I am getting an error in prolog in vs code please check - visual-studio-code

This is the code:
cat(sphynx). dog(poodle).
dog(bulldog). cat(bengal).
cat(himalayan). cat(singapura).
Warning: Clauses of dog/1 are not together in the source-file
Warning: Earlier definition at c:/users/dell/desktop/prolog/dog:1
Warning: Current predicate: cat/1
Warning: Use :- discontiguous dog/1. to suppress this message
Warning: c:/users/dell/desktop/prolog/dog:4:
Warning: Clauses of cat/1 are not together in the source-file
Warning: Earlier definition at c:/users/dell/desktop/prolog/dog:2
Warning: Current predicate: dog/1
Warning: Use :- discontiguous cat/1. to suppress this message.

In Prolog, an n-ary predicate p, for n≥0, is defined by a procedure, which consists of one or more clauses whose conclusions are terms of the form p(a1, ..., an), where each a_i is an argument. Clauses belonging to the same procedure are expected to be declared in sequence, contiguously.
When the clauses of two or more distinct procedures appear interleaved in the source code, the compiler produces the warning messages you get. To suppress such messages, you can use a directive of the form :- discontiguous predicate/arity.
For example:
:- discontiguous dog/1.
:- discontiguous cat/1.
Note, however, that the best option is to follow the Prolog convention and modify your code as follows:
% clauses of the first procedure
% clauses of the second procedure


"In Unicode programs, must have the same structure layout, irrespective of the length" error

I'm now getting this error after making a small mod to a working program. The structures have the same type (though the tables are different) but I get this error? I've looked at similar postings but couldn't find an answer to this.
Codes snippets included.
* ---
,begin of TY_RESB_CDC
types: end of TY_RESB_CDC
,TT_RESB_CDC type hashed table of TY_RESB_CDC
with unique key RSNUM RSPOS RSART
,TT_RESB_STD type standard table of TY_RESB_CDC
with empty key
,WA_RESB_STD type TY_RESB_CDC "like line of LT_RESB_STD
move-corresponding <FS_DATA> to WA_RESB_STD.
" already exists in CDC
continue. "no change, skip this record
A component name cannot contain a dot in its name, in a Unicode program. Same for any other ABAP symbolic name.
The below code with name .include is not permitted. You were mistaken by DDIC structures, which have different rules.
TYPES: begin of TY_RESB_CDC,
end of TY_RESB_CDC.
Instead, you should use the ABAP statement INCLUDE TYPE to include the components of a structure (e.g. ZBW_MATERIAL_RESVN_RESB in your case):
TYPES: begin of TY_RESB_CDC,

Drools Rule Engine: Is it possible to have a params be a list and you run the condition for each value in the list in a Decision table?

I am trying to create a rules engine via a decision table. I want to run a rule on each value in a given list.
For example, I have the following condition column:
Decision Table Column Picture
I am trying to follow the following snippet from section from
where it states:
A text according to the pattern forall(delimiter){snippet} is expanded by repeating the snippet once for each of the values of the comma-separated list of values in each of the cells below, inserting the value in place of the symbol $ and by joining these expansions by the given delimiter. Note that the forall construct may be surrounded by other text.
However when I try the above snippet condition, I get the following error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while creating KieBase[Message [id=1, kieBase=rules, level=ERROR, path=rules_for_jpmc.xls, line=7, column=0
text=[ERR 102] Line 7:123 mismatched input 'param' in rule "Green Scenario 1.2"], Message [id=2, kieBase=rules, level=ERROR, path=rules_for_jpmc.xls, line=0, column=0
text=Parser returned a null Package]]
I just want to run productCurrent == $param on both pizza and calzone, and if one is met, the condition is true, without having to use $1, $2, etc. Is there a pattern on how to run a condition on a paramater list?

Find category of MATLAB mlint warning ID

I'm using the checkcode function in MATLAB to give me a struct of all error messages in a supplied filename along with their McCabe complexity and ID associated with that error. i.e;
info = checkcode(fileName, '-cyc','-id');
In MATLAB's preferences, there is a list of all possible errors, and they are broken down into categories. Such as "Aesthetics and Readability", "Syntax Errors", "Discouraged Function Usage" etc.
Is there a way to access these categories using the error ID gained from the above line of code?
I tossed around different ideas in my head for this question and was finally able to come up with a mostly elegant solution for how to handle this.
The Solution
The critical component of this solution is the undocumented -allmsg flag of checkcode (or mlint). If you supply this argument, then a full list of mlint IDs, severity codes, and descriptions are printed. More importantly, the categories are also printed in this list and all mlint IDs are listed underneath their respective mlint category.
The Execution
Now we can't simply call checkcode (or mlint) with only the -allmsg flag because that would be too easy. Instead, it requires an actual file to try to parse and check for errors. You can pass any valid m-file, but I have opted to pass the built-in sum.m because the actual file itself only contains help information (as it's real implementation is likely C++) and mlint is therefore able to parse it very rapidly with no warnings.
checkcode('sum.m', '-allmsg');
An excerpt of the output printed to the command window is:
INTER ========== Internal Message Fragments ==========
MSHHH 7 this is used for %#ok and should never be seen!
BAIL 7 done with run due to error
INTRN ========== Serious Internal Errors and Assertions ==========
NOLHS 3 Left side of an assignment is empty.
TMMSG 3 More than 50,000 Code Analyzer messages were generated, leading to some being deleted.
MXASET 4 Expression is too complex for code analysis to complete.
LIN2L 3 A source file line is too long for Code Analyzer.
QUIT 4 Earlier syntax errors confused Code Analyzer (or a possible Code Analyzer bug).
FILER ========== File Errors ==========
NOSPC 4 File <FILE> is too large or complex to analyze.
MBIG 4 File <FILE> is too big for Code Analyzer to handle.
NOFIL 4 File <FILE> cannot be opened for reading.
MDOTM 4 Filename <FILE> must be a valid MATLAB code file.
BDFIL 4 Filename <FILE> is not formed from a valid MATLAB identifier.
RDERR 4 Unable to read file <FILE>.
MCDIR 2 Class name <name> and #directory name do not agree: <FILE>.
MCFIL 2 Class name <name> and file name do not agree: <file>.
CFERR 1 Cannot open or read the Code Analyzer settings from file <FILE>. Using default settings instead.
MCLL 1 MCC does not allow C++ files to be read directly using LOADLIBRARY.
MCWBF 1 MCC requires that the first argument of WEBFIGURE not come from FIGURE(n).
MCWFL 1 MCC requires that the first argument of WEBFIGURE not come from FIGURE(n) (line <line #>).
NITS ========== Aesthetics and Readability ==========
DSPS 1 DISP(SPRINTF(...)) can usually be replaced by FPRINTF(...).
SEPEX 0 For better readability, use newline, semicolon, or comma before this statement.
NBRAK 0 Use of brackets [] is unnecessary. Use parentheses to group, if needed.
The first column is clearly the mlint ID, the second column is actually a severity number (0 = mostly harmless, 1 = warning, 2 = error, 4-7 = more serious internal issues), and the third column is the message that is displayed.
As you can see, all categories also have an identifier but no severity, and their message format is ===== Category Name =====.
So now we can just parse this information and create some data structure that allows us to easily look up the severity and category for a given mlint ID.
Again, though, it can't always be so easy. Unfortunately, checkcode (or mlint) simply prints this information out to the command window and doesn't assign it to any of our output variables. Because of this, it is necessary to use evalc (shudder) to capture the output and store it as a string. We can then easily parse this string to get the category and severity associated with each mlint ID.
An Example Parser
I have put all of the pieces I discussed previously together into a little function which will generate a struct where all of the fields are the mlint IDs. Within each field you will receive the following information:
warnings = mlintCatalog();
id: 'DWVRD'
severity: 2
message: 'WAVREAD has been removed. Use AUDIOREAD instead.'
category: 'Discouraged Function Usage'
category_id: 17
And here's the little function if you're interested.
function [warnings, categories] = mlintCatalog()
% Get a list of all categories, mlint IDs, and severity rankings
output = evalc('checkcode sum.m -allmsg');
% Break each line into it's components
lines = regexp(output, '\n', 'split').';
pattern = '^\s*(?<id>[^\s]*)\s*(?<severity>\d*)\s*(?<message>.*?\s*$)';
warnings = regexp(lines, pattern, 'names');
warnings = cat(1, warnings{:});
% Determine which ones are category names
isCategory = cellfun(#isempty, {warnings.severity});
categories = warnings(isCategory);
% Fix up the category names
pattern = '(^\s*=*\s*|\s*=*\s*$)';
messages = {categories.message};
categoryNames = cellfun(#(x)regexprep(x, pattern, ''), messages, 'uni', 0);
[categories.message] = categoryNames{:};
% Now pair each mlint ID with it's category
comp = bsxfun(#gt, 1:numel(warnings), find(isCategory).');
[category_id, ~] = find(diff(comp, [], 1) == -1);
category_id(end+1:numel(warnings)) = numel(categories);
% Assign a category field to each mlint ID
[warnings.category] = categoryNames{category_id};
category_id = num2cell(category_id);
[warnings.category_id] = category_id{:};
% Remove the categories from the warnings list
warnings = warnings(~isCategory);
% Convert warning severity to a number
severity = num2cell(str2double({warnings.severity}));
[warnings.severity] = severity{:};
% Save just the categories
categories = rmfield(categories, 'severity');
% Convert array of structs to a struct where the MLINT ID is the field
warnings = orderfields(cell2struct(num2cell(warnings), {warnings.id}));
This is a completely undocumented but fairly robust way of getting the category and severity associated with a given mlint ID. This functionality existed in 2010 and maybe even before that, so it should work with any version of MATLAB that you have to deal with. This approach is also a lot more flexible than simply noting what categories a given mlint ID is in because the category (and severity) will change from release to release as new functions are added and old functions are deprecated.
Thanks for asking this challenging question, and I hope that this answer provides a little help and insight!
Just to close this issue off. I've managed to extract the data from a few different places and piece it together. I now have an excel spreadsheet of all matlab's warnings and errors with columns for their corresponding ID codes, category, and severity (ie, if it is a warning or error). I can now read this file in, look up ID codes I get from using the 'checkcode' function and draw out any information required. This can now be used to create analysis tools to look at the quality of written scripts/classes etc.
If anyone would like a copy of this file then drop me a message and I'll be happy to provide it.

How to get the sql state from libpq?

I program with libpq.so. I want to get the error code which is called sql state in SQL Standard.How should I get this in my c code?
The obvious Google search for libpq get sqlstate finds the libpq-exec documentation. Searching that for SQLSTATE finds PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE in the PQresultErrorField section.
Thus, you can see that you can call PQresultErrorField(thePgResult, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE) to get the SQLSTATE.
This is just addition I can not leave in form of comment due to reputation reasons.
Note that you can not portably get SQLSTATE for errors that can occur during PQconnectdb. In theory, you can read pg_conn (internal struct) field last_sqlstate which contains correct value.
For example, if you try to connect with invalid login/password, it will give you 28P01. For wrong database it will contain 3D000.
I wish they defined publically available getter for this field.
You can check this one as well:
libpq: How to get the error code after a failed PGconn connection

Problem with the deprecation of the postgresql XML2 module 'xml_is_well_formed' function

We need to make extensive use of the 'xml_is_well_formed' function provided by the XML2 module.
Yet the documentation says that the xml2 module will be deprecated since "XML syntax checking and XPath queries"
is covered by the XML-related functionality based on the SQL/XML standard in the core server from PostgreSQL 8.3 onwards.
However, the core function XMLPARSE does not provide equivalent functionality since when it detects an invalid XML document,
it throws an error rather than returning a truth value (which is what we need and currently have with the 'xml_is_well_formed' function).
For example:
select xml_is_well_formed('<br></br2>');
(1 row)
select XMLPARSE( DOCUMENT '<br></br2>' );
ERROR: invalid XML document
DETAIL: Entity: line 1: parser error : expected '>'
Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
Is there some way to use the new, core XML functionality to simply return a truth value
in the way that we need?.
-- Mike Berrow
After asking about this on the pgsql-hackers e-mail list, I am happy to report that the guys there agreed that it was still needed and they have now moved this function to the core.