How to filter nested sap.m.Lists with a SearchField? - sapui5

I created a list which has two more lists inside of it.
Here's the rough structure (working example at the end of the question):
// Data structure
results: [{
group: "1",
children: [{
group: "foo1",
children: [{
value1: "foo1.1",
value2: "bar1.1"
}, {
value1: "foo1.2",
value2: "bar1.2"
// Element structure
items: {
path: "/results",
template: CustomListItem({
content: List({
path: "children",
template: CustomListItem({
content: List({
path: "children",
template: StandardListItem({
title: "{value1}",
info: "{value2}",
Now I want to filter the items in the last lists and I don't understand how to do it.
For a single list I got it:
onSearch: function(oEvent) {
var sQuery = oEvent.getSource().getValue();
var oFilter = new sap.ui.model.Filter({
filters: [
new sap.ui.model.Filter("value1", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Contains, sQuery),
new sap.ui.model.Filter("value2", sap.ui.model.FilterOperator.Contains, sQuery)
and: false
var oBinding = this.byId("list-id").getBinding("items");
oBinding.filter(oFilter, sap.ui.model.FilterType.Application);
But in my case the value1 and value2 arent directly in the "list-id" list, but two levels below.
Here's a link to the minimal example:

It will not work with the standard filter on json model.
You should look into a tree if u have a 3 layer Hierarchie.

As the comment suggested as well, I couldn't find a solution using the Filter object, so I filtered the data manually and it worked like this:
onSearch: function(oEvent) {
let sQuery = oEvent.getSource().getValue();
let originalModel = this.getView().getModel();
let originalDataCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originalModel.oData));
let filtered = originalDataCopy.results.filter(topGroup => {
// Filter second level groups
let filteredMidGroups = topGroup.children.filter(midGroup => {
// Filter last Level
let filteredSingleElements = midGroup.children.filter(singleElement => {
let search = sQuery.toLowerCase();
let valueFound = (
singleElement.value1.toLowerCase().includes(search) ||
return valueFound;
midGroup.children = filteredSingleElements;
return (filteredSingleElements.length > 0);
topGroup.children = filteredMidGroups;
return (filteredMidGroups.length > 0);
let oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({
results: filtered
this.getView().setModel(oModel, "filtered");
Here the full minimal working example:


Popup in WFS layer Openlayers

Good Morning.
To work with wfs layer is it better to use leaflet or openlayers?
I have a code with openlayers that returns WFS from the geoserver. But I'm not able to show the attributes in popup. can anybody help me?
You can try ol-ext ol/Overlay/PopupFeature to display feature attributes in a popup.
See example:
Following the example of, I have this code where my WFS layer contains the id and name attributes, however, it doesn't show anything in the popup
var vectorSource = new ol.source.Vector({
format: new ol.format.GeoJSON(),
url: function(extent) {
return 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/teste/wfs?service=WFS&' +
version=1.1.0&request=GetFeature&typename=teste:MYLAYER&' +
'outputFormat=application/json&srsname=EPSG:4326&' +
'bbox=' + extent.join(',') + ',EPSG:4326';
strategy: ol.loadingstrategy.bbox
var vector = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: vectorSource,
style: new{
stroke: new{
color: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)',
width: 2
var layers = [
new ol.layer.Tile({source: new ol.source.OSM()}),
var map = new ol.Map({
layers: layers,
interactions: ol.interaction.defaults({ altShiftDragRotate:false, pinchRotate:false }),
target: 'map',
view: new ol.View({
center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([-46.444137, -23.713596]),
zoom: 12
var select = new ol.interaction.Select({
hitTolerance: 5,
multi: true,
var popup = new ol.Overlay.PopupFeature({
popupClass: 'default anim',
select: select,
canFix: true,
template: {
function(f) {
return f.get('nome')+' ('+f.get('id')+')';
attributes: // [ 'id', 'nome' ]
'nome': { title: 'Nome' },
'id': { title: 'Id' },
map.addOverlay (popup);
This is the popup code. I have 3 layers: layer1, layer2 and layer3.
For layer1, ID I want to show as ID. For layer2, I want to show ID as CODE and for other layers I don't want to show ID attribute.
How should I change the template? Thanks
var popup = new ol.Overlay.PopupFeature({
popupClass: 'default anim',
select: select_interaction,
canFix: true,
template: {
function(f) {
return f.get('NAME')+' ('+f.get('ID')+')';
'ID': { title: 'ID' },
// with prefix and suffix
'POP': {
title: 'População', // attribute's title
before: '', // something to add before
format: ol.Overlay.PopupFeature.localString(), // format as local string
after: ' hab.' // something to add after
You have to create a function and return the template for each case:
// Create templates
var templateID = { ... };
var templateCODE = { ... };
// Popup with a template function
var popup = new ol.Overlay.PopupFeature({
popupClass: 'default anim',
select: select_interaction,
canFix: true,
template: function(feature) {
var prop = feature.getProperties();
// Test if has property ID
if (prop.hasOwnProperty('ID')) return templateID;
// or property CODE
else if (prop.hasOwnProperty('CODE')) return templateCODE;

How to add predefined places/markers to Leaflet Geocoder

I am using Leaflet Map with geocoder (ESRI) and Routing Machine.
I have added two markers, let's say my home and my work
var marker_work = L.marker([50.27, 19.03], { title: 'MyWork'}).addTo(map)
var marker_home = L.marker([50.10, 18.4], { title: 'MyHome'}).addTo(map)
Here is an example fiddle:
How can I add this markers/point as a predefined places for ControlGeocoder?
I want to use them in search and use as a start point / end point for route calculation.
Another example for the same question: how to add custom-fake city with lat/lon and be able to search (find route) to/from that city.
I don't know if this is the best solution but it is working:
Create a custom Geocoder Class which overwrites the geocode function. There you can overwrite the result function and apply suggestions to the result.
L.CustomGeocoder = L.Control.Geocoder.Nominatim.extend({
suggestions: [],
this.suggestions = arr;
this.suggestions.push({name: marker.options.title, center: marker.getLatLng()});
var results = [];
if( > -1){ = L.latLng(;
point.bbox =;
return results;
geocode(query, resultFnc, context) {
var that = this;
var callback = function(results){
var sugg = that.getResultsOfSuggestions(query);,sugg.concat(results));
},query, callback, context);
Then you have to use the new Geocoder Class:
var geocoder = new L.CustomGeocoder({});
var control = L.Routing.control({
waypoints: [],
router: new L.Routing.osrmv1({
language: 'en',
profile: 'car'
geocoder: geocoder
And finally you can add suggestions over markers and theier title option over createSuggestionFromMarker(marker) or setSuggestions(arr):
var suggestions = [
name: 'Test Car 1',
center: [50.27, 19.03]
name: 'Test Car 2',
center: [50.10, 18.4]
var marker_work = L.marker([50.27, 19.03], { title: 'MyWork'}).addTo(map);
var marker_home = L.marker([50.10, 18.4], { title: 'MyHome'}).addTo(map);
Update, use marker Ref instead of fix latlng
Change this two function, then the marker is referenced and it always searches from the current position of the marker:
this.suggestions.push({name: marker.options.title, marker: marker});
var results = [];
if( > -1){
if(point.marker){ = point.marker.getLatLng();
} = L.latLng(;
point.bbox =;
return results;
You can test this in the demo, when you drag the marker

The hunt for the missing dialog value ^^

Helloooo experts,
I have a dialog which I use both for creating and updating entries. Everything works fine, except a tiny (but still annoying) bit.
When I call the dialog for an existing entry, everything is smooth. Fields appear normally and update works alright.
When I call the dialog to create a new entry, I get a set of blank fields, I fill them all, press save and works OK. Where is the problem? One of these fields should have already a value since I have already assign a value with the oModel.createEntry method. I debug the app the properties for the entry look alright, everything seems alright (if not blind) but the value doesn't come with the field - rings any bells?
Code (quite short) attached below, field in doubt: iAgrId.
Debugger snapshot
onActionAdd: function() {
var oModel = this.getView().getModel();
var oActionEditDialog = new Dialog({title: "Create Action"});
this.createActionFormData(oActionEditDialog, oModel);
//get Agreement ID
var sAgreement = this.getView().getBindingContext().toString().slice(16,26);
var oNewObject = "{\"AgrId\": \"" + sAgreement + "\"}";
oNewObject = JSON.parse(oNewObject);
var oEntry = oModel.createEntry("/Agreement_ActionsSet", oNewObject);
onActionEdit: function(oSourceEvent) {
var oModel = this.getView().getModel();
var oActionEditDialog = new Dialog({title: "Edit Action Details"});
this.createActionFormData(oActionEditDialog, oModel);
//to get access to the global model
var sPath = oSourceEvent.getSource().getParent().getBindingContext().toString();
// populate form fields
createActionFormData: function(oActionEditDialog, oModel) {
var oActionTypeItemTemplate = new sap.ui.core.ListItem({ key:"{f4>AgrActtypeid}", text:"{f4>AgrActtypeid}", additionalText:"{f4>AgrActtypetxt}"});
var oActionStatusItemTemplate = new sap.ui.core.ListItem({ key:"{f4>AgrStatid}", text:"{f4>AgrStatid}", additionalText:"{f4>AgrStattxt}"});
var oActionAgentItemTemplate = new sap.ui.core.ListItem({ key:"{f4>AgrAgentid}", text:"{f4>AgrAgentid}", additionalText:"{f4>AgrAgenttxt}"});
var sAgrId = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionAgrId}"});
var iAgrId = new sap.m.Input({value: "{AgrId}"});
var sAgrActionid = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionLineItemTableIDColumn}"});
var iAgrActionid = new sap.m.Input({value: "{AgrActionid}", enabled: false});
var sCreatedBy = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionCreatedBy}"});
var iCreatedBy = new sap.m.Input({value: "{CreatedBy}"});
var sCreatedOn = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionCreatedOn}"});
var iCreatedOn = new sap.m.DatePicker({value: "{ path: 'CreatedOn', type:'sap.ui.model.type.Date', formatOptions: { style: 'medium', strictParsing: true} }"});
var sActionComment = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionComment}"});
var iActionComment = new sap.m.Input({value: "{ActionComment}"});
var sAgrActionDate = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionActionDate}"});
var iAgrActionDate = new sap.m.DatePicker({value: "{ path: 'AgrActionDate', type:'sap.ui.model.type.Date', formatOptions: { style: 'medium', strictParsing: true} }"});
var sAgrChaseDate = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionChaseDate}"});
var iAgrChaseDate = new sap.m.DatePicker({value: "{ path: 'AgrChaseDate', type:'sap.ui.model.type.Date', formatOptions: { style: 'medium', strictParsing: true} }"});
var sAgrActtypeid = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionActionType}"});
var iAgrActtypeid = new sap.m.ComboBox({
//id: "cbRoleType",
selectedKey: "{AgrActtypeid}",
//selectedItemId: "{AgrRoletptxt}",
showSecondaryValues : true,
items: {
path: "f4>/Action_TypesSet",
template: oActionTypeItemTemplate,
templateShareable: "false"}
}).bindProperty("value", "AgrActtypeid");
var sAgrStatidFrom = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionStatusFrom}"});
var iAgrStatidFrom = new sap.m.ComboBox({
//id: "cbRoleType",
selectedKey: "{AgrStatidFrom}",
//selectedItemId: "{AgrRoletptxt}",
showSecondaryValues : true,
items: {
path: "f4>/Agreement_StatusesSet",
template: oActionStatusItemTemplate,
templateShareable: "false"}
}).bindProperty("value", "AgrStatidFrom");
var sAgrStatidTo = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionStatusTo}"});
var iAgrStatidTo = new sap.m.ComboBox({
//id: "cbRoleType",
selectedKey: "{AgrStatidTo}",
//selectedItemId: "{AgrRoletptxt}",
showSecondaryValues : true,
items: {
path: "f4>/Agreement_StatusesSet",
template: oActionStatusItemTemplate,
templateShareable: "false"}
}).bindProperty("value", "AgrStatidTo");
var sAgrAgentidFrom = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionAgentFrom}"});
var iAgrAgentidFrom = new sap.m.ComboBox({
//id: "cbRoleType",
selectedKey: "{AgrAgentidFrom}",
//selectedItemId: "{AgrRoletptxt}",
showSecondaryValues : true,
items: {
path: "f4>/Agreement_AgentsSet",
template: oActionAgentItemTemplate,
templateShareable: "false"}
}).bindProperty("value", "AgrAgentidFrom");
var sAgrAgentidTo = new sap.m.Label({text: "{i18n>actionAgentTo}"});
var iAgrAgentidTo = new sap.m.ComboBox({
//id: "cbRoleType",
selectedKey: "{AgrAgentidTo}",
//selectedItemId: "{AgrRoletptxt}",
showSecondaryValues : true,
items: {
path: "f4>/Agreement_AgentsSet",
template: oActionAgentItemTemplate,
templateShareable: "false"}
}).bindProperty("value", "AgrAgentidTo");
var oSaveButton = new sap.ui.commons.Button({
text: "Save",
press: function (oEvent) {
success: function(oData, sResponse) {
error: function(oError) {"oData Failure", oError);
var oCancelButton = new sap.ui.commons.Button({
text: "Cancel",
press: function (oEvent) {
Problem was in the parameter definition in the createEntry method, correct statement below:
var oEntry = oModel.createEntry("/Agreement_ActionsSet", {properties:oNewObject});

No views are displayed in ViewRepeater with activated respnsive

I've created this view. If I activate responsive, nothing is displayed. If I deactivate responsive I see the rows. What can be the reason?
createContent : function(oController) {
var oTileTemplate = new sap.ui.commons.layout.HorizontalLayout("tileTemplate");
var oEmployeeDetailsTemplate = new sap.ui.commons.layout.VerticalLayout("employeeDetailsTemplate");
var oEmployeeNameText = new sap.ui.commons.TextView( {
text: {
parts: [
{ path: "title" },
{ path: "firstname" },
{ path: "lastname" }
var oEmployeeCompanyText = new sap.ui.commons.TextView( {
text: "{company}",
var oEmployeePlantText = new sap.ui.commons.TextView( {
text: "{plant}",
var oEmployeeOrgunitText = new sap.ui.commons.TextView( {
text: "{orgunit}",
var oViewRepeater = new sap.suite.ui.commons.ViewRepeater("tilesViewReapeater", {
title: new sap.ui.commons.Title({text: "Employee View", level: sap.ui.commons.TitleLevel.H1}),
noData: new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text: "Sorry, no data available!"}),
showViews: false, // disable view selector
showSearchField: false,
//set view properties directly to the repeater
responsive: true,
itemMinWidth: 210,
numberOfRows: 5, // view property NumberOfTiles has legacy name here
rows: {
path: "/employees",
template: oTileTemplate
return oViewRepeater;
In HTML-Output is nothing rendered in the ViewRepeaters body ul-element.
I don't understand why the element is only rendered correctly when responsive is true? Has anybody an idea?
I don't see any model-binding being done, probably this is missing. (or going wrong)

how to save an entire object in a variable on a kendo autocomplete selection

i need help about a kendo autocomplete widget...
Maybe this is a stupid question, but i just can't reach the solution!!!
My kendoAutoComplete widget, gets data from a c# webservice:
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json, UseHttpGet = false)]
public string getComuniList()
using (PrintInvoicesDataContext context = new PrintInvoicesDataContext())
List<comuni_italia> comuni = new List<comuni_italia>();
comuni = context.comuni_italia.ToList();
var jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(comuni, Formatting.Indented);
return jsonStr;
this method returns a long object array like this:
[ {id_comune: 1, des_comune: "Milano", cod_comune: "A130", cap_comune: "64022"},
{id_comune: 2, des_comune: "Torino", cod_comune: "A131", cap_comune: "64100"},
so, when i choose an item into the kendo autocomplete widget, on the select event, i need to save the whole selected object in a variable.
var comuneAutoComplete = $("#comune_w").kendoAutoComplete({
minLength: 3,
dataSource: dataSource,
placeholder: "Inserisci comune...",
dataTextField: "des_comune",
dataValueField: "id_comune"
}).data("kendoAutoComplete").bind("select", function (data) {
//here i want to save the object
var comune = ????????
so that i could get fields values like this:
var id_com = comune.id_comune;
var des_com = comune.des_comune;
this is the model of the datasource:
model: {
fields: {
id: "id_comune",
id_comune: { type: "string" },
des_com: { type: "string" },
des_prv: { type: "string" },
des_reg: { type: "string" },
cod_com: { type: "string" },
cod_prv: { type: "string" },
cod_res: { type: "string" }
Is it possible??
hope someone can help me!
thanks in advance.
Getting the data from the dataSource for the selected item is:
var comuneAutoComplete = $("#comune_w").kendoAutoComplete({
minLength: 3,
dataSource: dataSource,
placeholder: "Inserisci comune...",
dataTextField: "des_comune",
dataValueField: "id_comune"
}).data("kendoAutoComplete").bind("select", function (data) {
//here i want to save the object
var comune = this.dataItem(e.item.index());