Include Run Configurations in SVN project in MyEclipse - eclipse

How can I configure MyEclipse and the SVN plugin (Subclipse 4.3.3) so that my Run Configurations are included in the source code control. Every time a new developer checks out the project, he doesn't have the Run Configurations needed to test the application properly or to do the Maven packaging correctly.
Is there a way?

To share your run/launch configuration, go to the launch configuration (Run > Run Configurations...) tab Common for Save as choose Shared file (instead of Local file).
In addition, you can choose to Display in favorites menu to add it to the drop-down of the corresponding button in the main toolbar.


Run launch file automatically in Eclipse

I would like to have the possibility to run a .launch file without having to navigate to a project and folder and choose that file and right click and choose run.
It would also be nice if I could run tomcat without having to navigate to the server tab as you can see in screenshot
Is there any way I can do this?
.launch files are managed in Eclipse as Run configurations. Normally, .launch files present in an Eclipse project are automatically added to the list of run configurations for the project. These can be accessed through Run | Run Configurations... or using the run menu shortcut
If the launch files are not automatically detected when a project is first imported, running them once should allow Eclipse to detect them.

Eclipse not automatically refreshing resources in src/main/resources

In my Eclipse preferences, I have "Refresh using native hooks or polling" selected.
If I make a change to a Java file outside of Eclipse, the project that contains that Java file automatically refreshes and rebuilds that file as it should. However, if I make a change to a file under src/main/resources/... from an external editor, it is not automatically refreshed. I have to select the project and press F5 to get it to refresh.
Is there a way to configure Eclipse to automatically refresh any resources under src/main/resources?
In Eclipse
Run > External Tools > External Tools Configuration
Create a new Program configuration Point the location to an exe that is very fast
On the Refresh tab, choose Refresh Resources upon completion, The Entire Workspace
On the Build tab, deselect Build before launch

External Tool Configuration build options tab in Eclipse > Luna (i.e. Mars)

I had a supercool hook set up on Eclipse to compile my project's .css theme file from its .less modules every time a .less module was modified by monitoring those resources through an "external tool configuration".
I could select which resources to monitor for triggering the nodejs less compiler tool on the launch configurations build options tab.
On eclipse Mars there is no such tab.
It really bothers me to loose this automation. Does anybody know where did that tab go or how can I keep this functionality without it?
You set up such custom builders via the project's Properties dialog. Open the properties, then select the Builders section. There you can use the New... button to configure a Program to run as a builder.

image won't show in Eclipse dynamic web project

I have a folder containing images under WebContent. If I copy file 1.jpg to images using Windows Explorer, it won't show on my webpage:
document.getelementById("image1").src = "./images/1.jpg"
However, if I right click the project in Eclipse, refresh, then everything works.
How do I remove the need to refresh the project? The images are supposed to be generated by another program dynamically
If something outside of Eclipse modifies the workspace it is always necessary to do a refresh.
However you can configure Eclipse to do this automatically in Preferences > General > Workspace. Check the 'Refresh using native hooks or polling' option.
If the program generating the images is an Eclipse plugin it can use Eclipse APIs to create the files or do the refresh (a normal program cannot do this).
If you run the program using Eclipse Run External Tool configuration there is a Refresh tab that will let you set up the refresh to do when the program terminates.

How to see what triggered "Build workspace" in Eclipse

My eclipse is constantly running "Build Workspace" tasks. It is not a long running builds, more like 1 build a second.
Sometimes I'd see 10 "Build workspace" tasks sleeping and waiting in the Progress tab.
I'd like to know what is triggering those builds. I have many plugins installed.
What is the way to troubleshoot this?
Here are some steps to help you debug what is going on.
Download the Eclipse Classic SDK for whatever version of Eclipse you are currently using. For Juno that link is here.
Open the eclipse.ini for your current normal eclipse and add the following options: -Xdebug
Start your Eclipse instance that you want to debug, it should pause at the splash screen
Unzip the Eclipse classic SDK and start that Eclipse instance
Open the Plugins view
Find org.eclipse.core.resources
Right click and select "Add to Java Search"
Open Type dialog, type in "BuildManager"
You should see a class from that plugin be given as an option, then open it
Find the line that looks like: prereqs =, args, monitor); It should be about line 728 (For Eclipse Juno)
Set a breakpoint here
Create a new Remote Java Application debug configuration and point to localhost port 8000
Launch this debug configuration
You should see your other Eclipse instance startup
Now every time the Eclipse build manager fires off a build (which should happen on all of those Build Workspace jobs), then you will see this breakpoint be hit and you can find out what builder is firing.
Update 1
If you need source to other Eclipse bundles they can also be added in the "Plug-ins" view. Select all the plugins there and right-click and use Add to Java Search
What plugins do you have installed that are currently active?
Press CTRL+3 type "plugin" and then choose plugin registry.
In the plugin view right click and choose "Active Only"
Check the non-essential core plugins (for example related to servers which automatically build & publish)
Post a screenshot of active plugins if you need any more help
You may have build automatically checked which will build when you save. Check under the nav Project > Build Automatically
Other way to close all unused projects.
Further, for good view, use filtering: View Menu -> filters -> Check 'Closed Project'.
Sometimes if you have > 20 opened projects you can observe constant 'build workspace' tendency.