Debug Unity IL2CPP UWP Build for HoloLens - unity3d

So there are a lot of guides for this topic, like:
And I set up my project like described in those guides.
Project Settings>Player:
Scripting Backend is IL2CPP
Api Compatibility Level is .NET 4.x
The capabilities
PrivateNetworkClientServer, InternetClientServer are checked
Build Settings:
Build Conf is Release
Architecture is ARM64
Copy References, Development Build, Script Debugging, Wait For Managed Debugger are checked
is connected via Wifi (not usb)
after deployment and start of the application I get the notification to start debugging, which I do. I open a script, that I want to debug, in unity which leads to a new instance of VS where I go to Debug>Attach unity debugger and choose one instance of my process (I get only one process, some ppl have more than one).
I placed some brakepoints an they get not triggered. I dont know
Second question I have is - If this debugging would work, would it be possible to debug/step through code that is wrapped in a macro like #if UWP or WINMD?


Building a Unity game for iOS with fastlane fails with missing USYM_UPLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN

I'm building my Unity game for iOS using fastlane, but ever since I enabled Unity's Cloud Diagnostics my iOS build has been failing with the message Please provide an auth token with USYM_UPLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable
This error message has caused fastlane to fail at ARCHIVE FAILED when building for the app store.
Try the following to get your builds passing:
If you are building the Unity project from commandline with -batchmode, be sure to pass in -username and -password to Unity as well. [source]
Ensure the user you are using to log in to Unity has access to the project in Unity's developer dashboard
If you are using an older version of Unity be sure to upgrade, there was a known bug related to this
If none of these work, try setting the environment variable USYM_UPLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN to an arbitrary value. This will make uploading the symbol files to Unity's servers fail, but should cause your build to pass. [source]
You can also just disable Unity Cloud Diagnostics again to get it working immediately.
This issue occurs because enabling Unity's Cloud Diagnostics tell the Xcode Project to upload the symbol files to Unity's servers as part of building the game. That way you they have symbol files to help you process game crashes.
A bit of how this all works: You must log in to Unity so it can get a token to use for uploading the game's symbol files. Then, Unity sets the values USYM_UPLOAD_URL_SOURCE and USYM_UPLOAD_AUTH_TOKEN inside the generated Unity-iPhone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj. During the xcode build there are two tools, usymtool and which use these values to send the symbols to Unity. You can find usymtool's logs at ~/Library/Logs/Unity/symbol_upload.log.
Same probrem, I fixed it for set disabled crash reporting in UnityConnectSettings.asset (Not a fundamental solution)
- m_Enabled: 1
+ m_Enabled: 0

I'm not getting an .exe for my game after building?

I am new to Unity3D and have been building a zombie survival game for my university course. My issue is after building my game I am not given a .exe file.
Some of the things I have already tried:
Reinstalling Unity
Spoke to my tutor who said I had missed out on some components needed when installing Unity - UWP Build Support (.NET) & UWP Build Support (IL2CPP). Reinstalled Unity with these components, still no .exe file.
Posted this question on the Unity Community - still waiting for an answer.
Try to reinstall unity with a different version or to change machine probably there are problems with your set up
Try to build without checking the Create Visual Studio Solution checkbox
File > Build Settings… is the menu item to access the Build Settings window
It’s simply a matter of choosing the build target in the build settings dialog, and hitting the ‘Build’ button. When building standalone players, the resulting files will vary depending on the build target. For the Windows build target, an executable file (.exe) will be built, along with a Data folder which contains all the resources for your application. For the Mac build target, an app bundle will be built which contains the file needed to run the application as well as the resources.
(you may have to complete your options in player settings or probably you missed to select platform)

Tizen Shared Object Libraries won't be loaded on Unity

I've been developing an app for the Samsung Gear S2 (which runs Tizen) for a while. I'm using Unity 5.3.5p3, and Tizen 2.4.0rev6 with Tizen Wearable 2.3.1 profile.
And now that I've almost finished, strange bugs appear.
I've made a Shared Object (.so) library, successfully connected it to Unity, successfully installed my app on the device, and everything works.
Everything works until I switch off "Development Build" in Unity build settings. Then, it seems like it can load the library (it gives me no error about missing functions or whatever), but the functions inside my library don't get executed at all, not even half a log.
What's going on here?
(I can publish some code if you want to, but I don't think it would be of any help, since it all works out fine on development build)

How to debug into Cordova.framework in xcode

I'm having a problem where cordova is failing to start the camera app on iOS. A simple case works fine, but in my app, not so much.
So I'd like to debug into the Cordova.framework to see what the problem is.
But I can't figure out how to do it. I've built the Cordova project that's sitting next to the installed framework, and I've replaced my framework reference in my project to point at it. That seems to be fine. But I can't step in or set breakpoints.
With the cordova project, i"m building UniversalFramework and it looks like it's set to debug in the scheme config, even though it always builds to release (this seems to be in the script), I see --DDEBUG in the clang output, so I think it's debug. I'm fairly new to xcode so I don't know if it's building a symbol file or how to verify it's a debug framework, etc.
Latest Cordova (2.0.0) has it like a seperate project and linked as static library.
Use that version, you can put breakpoints in the library code.

getting GDB working with eclipse and the RX62N board from renesas

I have set up the board according to the RX cpu example in eclipse, and everything seemed to be working fine till I wanted to get the example running on the board. When I click the option to hardware debug, I get an error saying "Error launching GDB server. Check installation".
Am I to re install eclipse, or the GCC toolchain for the RX cpu, or anything else?
I don't know anything about your specifics (that is Renesas or the RX62N). I do use eclipse for embedded work. Typically on a new platform I would make sure I can build and download a release version first. Once you have that working then see if you can get a Debug build and the debugger running. On the platforms I am used to, you have to put in hooks (typically just a single call) to enable the debugger. For exmple on the NetBurner the debugger can run over the serial port or Ethernet so the call has to specify which version you want to use. I know other platforms use JTAG debuggers etc, Typically a dev kit for the board comes with a manual that details how to get the debugger working. I doubt that you need to reinstall anything you just need to get the configuration set up correctly.