Is kubectl apply safe enough to update all pods no matter how they were created? - kubernetes

A pod can be created by Deployment or ReplicaSet or DaemonSet, if I am updating a pod's container specs, is it OK for me to simply modify the yaml file that created the pod? Would it be erroneous once I have done that?
Brief Question:
Is kubectl apply -f xxx.yml the silver bullet for all pod update?

...if I am updating a pod's container specs, is it OK for me to simply modify the yaml file that created the pod?
The fact that the pod spec is part of the controller spec (eg. deployment, daemonset), to update the container spec you naturally start with the controller spec. Also, a running pod is largely immutable, there isn't much you can change directly unless you do a replace - which is what the controller already doing.

you should not make changes to the pods directly, but update the spec.template.spec section of the deployment used to create the pods.
reason for this is that the deployment is the controller that manages the replicasets and therefore the pods that are created for your application. that means if you apply changes to the pods manifest directly, and something like a pod rescheduling/restart happens, the changes made to the pod will be lost because the replicaset will recreate the pod according to its own specification and not the specification of the last running pod.
you are safe to use kubectl apply to apply changes to existing resources but if you are unsure, you can always extract the current state of the deployment from kubernetes and pipe that output into a yaml file to create a backup:
kubectl get deploy/<name> --namespace <namespace> -o yaml > deploy.yaml
another option is to use the internal rollback mechanism of kubernetes to restore a previous revision of your deployment. see for more infos on that.


Deployment vs POD - change

I was wondering what would happen in this scenario or if it's even possible:
Kubernetes cluster -
If the deployment has a container restartPolicy of: Always
but on the POD level you specify a restartPolicy of: Never
Which will Kubernetes do?
As #Turing85 commented, in the normal use case a Deployment and its Pod cannot have different restartPolicys, as the Deployment creates the Pods. If you try to alter the Pods restartPolicy manually after it is created (e.g. with kubectl edit pod <pod-name>) you will get an error, as this property cannot be changed after creation. However, we can trick a Deployment or more specifically the underlying ReplicaSet into accepting a manually created Pod. ReplicaSets in Kubernetes know which Pods are theirs through the use of labels. If you inspect the ReplicaSet belonging to your Deployment, you will see a label selector, that shows you which labels need to be present for the ReplicaSet to consider the Pod part of the ReplicaSet.
So if you want to manually create a Pod that is later managed by the ReplicaSet, you first create a Pod with the desired restartPolicy. After this Pod has started and is ready you delete an existing Pod of the ReplicaSet and update the labels of your pod to contain the correct labels. Now there is a Pod in the ReplicaSet with a different restartPolicy.
This is really hacky and actually depends on the timing of deletion and update of the labels, because as soon as you delete a Pod in the ReplicaSet it will try to create a new one. You essentially have to be faster with the label change than the ReplicaSet is with the creation of a new Pod.

Kubernetes pod Rollback and Restart

Deployment resource object is still not supported in our cluster and not enabled.
We are using Pod resource object Yaml file. something like below:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: sample-test
namespace: default
automountServiceAccountToken: false
I have explored patch and Put rest api for Pod(Kubectl patch and replace) - it will update to new image version and pod restarts.
I need help in below:
When the image version is same, it will not update and pod will not restart.
How can i acheive Pod restart, is there any API for this or any alternate
approach for this. Because My pod also refers configmap and secret. After i
make changes to secret, i want to restart pod so that it can take updated
Suppose when patch applied with new container image and it fails status is failed, I want to rollback to previous version, How can i acheive this with standalone pod without using deployment. Is there any alternate approach.
Achieving solutions for your scenario, can be handled like this:
When the image version is same, it will not update and pod will not restart. How can i acheive Pod restart, is there any API for this or any alternate approach for this. Because My pod also refers configmap and secret. After i make changes to secret, i want to restart pod so that it can take updated value
Create a new secret/configmap each time and update the pod yaml to use the new configmap/secret rather than the old name.
Suppose when patch applied with new container image and it fails status is failed, I want to rollback to previous version, How can i acheive this with standalone pod without using deployment. Is there any alternate approach
Before you do a Pod update, get the current Pod yaml using kubectl like this,
kubectl get pod <pod-name> -o yaml -n <namespace>
After getting the yaml, generate the new pod yaml and apply it. In case of failure, clean up the new resources created(configmaps & secrets) and apply the older version of pod to achieve rollback

Schedule pod on specific node without modifying PodSpec

As a k8s cluster administrator, I want to specify on which nodes (using labels) pods will be scheduled, but without modifying any PodSpec section.
So, nodeSelector, affinity and taints can't be options.
Is there any other solution ?
PS: the reason I can't modify the PodSpec is that deployed applications are available as Helm charts and I don't have hand on those files. Moreover, if I change the PodSpec, it will be lost on next release upgrade.
You can use the PodNodeSelector admission controller for this:
This admission controller has the following behavior:
If the Namespace has an annotation with a key, use its value as the node selector.
If the namespace lacks such an annotation, use the clusterDefaultNodeSelector defined in the PodNodeSelector plugin configuration file as the node selector.
Evaluate the pod’s node selector against the namespace node selector for conflicts. Conflicts result in rejection.
Evaluate the pod’s node selector against the namespace-specific whitelist defined the plugin configuration file. Conflicts result in rejection.
First of all you will need to enable this admission controller. The way to enable it depends on your environment, but it's done via the parameter kube-apiserver --enable-admission-plugins=PodNodeSelector.
Then create a namespace and annotate it with whatever node label you want all Pods in that namespace to have:
kubectl create ns node-selector-test
kubectl annotate ns node-selector-test \
To test it you could do something like this:
kubectl run busybox \
-n node-selector-test -it --restart=Never --attach=false --image=busybox
kubectl get pod busybox -n node-selector-test -o yaml
It should output something like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: busybox
mynodelabel: mynodelabelvalue
Now, unless that label exists on some nodes, this Pod will never be scheduled, so put this label on a node to see it scheduled:
kubectl label node myfavoritenode mynodelabel=mynodelabelvalue
No, there are no other ways to specify on which nodes pod will be scheduled, only labels and selectors.
I think the problem with a Helm is related to that issue.
For now, the only way for you is to change a spec, remove release and deploy a new one with updated specs.
#Janos Lenart provides a way how to manage scheduling per-namespace. That is a good idea if your releases already are split among namespaces and if you don't want to spawn different pods on different nodes in a single release. Otherwise, you will have to create new releases in new namespaces and in that case I highly recommend you to use selectors in the Pods spec.

Pod gets recreated after deletion

I'm unable to delete the kubernetes pod, it keeps recreating it.
There's no service or deployment associated with the pod. There's a label on the pod thou, is that the root cause?
If I edit the label out with kubectl edit pod podname it removes the label from the pod, but creates a new pod with the same label at the same time. ¿?
Pod can be created by ReplicationControllers or ReplicaSets. The latter one might be created by an Deployment. The described behavior strongly indicates, that the Pod is managed by either of these two.
You can check for these with this commands:
kubectl get rs
kubectl get rc

How to delete kubernetes pods (and other resources) in the system namespace

I have by mistake added a pod in the system namespace "kube-system". And then I am unable to remove this pod. It also seems to have created a replica set. Every time delete these items, they are recreated.
Can't seem to find a way to delete pods or replica sets belonging to the system namespace "kube-system"
If you created the pod using kubectl run, then you will need to delete the deployment (which created the replica set, which created the pod). Otherwise, the higher level controllers will continue to ensure that the objects they are responsible for keeping running stay around in the system, even if you try to delete them manually. Try kubectl get deployment --namespace=kube-system to see if you have a deployment in the kube-system namespace. If so, deleting it should also delete the replica set and the pods that you created.
If a pod is recreated even after kubectl delete pod-name, it means that the pod is controlled by a higher level kubernetes objects such as Deployment, Replicaset, Replication controller.
You can use kubectl describe pods pod-name | grep Controllers to find which controller your pod belongs to. You need to delete this higher level object to delete the pod.