Springboot JPA Cast numeric substring to string - postgresql

I have a JPA/Springboot application backed by a Postgres database. I need to get a records that is equal to a substring passed back to the server.
For example:
Select * from dp1_attachments where TRIM(RIGHT(dp1_submit_date_dp1_number::text, 5)) ='00007'
This query works in PgAdmin, but not in the JPA #Query statement.
#Query("SELECT a.attachmentsFolder as attachmentsFolder, a.attachmentNumber as attachmentNumber, a.attachmentName as attachmentName, a.dp1SubmitDateDp1Number as dp1SubmitDateDp1Number,a.attachmentType as attachmentType, a.attachmentDate as attachmentDate, a.attachmentBy as attachmentBy "
+ "FROM DP1Attachments a WHERE TRIM(SUBSTRING(a.dp1SubmitDateDp1Number::text, 5 )) = :dp1Number")
I've also tried CASTing the parameter like this:
#Query("SELECT a.attachmentsFolder as attachmentsFolder, a.attachmentNumber as attachmentNumber, a.attachmentName as attachmentName, a.dp1SubmitDateDp1Number as dp1SubmitDateDp1Number,a.attachmentType as attachmentType, a.attachmentDate as attachmentDate, a.attachmentBy as attachmentBy "
+ "FROM DP1Attachments a WHERE TRIM(SUBSTRING(CAST(a.dp1SubmitDateDp1Number as string, 5 ))) = :dp1Number")
but the application won't even run, and returns an error that the query isn't valid.
If I make no attempt to cast it, I get an error that function pg_catalog.substring(numeric, integer) does not exist
I've also tried creating a native query instead but that also doesn't seem to work.
List<DP1AttachmentsProjection> results = em.createNativeQuery("Select * FROM dp1_attachments WHERE TRIM(RIGHT(CAST(dp1_submit_date_dp1_number as varchar),5)) =" + dp1Number).getResultList();
In place of varchar I have also tried string and text.
Errors come back similar to ERROR: operator does not exist: text = integer. Its like the CAST is being ignored and I'm not sure why.
I also tried the following as a native query:
em.createNativeQuery("Select * FROM dp1_attachments WHERE TRIM(RIGHT(dp1_submit_date_dp1_number::varchar),5)) =" + dp1Number).getResultList();
and get ERROR: syntax error at or near ":"
Thanks to #Nenad J I altered the query to get the final working solution:
#Query(value = "SELECT a.attachments_Folder as attachmentsFolder, a.attachment_Number as attachmentNumber, a.attachment_Name as attachmentName, a.dp1_Submit_Date_Dp1_Number as dp1SubmitDateDp1Number,a.attachment_Type as attachmentType, a.attachment_Date as attachmentDate, a.attachment_By as attachmentBy FROM DP1_Attachments a WHERE TRIM(RIGHT(CAST(a.dp1_Submit_Date_Dp1_Number as varchar ), 5 )) = :dp1Number", nativeQuery = true)"

Default substring returns a string, so substring(integer data,5) returns a string. Thus no need for the cast.
#Query("SELECT * FROM DP1Attachments a WHERE TRIM(SUBSTRING(a.dp1SubmitDateDp1Number, 5)) = :dp1Number")
But I recommend in this case use native query like this:
Put this code in your attachment repository.
#Query(value="SELECT * FROM DP1Attachments AS a WHERE TRIM(SUBSTRING(a.dp1SubmitDateDp1Number, 5 )) = :dp1Number", nativeQuery=true)
Be careful with the column's name.


error syntax error at or near ":" for split_part () of createNativeQuery in spring boot for postgresql

I'm getting SQL exception while executing the query which contains
split_part() method as split_part(value::TEXT,':', 1).
String queryStr = " select split_part(value::TEXT,':', 1) from table";
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(queryStr);
List results = query.getResultList();
ERROR 2020-02-10 14:54:37,926 [http-nio-7070-exec-1] 142 - ERROR: syntax error at or near ":"
Position: 855
Your obfuscation layer probably chokes on the :: operator. Use the cast() operator instead:
String queryStr = " select split_part(cast(value as text),':', 1) from table";
But why do you think you need the cast to begin with? If you are storing : characters that column, it is most probably a text (or varchar) column anyway and you don't need a cast at all.

how to use date_part in hibernate query?

String q = "select id from Calendar c " +
"where c.isActive = 1 and " +
"date_part('dow', '2017-09-19 13:23:23'::date) = c.frequencyValue)";
Query query = em.createQuery(q);
List results = query.getResultList();
If I include ::date, hibernate would complain because : conflicts with parameter, but if I don't, postgres will complain. Could not choose a best candidate function. You might need to add explicit type casts. What can I do?
as specified extract function should work if the underlying db supports them so:
extract(dow from date '2017-09-19 13:23:23');
should works

Dynamic Variables With PowerQuery

I have a table on my workbook that looks like below
Parameter Value
salestart 01/01/2016
saleend 01/21/2016
And I am trying to query a postgresql database and use the value for salestart and saleend in the where clause. I am just stuck on how to get the syntax perfect to achieve such a result. This is what I have thus far, but I get an error of:
ODBC escape convert error
And this is the actual syntax I am attempting. What must I alter so that this will be a valid statement and return the data I am needing?
Parameter = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="Parameters"]}[Content],
txtsalestart = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Parameter,{{"salestart", type text}}),
txtsaleend = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Parameter,{{"saleend", type text}}),
Source = Odbc.Query("dsn=123", "Select * from saledb AND CAST(saledate As Date) BETWEEN between '"&#"txtsalestart" & "'" AND '"&#"txtsaleend" & "'#(lf)ORDER BY saleitem ASC")
The query value is not built correctly: "'" AND '" should be "' AND '"

How to implement raw sql query in Tastypie

I am trying to do this simple query, but it does not work. Thanks.
SELECT * FROM TSimple where (start_date < '2012-04-20' and end_date is null) or
(end_date > '2012-04-20' and start_date < '2012-04-20')
class TSimple (models.Model):
start_date = models.DateTimeField()
end_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
class TSimpleResource(ModelResource):
def dehydrate(self, bundle):
request_method = bundle.request.META['REQUEST_METHOD']
if request_method=='GET':
new_date = bundle.request.GET.get('new_date', '')
qs = TSimple.objects.raw(
'SELECT * FROM TSimple where (start_date<=\'' +
new_date + '\' and end_date>=\'' +
new_date + '\') or (start_date<=\'' + new_date +
'\' and end_date is null)')
ret_list = [row for row in qs]
// NOT WORK. Not able to get correct json data in javascript.
// It needs return bundle. HOW to replace bundle?
// Is this correct way to do it?
return ret_list
// This is ok.
return bundle
I have following questions:
1) (raw sql method) If implementing in dehydrate method is correct way to do it? If it is, above does not work. It should return bundle object. How to construct new bundle?
If above method is ok, I noticed that bundle already constructed .data field with default query(?), which will be thrown away with new query. That raise the questions if this is right way to do it.
2) If there are other raw sql method to do it? Where to execute the sql?
3) How to do it in filter?
4) I know sql and not familiar with complex filter. That's why I am trying to use raw sql method to do quick prototype. What are the draw back? I noticed that using Tastypie has many unnecessary queries which I don't know how to get rid of it. Example, query on table with foreign key trigger query to another table's data, which I don't want to get.
I figure out the filter and it seems worked. But I am still interested in raw sql.
def apply_filters(self, request, applicable_filters):
base_filter = super(TSimpleResource, self).apply_filters(request,
new_date = request.GET.get('new_date', None)
if new_date:
qset = (
Q(start_date__lte=new_date) &
) |
Q(start_date__lte=new_date) &
base_filter = base_filter.filter(qset)
return base_filter

How to use AND operator in statement

I am using JDBC in JSP with PostGreSQL.
I want to read all values of a row with the given titel and interpret from a text field but the AND operator doesn't work.
// some code
stmt = conn.createStatement();
res = stmt.executeQuery(
"SELECT * " +
"FROM album " +
"WHERE interpret = ? AND titel = ? " +
"ORDER BY interpret, titel ASC "
//... closte statements, etc.
Not I get a syntax exception for AND.
Do you guys have any advices why?
You cannot use bind variables in a statement created with createStatement.
PreparedStatement is what you should be working with.
stmt = conn.prepareStatement();
stmt.setString(1, interpretValue); //set the value for the first parameter to interpretValue
stmt.setString(2, titleValue); //second parameter
A PreparedStatement is the preferred way of executing SQL statements because the statement is precompiled. This can be more efficient than a Statement, specially if the same query is executed multiple times.