Okta scim user automatic provision of user failed - single-sign-on

I configured okta snowflake SSO. I assigned users as well. I configures scim which has permission to create users, deactivate users, sync password. After i configure scim i am having errors for existing users Automatic provisioning of user to app snowflake failed. Error while creating user. Conflict. Error reported by remote server. User exist with given user name. Same thing happening when I am assigning the app to existing user with same user name. Is there any way to fix it or is it best to remove scim.

In order for the merge to be successful, the login mapping needs to be exactly the same (the rest gets updated by okta). So make sure users can login via SSO first.
You also need to transfer ownership manually. Documentation provides this command:
use role accountadmin;
grant ownership on user <user_name> to role okta_provisioner;
Snowflake SCIM doc


SSO Configuration on a Keycloak with existing user federation

I am trying to set up SSO between two Keycloaks. The target Keycloak, where I want to configure the SSO has user federation set up in place and the user management is disabled. I was thinking of configuring IdP brokering between my source Keycloak and the target Keycloak so that I can use the same authentication token.
I have configured login redirection and when I try to login to the target system, I was promptly redirected to the source Keycloak. Unfortunately, upon entering the username and password, I was presented with a dialog box stating that my user already exists and offering me to either Review the profile or Add to existing profile.
Initially, I thought it is because the user modification is disabled by the user federation. I have manually created the same username on the system, which is providing a list of the users but even with this in place, I am still unable to log in and am presented with exactly the same error message.

WSO2 IS and WSO2 APIM - Role change

I followed the steps mentioned in the below WSO2 documentation to use WSO2 IS as an Identity Server with WSO2 APIM.
I use WSO2 IS 5.3.0 and WSO2 APIM 2.1.0.
I am able to access the carbon admin console in both the WSO2 IS and WSO2 APIM (in two ports)
When I use WSO2 IS console (9443) to change the user roles, most of the times it is getting reflected immediately, using the same access token. How can it be possible ? An access token is provided by WSO2 with some pre configured scopes. Within the same login session, even before the access token expires, If we change the roles of the logged in user, the roles changes are applied immediately and my access rights are changed ? Is it a valid ?
Assume a user "USER1" got an access token with privileged rights and he/she is able to access privileged APIs. Suddenly if the roles are changed and user "USER1" is assigned a normal user rights, and the user is not able to access the privileged APIs within the same login session. Is this how OAuth works ?
Please help me understand.
If I change the roles in WSO2 APIM (9444), the roles are not getting reflected immediately. Some times, it wait for the access token to expire and the gets a new access token. Sometimes, role changes are getting applied even before the access token expire.
What is the synchronization interval between WSO2 IS and WSO2 APIM, to sync the roles?
I couldn't find these roles in mysql db or ldap. Where are they stored in the backend ?
There are differences in IS as a key manager and the inbuilt key manager of API Manager. The key manager comes with API Manager is not a full fledged Identity solution. Hence its role to scope mapping, access control, etc. are somewhat limited in the point of view of Identity Management aspects.
Identity server acting as a key manager provides the full access control mechanism, hence the change in the role should affect fast as possible, even for issues keys. This is one of the reasons of using IS as a key manager.
Question 1
Lets say a user has an admin right when he got the access token. The enterprise may decide the user has no longer needs this right and changes that on their LDAP. It should be reflected on key validation as fast as possible. Otherwise the user has continued access to the service as privileged user until key expires, which is undesirable. So the behavior is valid.
Question 2
Ans: Yes, API Manager is strong on managing APIs. However, it is not a use/role management system. Hence there will be considerable delay in reflecting the role change. So, make sure you use IS to manage the user/roles, etc. when your API Manager is configured with IS.
Where is your configured roles
It should be in WSO2UM_DB configured (UM_ROLE table), if JDBC user store is your primary UserStore.

"You are not authorized to perform this operation"

I am admin for our AWS environment, and wanted to use PowerShell, but I get these errors whenever I try to do anything
Get-EC2Region : You are not authorized to perform this operation.
Get-CSDomain : User: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Jane.Doe is not authorized to perform: cloudsearch:DescribeDomains on resource: arn:aws:cloudsearch:eu-west-1:123456789012:domain/*
In my personal AWS account, everything works fine. We had a look at our policies, and us four admins can all do everything using the webconsole.
I have regenerated my access keys just in case that might be it, but there was no change.
So I guess my questions is:Do we need to implement some CLI specific policies to allow access via PowerShell?
You need to make sure the user you are using the correct AWS user credentials and the correct IAM policy to allow the given user to do the operation.
There are no CLI specific policies to PowerShell. The user simply has not been granted those permissions.
A good test would be to grant the user ec2:* and cloudsearch:* and confirm. then you can tighten down the permissions, having confirmed that the user can be successfully given a more permissive set of permissions.

Call Microsoft Graph API - App only unauthorized error

I am trying to make request to the Graph API using a service with no UI. I downloaded the following sample code and followed the instructions: https://blog.kloud.com.au/2015/12/14/implementing-application-with-o365-graph-api-in-app-only-mode/
I successfully get an Access Token, but when using it to make a request to get organization information (required Read Directory Data access), I get 403 Unauthorized.
I have registered my app in Azure AD (where I am a co-administrator).
I have specified Microsoft Graph in the 'permissions to other applications' section, and given Read Directory Data access.
Interestingly there is a note below saying 'You are authorized to select only delegated permissions which have personal scope'. Even though I clearly did. Why? I suspect this is the source of my problem.
Likewise I have checked my demo app against these instructions: https://graph.microsoft.io/en-us/docs/authorization/app_only, but it makes no mention of what role in Azure you need to have.
in this SO post's answer, there is mention of still needing to Consent. I haven't found any documentation about this.
You are authorized to select only delegated permissions which have personal scope
This issue is caused that the app is created by none admin and when they visit the portal then will see this message.
To grant the app-only permission to the application, we need to be the administrator of the tenant. It is different with the co-administrator. To user the Client Credential flow, I suggest that you contact the admin of the tenant to create an application for you. And if you were just for testing purpose, you can create a free tenant and register the application yourself.
We need the assign the Global administrator director role as figure below to make the application works for the client credential flow:

Get Azure subscription details of client

I want to get details of Azure Subscription of my client. But I do not want to ask for special permission from client.
What I need is the bare minimum things from my client so that I can login from powershell or rest api and read status of runbook jobs.
If i login from admin account of the subscription than I can easily get those details. But you understand it is not possible to have admin account credential of my client.
Please suggest some workaround.
What you need to do is create a user in Azure Active Directory and grant that user specific rights using either the Azure Portal or PowerShell\Cli\SDK.
Say read all, or read properties of desired automation account. If you would want like a super minumim, you would need to create a custom role first.
If your client placed specific resources within a Resource Group, they may grant you permissions on just that Resource Group (including read-only permissions). This would allow you to have access to needed resources, without having access to other areas of their subscription.