multiple arguments in sqflite flutter - flutter

I want to search database based on the keyword. if it title or content contains the keyword then return the data. but it send backs nothing.
static Future<List<Note>> searchDocuments(String? keyword) async {
final database = await DatabaseHelper.database();
List<Map<String, dynamic>> allDocuments = await database.rawQuery(
'SELECT * FROM docs WHERE title=? and content=?',
['$keyword%', '$keyword%']);
checked - doesn't work.

This works.
await database.rawQuery(
'SELECT * FROM docs WHERE title LIKE ? OR content LIKE ?',
['%$keyword%', '%$keyword%']);

await database.rawQuery(
'SELECT * FROM docs WHERE title="$keyword" AND content="$keyword"');


flutter firestore: how to get a query of documents

Im trying to get a list of user objects from firestore through a query. My current attempt looks like this:
List<User> getDiscoveryUsers(
String userId,
) async {
Query<Object?> query =
userCollection.where('finishedOnboarding', isEqualTo: true).limit(10);
var collection = await query.get();
//get the users list from query snapshot
var users = => User.fromSnapshot(doc)).toList();
return users;
However I am getting the error:
Functions marked 'async' must have a return type assignable to 'Future'.
Try fixing the return type of the function, or removing the modifier 'async' from the function body.
I know there are a few similar questions on stack overflow, but i just cant seem to get this to work. Anyone know whats going on?
Just change the return type of your function from List<User> to Future<List<User>>.
Happy coding:)
your return type should be Future and must wait with await when running query on firestore.
Future<List<User>> getDiscoveryUsers(
String userId,
) async {
Query<Object?> query =
userCollection.where('finishedOnboarding', isEqualTo: true).limit(10);
var collection = await query.get();
//get the users list from query snapshot
var users = => User.fromSnapshot(doc)).toList();
return users;

How to rawQuery in multiple columns in Sqflite

I created an onChanged function for a TextFormField to perform a query in multiple columns of a table. I tried to use OR in the WHERE clause, but it does not seem to work since it only returns queries from the first condition (columnOne), and not when I search for items from columnTwo or columnThree. Is there any other way I can achieve this?
onChanged: (String? databaseQuery) async {
Database db = await DatabaseHelper.instance.database;
List<Map> result = await db.rawQuery('SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnOne LIKE ? OR columnTwo LIKE ? OR columnThree LIKE ?', ['%$databaseQuery%']);
_map = result;
setState(() {});
Note: What I am trying to accomplish is like a Full Text Search, but I want to do it via rawQuery or query only instead of having to enable FTS. Thanks!
for each ? in the raw Query, you need also a argument
List<Map> result = await db.rawQuery('SELECT * FROM table WHERE columnOne LIKE ? OR columnTwo LIKE ? OR columnThree LIKE ?', ['%$databaseQuery%', '%$databaseQuery%', '%$databaseQuery%']);

How to combine 2 or more Sqflite queries with logical operators?

Im currently trying to combine the results of 2 queries in flutter. These are the queries:
Future<List> filterExercises({
List<String> equipmentFilter,
List<String> muscleFilter,
int custom, //0 = false, 1 = true
int recent, //0 = false, 1 = true
String orderBy,
}) async {
Database db = await initDatabase();
final muscleRes = await db.query(
where: "targetMuscle IN (${('?' * (muscleFilter.length)).split('').join(', ')})",
whereArgs: muscleFilter,
final equipmentRes = await db.query(
where: "equipment IN (${('?' * (equipmentFilter.length)).split('').join(', ')})",
whereArgs: equipmentFilter,
return finalResult; //need to combine the results with a logical AND somehow
I know there's the option the use a rawQuery with logical OR / AND, but that doesn't work for my case.
It should be possible for the user to select different attributes and thus filter the list. Im looking for a way to pass arguments to this function and query my table accordingly to the passed arguments but I already fail when merging the first two queries.
How to add a logical AND to these two queries?
And furthermore: How to add even more attributes with a logical AND and order the final result?
I managed to find a way to the first question:
List<String> muscleFilter = ['Chest', 'Biceps'];
List<String> equipmentFilter = ['Machine', 'Cable'];
return db.rawQuery('''
select * from exercises
where targetMuscle in (${('?' * (muscleFilter.length)).split('').join(', ')})
and equipment in (${('?' * (equipmentFilter.length)).split('').join(', ')})
muscleFilter + equipmentFilter

Where in clause in Flutter sqflite

I'm trying to use where in clasue but i get this error:
Invalid argument [1, 2, 3] with type List Only num, String and
Uint8List are supported.
My code:
Database db = await instance.database;
List<Map> maps = await db.query('table',
where: 'categoryID in (?)', whereArgs: [ [1,2,3]]);
From this document
Particulary, lists (expect for blob content) are not supported. A
common mistake is to expect to use IN (?) and give a list of values.
This does not work. Instead you should list each argument one by one:
var list = await db.rawQuery('SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE name IN (?, ?, ?)', ['cat', 'dog', 'fish']);
But my categories can change any moment so I cant list each argument one by one.
While I understand that it could sound painful, that is unfortunately the way SQLite works and sqflite does not do any SQL parsing.
You could try the following solution that I personnaly use to build the proper number of ?.
List.filled(inArgsCount, '?').join(',')
For example:
var inArgs = ['cat', 'dog', 'fish'];
var list = await db.query('my_table',
where: 'name IN (${List.filled(inArgs.length, '?').join(',')})',
whereArgs: inArgs);

Multiple arguments in sqllite in flutter

I would like to know how to pass multiple arguments to a raw query in sqllite.
My code is below
query() async {
// get a reference to the database
Database db = await DatabaseHelper.instance.database;
// raw query
List<Map> result = await db.rawQuery('SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE name=?', ['Peter']);
// print the results
result.forEach((row) => print(row));
In the above code i am passing one argument 'Peter' but what if I want to pass multiple arguments, for example:
List<Map> result = await db.rawQuery('SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE name=? and last_name=? and year=?', ['Peter'], ['Smith'],[2019]);
If I do the code above, I get error "Too many positional arguments: 2 expected, but 4 found." can someone show me how to pass multiple arguments to a query in sqllite flutter?
I'm assuming you're using sqflite.
You need to put all your arguments into one list and not multiple.
The code below should work like this:
List<Map> result = await db.rawQuery(
'SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE name=? and last_name=? and year=?',
['Peter', 'Smith', 2019]
For more examples how to use raw queries see their examples on their page.
Or if you want to use the query function you can do it like this:
String strVal = 'str';
int intVal = 0;
String likeVal = 'str';
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.query('my_table',
where: "col1 LIKE ? and col2 = ? and col3 = ?",
whereArgs: ['$likeVal%', strVal, intVal],
orderBy: 'id',
limit: 10);