Why can not separate text lines in Telegram? - special-characters

I created an EA in MQL4 where I send a text to be displayed as 3 lines of text in Telegram where each line is ended with \n as follows:
message = "Line one\n" +
"Line two\n" +
"Line three";
But somehow, the message are shown in Telegram as 1 single line, concatenating all the 3 lines.
I think \n is not recognized by Telegram. I am not sure what kind of characters should be used to create a line break.
Can anyone provide some help for me on how to separate each lines so it is shown neatly in Telegram message?
Thank you.

Try adding \r\n to your text instead of just \n.


WKInterfaceLabel ignoring \n indicators

I'm getting text from the MediaWiki API, and it includes getting \n text which indicates a new line. When I set the API results as the text of a WKInterfaceLabel, the \n's disappears, but no new line is created.
Any way to fix it?
Example. From this term:
[...] forms.\n\n==Use in writing systems==\n\n===English===\nIn Modern English [[English orthography|spelling]], {{angbr|i}} represents several different sounds, either the diphthong {{IPAc-en|aɪ}} ("long" {{angbr|i}}) as in ''kite'', the short [...]
It's meant to remove the \n's and replace it with new lines. What's added to the label is this text minus the \n's, but no new lines.

how to remove "=20" at end-of-line html/text emails

I am using vbs and hMailServer to send html/text emails.
I noticed that for the text section of the email =20 was added to the end of almost every line making it harder to read the text section of the email.
How can I prevent getting these =20 at the end of most of the lines?
This image shows what I am finding -- note, not all new line breaks have the =20 marker at the end:
None of these are working: vbCrLf, vbNewLine, vbCr, vbLf, Chr(13), Chr(10).
Except, for some reason, adding a period "." just before the linebreak (like this "." & vbCrLf) makes the =20 go away. And it looks like the same is true for lines ending with a dash - and/or the line starting with a space; and lines with no text.
For what it is worth, this is how I am sending it to hMailServer.
Set hms= Server.CreateObject("hMailServer.Message")
hms.Body = emailtext_no_HTML
hms.HTMLBody = emailtext_with_HTML
I ended up doing a workaround, by adding a space to the start of each new line.

Facebook bot messages not showing blank lines

I have created a chat bot using Microsoft bot framework and deployed it on Azure and linked it with my Facebook page. Everything is working fine but has a minor issue that, One of the messages send by the bot has a combination of 2-3 different lines, I want to show those 3 lines separated by blank lines so I have added escape sequence "\n\n" between the lines.
This works fine when I testes it in Azure web chat but Facebook chat window don't display the blank lines, Can any one help me with this?Thanks in Advance.
Currently face Display message like
I want to show it as
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Your message text is being run through a rather aggressive Markdown parser that's stripping away extra line breaks. You have a few options for how to deal with this.
Option 1
If you set the text as channel data instead of the actual activity text, it won't be run through the Markdown parser:
var text = "Line1\n\nLine2\n\nLine3";
var activity = turnContext.Activity.CreateReply();
activity.ChannelData = new { text };
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(activity);
Option 2
If you set the text format to plain, the text won't be run through the Markdown parser:
var text = "Line1\n\nLine2\n\nLine3";
var activity = turnContext.Activity.CreateReply(text);
activity.TextFormat = TextFormatTypes.Plain;
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(activity);
Option 3
If you're using channel data for something else and you don't want to set the text format to plain, you can always use <br/> instead of \n:
var text = "Line1<br/><br/>Line2<br/><br/>Line3";

Remove blank space at the beginning and end of a text (not in between)

I have a chat app, and I want to remove blank space from user input at the beginning and at the end of a message.
so -> "BLANKSPACE hi my name is BLANKSPACE Matthias BLANKSPACE"
should be "hi my name is BLANKSPACE Matthias".
Thanks in advance.
What you want to do is called trimming.
In flutter (which uses dart) you can use:
'\t hi my name is Matthias \n '.trim(); which will result in 'hi my name is Matthias'.
dart: String.trim()

How to add linebreaks in iPhone programming?

I need to know how to add a linebreak in plain text such as UILabel.
Soli...there is an amendment at here....
The linebreaks will added on the plain text on SMS or any notification alert message.
So, the "escape sequence" can used as well ?
set the property numberOfLines of the label to 0. Then,
yourlabel.text = #"Line 1\nLine2";
will display as:
Line 1
Line 2
The escape sequence "\n" adds a newline.
#"Line one\nLine two" will display as
Line one
Line two
I haven't tried this, and I'm not sure if it'll display properly, but have you tried putting \n in your NSString?
myLabel.text = #"First Line\nSecond Line";