Get element position in ZStack - swift

Cheers everyone,
For the past couple of days I have been trying to find a way, to identify elements within a ZStack.
File structure
ZStack {
foreach { element in
I always have 3 elements stacked on top of each other & really want to get the top most element, to be able to edit some properties.
Any solution to this? Any help is appreciated.

Found the solution to this specific case
The View that is being loaded in the loop is in an array, that I previously created. The array also contain an ID.
What I did now was to find out the max ID, reverse loop through my array while passing the current ID and the current max ID to the new view, where I can handle the data accordingly.
So if the max ID == currentElement ID, I can apply my changes, thus also getting the topmost card.


Dismissive list view: When a widget in a list is dismissed, how do I remove a corresponding entry to an array

Currently, I have a list view that allows items within the list view to be dismissable. I want each item within that list view to correspond to an element within another list that contains text. And when that widget in the listview is dismissed, then the corresponding element in the other list also gets deleted. Does anyone know hot
What I suggest is that if there is any common thing in both list that are related to each other such as id or any else say text in your case ,After dismissible widget get triggered iterate via the second list just check if there's any common based on the 1st list item, and delete the item rebuild the state. Maybe adding some code might be better but so far this is the best way you can do. let me know if it work.

Best approach getting answer from multiplay text boxes

I've created multiple text fields where each text field accepts only 1 character and then moves to the next box. I would like to check users answer when all the text fields are filled but I'm a bit confused as to how to do so.
My first approach was to create an answer String and every time textFieldDidChange is called I add to the String the textfield.text but how can I know when all the boxes been filled and call the checkAnswer function another issue is that if the user decides to fill the boxes in a different order then when I compare the user answer to the correct answer it obviously comes incorrect as the order is different.
[here's a pic of the boxes every game round it generates a different number of boxes depending on the answer
If you know how many number of textFields you have then, you can add a property observer to yourAnswerString and as soon as the value of yourAnswerString becomes equal to numberOfTextFields, it will call the check Answer function automatically.
var yourAnswerString = "" {
didSet {
if yourAnswerString.count == numberOfTextFields {

UIPickerView and UI Unit Test: How to get values of UIPickerWheel?

Recently I had a bad headache (and I'm still struggling) to find out how to retrieve all values inside an UIPickerWheel. For me should be enough to move at particular row of the wheel, but I can't! So frustrating! I tried to scroll row by row to retrieve all values ( but it's so slow! Any clue?
NB: I can't use adjustToPickerWheelValue because my root problem is that I don't know the value since they are dynamic and I would like to avoid launchArguments/launchEnvironment.
This is probably not the answer you were hoping for but it is not possible to get the title of all rows in a UIPickerView in a UITest.
As you know when running a UITest you can only access your app's UI elements via the XCUIElement class. That class has a value property that gives you some information about the UI element you access. When accessing a UIPickerView the value gives you the title of the currently selected row. But only of the selected row. You can access the picker's row elements, but unfortunately the value property for the row elements is always empty. So, no luck here. All you the info you can get is the number of rows of your picker.
This is not really surprising though. Even if you had access to the UIPickerView, you could not access the titles of all rows directly. UIPickerView does not know about the titles that it displays. It is the job of the UIPickerViewDataSource to provide the titles.
So, unfortunately, if you need to know all the row titles of your UIPickerView in a UITest, you really have to select each value one by one via your app's user interface.
But it does not have to be as complicated as in the answer you linked. Instead of simulating a scroll you can simply tap on the next row to select it (should be slightly faster):
let pickerView = app.pickerWheels.element
let numRows = pickerView.children(matching: .any).count
var values: [String] = [pickerView.value as! String]
for _ in 0..<numRows {
pickerView.coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: CGVector(dx: 0.5, dy: 0.55)).tap()
values.append(pickerView.value as! String)
In your question you do not really describe what you are trying to test. But if you want to test if the picker has the correct row titles maybe a UnitTest would be a more practical approach?

Display route.steps (swift )

I am having some problem when it comes to display the steps from MKDirections route into a UILabel. I tried get each index from the steps array using the for in loop, it only show the Arrive at destination which means that all the instructions within the loop went by so fast, therefore i am seeing the last index in the array . Can someone help me please ...
it shows "Arrive at destination" because you are cycling the whole array and the label gets only the object at the end, you are basically overwriting it over and over until the for cycle arrives to its final element
You are seeing only the last value from the array in the UILabel, though it is actually displaying all the values very, very quickly. If you just want to see each of the values in the UILabel, you could either use UITimeInterval to change the value every few seconds, or add a UIButton that would handle updating of the text on the UILabel.

How to build an Array or Nested Array to display in UITableView and then sort by certain objectAtIndex?

Sorry for such a confusing title but it's hard to explain in a few words what I'm trying to accomplish. I'll try to explain the best I can. Ok, I'm parsing data from a xml file. It's constructed like so:
so on and so on...
So basically I want to display each item into a separate row in a UITableView and put each subitem into it's parent's row/cell as a label to display the info about it's parent "item".
Also, I need to be able to sort each item by one of it's subitems i.e. let's say subitem4. If subitem4 is equal to some string then it would display that item into the UITableView however if subitem4 isn't equal to that string I compare it to then that item wouldn't get displayed in the UITableView. As of right now I really don't have any working code because I'm not sure how to go about making this work. I don't know how I would do this because I have 1 array right now with all of the subitems together and I'm just separating each subitem and putting them into separate arrays so I can distinguish between each item row, I'm do it with the following code:
int totalNames = [Names count];
id name = [Names objectAtIndex:1];
[listOfItems addObject:name];
I'm pretty sure I'm going about this the wrong way. There must be a better way to do this logically. Any help or advice would be much appreciated. I'm mentally exhausted with this. Thanks.
Use classes.
Make each Item an instance of a class. make each subitem a property of the class. then have one array of the objects. then can sort based on a particular property or whatever.