
Note some things I have tried is changing the precision in fwrite, and swapping the inx2 and inx values around (but it fails on the first one so I don't believe that's the error).
Again this might be just a fundamental issue with my understanding of Fortran because I've been thrown in the deep end a bit with a project I'm working on (most of the code I'm running was produced by someone else, I'm just trying to edit a small part of it).
Okay, thank you so much francescalus! He found the solution was to edit the line to READ(unit) VP(inx2,inx) in order to get it to run. However, the values I get by running the next line of code:
print *,VP(1:10,1)
Only the first value matches the first value in my original matlab array. Displaying VP(1:5,1:5) of the matlab array there aren't any other matching values. I might be able to figure this out on my own but as I'm already here I might as well ask as I haven't fully completed the original question (although got over a big hurdle!).
Edit 2:
Okay the next bit I've managed to figure out for myself. If anyone is searching though it was simply a case of swapping the DO loops. ie
DO inx=1,150
DO inx2=1,60
print *,inx
READ(unit,*) VP(inx2,inx)
Thanks for the help.
Environment: Linux CentOS 7 #HPC
Interface: command interface, no GUI
My PERL scripts have a logic error. It does not go through in a "foreach" loop. I use debugger command below:
perl -d /scripts_location/
However, it is run step by step. My scripts have almost thousand lines. Here is my questions:
How to debug my scripts from specific line?
How to figure out the loop cannot be run? And why the loop cannot be run?
Is there any resource to show debugger skills in a whole process?
I searched online. Most of them explain the commands. But few introduce the debug from the very beginning. I mean that first a simple program is given, set breakpoint or other label in the program, check output or trace error, and so on. After viewing websites, I am unable to know how to start debugging using PERL debugger. I used to debugging my program using output at specific lines to check the output is correct or not. However, current logic error cannot be figured out in this way.
Any further suggestion and help would be highly appreciated.
After starting the debugger, you can tell it to continue until it reaches a given line, e.g.
c 124
To figure out why a foreach loop isn't entered, check the loop's list before entering it. You can tell the debugger to evaluate the expression like this:
x #values
if the loop is something like foreach my $value (#values). It will probably tell you
empty array
To discover why the array is emtpy, you can try to "watch" the array
w #values
and then run the script with r. It will stop once any watched value changes.
Use h to view the help.
I want to publish my assignment with matlab.
At the start of the program, I want to print the code of my scripts to show the teacher what my functions do.
How can I do this?
So far the best way I do this is by making a dummy call at the start without ending the function call with ";"
However I'd really like to just print the code at the start.
You can use the type command:
type fileName.m
This will print the code, similarly to creating a variable and not using a semicolon to see the value of that variable.
There are tools in MATLAB for publishing code. You could conceivably even write a report in MATLAB code and publish that! Take a look at publishing MATLAB code and the documentation of the function publish
If you are interested to print particular lines from a .m file, look into dbtype.
Illustration from Mathworks site linked above. This:
becomes this:
I recently started using Live editor in MATLAB and I inserted a function inside it. But, apparently, I cannot execute that particular section of code where I type function. Even the section break disappears.
Is it that using function is not suitable for live editor?
Apparently the MATLAB parser did not join the 20th century until partway through 2016, and could not interpret function definitions in scripts (live or otherwise) until R2016b. In the web-based docs, there is a notice at Add Functions to Scripts, but it took me a while to find this out because the builtin docs in R2016a or earlier do not explicitly contain this information. It is implied by the tutorials that tell you to create a new file for each function (which to me, a python programmer, sounds more like strange advice than a restriction).
Trying to define a function in a live script gives confusing errors. For example, if you create a cell with this content:
function y = myfunc(x)
y = 2*x;
It will underline the keyword function with a popup error that reads:
Parse error at FUNCTION: usage might be invalid MATLAB syntax.
Might be? Whom shall I ask? Upon running the cell, it prints an error after the first line:
All functions in a script must be closed with an end.
I eventually made this discovery myself thanks to a helpful message if the first thing you happen to do in a new empty live script is to start typing function on the first line; as soon as you hit the spacebar a message pops up at the top saying:
Functions and classes are not supported in the Live Editor. To continue, save the file as a plain text code file (.m).
It should work as when you add a function inside a script. For example, like this:
What function are you exactly trying to code?
I have a mixed mode C++-CLI program in Visual Studio 2005 that is set to use the /SUBSYSTEM:Windows. Generally speaking it is a graphical application that is launched from its shortcut or through the filetype registered to it.
However, there is a rare occasion where a user will want to run it from the command line with arguments. I can access the arguments just fine, its when it comes to writing to the console, in response to the program being launched from the command line with arguments, where I don't see Console::WriteLine having any effect.
What am I doing wrong?
This one's annoying, I agree. You're not doing anything wrong, it's a quirk of the way Windows is set up.
It is possible to solve this, at least in some cases, see . I've not come across anybody else who's actually used these methods though.
Most people IME just create two versions of the executable with different names, one for batch users ("myapp.exe") and one for when it's run from the start menu ("myappw.exe").
For more information, some of the suggestions at How to output to the console in C++/Windows may be useful.
It's an old problem - see for solutions
You can also reopen the streams to a console
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInst*/, LPSTR cmd_line, int showmode)
AllocConsole(); //create a console
ifstream conin("con"); // not sure if this should be "con:" ?
ofstream conout("con");
return 0;
edit: sorry this is pure C++, don't know about C++/cli