Unable to authenticate to Azure DevOps using Personal Access Token (302 redirect) - rest

I followed the Azure DevOps docs for how to create a Personal Access Token, convert the token to Base64 and GET repo branches, but I cannot successfully request.
What am I missing?
PowerAutomate Action: HTTP Request
Where myOrg, myProject and myRepoID are actual values
Error: 302 Redirect
Error Text:
<html><head><title>Object moved</title></head><body>
<h2>Object moved to here.</h2>
Tried adding the Content-Type header and adding the auth as a special header
Still same error
Tried adding the PAT to Basic auth but the Username is required
I found that even though above action fails, the response Location header contains a URL that resolves correctly:
BUT when this URL is piped to a subsequent HTTP action, it results in a 203 response that does not include the REST response!
Added a . to the Basic username Authentication
Regenerated the ADO Personal Access Token, saved the new value in Key Vault

Thank you #GeralexGR and #jessehouwing , #SeaDude as you have confirmed your solution ,I am posting it as an answer to help other Community members for the similar issue so they can find and fix their issue as you have mentioned in comment.
I followed the Azure DevOps docs for how to create a Personal Access
Token, convert the token to Base64 and GET repo branches, but I cannot
successfully request.
What am I missing?
To achieve the above requirement try to add Authentication as BASIC and user add . .
Regenerate ADO Personal Access Token and save the new value in your Key Vault secret and resubmit flow.
For more information please refer this MICROSOFT DOCUMENTATION.


Using same SSH Key for both Bitbucket and Github

I'm using same email address on both platforms. Please let me know if it's possible, if not please guide me to best practice.
Thanks in advance.
I have successfully added the key to Bitbucket, all good here. When I tried to login GitHub via CLI (using gh auth login), I have faced this text:
HTTP 422: Validation Failed (https://api.github.com/user/keys)
key is already in use
While using a dedicated key pair for Github is the best practice, you can also use gh auth login with HTTPS and as a password a GitHub PAT (Personal Access Token, typically, a classic one, scope repos)
echo ghp_xxx | auth login -p https --with-toke
gh auth status and gh auth token will confirm you are correctly logged in to GitHub, with the right identity.

Getting Error 403 Trying to update PAT on Azure Devops

Based on the doc (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/tokens/pats/update?view=azure-devops-rest-7.1&tabs=HTTP) provided by MS, i'm trying to update my Token expiration date through the api. I made a sample request using a full access token to authenticate and passing the authorizationId of the token i want to update in the body:
My sample request using Postman
And it keeps returning Error 403, I've checked my organization policies and tried by adding or removing parameters from body but it din't work.
I've also made another request to get the list of tokens on my organization with the same token authorization and api version and that went well.
According to your screenshot you are using the Basic Auth with PAT.
Please note that you must authenticate with an Azure AD token to use this API instead of a PAT token. In order to call the API directly, you need to provide an Azure AD access token as a Bearer token in Authorization header of your request. Please see Manage personal access tokens (PATs) using REST API and Q: Can I use basic auth with all Azure DevOps REST APIs? for details.
You can follow below steps to get the AAD Bearer token:
Install the Azure Az PowerShell module.
Login with a user account which has the permission in your DevOps org (Owner or PCA) with command Connect-AzAccount
1.) Alternately login from the cloud shell with command Connect-AzAccount -UseDeviceAuthentication, you will see the following message:
2.) Then copy the url https://microsoft.com/devicelogin and open in a new tap, enter the code IVR7VRWJQ to authenticate.
3.) Login with the Azure DevOps organization owner or other PCA account. After successful login you will see the account info, then follow below steps to get the Bearer Token.
Get the Bearer token:
$token = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl "499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798").Token
Copy and use the token in script or Postman to update the PAT.

Why does the PayPal API not recognize my client id and secret

The Paypal API doesn't recognize my Client ID and Secret I got from https://developer.paypal.com/developer/applications/
I wanted to include a server side checkout according to this tutorial https://developer.paypal.com/docs/archive/checkout/how-to/server-integration/
When I do the request to https://api-m.paypal.com/v1/payments/payment I always get a 401 Error with the message "Authentication failed due to invalid authentication credentials or a missing Authorization header.".
I checked multiple times if my credentials were correctly included into the request. I also tested the endpoint in my server environment and as well via Postman.
I also tried the route https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/token to exchange my credentials with an access token and got the same problem.
I also tried to create multiple Sandbox and Live Accounts and always got the same error.
Has anyone an idea what the problem could be?
There are two separate issues here.
You first need to use /v1/oauth2/token to obtain an access token, and then use that access token to call any of the other actual APIs.
The credentials you obtain from PayPal Developer will be for either "Sandbox", or "Live". Make sure you choose the correct tab (sandbox, for development). Sandbox credentials will only work for api-m.sandbox.paypal.com , and Live credentials will only work for api-m.paypal.com . The two environments are completely separate.
If you still have issues, post the SANDBOX client ID and secret you are using, and the full request and response to the api-m.sandbox.paypal.com endpoint. There should be a PayPal-Debug-Id in any error response, in the headers if nowhere else.

Azure KeyVault Get Secret API responds with 404 or 401 error

I am trying to get a secret out of Azure Key Vault. It is a very simple Restful API call. For example for all key, it is as simple as this:
GET {vaultBaseUrl}/secrets?api-version=7.0
where vaultBaseUrl is provided in Azure Console as Vault DNS name.
I am using console mode for testing
But the return value if always 404.
When I try curl in the Azure console, it gives 401 - Unauthorized.
However I can use the command line to get the secret out.
Is there any secret to making the restful call and curl work to get the secret out? All these situations use the same credentials.
A side questions is, that on the micorosft api testing page there is a 'Request Preview' section with a green Run button, almost as if it is inviting you to run the api, but the link is to learn.microsoft.com and the copy button on the box is disabled. I have never seen so many problems in one place, so I am thinking may be I don't understand something here.
The doc seems not to be correct. If you want to get the secret, you could use the Client credentials flow to get the access token and use it to get the secret.
Follow the steps as below.
1.Register an app in the Azure Active Directory, see this link. Get the application id and key, see this link. Add the service principal in the Access policies in your keyvault with the correct secret permission(just search the name of your AD App then add it).
2.In the postman, send a request to the url
POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/{your tenant id}/oauth2/token?api-version=1.0
Request body and complete sample(client_id and client_secret are the application id and key in step 1):
3.Copy the access_token in step 2, then use it as an Authorization token to call the api:
GET https://yourkeyvault.vault.azure.net/secrets?api-version=7.0
Besides, if you want to use CURL to get the secret, try the one like below. The TOKEN is the same with the access_token in step 2 above.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer [TOKEN]" https://yourkeyvault.vault.azure.net/secrets?api-version=7.0
For more details about getting access_token via curl and complete steps, you could refer to this link. Don't forget to change the resource to https://vault.azure.net in the Request the Access Token step.
Pass Bearer token.There will be an Url to generate a token and pass it to authentication then u will donot get the error.

Issue in calling the OneDrive for Business REST API to upload image files

I am facing the issue in calling the OneDrive for Business API to work. Below are the steps I have followed till now:
Created a Web App/API application in Microsoft Azure Portal (A very tricky process). Gave all the permissions.
Got Application ID (A_ID) from there.
Went to the URL to get the 'code' via browser:
Got the code. Did a callout via POSTMAN (using the code, client ID, client secret and redirect URI) to the URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/token
Received an Access Token (AT) and other details.
NOW, when I want to use this AT to upload a file, I am getting the error. The URI is: https://<tenant>/_api/v2.0/me/drive/root:/Abc.txt:/content. For headers, I am passing: Authorization-> Bearer AT; Content-Type -> application/octet-stream
The error is:
{"error":{"code":"unauthenticated","message":"Token contains invalid signature.","innerError":{"code":"invalidSignature"}}}
I don't know where the issue is. Is it in the tenant name I am using (There is a chance that I might be using it wrong!) OR is it in the permissions OR I have not set up the app in the Azure Portal correctly OR is it something entirely different.