How does salt get used in openssl passwd hash (md5)? - encoding

I was trying to manually generate the password hash stored in /etc/shadow (just for curiosity).
For example using salt a and password a with md5 hash algorithm, with the command
openssl passwd -1 -salt "a" a
i get
Where 1 correspond to md5 hashing algorithm, a is the salt and 44cUw6Nm5bX0muHWNIwub0 should be the actual hash.
I was expecting to get the same result calculating the md5 hash of aa (password and hash concatenated), and converting it in B64 (as explained on wikipedia) but I get a different output.
What is the right way to hash and encode the password and the salt?


Will sha256 give all possible answers

I'm writing this on mobile...
So I was recently thinking about the hash function Sha256 and I though about to what values it mapps.
You can pretty much give Sha256 any value and it would return a 32 character string.
My question is if all 32 character strings will be the result of some value hashed by Sha256.
To clarify my question, is there a 32 character string that will never be the result of a Sha256 hash?

Base64 SHA-512 hash not working as intended

Hello I'm trying to get the Base64 encoded value of a SHA512 hash. I want my output to match the output using this site but I can't seem to get it when I try step by step. For example,
The string admin gives x61Ey612Kl2gpFL56FT9weDnpSo4AV8j8+qx2AuTHdRyY036xxzTTrw10Wq3+4qQyB+XURPWx1ONxp3Y3pB37A== when I use the site above.
When I try it step by step, I use a SHA-512 hash generator on admin which results in C7AD44CBAD762A5DA0A452F9E854FDC1E0E7A52A38015F23F3EAB1D80B931DD472634DFAC71CD34EBC35D16AB7FB8A90C81F975113D6C7538DC69DD8DE9077EC
and then I use a Base64 encoder on that which gives me QzdBRDQ0Q0JBRDc2MkE1REEwQTQ1MkY5RTg1NEZEQzFFMEU3QTUyQTM4MDE1RjIzRjNFQUIxRDgwQjkzMURENDcyNjM0REZBQzcxQ0QzNEVCQzM1RDE2QUI3RkI4QTkwQzgxRjk3NTExM0Q2Qzc1MzhEQzY5REQ4REU5MDc3RUM=
which is different. How do I obtain the first output above?
There's two different transformations in play here: the SHA-512 hash of an input and the Base64 encoding of an input. They can be combined or used alone.
C7AD44CBAD762A5DA0A452F9E854FDC1E0E7A52A38015F23F3EAB1D80B931DD472634DFAC71CD34EBC35D16AB7FB8A90C81F975113D6C7538DC69DD8DE9077EC is the SHA-512 hash of the text admin represented in uppercase hexadecimal.
QzdBRDQ0Q0JBRDc2MkE1REEwQTQ1MkY5RTg1NEZEQzFFMEU3QTUyQTM4MDE1RjIzRjNFQUIxRDgwQjkzMURENDcyNjM0REZBQzcxQ0QzNEVCQzM1RDE2QUI3RkI4QTkwQzgxRjk3NTExM0Q2Qzc1MzhEQzY5REQ4REU5MDc3RUM= is the SHA-512 hash of the text admin represented in uppercase hexadecimal and then encoded with Base64.
x61Ey612Kl2gpFL56FT9weDnpSo4AV8j8+qx2AuTHdRyY036xxzTTrw10Wq3+4qQyB+XURPWx1ONxp3Y3pB37A== is the SHA-512 hash of the text admin in encoded with Base64. There was no intermediate transformation to hexadecimal.
In other words, x61Ey612Kl2gpFL56FT9weDnpSo4AV8j8+qx2AuTHdRyY036xxzTTrw10Wq3+4qQyB+XURPWx1ONxp3Y3pB37A== is the Base64 encoding of the hash output bytes, and QzdBRDQ0Q0JBRDc2MkE1REEwQTQ1MkY5RTg1NEZEQzFFMEU3QTUyQTM4MDE1RjIzRjNFQUIxRDgwQjkzMURENDcyNjM0REZBQzcxQ0QzNEVCQzM1RDE2QUI3RkI4QTkwQzgxRjk3NTExM0Q2Qzc1MzhEQzY5REQ4REU5MDc3RUM= is the Base64 encoding of the hash output text (in uppercase hexadecimal).

How are salt and password combined

I would like to know how the mkpasswd command in linux adds the salt to the specified password before the SHA-512 hash is performed.
for example if you do the following:
mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 123 abc
where 123 is the password
and abc the salt
is the salt appended to the password like Hash_this(123abc), or how are thes two parameters combined?
thank you in advance.
I bevlieve this thread has the answer to your question
and its not as easy as just concatenating the two strings

Dovecot password hashing

Can anyone tell me how the Dovecot administration tool (doveadm pw) hashes passwords when using SHA-512. $6$ indicates SHA-512, followed by a salt, then the hash. How exactly does Dovecot generate the salt? Does it use an own algorithm? As far as I can see it uses /dev/random or /dev/urandom, but how does it deal with non-ASCII characters?
Nevermind, found out in password-scheme.c.
It reads data from /dev/urandom and has an array with allowed characters (static const char salt_chars[] = "./0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";).
The salt is generated by using one of the characters from that array; precisely, it takes the byte from /dev/urandom modulo the length of salt_chars - 1 and uses that as index to pick a char from salt_chars.

Verifying salted hashes with Perls unpack()

I'm trying to verify salted passwords with Perl and am stuck with unpack.
I've got a salted hashed password, e.g. for SHA256: SSHA256 = SHA256('password' + 'salt') + 'salt'
Base64 encoded that gets '
I store this string in my user database. When a user logs in need to separate the salt from the hash to hash the supplied password with the salt and compare the result to the one retrieved from the db. This is where I'm stuck. I don't seem to have the right unpack template separate the hash (8-bit binary, fixed length, in this case 32 byte) from the salt (8-bit binary, variable length).
I have tried something like
my ($hash, $salt) = unpack('N32 N*', $data);
but that doesn't seem to work out.
My question is: How can I unpack this hash (after it has been Base64 decoded) to get the fixed length hash in one and the variable length salt in another variable?
I think you're needlessly re-inventing the wheel.
You could use e.g. Crypt::SaltedHash to easily verify it, for instance:
my $password_entered = $cgi->param('password');
my $valid = Crypt::SaltedHash->validate($salted, $password_entered);
A longer example, showing using Crypt::SaltedHash to generate the salted password in the first instance, too:
my $csh = Crypt::SaltedHash->new(algorithm => 'SHA-256');
my $salted = $csh->generate;
# $salted will contain the salted hash (Crypt::SaltedHash picks random
# salt for you automatically)
# for example:
DB x $salted = $csh->generate;
0 '{SSHA256}H1WaxHcyAB81iyIPwib/cCUtjqCm2sxQNA1QvGeh/iT3m51w'
# validating that against the plaintext 'secretpassword' shows it's right:
DB x Crypt::SaltedHash->validate($salted, 'secretpassword');
0 1
# and trying it with an incorrect password:
DB x Crypt::SaltedHash->validate($salted, 'wrongpassword');
0 ''
No reason to re-invent all of this yourself.
You seem to be doing RFC2307 the hard way and also manage to introduce bugs. Those + do not mean what you think.
Subclass Authen::Passphrase::SaltedDigest instead.
Not sure the whole picture is present, but the unpack template you have specified -'N32 N*'- is for 32 unsigned long (32-bit) (big-endian) integers (see pack docs).
Looks like you may instead need unsigned chars: '32C C*'