how to create range column based on a column value? - scala

I have sample data in table which contains distance_travelled_in_meter, where the values are of Integer type as follows:
distance_travelled_in_meter |
--------------------------- |
500 |
990 |
I want to create range based on the value of the column distance_travelled_in_meter. Range column has values with 500 intervals.
The result dataset is as follows:
distance_travelled_in_meter | range
--------------------------- |---------
500 | 1-500
990 |500-1000
For value 500, the range is 1-500 as it is within 500 meter, 1221 is in 1000-1500 and so on..
I tried using Spark.sql.functions.sequence but it takes the start and stop column values which is not what I want and want to be in range that I mentioned above. And also it creates an Range array from start column value to stop column value.
I'm using Spark2.4.2 with Scala 2.11.12
Any help is much appreciated.

You can chain multiple when expressions that you generate dynamically using something like this:
val maxDistance = 1221 // you can get this from the dataframe
val ranges = (0 until maxDistance by 500).map(x => (x, x + 500))
val rangeExpr = ranges.foldLeft(lit(null)) {
case (acc, (lowerBound, upperBound)) =>
col("distance_travelled_in_meter").between(lowerBound, upperBound),
val df1 = df.withColumn("range", rangeExpr)


Spark dataframe random sampling based on frequency occurrence in dataframe

Input description
I have a spark job with input dataframe with a column queryId. This queryId is not unique with respect to the dataframe. For example, there are roughly 3M rows in the spark dataframe with 450k distinct query ids.
I am trying to implement sampling logic and create a new column sampledQueryId which contains randomly sampled query id for each dataframe row by looking up query ids from the aggregate spark dataframe query id set.
Sampling goal
The restriction is that sampled query id shouldn't be equal to input query id.
Sampling should correspond to frequency of occurrence of query id in the incoming spark dataframe - ie given two query id q1 and q2, if the ratio of occurrence is 10:1(q1:q2), then q1 should appear approximately 10 times more in the sample id column.
Solution tried so far
I have tried to implement this through collecting the query ids into a list and lookup query id list with random sampling but have some suspicion based on empirical evidence that the logic doesn't work as expected for eg I see a specific query id getting sampled 200 times but a query id with similar frequency never gets sampled.
Any suggestions on whether this spark code is expected to work as intended?
val random = new scala.util.Random
val queryIds =$"queryId").map(row => row.getAs[Long](0)).collect()
val sampleQueryId = udf((queryId: Long) => {
val sampledId = queryIds(random.nextInt(queryIds.length))
if (sampledId != queryId) sampledId else null
val dataWithSampledIds = data.withColumn("sampledQueryId",sampleQueryId($"queryId"))
Received response on different forum documenting for posterity's sake. The issue is that one random instance is being passed to all executors through the udf. So the n-th row on every executor is going to give the same output.
scala> val random = new scala.util.Random
scala> val getRandom = udf((data: Long) => random.nextInt(10000))
scala> spark.range(0, 12, 1, 4).withColumn("rnd", getRandom($"id")).orderBy($"id").show
| id| rnd|
| 0|6720|
| 1|7667|
| 2|3344|
| 3|6720|
| 4|7667|
| 5|3344|
| 6|6720|
| 7|7667|
| 8|3344|
| 9|6720|
| 10|7667|
| 11|3344|
This df had 4 partitions. The value of rrd for every n-th row is the same (e.g. id = 1, 4, 7, 10 are the same).The solution is to use rand() built-in function in Spark like below.
val queryIds =$"queryId").map(row => row.getAs[Long](0)).collect()
val sampleQueryId = udf((companyId: Long, rand: Double) => {
val sampledId = queryIds(scala.math.floor(rand*queryIds.length).toInt)
if (sampledId != queryId) sampledId else null
val dataWithSampledIds = data.withColumn("sampledQueryId",sampleQueryId($"queryId", rand()))

Spark Scala - Winsorize DataFrame columns within groups

I am pre-processing data for machine learning inputs, a target value column, call it "price" has many outliers, and rather than winsorizing price over the whole set I want to winsorize within groups labeled by "product_category". There are other features, product_category is just a price-relevant label.
There is a Scala stat function that works great:
df_data.stat.approxQuantile("price", Array(0.01, 0.99), 0.00001)
// res19: Array[Double] = Array(3.13, 318.54)
Unfortunately, it doesn't support computing the quantiles within groups. Nor does is support window partitions.
.approxQuantile($"price", Array(0.01, 0.99), 0.00001)
// error: value approxQuantile is not a member of
// org.apache.spark.sql.RelationalGroupedDataset
What is the best way to compute say the p01 and p99 within groups of a spark dataframe, for the purpose of replacing values beyond that range, ie winsorizing?
My dataset schema can be imagined like this, and its over 20MM rows with appx 10K different labels for "product_category", so performance is also a concern.
df_data and a winsorized price column:
| item | product_category | price | pr_winz |
| I000001 | XX11 | 1.99 | 5.00 |
| I000002 | XX11 | 59.99 | 59.99 |
| I000003 | XX11 |1359.00 | 850.00 |
supposing p01 = 5.00, p99 = 850.00 for this product_category
Here is what I came up with, after struggling with the documentation (there are two functions approx_percentile and percentile_approx that apparently do the same thing).
I was not able to figure out how to implement this except as a spark sql expression, not sure exactly why grouping only works there. I suspect because its part of Hive?
Spark DataFrame Winsorizor
Tested on DF in 10 to 100MM rows range
// Winsorize function, groupable by columns list
// low/hi element of [0,1]
// precision: integer in [1, 1E7-ish], in practice use 100 or 1000 for large data, smaller is faster/less accurate
// group_col: comma-separated list of column names
import org.apache.spark.sql._
def grouped_winzo(df: DataFrame, winz_col: String, group_col: String, low: Double, hi: Double, precision: Integer): DataFrame = {
select distinct
, percentile_approx($winz_col, $low, $precision) over(partition by $group_col) p_low
, percentile_approx($winz_col, $hi, $precision) over(partition by $group_col) p_hi
from df_table
.withColumn(winz_col + "_winz", expr(s"""
case when $winz_col <= p_low then p_low
when $winz_col >= p_hi then p_hi
else $winz_col end"""))
.drop(winz_col, "p_low", "p_hi")
// winsorize the price column of a dataframe at the p01 and p99
// percentiles, grouped by 'product_category' column.
val df_winsorized = grouped_winzo(
, "price"
, "product_category"
, 0.01, 0.99, 1000)

scala fast range lookup on 2 columns

I have a spark dataframe that I am broadcasting as Array[Array[String]].
My requirement is to do a range lookup on 2 columns.
Right now I have something like ->
val cols = data.filter(_(0).toLong <= ip).filter(_(1).toLong >= ip).take(1) match {
case Array(t) => t
case _ => Array()
The following data file is stored as Array[Array[String]] (except for the header row that I have shown below only as reference.) and passed to the filter function shown above.
sample data file ->
startIPInt | endIPInt | lat | lon
676211200 | 676211455 | 37.33053 | -121.83823
16777216 | 16777342 | -34.9210644736842 | 138.598709868421
17081712 | 17081712 | 0 | 0
sample value to search ->
ip = 676211325
based on the range of the startIPInt and endIPInt values, I want the rest of the mapping rows.
This lookup takes 1-2 sec for each, and I am not even sure the 2nd filter condition is getting executed(in debug mode always it only seems to execute the 1st condition). Can someone suggest me a faster and more reliable lookup here?

Calculate frequency of column in data frame using spark sql

I'm trying to get the Frequency of distinct values in a Spark dataframe column, something like "value_counts" from Python Pandas. By frequency I mean, the highest occurring value in a table column (such as rank 1 value, rank 2, rank 3 etc. In the expected output, 1 has occurred 9 times in column a, so it has topmost frequency.
I'm using Spark SQL but it is not working out, may be because of the reduce operation I have written is wrong.
**Pandas Example**
**Current Code in Spark**
val x= parquetRDD_subset.schema.fieldNames
val dfs = => spark.sql
(s"select 'ParquetRDD' as TableName,
'$field' as column,
min($field) as min, max($field) as max,
SELECT number_cnt FROM (SELECT $field as value,
approx_count_distinct($field) as number_cnt FROM peopleRDDtable
group by $field) as frequency from peopleRDDtable"))
val withSum = dfs.reduce((x, y) => x.union(y)).distinct()
The problem area is with query below.
SELECT number_cnt FROM (SELECT $field as value,
approx_count_distinct($field) as number_cnt FROM peopleRDDtable
group by $field)
**Expected output**
TableName | column | min | max | frequency1 |
ParquetRDD | a | 1 | 30 | 9 |
ParquetRDD | b | 2 | 21 | 5 |
How do I solve this ? please help.
I could solve the issue with below with using count($field) instead of approx_count_distinct($field). Then I used Rank analytical function to get the first rank of value. It worked.

Spark dataframe get column value into a string variable

I am trying extract column value into a variable so that I can use the value somewhere else in the code. I am trying like the following
val name= test.filter(test("id").equalTo("200")).select("name").col("name")
It returns
name org.apache.spark.sql.Column = name
how to get the value?
The col("name") gives you a column expression. If you want to extract data from column "name" just do the same thing without col("name"):
val names = test.filter(test("id").equalTo("200"))
.collectAsList() // returns a List[Row]
Then for a row you could get name in String by:
val name = row.getString(0)
val maxDate = spark.sql("select max(export_time) as export_time from tier1_spend.cost_gcp_raw").first()
val rowValue = maxDate.get(0)
By this snippet, you can extract all the values in a column into a string.
Modify the snippet with where clauses to get your desired value.
val df = Seq((5, 2), (10, 1)).toDF("A", "B")
val col_val_df =$"A").collect()
val col_val_str = => x.get(0)).mkString(",")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [A: int, B: int]
col_val_row: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([5], [10])
col_val_str: String = 5,10
The value of entire column is stored in col_val_str
col_val_str: String = 5,10
Let us assume you need to pick the name from the below table for a particular Id and store that value in a variable.
| id | name |
| 100 | Alex |
| 200 | Bidan |
| 300 | Cary |
Irrelevant data is filtered out first and then the name column is selected and finally stored into name variable
var name = df.filter($"id" === "100").select("name").collect().map(_.getString(0)).mkString("")
For simpler usage, I have created a function that returns the value by passing the dataframe and the desired column name to this (this is spark Dataframe and not Pandas Dataframe). Before passing the dataframe to this function, filter is applied to filter out other records.
def GetValueFromDataframe(_df,columnName):
for row in _df.rdd.collect():
return row[columnName].strip()
name = GetValueFromDataframe(df.filter( == "100"),"name")
There might be more simpler approach than this using 3x version of Python. The code which I showed above was tested for 2.7 version.
Note :
It is most likely to encounter out of memory error (Driver memory) since we use the collect function. Hence it is always recommended to apply transformations (like filter,where etc) before you call the collect function. If you
still encounter with driver out of memory issue, you could pass --conf spark.driver.maxResultSize=0 as command line argument to make use of unlimited driver memory.
For anyone interested below is an way to turn a column into an Array, for the below case we are just taking the first value.
val names= test.filter(test("id").equalTo("200")).selectExpr("name")>x.mkString).collect
val name = names(0)
s is the string of column values
.collect() converts columns/rows to an array of lists, in this case, all rows will be converted to a tuple, temp is basically an array of such tuples/row.
x(n-1) retrieves the n-th column value for x-th row, which is by default of type "Any", so needs to be converted to String so as to append to the existing strig.
s =""
// say the n-th column is the target column
val temp = test.collect() // converts Rows to array of list
temp.foreach{x =>
s += (x(n-1).asInstanceOf[String])