AccumulatingFiredPanes in apache beam - apache-beam

If I use accumulatingFiredPanes in apache beam code, how long are the fired panes accumulated? Are they discarded at the end of the window? What are the storage implications for using accumulatingFiredPanes?

That is exactly correct--the contents of the window is accumulated (and the running contents released in each pane) until the window is finished. The storage implications depend on the lifetime of the window (and the rate of data coming in), e.g. if you have very large windows (days or weeks) it could be considerable. The global window will never finish.
Note that if a combiner is used, only the combined value will be stored rather than storing all the elements individually.


Is there a way to specify infinite allowed lateness in Apache Beam?

I'm using fixed windows to batch data by event time in order to send it to an external API efficiently (batches of 60 seconds), accumulation mode is set to DISCARDING because it doesn't matter if late data is sent to the external API without the previous data.
Is it possible to specify an infinite allowed lateness, so late data is never discarded?
It is definitely possible, you can set allowed lateness to a very high Duration (for instance, Duration.standardDays(36500)). On the other hand , doing so would result in your state growing indefinitely, which might not be what you want. Every open window (every window ever seen) will have at least a timer called a GC timer - a timer set for the end of the window + allowed lateness. Every timer has to be kept in state and therefore, the size of your state will grow over time.
If you do not need batching based on event-time, it might be a better option to use GroupIntoBatches, which should not suffer from this problem (you don't need to set allowed lateness and the size of your state will not grow).

Does Apache Beam stateful Processing consider window lateness constraints (withAllowedLateness) for resetting state?

I'm trying to implement a valueState to filter records in my ParDo transformation. The high level flow is this:
Fixed-Window of 1hr size, with allowedLateness (10min)
The first message (for a given key) that is processed in the ParDo shall set the valueState(boolean) to true. Subsequent messages for the same key shall be dropped if corresponding valueState is set to true. (Allow only first message for a given key in every window).
The messages (that are not dropped in step 2) will be written out as output.
While testing this however, I see that, after the Fixed window time-period ends (1hr), the state is reset/lost. Ideally, the state should be available to process late records until allowedLateness period (10min is complete).
These parts are right:
Each 1 hour window expires when the watermark reaches the end of the hour plus 10 minutes.
For a given window, the state is cleaned up after the window expires.
Here are the parts that I have corrections
State is never reset.
Elements with timestamps in different windows are processed totally independently. Many windows may be receiving data at the same time. Each hour window happened after another, when the data was generated. But it is not processed after the other.
Allowed lateness will not cause elements from a later window to be processed using the state from the prior window. It will simply allow the state to stay longer and the elements to not be dropped.

How to use DataFrames within SparkListener?

I've written a CustomListener (deriving from SparkListener, etc...) and it works fine, I can intercept the metrics.
The question is about using the DataFrames within the listener itself, as that assumes the usage of the same Spark Context, however as of 2.1.x only 1 context per JVM.
Suppose I want to write to disk some metrics in json. Doing it at ApplicationEnd is not possible, only at the last jobEnd (if you have several jobs, the last one).
Is that possible/feasible???
I'm trying to measure the perfomance of jobs/stages/tasks, record that and then analyze programmatically. May be that is not the best way?! Web UI is good - but I need to make things presentable
I can force the creation of dataframes upon endJob event, however there are a few errors thrown (basically they refer to not able to propogate events to the listener) and in general I would like to avoid unnecessary manipulations. I want to have a clean set of measurements that I can record and write to disk
SparkListeners should be as fast as possible as a slow SparkListener would block others to receive events. You could use separate threads to release the main event dispatcher thread, but you're still bound to the limitation of having a single SparkContext per JVM.
That limitation is however easily to overcome since you could ask for the current SparkContext using SparkContext.getOrCreate.
I'd however not recommend the architecture. That puts too much pressure on the driver's JVM that should rather "focus" on the application processing (not collecting events that probably it already does for web UI and/or Spark History Server).
I'd rather use Kafka or Cassandra or some other persistence storage to store events to and have some other processing application to consume them (just like Spark History Server works).

Spark Streaming mapWithState seems to rebuild complete state periodically

I am working on a Scala (2.11) / Spark (1.6.1) streaming project and using mapWithState() to keep track of seen data from previous batches.
The state is distributed in 20 partitions on multiple nodes, created with StateSpec.function(trackStateFunc _).numPartitions(20). In this state we have only a few keys (~100) mapped to Sets with up ~160.000 entries, which grow throughout the application. The entire state is up to 3GB, which can be handled by each node in the cluster. In each batch, some data is added to a state but not deleted until the very end of the process, i.e. ~15 minutes.
While following the application UI, every 10th batch's processing time is very high compared to the other batches. See images:
The yellow fields represent the high processing time.
A more detailed Job view shows that in these batches occur at a certain point, exactly when all 20 partitions are "skipped". Or this is what the UI says.
My understanding of skipped is that each state partition is one possible task which isn't executed, as it doesn't need to be recomputed. However, I don't understand why the amount of skips varies in each Job and why the last Job requires so much processing. The higher processing time occurs regardless of the state's size, it just impacts the duration.
Is this a bug in the mapWithState() functionality or is this intended behaviour? Does the underlying data structure require some kind of reshuffling, does the Set in the state need to copy data? Or is it more likely to be a flaw in my application?
Is this a bug in the mapWithState() functionality or is this intended
This is intended behavior. The spikes you're seeing is because your data is getting checkpointed at the end of that given batch. If you'll notice the time on the longer batches, you'll see that it happens persistently every 100 seconds. That's because the checkpoint time is constant, and is calculated per your batchDuration, which is how often you talk to your data source to read a batch multiplied by some constant, unless you explicitly set the DStream.checkpoint interval.
Here is the relevant piece of code from MapWithStateDStream:
override def initialize(time: Time): Unit = {
if (checkpointDuration == null) {
checkpointDuration = slideDuration * DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_DURATION_MULTIPLIER
private[streaming] object InternalMapWithStateDStream {
Which lines up exactly with the behavior you're seeing, since your read batch duration is every 10 seconds => 10 * 10 = 100 seconds.
This is normal, and that is the cost of persisting state with Spark. An optimization on your side could be to think how you can minimize the size of the state you have to keep in memory, in order for this serialization to be as quick as possible. Additionaly, make sure that the data is spread out throughout enough executors, so that state is distributed uniformly between all nodes. Also, I hope you've turned on Kryo Serialization instead of the default Java serialization, that can give you a meaningful performance boost.
In addition to the accepted answer, pointing out the price of serialization related to checkpointing, there's another, less known issue which might contribute to the spikey behaviour: eviction of deleted states.
Specifically, 'deleted' or 'timed out' states are not removed immediately from the map, but are marked for deletion and actually removed only in the process of serialization [in Spark 1.6.1, see writeObjectInternal()].
This has two performance implications, which occur only once per 10 batches:
The traversal and deletion process has its price
If you process the stream of timed-out/ deleted events, e.g. persist it to external storage, the associated cost for all 10 batches will be paid only at this point (and not as one might have expected, on each RDD)

nondeterminism.njoin: maxQueued and prefetching

Why does the njoin prefetch the data before processing? It seems like an unnecessary complication, unless it has something to do with how Processes of Processes are merged?
I have a stream that runs effects whenever a new element is generated. I'd like to keep the effects to a minimum, so whenever a njoin with, say maxOpen = 4, 4 should be the maximum number of elements generated at the same time (no element should be generated unless it can be processed immediately).
Is there a way to solve this gracefully with njoin? Right now I'm using a bounded queue of "tickets" (an element is generated only after it got a ticket).
See, specifically the comment below from djspiewak.
"From a conceptual level, the problem here is the interface point between the "pull" model of Process and the "push" model that is required for any concurrent stream merging. Both wye and njoin sit at this boundary point and "cheat" by actively pulling on their source processes to fill an inbound queue, pushing results into an outbound queue pending the pull on the output process. (obviously, both wye and njoin make their inbound queues implicit via Actor) For the most part, this works extremely well and it preserves most of the properties that users care about (e.g. propagation of termination, back pressure, etc)."
The second parameter to njoined, maxQueued, bounds the amount of prefetching. If that parameter is 0, there is no limit on the queue size, and thus no limit on the prefetching. The docs for mergeN, which calls njoin explain a bit more the reasoning for this prefetching behavior. "Internally mergeN keeps small buffer that reads ahead up to n values of A where n equals to number of active source streams. That does not mean that every source process is consulted in this read-ahead cache, it just tries to be as much fair as possible when processes provide their A on almost the same speed." So it seems that the njoin is dealing with the problem of what happens when all the sources provide a value at nearly the same time, but it's trying to prevent any one of those joined streams from crowding out slower streams.