rados list-inconsistent-obj gives "Operation not permitted" error - ceph

When "rados list-inconsistent-pg " returns several inconsistent pgs such as ["1.12","1.2c","1.2d","1.57"], "rados list-inconsistent-obj " gives "Unknown error (1) Operation not permitted".
What should I do to correct his error?
-- update:
"ceph health detail" returns:
HEALTH_ERR 8 scrub errors; Possible data damage: 4 pgs inconsistent
OSD_SCRUB_ERRORS 8 scrub errors
PG_DAMAGED Possible data damage: 4 pgs inconsistent
pg 1.12 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [2,1]
pg 1.2c is active+clean+scrubbing+deep+inconsistent+repair, acting [2,1]
pg 1.2d is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [2,0]
pg 1.57 is active+clean+inconsistent, acting [1,2]

Looking at your sudo ceph health detail, first thing is to get help of following general repair command:
ceph pg repair {pgid}
In your case it would be:
ceph pg repair 1.12
ceph pg repair 1.2c
ceph pg repair 1.2d
ceph pg repair 1.57
Also, please try to backup the PG copies you are repairing.
Limitations of Ceph repair:
My experience says that Ceph repair does not automatically repair placement groups when inconsistencies are found in them. For instance this also explains why repair will not automatically solve it. There are chances you have to manually diagnose like this.
Dig deeper:
In addition to it, I maintain following helpful notes for solving PG inconsistencies in my cluster:
PG inconsistent with empty inconsistent objects
How to recover from active+clean+inconsistent+failed_repair?
Scrub Error / How does ceph pg repair work?
PG show inconsistent active+clean+inconsistent


Recovery postgresql database after initdb

I have an important issue with my database and I don't know how to fix it.
I have postgresql 9.6 in CentOS running. After a system reboot, postgrsql-service doesn't start, so following the instructions in the shell, I launched "sudo /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgresql96-setup initdb"
What my surpirse when I started pgsql... and it is a new empty instance, I had a database with a size of 4GB and has dissapear...
However data must be still in the files, because data folder have a size of 4GB, how I can recover this last situation?
Thank you very much,

How can I get the host name and query that has been executed on the slave postgres database that caused the system into the memory crashed

My slave database has undergone the memory crash(Out of memory) and in recovery stage.
I want to know the query that causes this issue.
I have checked logs I get one query just before the system goes into the recovery mode;But I want to confirm it.
I am using postgres 9.4
If any one has any idea?
If you set log_min_error_statement to error (the default) or lower, you will get the statement that caused the out-of-memory error in the database log.
But I assume that you got hit by the Linux OOM killer, that would cause a PostgreSQL process to be killed with signal 9, whereupon the database goes into recovery mode.
The correct solution here is to disable memory overcommit by setting vm.overcommit_ratio to 2 in /etc/sysctl.conf and activate the setting with sysctl -p (you should then also tune vm.overcommit_ratio correctly).
Then you will get an error rather than a killed process, which is easier to debug.

Mongorestore seems to run out of memory and kills the mongo process

In current setup there are two Mongo Docker containers, running on hosts A and B, with Mongo version of 3.4 and running in a replica set. I would like to upgrade them to 3.6 and increase a member so the containers would run on hosts A, B and C. Containers have 8GB memory limit and no swap allocated (currently), and are administrated in Rancher. So my plan was to boot up the three new containers, initialize a replica set for those, take a dump from the 3.4 container, and restore it the the new replica set master.
Taking the dump went fine, and its size was about 16GB. When I tried to restore it to the new 3.6 master, restoring starts fine, but after it has restored roughly 5GB of the data, mongo process seems to be killed by OS/Rancher, and while the container itself doesn't restart, MongoDB process just crashes and reloads itself back up again. If I run mongorestore to the same database again, it says unique key error for all the already inserted entries and then continue where it left off, only to do the same again after 5GB or so. So it seems that mongorestore loads all the entries it restores to memory.
So I've got to get some solution to this, and:
Every time it crashes, just run the mongorestore command so it continues where it left off. It probably should work, but I feel a bit uneasy doing it.
Restore the database one collection at a time, but the largest collection is bigger than 5GB so it wouldn't work properly either.
Add swap or physical memory (temporarily) to the container so the process doesn't get killed after the process runs out of physical memory.
Something else, hopefully a better solution?
Increasing the swap size as the other answer pointed out worked out for me. Also, The --numParallelCollections option controls the number of collections mongodump/mongorestore should dump/restore in parallel. The default is 4 which may consume a lot of memory.
Since it sounds like you're not running out of disk space due to mongorestore continuing where it left off successfully, focusing on memory issues is the correct response. You're definitely running out of memory during the mongorestore process.
I would highly recommend going with the swap space, as this is the simplest, most reliable, least hacky, and arguably the most officially supported way to handle this problem.
Alternatively, if you're for some reason completely opposed to using swap space, you could temporarily use a node with a larger amount of memory, perform the mongorestore on this node, allow it to replicate, then take the node down and replace it with a node that has fewer resources allocated to it. This option should work, but could become quite difficult with larger data sets and is pretty overkill for something like this.
I solved the OOM problem by using the --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB parameter of mongod. Excerpt from my docker-compose.yaml below:
version: '3.6'
container_name: db
image: mongo:3.2
- ./vol/db/:/data/db
restart: always
# use 1.5GB for cache instead of the default (Total RAM - 1GB)/2:
command: mongod --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 1.5
Just documenting here my experience in 2020 using mongodb 4.4:
I ran into this problem restoring a 5GB collection on a machine with 4GB mem. I added 4GB swap which seemed to work, I was no longer seeing the KILLED message.
However, a while later I noticed I was missing a lot of data! Turns out if mongorestore runs out of memory during the final step (at 100%) it will not show killed, BUT IT HASNT IMPORTED YOUR DATA.
You want to make sure you see this final line:
[########################] cranlike.files.chunks 5.00GB/5.00GB (100.0%)
[########################] cranlike.files.chunks 5.00GB/5.00GB (100.0%)
[########################] cranlike.files.chunks 5.00GB/5.00GB (100.0%)
[########################] cranlike.files.chunks 5.00GB/5.00GB (100.0%)
[########################] cranlike.files.chunks 5.00GB/5.00GB (100.0%)
restoring indexes for collection cranlike.files.chunks from metadata
finished restoring cranlike.files.chunks (23674 documents, 0 failures)
34632 document(s) restored successfully. 0 document(s) failed to restore.
In my case I needed 4GB mem + 8GB swap, to import 5GB GridFS collection.
Rather than starting up a new replica set, it's possible to do the entire expansion and upgrade without even going offline.
Start MongoDB 3.6 on host C
On the primary (currently A or B), add node C into the replica set
Node C will do an initial sync of the data; this may take some time
Once that is finished, take down node B; your replica set has two working nodes still (A and C) so will continue uninterrupted
Replace v3.4 on node B with v3.6 and start back up again
When node B is ready, take down node A
Replace v3.4 on node A with v3.6 and start back up again
You'll be left with the same replica set running as before, but now with three nodes all running v.3.4.
PS Be sure to check out the documentation on Upgrade a Replica Set to 3.6 before you start.
I ran into a similar issue running 3 nodes on a single machine (8GB RAM total) as part of testing a replicaset. The default storage cache size is .5 * (Total RAM - 1GB). The mongorestore caused each node to use the full cache size on restore and consume all available RAM.
I am using ansible to template this part of mongod.conf, but you can set your cacheSizeGB to any reasonable amount so multiple instances do not consume the RAM.
cacheSizeGB: {{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 1024 * 0.2 }}
My scenario is similar to #qwertz but to be able to upload all collection to my database the following script was created to handle partials uploads; uploading every single collection one-by-one instead of trying to send all database at once was the only way to properly populate it.
backupFiles=`ls ./backup/${DB_NAME}/*.bson.gz`
for file in $backupFiles
collection=(${file//./ })
collection=(${collection//// })
mongorestore \
$file \
--gzip \
--db=$DB_NAME \
--collection=$collection \
--drop \
FROM alpine:3.12.4
RUN [ "apk", "add", "--no-cache", "bash", "mongodb-tools" ]
COPY populate.sh .
ENTRYPOINT [ "./populate.sh" ]
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile.mongorestore
restart: on-failure
- ${PWD}/backup:/backup

postgres index contains "unexpected zero page at block" exceptions

I have following errors in pg_log file several thousand times. How to resolve them.
index "meeting_pkey" contains unexpected zero page at block 410.Please REINDEX it.
index "faultevent_props_pkey" contains unexpected zero page at block 37290.
index "faultevent_pkey" contains unexpected zero page at block 1704
The cause of the issue is due to bad index pages and its unable to read it.
Reindex the problematic index to overcome the issue.
Reindex index <schema_name>.<index_name>;
Here you have some hits.
Your database is corrupt.
Try to run pg_dumpall to get a logical dump of the database.
If that fails, buy support from somebody who can salvage data from corrupted databases.
If it succeeds:
Check the hardware, particularly storage and RAM.
Once you are certain the hardware is ok, install the latest patch update for your PostgreSQL version.
Create a new database cluster with initdb.
Restore the dump into the new cluster.
Did you have crashes recently?
Did you test if your storage handles fsync requests properly?
Do you have any dangerous settings like fsync = off?
I ran into this issue and after a lot of reading I decided to do a complete DB reindex:
and it solved the issue for me. Hope this helps you.

Postgres not able to start

I have a problem with postgres not being able to start:
* Starting PostgreSQL 9.5 database server * The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output:
2016-08-25 04:20:53 EDT [1763-1] FATAL: could not map anonymous shared memory: Cannot allocate memory
2016-08-25 04:20:53 EDT [1763-2] HINT: This error usually means that PostgreSQL's request for a shared memory segment exceeded available memory, swap space, or huge pages. To reduce the request size (currently 1124007936 bytes), reduce PostgreSQL's shared memory usage, perhaps by reducing shared_buffers or max_connections.
This is the response that I got. I checked the log in tail -f /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-9.5-main.logand I can see the same response.
Can someone suggest what can be the problem?
I used following commands to stop/start the postgres server on Ubuntu 14.04 with postgres 9.5:
sudo service postgresql stop
sudo service postgresql start
As other people suggested, the error was only memory. I increased droplet memory on Digital Ocean and it fixed it.