Validate number sequence as quadkey (not just regex) - bing-maps

I know quadkeys have the basic regex of [0-3]{6,23}.
But is it possible for a number to match that regex and not be a quadkey?
I.e. random number 2010210202020021
Given a random number, I would like to know if it is a quadkey or not and I'd like to know if there's a way to check beyond just a simple regex.
Seems like the best way may be to convert it to a long/lat and see if that's a valid location? Is it possible to convert it like that?

In terms of quadkeys, that regex would always match valid quadkeys, however, if these quadkeys are valid in your map platform would depend on the platform.
Bing Maps typically supports zoom levels 1 through 19 (additional zoom levels in select areas, usually via birdseye imagery which doesn't use quadkeys). Note that Bing Maps uses raster tiles that cover 256-pixel squares.
In Azure Maps, many of the map tile services support zoom levels 0 to 22, and the map control itself can go down to zoom level 24 if you have custom map tiles. Note that Azure Maps uses both 256-pixel raster tiles, and vector tiles that cover 512-pixel squares.
For your regex, if you want to support all zoom levels you would need to adjust the numbers in the squiggly brackets.


How can I convert a tileset to an Albers projection? Or add a feature to an albers projection that lines up correctly?

Mapbox studio has a style with an Albers projection (
I need to use another style with waterbodies like this:
but in the Albers projection. When I start with the Albers style, and then add water, they of course don't line up:
How can I get the tile I used in my waterbody example to be in the Albers project? I ultimately am wanting to use it in a leaflet map and add markers to it (using R).
The example you cited above is actually showing a workaround to make data appear as if it is projected in Albers but it's really just altered polygons being displayed in webmercator. This was a workaround/hack to get the desired visual using the tools available at the time. If you want to do the same workaround for your water bodies data so it will appear this way in leaflet, follow the steps of the tutorial which uses third party tools (QGIS, Dirty Reprojectors, Tippecanoe)
Mapbox has since added support for non-webmercator projections, which means you don't need to modify your source data to reproject them for use in a mapboxgl-js map:
Disregard the earlier example, and just change the projection to Albers in Mapbox Studio.
Bear in mind that changing the projection in Mapbox Studio does not actually modify your data, it just renders it differently on the screen.

In Tableau Map plot multiple sites at same lat long

I have a data where at one latitude and longitude multiple shops are located.
For Example.
Latitude Longitude ShopId Type
6.24458 50.001756 101 Saloon
6.24458 50.001756 102 Groceory
6.24458 50.001756 103 Pharmacy
6.24458 50.001756 104 FishMarket
When on map I am plotting using above latitude & longitude I am getting single mark. And when I hover the mark I am getting single shop details but I want 4 marks and on each mark it should show respective shopid and Type.
I am new to Tableau and not able to figure out how to do it.
You are likely getting 4 marks displayed at the same location. So when you click on the mark you see, then you are only selecting the top mark. You can verify this by dragging over the mark to select all the marks within a selection rectangle. If you then, right click and view data, you should see all 4 marks.
Another thing that can help when you have overlapping marks, is to make the marks partially transparent and add a border around the marks. Both options are available by clicking on the Color button on the marks card to get to the advanced color settings.
If this is not the behavior you want, you have a couple of options. One easy approach is to add a little random noise to each latitude and longitude (called jitter). Adding a little jitter makes the marks visible, although the size of the jittering depends on your data and scale. Jittering is especially useful if all your points are geocoded to the same situation - say if every building with a Los Angeles address is treated as if it is located at city hall. In that case, the geocoding distorts the data to a degree that jittering is just fine.
The undocumented RANDOM() function is an easy way to add some jitter. Excel and Hyper Extracts support RANDOM() among other data source types. It returns a number between 0 and 1.
The other options involve treating your coordinates as continuous dimensions instead of measures, and then using some other visual attribute size, color etc to indicate the number of items at each location. It is often useful to combine nearby items with some sort of grid or hex bin function -- In this case, instead of adding random noise to each coordinate, you round or truncate it in someway to effectively snap points to a grid. The ROUND() and HEXBINX() HEXBINY() functions are useful here. When using this approach, be sure your packed coordinate fields are continuous dimensions and have the appropriate Latitude or Longitude geographic role.
Finally, take a look at the density mark type. It can make visual heat maps, either working with exact data points or grid packed points.

Is there an option to remove duplicate point labels within a distance in Mapbox Studio?

I'm using Mapbox Studio to label some point features (from a GeoJSON layer I uploaded) in a style, and there are some duplicate points located nearby each other:
Are there any options in Mapbox Studio to remove the duplicate labels automatically? For example, some other mapping programs have the option to remove duplicate labels within a specified distance (pixels or map units). Is this available in Mapbox Studio (or failing that, in Mapbox-GL-JS)?
Mapbox Studio does not provide a way to remove the duplicate labels automatically. You could work with a filter to manually filter out duplicates by writing a relatively complex expression, although this is not really the intended use case of expressions. You could also add a duplicate: true property to duplicated point features in your source data, but since this would require manipulating your source data, you might as well remove the duplicates from the source data instead of taking this approach.
That being said, you could consider clustering your data and styling the clusters so that a cluster looks the same as any individual point. This example shows how to create and style clusters using Mapbox GL JS. Here is a JSFiddle that heavily modifies this example to cluster closely-located points, and style the clusters in the same way that individual points are styled: (you will need to add your own Mapbox access token in order to view the result). Text labels are added with the point count for each cluster containing more than one point, so that you can easily see that clusters and single points are identical aside from the labeling.
You will likely need to customize several properties (such as clusterRadius, clusterMaxZoom, etc) beyond what is provided in the linked JSFiddle, to be more specific to your source data.

Paraview glyphs too packed issues

I was visualizing my vorticity vector field and notice that I am not able to see the pattern without zooming in as there are too many glyphs and are too packed.
Currently, I am using a calculator to combine X,Y,Z vorticity field into a single vector field using the calculator. Take a slice of it and do a glyph filter visualizing all points on the plane.
I notice that one possible way is to visualize a curved glyphs and scale up a little bit to make it more noticeable, but not sure how to do that. Does anyone know whats the steps to do that? Or any other suggestions?
Have you tried reducing the Maximum Number of Sample Points property in the Properties Panel when the Glyph filter is selected in the Pipeline Browser? You may also want to change the Scale Factor property to change the length of the glyphs.

Place a marker in each country with mapbox

I am using Mapbox to build a multiple choropleth map.
Something along the lines of this example,
I am using countries instead of US states however.
I've got the map working and I can switch between layers
I have an extra requirement however to add a marker in each country that displays how many projects are active in that country.
I found out how I can add custom markers to the map with this example,
The problem is I need to put a marker in the center of each country.
Does anybody know a way to put a marker in the middle of each country?
I tried to use the natural earth admin 0 label points data but that has multiple points per country. It looked like the 'scalerank=0' points were the middle of the countries but if I filter on these points, I still get multiple points for some countries (russia has 4 for instance, but Belgium has 4 as well).
If you plot all scalerank 0 points on a map you get the following result:
Does anybody know about a dataset that has one point per country or another way to put a marker in the center of each country with mapbox?
It seems it's hard to find a list of country points for the placing of markers.
So I took the mentioned admin labal 0 points and tried to sanitize it to have only one appropiate marker per country.
The result can be downloaded here in GEOJSON format:
If you want to have a visual representation of the points take a look at this map:
I needed this points for a proof of concept project so I haven't checked all markers meticulously, I also haven't taken account some of the more political sensitive country borders.
If you have a project in which this is of importance please check the file before using, but the points in this file can be easily edited to your own preferences.