How can I backup nifi processes when restarting Kuberntes pod? - kubernetes

I have deployed Nifi on Kuberntes using cetic/helm-nifi helm chart. We are facing a problem, If nifi pod restarts we lost the all processes that we created. Is there any way to keep a backup of the process in nifi canvas.

You might be deploying the helm with default config or you are tweaking any configs also?
i have not used nifi but i think enabling the PVC config for nifi might resolve your resolve.
You can enable the PVC by changing the values.yaml line number.
enabled: true
if you have already created volumes you can also use it.

Nifi keeps flow definitions in the /opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/flow.xml.gz file in the docker image. It is strongly advised to have /conf folder persist .There are lots of kubernetes alternatives for this . check the official document
You can also find archives in the /conf folder for back-ups


What are other ways to provide configuration information to pods other than ConfigMap

I have a deployment in which I want to populate pod with config files without using ConfigMap.
You could also store your config files on a PersistentVolume and read those files at container startup. For more details on that topic please take a look at the K8S reference docs:
Please note: I would not consider this good practice. I used this approach in the early beginning of a project where a legacy app was migrated to Kubernetes: The application consisted of tons of config files that were read by the application at startup.
Later on I switched to creating ConfigMaps from my configuration files, as the latter approach allows to store the K8S object (yaml file) in Git and I found managing/editing a ConfigMap way easier/faster, especially in a multi-node K8S environment:
kubectl create configmap app-config --from-file=./ --from-file=./
If you go for the "config files in persistent volume" approach you need to take different aspects into account... e.g. how to bring your configuration files on that volume, potentially not on a single but multiple nodes, and how to keep them in sync.
You can use environment variable and read the value from environment.
Or you

Flink on K8S: how do I provide Flink configuration to the cluster?

I am following Flink Kubernetes Setup to create a cluster, but it is unclear how can I provide Flink configuration to the cluster? e.g., I want to specify jobmanager.heap.size=2048m.
According to the docs, all configuration has to be passed via a yaml configuration file.
It seems that jobmanager.heap.size is a common option that can be configured.
That being said, the approach on kubernetes is a little different when it comes to providing this configuration file.
The next piece of the puzzle is figuring out what the current start command is for the container you are trying to launch. I assumed you were using the official flink docker image which is good because the Dockerfile is opensource (link to repo at the bottom). They are using a complicated script to launch the flink container, but if you dig through that script you will see that it's reading the configuration yaml from /opt/flink/conf/flink-conf.yaml. Instead of trying to change this, it'll probably be easier to just mount a yaml file at that exact path in the pod with your configuration values.
Here's the github repo that has these Dockerfiles for reference.
Next question is what should the yaml file look like?
From their docs:
All configuration is done in conf/flink-conf.yaml, which is expected
to be a flat collection of YAML key value pairs with format key: value.
So, I'd imagine you'd create flink-conf.yaml with the following contents:
jobmanager.heap.size: 2048m
And then mount it in your kubernetes pod at /opt/flink/conf/flink-conf.yaml and it should work.
From a kubernetes perspective, it might make the most sense to make a configmap of that yaml file, and mount the config map in your pod as a file. See reference docs
Specifically, you are most interested in creating a configmap from a file and Adding a config map as a volume
Lastly, I'll call this out but I won't recommend it because of the fact that the owners of flink have marked it as an incubating feature currently, they have started providing a helm chart for Flink, and I can see that they are passing flink-conf.yaml as a config map in the helm chart templates (ignore values surrounded with {{ }} - that is helm template syntax). Here is where they mount their config map into a pod.

Persistence of Configmap in kubernetes

I have a Kubernetes pod (let's call it POD-A) and I want it to use a certain config file to perform some actions using k8s API. The config file will be a YAML or JSON which will be parsed by the application inside the pod.
The config file is hosted by an application server on cloud and the latest version of it can be pulled based on a trigger. The config file contains configuration details of all the deployments in the k8s cluster and will be used to update deployments using k8s API in POD-A.
Now what I am thinking is to save this config file in a config-map and every time a new config file is pulled a new config-map is created by the pod which is using the k8s API.
What I want to do is to update the previous config map with a certain flag (a key and a value) which will basically help the application to know which is the current version of deployment. So let's say I have a running k8s cluster with multiple pods in it, a config-map is there which has all the configuration details against those pods (image version, namespace, etc.) and a flag notifying that this the current deployment and the application inside POD-A will know that by loading the config-map. Now when a new config-file is pulled a new config-map is created and the flag for current deployment is set to false for the previous config map and is set to true for the latest created config map. Then that config map is used to update all the pods in the cluster.
I know there are a lot of details but I had to explain them to ask the following questions:
1) Can configmaps be used for this purpose?
2) Can I update configmaps or do I have to rewrite them completely? I am thinking of writing a file in the configmap because that would be much simpler.
3) I know configmaps are stored in etcd but are they persisted on disk or are kept in memory?
4) Let's say POD-A goes down will it have any effect on the configmaps? Are they in any way associated with the life cycle of a pod?
5) If the k8s cluster itself goes down what happens to the `configmaps? Since they are in etcd and if they are persisted then will they be available again?
Note: There is also a limit on the size of configmaps so I have to keep that in mind. Although I am guessing 1MB is a fair enough size to save a config file since it would usually be in a few bytes.
1) I think you should not use it in this way.
2) ConfigMaps are kubernetes resources. You can update them.
3) If etcd backups to disk are enabled.
4) No. A pod's lifecycle should not affect configmaps, unless pod mutates(deletes) the configmap.
5) If the cluster itself goes down. Assuming etcd is also running on the same cluster, etcd will not be available till the cluster comes back up again. ETCD has an option to persist backups to disk. If this is enabled, when the etcd comes back up, it will have restored the values that were on the backup. So it should be available once the cluster & etcd is up.
There are multiple ways to mount configMap in a pod like env variables, file etc.
If you change a config map, Values won't be updated on configMaps as files. Only values for configMaps as env variables are update dynamically. And now the process running in the pod should detect env variable has been updated and take some action.
So I think the system will be too complex.
Instead trigger a deployment that kills the old pods and brings up a new pod which uses the updated configMaps.

kubernetes: deploying kong helm chart

I deploy kong via helm on my kubernetes cluster but I can't configure it as I want.
helm install stable/kong -f values.yaml
Unfortunately, the created persistenceVolumeClaim stays at 8G instead of 1Gi. Even adding "persistence.enabled":false has no effect on deployment. So I think my all my configuration is bad.
What should be a good configuration file?
I am using kubernetes rancher deployment on bare metal servers.
I use Local Persistent Volumes. (working well with mongo-replicaset deployment)
What you are trying to do is to configure a dependency chart (a.k.a subchart ) which is a little different from a main chart when it comes to writing values.yaml. Here is how you can do it:
As postgresql is a dependency chart for kong so you have to use the name of the dependency chart as a key then the rest of the options you need to modify in the following form:
The content of values.yaml does not need to be surrounded with curly braces. so you need to remove it from the code you posted in the question.
<configuration-key-name>: <configuration-value>
For Rancher you have to write it as the following:
#values.yaml for rancher
postgresql.persistence.storageClass: "my-kong-storage"
postgresql.persistence.size: "1Gi"
Unlike if you are using helm itself with vanilla kubernetes - at least - you can write the values.yml as below:
#values.yaml for helm
storageClass: "my-kong-storage"
size: "1Gi"
More about Dealing with SubChart values
More about Postgresql chart configuration
Please tell us which cluster setup you are using. A cloud managed service? Custom setup kubernetes?
The problem you are facing is that there is a "minimum size" of storage to be provisioned. For example in IBM Cloud it is 20 GB.
So even if 2GB are requested in the PVC , you will end up with a 20GB PV.
Please check the documentation of your NFS Provisioner / Storage Class

How to add flag to Kubernetes controller manager

I'm new to K8s. In process to config Openstack Cinder as K8s StorageClass, i have to add some flags to my kube controller manager, and I found that it's my big problem.
I'm using K8s 1.11 in VMs, and my K8s cluster has a kube-controller-manager pod, but I don't know how to add these flags to my kube-controller-manager.
After hours search, i found that there's a lot of task require add flag to kube-controller-manager, but no exactly document guide me how to do that. Please share me the way to go over it.
Thank you.
You can check /etc/kubernetes/manifests dir on your master nodes.
This dir would contain yaml files for master components.
These are also known as static pods.
More Info :
Update these files and you would be able to see your changes as kubelet should restart the pod on file change.
As a more long term solution, you will need to incorporate the flags to the tooling that you use to generate your k8s cluster.